Tampico Tornado, August 21, 1913
Miss Jennie SLY of this place and Daniel SWIFT of Sterling were married in Chicago last Saturday evening by a justice of the peace and their marriage was somewhat of a surprise to both their Tampico and Sterling friends. Mr. and Mrs. SWIFT came out to Sterling Monday where they spent a short time and then went to her sister's, Mrs. Jos. SUMPTION's northeast of here, later coming to Tampico where they visited her parents and sisters until Tuesday when they returned to Sterling where they expect to make their home.
The bride came from a well known Tampico family being the daughter of Landlord and Mrs. David SLY of the Tampico House. She is a nice young lady of pleasing manners and is fortunate to number many Tampico people as her friends. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. K. SWIFT of Sterling, prominent residents of that place. He has been employed as lineman for the Bell company for some time nd bears an excellent reputation as a good, steady, industrious young man. The many friends of the couple in Tampico extend their best wishes although the wedding came as a surprise to them.