Tampico Area Historical Society - Anniversaries
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Anniversaries > 1906 - 50th - Mr. & Mrs. B. F. Dow

Les Niemi
9 Aug 2008

Tampico Tornado

August 3, 1906

Married Fifty Years

Mr. and Mrs. B.F. DOW who live south of town will celebrate the golden anniversary of their wedding if both live until this fall and from xxx xxx xxx xx appear to have many years before them.

Their golden anniversary will occur November 25, just a few days before Thanksgiving. They were married in Sterling and Mr. DOW secured his license at the old court house when Sterling was the county seat.

TAMPICO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - MUSEUM - FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY/RESEARCH CENTER  119 Main St., P. O. Box 154,  Tampico, IL  61283   www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com   tampicoareahistory@gmail.com  We are an all-volunteer organization so your donations are always appreciated!  Sign up to receive our e-newsletter. Thank you!  Visit us on FACEBOOK.