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Military > SERVED THEIR COUNTRY - Oct. 17, 1942
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BERNARD F. ADAMS: Sergeant Bernard F. ADAMS, son of Mr. and Mrs. ADAMS of Tampico, is a graduate of Tampico Community high school class of 1935. He was inducted May 7, 1942 and sent to Fort Knox, Ky. where he is now located. He is in the armored field artillery. Prior to induction, he drove a milk truck for L. E. CHAPIN.

HERBERT J. ADAMS - Sergeant Herbert J. ADAMS, son of Mr and Mrs. Robert ADAMS ofTampico is a graduate of Tampico Community high school with the class of 1940. He enlisted to the army air corps September 9, 1941 and was sent to Jefferson Barracks, Mo. and later was sent to Moffett Field, Calif. He is now located in Victorsville, Calif. Prior to enlisting he worked on the farm at home.

JAMES L. ADAMS - Lieiutenant James L. ADAMS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert ADAMS of Tampico, is a graduate of Tampico Communityhigh school and the University of Illinois with th class of 1941. He enlisted in the army signal corps in June, 1942 and was sent to the University of Illinois for training on July 2. He is now located at Fort Monmouth, N. J. Before he enlisted he was employed by the Union Electric company, St. Louis, Mo.

RUTH COOK - Lieut. Ruth COOK is a daughter of V. W. COOK of Tampico, Ill. She is a graduate of Tampico grade school, Tampico high school and St. Charles Hospital, Aurora, Ill. She was a member of the T.H.S. class of 1936 and a graduate of the 1939 class of St. Charles Hospital. She enlisted in the Army Nurses' Corps on March 29, 1941 and was called May 1, 1941, with the rank of lieutenant. She was sent to Fort Bragg, N. C. where she is still located. Her present address is Lieutenand Ruth Cook, A. N. C. Hospital 111, Fort Bragg, N. C.

CHARLES B. ALDRICH: Lieut. Charles Burden ALDRICH is a Tampico boy, son of C. W. ALDRICH, who is now at Fort Benning, Ga. with the parachute troops. Lieutenand ALDRICH is well known in Sterling.

These photos are in a black scrap book filled with Military photos. Currently, it can be found in our Military Section on First Floor. File #200-234-1

TAMPICO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - MUSEUM - FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY/RESEARCH CENTER  119 Main St., P. O. Box 154,  Tampico, IL  61283   www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com   tampicoareahistory@gmail.com  We are an all-volunteer organization so your donations are always appreciated!  Sign up to receive our e-newsletter. Thank you!  Visit us on FACEBOOK.