From Tampico Tornado July 21, 1916
Tampico Tornado March 2, 1916 MARRIED AT PRINCETON Walter B. FOY and Miss Maud HARRINGTON both of this place went over to Princeton last week Wednesday morning and were married at the Christian parsonage by Rev. C.C. CARPENTER at 10 o'clock. They returned the same evening and for the present are making their home with her parents south west of town. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley FOY and is an industrious young man of good habits. He has spent most of his life in this community and is well known here. Mrs. FOY is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert HARRINGTON who have resided in this heighborhood a number of years and is a capable young woman. Congratulations are extended.
Posted by Les Niemi on Rootsweb - with permission