From Portrait & Biographical Album, published 1885
A.C. Smith - Physician and surgeon, Tampico, Whiteside Co., Ill. No other information listed.
Les Niemi has contributed the following articles on Dr. Smith (from the Tampico Tornado):
June 26, 1886 Dr. A.C. SMITH and John GLASSBURN went out for a little targe shooting the other day. John says the doctor is a good shot, and that he, himself, had seen the day that he was, and even now he is quite a hand at shooting. A rifle finds his shoulder just as natural and the ball strikes the mark as accurately now as ever, and the story goes that he beat the doctor though he is too bashful to say so himself.
July 3, 1886 Miss Mary SMITH, of St. Jospeh, Missouri, is at present visiting her brother Dr. A.C. SMITH and family.
August 8, 1891 Dr. A.C. SMITH returned from Dakota Wednesday morning. He reported his daughter, Mrs. Ella REMINGTON some what better. He states that he saw a number of Tampico's old citizens there and they all sent their kind regards to friends here. Among others he saw Mr. James H. VARIAN, who is nicely situated and as jovial and lively as ever, James told him that he was now attending camp-meeting most of his time, and he was to the Dakota camp-meeting what SANKEY was to MOODY, an indispensable adjutor [sic].
May 18, 1895 Dr. A.C. SMITH commenced moving his household goods to Sterling Wednesday. Hiland HOGEBOOM took the first load. May 9, 1896 B.D. GREENMAN, Jodie REMINGTON, Fred COLLINS, and Floyd DOW rode to Sterling on their wheels Sunday. Mrs. GREENMAN drove up with a horse and buggy and brought home Mrs. REMINGTON and daughter Marie, who were visiting with Dr. A.C. SMITH's family. September 16, 1904 Miss Vern McKENZIE was taken to the sanitarium at Batavia last week Friday by Dr. A.C. SMITH and her father R.H. McKENZIE where she was taken for treatment of her nerves and nervous disorder. It is hoped by her many friends and the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. McKENZIE that she will soon be restored to health.
May 9, 1896 B.D. GREENMAN, Jodie REMINGTON, Fred COLLINS, and Floyd DOW rode to Sterling on their wheels Sunday. Mrs. GREENMAN drove up with a horse and buggy and brought home Mrs. REMINGTON and daughter Marie, who were visiting with Dr. A.C. SMITH's family.
September 16, 1904 Miss Vern McKENZIE was taken to the sanitarium at Batavia last week Friday by Dr. A.C. SMITH and her father R.H. McKENZIE where she was taken for treatment of her nerves and nervous disorder. It is hoped by her many friends and the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. McKENZIE that she will soon be restored to health.
June 7, 1907 Dr. A.C. SMITH of Sterling was called here Wednesday in consultation with Dr. C.P. HORNER in regard to Frank COOLEY's health. Mr. COOLEY is quite sick with heart, liver and kidney trouble.