Tampico Tornado, Friday, October 7, 1904
A quiet marriage was solomnized at 8 o'clock last Saturday morning at St. Mary's Catholic church in Sterling. John DREW and Mrs. Margaret BUCKLEY were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by the Rev. Father James J. BENNETT. It had been the intention to hold the wedding later in the day when the friends of the contracting parties could be present, but a march was stolen and the ceremony was performed before the guests arrived. The bride and groom boarded a train for Monmouth, Ill., where they will make a short visit. Upon their return they will begin housekeeping on the large farm owned by Mr. DREW. Mr. DREW is a prominent farmer of Hahnaman Township and is a honored and respected man. He has been quite successful as a farmer and has accumulated considerable wealth. Mrs. DREW is a woman well known in Sterling where she has lived for a number of years and is of a genial and pleasant nature. Their friends extend many congratulations.