Marriages,Tampico Tornado Newspaper,Whiteside and Bureau Counties,Illinois
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Marriages & Engagements > 1951 - Dorothy Hasselman marries James Devine

Tampico Tornado
Thursday, September 20, 1951

Miss Dorothy Hasselman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hasselman and James Devine, son of

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Devine, both of Tampico, were united in marriage in a simple double ring

ceremony Saturday mornin in St. Mary's rectory with Rev. Fr. Ambrose Weitekamp officiating.

They were attended by Miss Shirley Devine and William Devine, sister and brother of the groom.

The bride was attired in a navy blue suit with matching accessories.  She wore a corsage of yellow

roses. Her only jewelry, a double strand pearls, was a gift from the groom.

Miss Devine wore a blue gray dress with black accessories and a corsage of blue carnations.

The bride's mother chose a suit of navy blue with navy accessories. The groom's mother wore a

navy dress with black accessories. Their corsages were of yellow and blue carnations.

A reception for the briday party and immediate families was given in the private dining room of the

Miami lounge in Sterling. The table was centered with a two tiered wedding cake topped with a

miniature bridal couple.

The bride and groom both graduated with the class of '51, from the Tampico High School. Following

the reception the new Mr. and Mrs. Devine left on a short wedding trip. (end of announcement)


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