Saturday, January 31, 1903
Agnes C. Olsson and Rev. Wiley B. Cash United Wednesday Noon
One of the prettiest home weddings ********** occurred in Tampico was ******* *****nized Wednesday noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. D. OLSSON on Main Street when Miss Agnes C. OLSSON and Rev. Wiley B. CASH were united for life.
Shortly before noon as the strains of the beautiful march from Wagner’s Lu****grin were played by Mrs. C. P. HURA***ER, the couple took their places under a beautiful bower in the parlor and in the presence of the two score relatives and friends, Rev. J. R. GOLDEN, pastor of the Walnut Christian church in a beautiful ceremony made Miss OLSSON and Mr. CASH husband and wife. The bower in which they were married consisted of a canopy cluster of wedding bells with a large lovers knot suspended from the ceiling and white draperies to either side with a profusion of smilax chains. The house was nicely decorated throughout with smilax. The bride ********* lavender with white ****** ********** ********* *********** bride’s roses. ****** beautiful ceremony the guests extended very hearty congratulations and wished all happiness to Mr. and Mrs. CASH. A wedding dinner, in keeping with the other well-appointed arrangments, was served. Mrs. Georgia LA DUE and Mary SLY acting as servers. Mr and Mrs. George ISHERWOOD and Misses CR*CKER and HAGAN served as ushers. A number of handsome presents were received.
Mr. and Mrs. CASH left on the afternoon train for Chicago, where they will spend ten days with possibly a trip south. On their return home, they will reside GRIFFEN house in the southern part of the village where the groom has furnished rooms nicely. Mrs. CASH will resume her duties as teacher at the Hein school and finish the term. An exceptionally large delation of friends were at the depot and the train literally plowed its way through rice.
The bride, Mrs. CASH, is the daughter of O. D. OLSSON, a prominent, well-todo, retired farmer. She has taught school in this vicinity for some time, always giving satisfaction and winning the high regards of the patrons. She is bright, capable and winning, and can count friends by the score.
Wiley B. CASH, the groom, is the pastor of the Christian church here and the outlaying charge at Yorktown and has been located to this pastorate nearly a year, coming here from Grand de Tour, Ill. As a minister of the gospel heknows his convictins and does not hstate to voice them. That he is energetic, a new church edifice just nearing completion, will show. Since his ministry here he has endeared himself to his congregation and made many friends among the town people. Scores of friends of both Mr. and Mrs. CASH wish them all happiness in the future.