TAMPICO PROGRESS Newspaper Tampico, IL, Thursday, September 21, 1905
John R. Howlett Jr. Dies Suddenly of Heart Failure at His Home Wednesday Night
The entire community was shocked at the news of the sudden death of Mr. Jno. HOWLETT, one of Tampico's most prominent citizens and business men on Wednesday night. Mr. HOWLETT was apparently in the best of health and spirit. He remarked at supper Wednesday evening that he was feeling so well that he would do some book work at his store that evening. He worked until nine o'clock and then went to the Club rooms where he enjoyed pool and billiards until 10:15; he then went home, took a foot bath and went to bed. In a short time the family heard him call that he was very sick. Mrs. HOWLETT immediately went to his room and found that he had a severe pain in his chest. She applied hot applications and sent for a doctor. When the physician arrived he was in such pain that it was thought best to administer an hypodermic. The physician turned to his medicine case to prepare it but before it was ready Mr. HOWLETT had passed to the great everlasting.
John R. HOWLETT was born in Fairfield, Bureau County, on Dec. 7, 1863 and died at his home in Tampico at 11:30 o'clock, Sept. 20, 1905. He spent his early days on his father's farm where he learned many lessons in frugality and husbandry. He was married on December 1, 1884 to Miss Mary BERGE of Tampico and one child, Ethel, was born to them.
In 1889 he engaged in business in a general store with F. J. Anderson in New Bedford. He remained in this business for one year and then moved to Tampico where he and his brother George started a hardware business. They prospered and remained in business together until 1902 when George retired and sold his interest to J. R. HOWLETT. Since then John has faithfully and successfully conducted the business alone. He always took an interest in the city government and served about eight years on the city board. He was a member in good standing in the Modern Woodmen Insurance Co. ************************************* in all. He was always exceptionally healthy, never having been sick but once, which was a six week duration of Typhoid fever, while he was in New Bedford.
The funeral will be held at the M. E. church Sunday morning. The Woodmen will have charge of the services at the grave.
He is survived by Mary E. HOWLETT his wife, Ethel his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John HOWLETT his parents, six sisters: Mrs. Mary JOHNSON, Mrs. Alice THOMSON, Mrs. Patience FULLERTON and Mrs. Minnie ROGERS of Fairfield, Mrs. Esther HANSLEMAN of Joliet and Tibbie HOWLETT who lives with her parents. Also four bothers, Oliver and Frank of Fairfield, George of Wallis Station, Texas and Charles of Rickel, Ill.
The deceased was one of the foremost business men, who always enjoyed the esteem and confidence of patrons and business men alike. He was an untiring worker and by his exertions had built up a prosperous business. As a friend, he was hearty and sincere and was never found wanting in any of the attributes which grace a loyal friendship. As a husband and father, he was ever loyal, loving, generous and indulgent, and took much enjoyment in the home life with his loving wife and daughter.
Many have lost a friend in his sudden taken way, and all deeply feel the shock which took from our midst an esteemed citizen, a loyal friend, and a kind and loving husband and father. The entire community extends a sincere sympathy and condolence to the wife, daughter, parents and other relatives.

Inscription: John R. Howlett Dec. 7, 1864 - Sept. 20, 1905 His wife, Mary L. Berge May 16, 1869 - Mar 4, 1951 (Editor's note: His obit says he was born Dec. 7, 1863. I am not sure if I have mis-transcribed the head stone, so I will go back and check it).
Tampico Memorial Cemetery photos