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THS Class of 1967
Tampico High School Senior Class of 1967

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                   Seniors 1967
                       CLASS OFFICERS

President                                  Dale Willman
Vice-President                             Donald Kelly
Secretary                                  Annctte Kulas
Treasurer                                  Gerald Bradley
Stndent Council                            Janis Donnelly

                        CLASS MOTTO
          "The past forever gone, the future still our own"

                        CLASS FLOWER

                       CLASS COLORS
                      Burgundy and White

                      SPECIAL AWARDS

VALEDICTORIANS                             Barbara Palmer
                                           Paul Gerbers
SALUTATORIAN                               Diana Franks
HONORABLE MENTION                          Lyla Johnson
D.A.R. AWARD                               Lyla Johnson
BAND ACHIEVEMENT AWARD                     Janis Donnelly
LIBRARY AWARDS                             Paul Gerbers
                                           Patricia Farnham
ATHLETIC AWARD (Boy)                       Michael Hanrahan
ATHLETIC AWARD (Girl)                      Diana Franks

                                      SENIOR CLASS WILL

I, JANIS DONNELLY, will my ability to dive off the diving board three times in a row and lose my bathing suit
   top every time to Helen Dunn.
I, PEGGY HEEREN, will all my notes and memories of Mr. Wallace's geography class to anyone who's interested
   in athletic's and lectures.
I, PAT FARNHAM, will my Curl-Free hair straightener kit to Laurel Maxfield.
I, JERRY BRADLEY, will to my brother a tackle sheer, so he can keep track of his own tackles during football
I, DOUGLAS EDWARD CRANDALL, will my outstanding personality to anyone that wants to stand out like someone with two heads.
I, MICK BRYAN, will my Post Office job to anyone who wants it--early hours, and low pay.
I, JERRY SIDDENS, will my outstandiag personality, nicknames, long hair, and my little green slot car to that
   great slot car racer of this decade Joe Schmitt.
I, BRENDA TOLLEY, will my big mouth to the school, in case the P.A. system breaks down.
I, DEBBIE THOMPSON, will my two years of faithful service in the kitchen to anyone who wants dish-pan hands,
   and wants to hear sonic real good jokes.
I, JESS STERN, hereby leave my good used pair of winged feet to Steve Brady for the broad jump.
I, PAUL GERBERS, will my trombone chair and music to Lowell Newman. May he never be late for practice.
I, KENNETH KENNEDY, will my silver tooth to Ronnie Brnder in ease he loses one of his false teeth.
I, DAN NEWMAN, will my intestinal fortitude to the future freshman class, they need all they can get.
I, JUDY SMITH, will my quiet manner and shyness to Jackie Willman and Shirley Marshall, because they need it.
I, NADINE OLDHAM, will my position in the lunch line to Mark Perrone, who thinks it's terrible to be the last
   in line.
I, SHEILA BRINKMAN, will my ability to roll off the trampoline to any trampoline enthusiast who enjoys stand-
   ing up.
I, DOROTHY WETZELL, will my position in the lunch line, which is most always last to anyone who wants to
   lose weight.
I, PAM GILMAN, will my name Higley to Mike Sobottka so he and Lon BarEdoll will be blood brothers.
I, IRENE LAVELLE, will my accompanist, Betty Newman, to anyone who wants to have a blast every sixth honr.
I, RITA BATTEN, will to Karen Rasmussen my nickname lIPinlçyPr and a new pair of petti-pants
I, DALE WILLMAN, will my ability to regurgitate after every track meet to Bot Garret.
I, BONNIE PEARL, will my four periods a day with Mr. Smilcy to anyone who can take his jokes and insults;
   also a list of ways to get him off the subject when you don't feel like doing anything.
I, PAUL WETZELL, will my Chevy II six cylinder to anyone who wants to get good gas mileage.
I, ANNETTE KULAS, will my ability to spend one whole semester listening to Mr. Von Molten's sports news in
   driver's training class to Mr. Wallace. He was worse~
I, DIANE FRANKS, leave behind my old, rusty, $40 Ford to Susie, who can keep up the tickets for loud (no)
To Coach Wallace, I, DAVID ANDERSON, leave a BIG bottle of aspirin for the coming sports season and to
   Robert Mores I leave all the leftover soap and dirty towels.
I, MIKE HANRAHAN, will my red hair to Rick Palmer so he can keep up with red-haired Ron Eruder.
I, DON KELLY, will my brass air horns to Larry Boostrom to use on cold foggy nights.
We, LYLA JOHNSON and BARBARA PALMER, do hereby will two well-worn Senior Science books aad an
   `intense" interest in the subject to Roy Abell, the third highest student in our class, and to Mr. Talbot, who
   has so courageously guided us through three chapters and numerous unsuccessful experiments.
I, JOHN KIRST, leave my ability to sleep ia geography class to anyone who thinks he caa get away with it.
I, KEN GREEN, will my long hair to next year's home economics class so they may learn to make wigs.
I, MIKE ADAMS, bequeath my bookkeeping ability to Steve Nelson, who needs help keeping track of his hooks.

                                       SENIOR CLASS PROPHECY

We the Junior Class after three year. of close observation do officially proclaim the Senior Clan of Tampico
High School, state of Illinois, to be completely insane. Stating this as fact, we prophesy the following; hoping
that it won't really happen. If it does, don't say we didn't warn you.

MIKE ADAMS has miraculously pulled the Monhees hack together when he consented to play the guitar for
   Davy Jones.
DAVID ANDERSON has taken over the taxidermist shop of Tampico, and has inherited the tide "Bamba of
RITA BATTEN has returned home after studying two years in Vienna Art Academy, to teach SANDBOX in
   Tampico High. Good Luck!
JERRY BRADLEY has just written an autobiography entitled, "Me, My Temper, and I".
SHEILA BRINKM.AN, in view of what she has learned in her senior year of Algebra II, has been chosen to be an
   apprentice under Einstein.
MICKY BRYAN put his bookkeeping talents to good use when he became head "bookie" at Jim's.
DOUGLASS CRANDALL, the new Congress representative from Illinois has adopted the policy "You write it,
   I'll fight it.''
JAN15 DONNELLY has just won an Olympic Gold Medal on successfully staying up for three consecutive days
   playing twister.
PAT FARNHAM has just consented to the release of her new underground film called "Me"
DIANA FRANKS, socialite and 1/2 owner of Ford Company, has driven her "56" Ford into the mountains in
   search of seclusion from her many admirers.
PAUL GERBERS is doing well and has accumulated three flocks of sheep in Normandy, the shepherd's paradise.
PAM GILMAN has organized her own combo and quartet and is currently starring at           s in Yorktown.
KENNETH GREEN set a new altitude record for climbing up telephone poles in cars.
MIKE HANRAI-IAN is currently spending his vacation hunting in the Redwood Forest.
PEGGY 1-HEREN. famous hairdresser, has been chosen to be Phyllis Diller's personal hair stylist. She will be
   using some of her own original styles which she perfected at T.H.S.
LYLA JOHNSON has taken over noon patrol and given up driving after her near finish in Moline.
DON KELLY is president of the new trucking company in Tampico.
KENNETH KENNEDY has been named the new drivers education teacher inview of his outstanding achievements
   in a ear.
JOHN KIRST has passed the million mark on the manufacturing of his famous handkerchief the "Kirst-choo".
ANNETTE KULAS has taken the back seat in the matter of ears, as she is co-pilot in the new testing of the
   "Tampico XKE".
IRENE LAVELLE has consented to do a two year term with the New York Opbra as a window washer.
DAN NEWMAN is currently starring in a picture written by himself entitled "It's All In The Family".
NADINE OLDHAM is now employed as bookkeeper fot Teamster president, Jimmy Hoffa. She is the first woman
   to begin her career with a six year vacation.
BARBARA PALMER has taken over the chain of telephones for Bell in Chicago and has installed a telephone at
   3001 North Christana and has blown our the candle in her window.
BONNIE PEARL has been instrumental in starting an international chain of bookworms, drawing from her cx-
   peri~ee at T.H.S.
GERALD SIDDENS has progressed rapidly in his new venture, a two-acre egg farm.
JUDY SM[TH, owner of a thousand acre horse farm has just entered her prize horse in the Kentucky Derby.
   Boa chance.
JESSE STERN, Surgeon General, realizing the FOLLY of his youth has.launched an all out campaign against
   cigarette smoking.
DEBBIE THOMPSON has been named the ace driver of Jocy Chitwood's Dare Devils.
BRENDA TOLLEY has just replaced Virginia Graham on the all time favorite gossip program "Girl Talk".
DOROTHY WETZELL was the first nonconformist the "Smile, You're on Candid Camera~' ever had.
PAUL WETZELL has received a set of racing stripes for his car for driving a quarter mile in the slowest time
   known.  Congratulations RuperU
DALE WILLMAN whose spelling ability is unsurpassed has consented to be co-author in the fourth coming ad-
   dition of the Webster & Willman' s Dictionary.



TAMPICO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - MUSEUM - FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY/RESEARCH CENTER  119 Main St., P. O. Box 154,  Tampico, IL  61283   www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com   tampicoareahistory@gmail.com  We are an all-volunteer organization so your donations are always appreciated!  Sign up to receive our e-newsletter. Thank you!  Visit us on FACEBOOK.