Tampico Tornado, Aug. 7, 1913
Prominent Tampico Young Lady Married Last Week At The Home Of Her Parents
A very pretty wedding occurred last week Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McKENZIE when their only daughter, Fern, was united to J. H. GILLETTE of East Moline. The ceremony was performed by Rev. F. H. DeVOLL, pastor of the Walnut Christian church and the beautiful ring service was used. The bride and groom unattended stood in a corner of the parlor which was decorated with ferns and flowers. The wedding march was played by Mrs Maggie McKENZIE. The bride was very prettily and tastefully attired in a point de sprit lace over white messaline gown with a bridal veil caught up by a crown of orange blossoms, and carried a boquet of white rosebuds and ferns. Her traveling gown was an Alice blue crepe de chein with a black hat trimmed in bird of Paradise feathers, and a black satin messaline coat. After the ceremony hearty congratulations were tendered Mr. and Mrs. GILLETTE a fine two course wedding luncheon was served. The table decorations were white and pink sweet peas and the same scheme was carried out in the dining room decorations.
Only a very few of the close relatives and friends were present, among them being, Mr. and Mrs. GILLETTE of East Moline, parents of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McKENZIE, Mr. and Mrs. Burke HURLBURT, Misses Illa DILLION and Eunice McCLURE, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McKENZIE, Clyde McKENZIE. A number of nice presents were received among them being a check of a substantial amount from the bride's father.
The couple left the same afternoon via an auto in Sterling for a short wedding trip and will be at home after September 1 in Chicago.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McKENZIE and comes from one of the old, prominent families of this community. She was born and grew to womanhood in Tampico where she has made many friends who admire her many qualities. The groom is not so well known in Tampico but is a splendid young man held in high esteem in East Moline where he has resided for several years. At present he holds a responsible position in the big Pullman Car Works. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. GILLETTE extend to them their best wishes.