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Dr. A. S. Horn Married
Dr. A. S. Horn of Tampico and Miss Lila May Glen of Colona were married Wednesday, June 26, at the home of the birde's parents in Colona by Rev. Par pastor of the Congregational church of Geneseo. The wedding was a quiet one only the close and immediate relatives being present to witness the ceremony. Miss Muriel Glen a sister of the bride played the wedding march and Miss Lillian Glen another sister was the bride's attendant and Ford Horn a brother of the groom was the groomsman.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Glen well known residents of Colona. She is a bright, attractive young lady whose pleasing ways have drawn around her a wide circle of warm friends. Although not well acquainted in Tampico she is no stranger here having visited Tampico several times and made several warm friends here. Dr. A. S. Horn is one of Tampico's well known professional men having been here less than a year, coming to Tampico from Colona where he practiced successfully. He purchased Dr. Wahl;s business and has built up a very large practice owing to his ability and courtesy. He has been vey successful in his practice and has a good future before him. Mr. and Mrs. Horn went to Chicago from Colona and from there to Wisconsini through the Lake country after which they will return and be at home after August 1 in their nicely furnished flat over the postoffice.
IL State Archives Groom, Bride, Date of Marriage, Certificate No., County HORN, ARCHIE S GLENN, LILA MAY 06/26/1912 3 /243 10974 HENRY