6 May 2008
Thursday, Jan. 24, 1963
The children of Mr. and Mrs. Sivard Pierson entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pierson Thursday evening in honor of their 40th wedding anniversary.
They entertained the honorees, their son Dean, Mrs. Ronald Gibson, and Mrs. Richard Pierson at supper.
Added guests arrived for a social evening during which refreshmetns were served from a table centered with a two tiered cake decorated in ruby and white with holderson either side. Mrs. Elvin Lindquist cut and servedth cake. Mrs. Richaard Pierson and Mrs. Kenneth Cherry served the punch and coffee.
Mrs. Pierson was presented a corsage of pink, lavender and whie carnations, and Mr. Pierson a white carnation boutonniere. They received cards, gifts and flowers.
Miss Myrtle Lindquist and Sivard Pierson were married January 17, 1923 in the parsonage of teh Methodist church at Leon by Rev. L. E. Winter. Miss Doris Munson and Glenn Lindquist were their attendants.
They have farmed in the Leon community all their married life.
They have five children, Raymond, Richard and Mrs. Kenneth (Betty Jean) Cherry, Sterling, Clarence, Yorktrown and Dean at home; eight grandchildren., Curtis, Michael, Ingrid and Rhonda Pierson, Randy and Wayne Cherry. Sterling, Lowell and Lindsay Pierson, Yorktown.
Added evening guests were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Munson, Mrs. Elmer Tornow, Mrs. Delmar Munson, and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Tornow, Walnut, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pierson, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cherry ad Dean, Sterling, Miss Doris Munson and Mrs. Ronald Gibson, Prophetstown, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gustafson, Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson,Lawrence Crosell, Arthur and Glenn Lindquist, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Lindquist.