REMINGTON - SMITH - At the residence of the bride's parents, in Tampico, Ill., on Thursday evening, July 19th, 1883, by the Rev. John SMITH, uncle of the bride, Mr. Jodie REMINGTON of Dakota, and Miss Ella SMITH, of Tampico.
The ceremony was witnessed by the family and relatives only and took place immediately after the arrival of the evening train.
The bride is one of Tampico's fairest daughters. Is held in the highest esteem by a large circle of friends. We gladly add our congratulations to those of her many friends, and trust that her future may be a happy one.
The groom, has resided in this vicinity for years and is well and favorably known. He is a young man of exemplary habits, and will make a kind and indulgent husband.
The young couple expect to leave here for Dakota next week, where they intend to make their home. They take with them the best wishes of our people, and may their future be a bight and prosperous one, and may no cloud ever darken their pathway, is the wish of the Tornado.