The subject of this sketch was one of our oldest citizens, and who has resided in this vicinity for ****** thirty-five years. Was a g*** en *****and estimable neighbor loved and respected by all who knew him. Mr. McCABE was born in Ireland in 1829 and died June 16th, 1891, aged 64 years. He had been sick for many years and the past three years had been blind. He leaves a widow, one married daughter, Mrs. GRAHAM, ***** sons and one little girl to mourn his demise.
The funeral took place at St. Mary's church, Tampico, Ill., Saturday, June 20th, 1891, and was attended by a large number of relatives and neighbors and sympathising friends. Rev. Father Goulet officiating.
There is nothing in the newspaper noting the first name of this person. However, I found the obit by the listing of Owen McCabe buried in St. Mary's cemetery index. This obit was from the original Tornado newpaper which is in very poor condition. The year of birth appears to read as 1829, but is very faded. The age "64" seems clear, but does not compute if he was born in 1829 and died in 1891.
