Marriages,Tampico Tornado Newspaper,Whiteside and Bureau Counties,Illinois
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Marriages & Engagements > 1956 - Patricia Tornow - Gary Fritsch

submitted by Melva Taylor

The Daily Gazette, Sterling-Rock Falls, Illinois
August 20, 1956 o- Monday, pg 12 col 5
Tornow-Fritsch Vows Exchanged On Saturday
Miss Patricia Tornow,  daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Tornow and Gary Fritsch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Fritsch, all of Tampico, repeated their wedding vows Saturday afternoon at the Christian Church parsonage.   Ellis Beeman, pastor of the church officiated.
The bride was attired in a white summer suit with navy blue accessories. She had a corsage of white carnations and red rose buds.
Mrs. Orville Hatten served as matron of honor.  She wore a navy blue suit with white accessories and her corsage was of white carnations.
The bridegroom and his best man, Orville Hatten, wore light blue suits and had white carnation boutonnieres.
The young couple were both graduated in the Tampico schools.  They will reside at 205 Fifth Ave., Sterling.

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