Edwin A.EMMONS, an old soldieer, a retired business man and one of Tampico's aged prominent citizens, died at his home on south Maiin Street Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock. Death resulted from parlysis having suffered a severe stroke about a year and a half ago from which he never really recovered and grandually grew worse after his first rally from it.
Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:30 at the Baptist church and interment will be at the Tampico cemetery.
Mr. EMMONS sufferd a paralytic stroke about two years ago and although he never recoverd his health and strenth in full and had been able to be taken about town where he enjoyed visits with his acquaintances in his usual jovial way until about a mohth ago when he suffered a relapse and gradually failed until the end came.
Edwin A. EMMONS was born in Sterling township February 4, 1847 and died at his home July 10, 1917 at the age of 70 years, 5months and 6 days. The early years of his life were spent in the place of his birth, from where he enlistd as a private in Company D, 21 Illinois Veteran Infantry Volunteers and received an honorable discharge at San Antonio, Texas, on the 16th day of December 1865.
He was married to Irene FOY March 1, 1876 and resided on the old homestead southeast of town the greater part of the time until about fifteen years ago when he moved to Tampico, where he resided until his death. He was a member of the Baptist church of Tampico and died secure in his Christian faith. He was also a charter member of the Tampico Woodman camp.
He leaves to mourn his death his wife, three daughters, Mesdames Mabel C. BURNS and Minnie I. LOVE of Tampico, and Mrs. Myrtle R. GRAHAM of Dunbury, Iowa, two daughters, Vera and Viva having died in infancy; four grandchildren, Gladys BURNS, Chester, Mervin and Darrell GRAHAM, and one sister, Mrs. Nancy MACOMBER of Washington, D. C.
Mr. EMMONS had been closely identified with the business and social life of the community for many years, in the course of which his absolute integrity and square dealing and his hearty support of all that made for the welfare of the community made and retained for him a large number of sincere friends.
He was a kind and considerate husband and father, a good neighbor and a man of generous disposition always ready to extend a helpful hand to those in strouble or distress and his cheery face and kindly greetinig will be soely missed by all.
ILLINOIS CIVIL WAR DETAIL REPORT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name EMMONS, EDWIN A Rank PVT Company D Unit 21 IL US INF Personal Characteristics Residence COLOMA, WHITESIDE CO, IL Age 18 Height 5' 6 1/2 Hair BROWN Eyes BLUE Complexion FAIR Marital Status N/A Occupation FARMER Nativity COLOMA, IL Service Record Joined When FEB 28, 1865 Joined Where DIXON, IL J oined By Whom CPT EUSTACE Period 1 YR Muster In FEB 28, 1865 Muster In Where DIXON, IL Muster In By Whom N/A Muster Out DEC 16, 1865 Muster Out Where SAN ANTONIO, TX Muster Out By Whom CPT GEIGER Remarks TRANS FROM 75 ILL INF
ILLINOIS CIVIL WAR DETAIL REPORT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name EMMONS, EDWIN A Rank PVT Company D Unit 75 IL US INF Personal Characteristics Residence COLOMA, WHITESIDE CO, IL Age 18 Height 5' 6 1/2 Hair BROWN Eyes BLUE Complexion FAIR Marital Status N/A Occupation FARMER Nativity COLOMA, WHITESIDE CO, IL
Service Record Joined When FEB 28, 1865 Joined Where DIXON, IL Joined By Whom CPT EUSTACE Period 1 YR Muster In FEB 28, 1865 Muster In Where DIXON, IL Muster In By Whom N/A Muster Out N/A Muster Out Where N/A Muster Out By Whom N/A Remarks TRANS AS PROVOST GUARD HQ 4 AC JUN 7, 1865
