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Mr. and Mrs. Charles Darby moved to Tampico, Illinois
in the year of 1901 from Sterling, Illinois. Charles was the tai-
lor from 1901 till 1946 in Tampico, and died in 1948.
They were born in Scotland and came to the United
States in 1887. They were parents of six sons and two daugh-
ters. Four of their sons were in World War I, Charles, Tom,
John, and James.
They celebrated their Fiftieth Anniversary in 1937 in
Tampico. News item as follows:
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Darby observed their golden wed-
ding anniversary with a family dinner and reception Sunday
at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Hubert Darby. The dinner was served at one long table which
was decorated with gold candles, and a centerpiece of gold
colored chrysanthemums. The napkins were in gold and
white. A feature of the meal was a three-tier angel food cake
baked by Mrs. James Darby. The cake was iced in white and
decorated with gold flowers and green leaves, gold bells, the
dates 1887 and 1937, their names and words "50th Anniver-
sary, and "Congratulations." Streamers of gold colored
crepe paper were extended from the chandelier to the sides
of the room.
During the afternoon a large number of friends and
neighbors called to extend congratulations. All were served a
lunch of angel food cake, fruit cake and coffee. The fruit cake
was sent by their daughter, Mrs. Paul Faubert of Malta,
Montana, who was unable to come. Mr. and Mrs. Darby re-
ceived a large number of gifts, cards, flowers, telegrams and
telephone calis during the day.
Those present at the dinner besides the honored pair
were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Darby and daughters Phyllis and
Lou Ann of Cresco, Iowa, John Darby of Springfield, Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence Darby of Dixon, and Mrs. Margaret
Wolfe and son Donald and Miss Nellie McCormick of Chica-
go, Mr. and Mrs. James Darby, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Dar-
by, Rev. Fr. T. 0. Maguire and Lawrence Steinke.
TAMPICO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - MUSEUM - FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY/RESEARCH CENTER 119 Main St., P. O. Box 154, Tampico, IL 61283 www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com tampicoareahistory@gmail.com We are an all-volunteer organization so your donations are always appreciated! Sign up to receive our e-newsletter. Thank you! Visit us on FACEBOOK.