Submitted by Eldon Peterson
Tampico Tornado Feb. 1, 1917
Married in Morrison
Miss Myrtle Johnson of Tampico, and Wayne Wescott of New Bedford, were married at Morrison last week Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The ceremony was performed by Rev. P. T. Brannum of that place. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Mary Johnson of this place. The groom is a son of Arzie Wescott of New Bedford. A fine six o'clock dinner was served by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jackson and Mrs. Arzie Wescott of Rock Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Wescott will reside on a farm south of Tampico.
Tampico Tornado Feb. 1, 1917
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wescott were given a miscellaneous shower Saturday evening at the home of the bride'smother, Mrs. Mary Johnson. The affair was a complet surprise when about thrity of their friends came incarrying packages of all shapes and sizes. When the packages were opened beautiful gifts of silver, china, linen and othter articles were found to be whithin. Music and games made the evening pass only too quickly. A nice supper was served by Mrs. Roy Rosene.. Although the couple stole a march on their friends, they were forgiven and the best wishes were extended for a life of sunshine and happiness.
Mr. and Mrs. Wescott will begin housekeeping next Thursday at the home of Mr. George Matsen on a farm south of Tampico.