Tampico Tornado Thursday,June 12, 1947
Miss LaFerne Renner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lourde Renner of Sterling, formerly of Tampico, became the bride of Richard Egert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ransom Egert, in a lovely June wedding at the Fourth Street Methodist church Saturday afternoon at two o'clock. Rev. V. Edward Birch perfomed the double ring ceremony at 2:30 before the altar decorated with palms, ferns, and vases of blue carnations and white gladioli. Lighted tapers in seven-branch candelabra were on the other side.
A prelude of nu[tial music was played by Mrs. Roscoe Eades who also played the traditional processional and recessional. Kenneth Hines of Rock Falls, friend of the couple, sang "Because" and "I Love You Truly."
The bride was given in marriage by her father. She was lovely in a gown of white organdy trimmed with dainty lace around around the square neckline and the wrists of the long full sleeves. The full skirt fell from a fitted bodice. Her long veil was edged in lace and shaped from a headpiece of lace and marquisette appliqued with seed pearls. She wore a single strand of pearls, a gift from the groom and carried an orchid on a white Bible with white streamers tied with sweetpeas.
Mrs. Lowell Egert, sister-in-law of the groom, was matron of honor and wore a floor length gown of light blue marquisette. She carried a corsage of Picardi gladioli on a white Bible with streamers of peach color. Her headband was of light pink carnations.
Lowell Egert, brother of the groom, served as best man.
Little Marilyn Kay Wells of Compton was her cousin's flower girl and wore a floor length dress of pink taffeta with a net overskirt. Net ruffles trimmed the neckline and hem of the full skirt. She wore a headband of floers and carried a colonial bouquet of pink sweetpeas and forgetmenots.
Bob Renner, brother of the bride, and Lyle Nicholas of Milledgeville, friend of the couple, were the ushers. LaVerne Pitts took charge in the foyer.
Both the mother of the bride and groom wore aqua dresses with black and white accessories and shoulder corsages of pink roses.
A wedding reception was held in the Renner home, 1407 Locust Street, with seventy guests present. The bride's chosen colors, blue and white were carried out in the decorations which included bouquets of blue and white.
The refreshment table covered with white linen was centered with the three-tiered wedding cake trimmed in blue and white and topped with a miniature bride and groom. Blue and white candles in crystal holders were on either side. A large white wedding bell with blue streamers ws suspended over the table. Mrs. Harold Carlson, aunt of the groom, served the cake after the bridal pair had cut the first piece. Mrs. Merle Hopkins, aunt of the bride, and Mrs. W.B. Wetzell poured. Mrs. Howard Ackeberg, a friend of the bride was incharge of the bride's book.
The many lovely wedding gifts were displayed in the recreation room.
The couple went on a honeymoon trip to the Wisconsin Dells. For traveling the bride chose a honey brown gabardine suit with brown and white accessories. She wore the orchid from the bridal bouquet as a shoulder corsage.
On their return they will make their home at 101 Fourth Avenue, Sterling, where they have furnished an apartment.
Mrs. Egert was graduated from the Tampico High School with the class of '44 and attended the Scovill schools. For the past two years she has been employed as bookkeeper for her father at his stone quarry near Dixon.
Mr. Egert graduated from the Tampico high school in the same class as his bride. He enlisted in the U.S. Navy and served two years, part of that time in Japan and China. He is employed at Renner's stone quarry.
Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Alec McCombs of Inglewood, Calif., grandparents of the bridegroom; Mrs. Ernest Williams; Miss Helen Schmidt and LaVerne Pitts of Gardena, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Wes Carlson and daughter Carol of Rockford; Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth Hansen of Washburn; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wallis; Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Renner and daughter Dorothy and Helen Miller of Compton; Mr. and Mrs. George Woolridge; Mrs. Lawrence Greenwood and daughter Bonnie Kay of Walnut; Mr. and Mrs. Merle Wells and daughter Dorothy and Helen Miller of Compton; Mr. and Mrs. George Woolridge; Mrs. Lawrence Greenwood and daughter;Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Stickel, Mr. and Mrs. J. Atkinson and Irene of Dixon; Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Nicholas and Lyle of Milledgeville; Rev. and Mrs. Eugene Kitzmiller, Mrs. Alice Burke and Helen, Mrs. Raymond Rebert, Mrs. Ralph McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carlson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ackeberg, Mr. and Mrs Asbury, Mrs. George Schindel. Mrs. G.M. Goble, Mrs. Albert Van Dusen, Mr. and Mrs. R,F. Nelson, Mr and Mrs. Arthur Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. George Hepner and family and Mrs. Ralph Foy of Tampico; Mrs. Paul Swanson of Rock Falls; Arlyn Cady of Yorktown; and Miss Lucille Carlson of Moline.
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