Marriages,Tampico Tornado Newspaper,Whiteside and Bureau Counties,Illinois
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Marriages & Engagements > 1950 - Janice Hamilton weds Leo Gudgell

Tampico Tornado Augsut 3, 1950


Miss Janice Marie Hamilton, daughter of Clarence L. Hamilton of Tampico and Leo Gudgell, son of Mr. and Mrs.John E Gudgell of Yorktown were united in marriage Sunday afternoon at four o'clock in a beautiful summer ceremony at the Yorktown Church of Christ with Rev. Roland Florence of Athens, Ill., former pastor, assisted by Keith Newman, officiating at the double ring ceremony. The altar was flanked by palms, ferns, candelabras, and baskets of white gladioli. Ivy entwined with gladioli formed an arch at the doorway and adorned the piano.

Mrs. Bil Schmitt, accompanied by Mrs. Neva Denison at the piano, sang "Because" and "I Love You Truly" before the ceremony and "Oh, Perfect Love" while the  couple knelt at the altar. Mrs. Denison also played the traditional wedding marches as the couple approached and departed from the altar.

Attending the couple were Mrs. John Steward of Moline, sister of the bride, as matron of honor and Lyle Gudgell of Thomas, brother of the groom, as best man. Jim Basden of Tampico, nephew of the bride and Jim Harker of Hooppole, cousin of the groom, served as ushers. Miss Lola Gudgell, sister of the groom was in charge of the guest book. The bride was given in marriage by her father.

For her wedding the bride chose an afternoon-length white satin suit with stand-up collar. It was adorned with tiny, white sating-covered buttons which ran diagonally across the front and featured a side-front draped skirt. She carried a white orchid tied with stephonotas and lovers' knots atop a white Bible, a gift of the groom. Her Dutch style hat of white satin was trimmed with a double row of seed pearls with matching earrings.

The matron on honor wore an identical suite of blush ink satin and a Dutch hat of aqua satin. she also wore white accessories with a pearl necklace and earrings. She carried a colonial bouquet of Miss Bountiful roses and white daises tied with streamers of aqua ribbon.

The gentlemen in the bridal party wore dark suits with carnations boutonnieres. The mother of the groom wore a black and white sheer dress with a white gladioli corsage.

Following the ceremony a reception was held in the home of the bride's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Basden of Tampico, for 80 relatives and close friends. The home was decorated  in Nile green and white, and bouquets of gladioli and other cut flowers.

The serving table was covered with a Nile green linen cloth embroidered with while leaves, loaned for the occasion by Mrs. Baldwin of Prophetstown, and white bells were suspended above it The three tiered wedding cake was topped by a while bell. After the initial cut had been made by the bride and groom, the cake was served by Mrs. Fred Heuer of Yorktown, aunt of the groom. Mrs. Chris Kruger of Kewanee, aunt of the bride, presided at the punch bowl. Miss Neva Rosene of Tampico and Mrs. Mervin Harker of Hooppole, aunt of the groom, served at waitresses. Mrs. Roy Johnson was in charge of the gifts. Mrs. John Albright and Mrs. Robert Waldbusser assisted in the kitchen.

There were guests from East Moline, Rock Island, Milan, Annawan, Kewanee, Athens, Sterling Manlius and this community attending.

The new Mrs. Gudell graduated from the Prohetstown high school with the class of 1945 and is employed at the Yorktown Lumber  and Grain company office.

Mr. Gudgell graduated in 1945 from the Tampico high school. After spending a a year and a half in the navy he has been associated with this father and brothers in the  John E. Gudgell & Sons construction business.

After a two weeks  wedding trip in the west the young couple will live in a trailer in Yorktown. For traveling the bride wore a linen chamois dress with white accessories and the orchid from her bridal bouquet.

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