Tampico Progress, Thursday, September 21, 1905
Wedding Takes Place With Service and Surroundings Most Fitting for the Occasion
Perhaps the prettiest wedding in the history of this vicinity occured last Wednesday evening at eight o'clock at the home of A. L. Forward when Miss Lena Forward and Fred B. Glassburn took the vows that made them mand wife. In the presence of about seventy friends and relatives, the happy couple preceeded by Rev. Armstrong marched to an arch-way in a corner of a room beautifully and tastely draped with lace and smilax, where Rev. Armstrong pronounced a short but very impressive ceremony, after which a profusion of heart felt congratulations and best wishes were showered upon them. Miss Linnie Dennison played the wedding march. The bride is the daughter of A. L. Forward, a prominent farmer and stock raiser of this vicinity, and is a lady of culture and fine tastes, in fact one of whom the community may well be proud. The groom is an industrious, steady young man of good habits liked by every one, the son of J. P. Glassburn a live stock commissioner of this place. He is employed in the Legg poultry house. The house was decorated throughout with smilax and pink and white asters. The bride wore a tasty dress of white silk mull and carried pink roses. The groom wore the conventional black. They were unattended. A beautiful array of costly presents were presented to them by the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Glassburn will be at home to their friends at the Morse house on Washington street after today.
Among those present from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fox of Lyndon, Mrs. Lou Gardener amd children of Rock Falls, Miss Birdie Ferris of Sterling, Mrs. Thos. Marshall of Moline, Mrs. Jay Morse of Aurora, Mrs. Bertha Sigman of Walnut, and Mrs. Geo. Greenman of Prophetstown. After the ceremony all enjoyed an elaborate supper after which a pleasant social evening was spent.
Submitted by Les Niemi From the Tampico Tornado
September 22, 1905
GLASSBURN-FORWARD and LONG-ADAMS Nuptials Occur This Week.
A very nice church wedding was solemnized Tuesday afternoon at St. Mary's at 5 o'clock when the service was said that united Miss Isabell ADAMS of this place and William LONG of Chicago. The ceremony was performed by Rev. L.X. DuFOUR and was the beautiful ring service of the Catholic church. The couple were attended by James LONG, a brother of the groom and Miss Mamie BURKE. The bride was tastefully and very becomingly attired in a pearl gray crepe de chin creation and carried bride's roses. The brides maid, Miss BURKE, was gowned in a pretty pale pinke batiste creation, she carried roses. The ushers were William and Sterling BURKE.
After receiving the congratulations of the many friends and relatives at the chruch an informal reception was tendered Mr. and Mrs. LONG at the brides mother's home south of town. The couple will visit here a short time and then go to Chicago where they will reside.
The bride is the daughter of Caroline ADAMS who resides south of Tampico and is a member of a well known prominent family. She is a bright handsome, lovable young lady greatly admired by any number of people in the vicinity.
Mr. LONG is a son of Mr. and Mrs. James LONG of Chicago and is an engineer employed on public works in the city. He is a young man of considerable ability in his chosen profession and is well liked by all who have had the pleasure to meet him. Congratulations of his many friends are extended.
Out of town guests present at the wedding were: Dan LYNCH, Joe DILLMAN and Agnes LYNCH all of Chicago.
A very pretty house wedding occured Wednesday evening south of xxx xxx xxx xxx of Mr. and Mrs. Ab FORWARD in which their daughter, Lena was untied to Fred GLASSBURN. The ceremony was performed at eight o'clock by Rev. J.G .ARMSTRONG, pastor of the Methodist church. The couple unattended stood under a lace curtain and smilax canopy in an archway of a big door. The wedding march was played by Miss Lennie DENISON. The bride was bery becomingly gowned in a pretty white silk mull dress and carried a spray of pink roses. The house was decorated nicely with asters and smilax, the color scheme being pink and white. About seventy of the relatives of the two families and friends were present as guests and left many substantial, useful and pretty articles as a begining for house furnishings. An elegant wedding supper followed the congratulations after the ceremony. Both Mr. and Mrs. Fred GLASSBURN are well known Tampico young people and both come from prominent families. The bride is a daughter of A.L. FORWARD south of town who is an extensive farmer and cattle raisier. She is a sweet, modest little lady loved and admired by all her friends. The groom is the son of J.P. GLASSBURN a stock buyer. He is a young man of good steady habits, has lots of friends and is well liked. The couple will make their home in the MORSE house. Many friends extend congratulations.