Obit July 1883 WROTEN - At the home of her parents on Wednesday morning, July 11, 1883, of diphtheria, Lilliebell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert WROTEN. Aged 3 years and 11 months.She was a bright affectionate child and fondly loved by many friends.
(Poem) Dear mama, God could never bear to see you go, And leave your little Bell here in this world of sin and woe; And so he kindly took her to a glorious home above, Where all is peace and gladness, joy and love . Yes, she has gone to be an angel now, A changeless, never fading crown is placed upon her fair young brow; Sje jas been welcomed to that bright, celestial shore, Whjere grief and sorrow are no more. And should your life be very long, 'tis but a little while, 'Till you mayhear her sing the hlad song an see the bright angelic smile, Which sweetly o'er her radiant face will play When she shall bid you welcome to the relm of endless day. Dear papa, you through earthly life, will lose in vain her childish voice to hear; Which always made your heart rejoice as does the sound of music sweet and clear; yet Jesus freely offers hope which should your drooping spirit cheer, For if you only will accept redeeming grace, She soon may clasp you in her fond imbrace (sic) Then aided by almight power divine. Her **** infant hands a agarland fair will twine; Which she herself willgladly place uon your hand, In that bright land where tears shall not be shed. Dear brothers, far beyond the stars of night, Your little sister dwells withothers ina world of love and light; Then let our gentle Saviour be your comfor, stay and guide "Till you come the rolling river, just beyond death's chilling tide. There He will give you back your treasureFor which your tears now flow; And her love in fullest measure. You through *****less years shall know.Then rest the pure swet darling. Lilliebell so r=free from every pain. How sadly we shall miss thee words can nver tell and yet we must not wish the back again. For surely God, our Father, knows the best, How thou couldn't be most richly blest; And he has said that when our race of life is run, If we are faithful we may also come. To dwell with thee among the fair,
