Submitted by Melva L. Taylor
The Daily Gazette, Sterling-Rock Falls, Illinois
May 27, 1927 - Friday, pg 8
Double Wedding Event of May 18 - Sisters Become Brides Of Tampico And Rochelle Young Men
Tampico, Ill., - May 27 -- (Special) -- A double wedding was solemnized Wednesday morning, May 18, at 8 o'clock at St. Patrick's Catholic Church in Rochelle, when Miss Susan Manning of Rochelle became the bride of Wayne J. Elmendorf of Tampico, and Miss Betty Manning was united in marriage to Owen E. Lamb of Rochelle. Rev. Father O'Brien officiated at the nuptial mass.
The Lohengrin wedding march was played by Mrs. Bert Merrman, with violin obbligato by Luke Manning, Jr., John Henrikin of Sterling, a cousin of the groom, sang two appropriate wedding selections, "Oh Promise Me," and "I Love You Truly," by Carrie Jacobs Bond. St. Patricks' choir with Mrs. Frank Kelly at the organ sang the nuptial high mass. The church was most attractively decorated with yellow roses and ferns.
The bridal procession was led by two little flower girls, Misses Mary Herrmann and Virginia Peters, prettily attired in summary frocks of green and peach and head bandeau's of flowers. The wedding rings were carried by the little ring bearer, Master Walter Sommers, who wore a white satin suit.
The bride, Miss Susan Manning, was attended by Miss Dorothy Doctor of Rochelle, and the groom, Wayne J. Elmendorf, by his cousin, Vernon Kelly of Tampico. The bride was charmingly gowned in white Elizabeth crepe and wore a silk bridal veil which was held in place by a head bandeau of orange blossoms. Her flowers were a corsage bouquet of orchids and lilies of the valley. The bridesmaid wore a beautiful gown of rose color Elizabeth crepe and accessories harmonizing. Her corsage bouquet was a combination of orchids and roses.
The bridal party motored to the Manning home immediately after the wedding mass, where a four course wedding breakfast was served to the families. The home was attractively decorated in yellow and white, the color scheme chosen by the brides.
Late in the morning the two couples left by motor for a trip to Michigan, Niagara Falls, N.Y., and other interesting places in the east.
Both brides are charming girls and are the daughters of Luke Manning of Rochelle, where they have held positions which have endeared them to many. Mrs. Elmendorf for several years past has been a nurse at the Rochelle hospital.
Mr. Elmendorf is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elmendorf of Tampico, where he has lived practically all his life, and has grown to manhood. He is an enterprising young business man and is the junior member of the Elmendorf grocery and meat market. Mr. Elmendorf received his education in Tampico and graduated from the Tampico High School. He is a valued member of the Tampico community band, and is also a member of the volunteer fire department. His many friends here are counted by the score and Tampico will welcome his bride.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmendorf will be at home in Tampico about June 1st, where their many friends wish them happiness and prosparity.