Tampico Area Historical Society - Anniversaries
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Anniversaries > 1941 - Harm G. Klockenga & Sena Oltmanns

Melva Taylor
28 Apr 2010

The Daily Gazette, Sterling, Illinois

January 11, 1941 - Saturday, pg 6



Harm G. Klockenga and Wife Married 40 Years: Family Dinner on Saturday

Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Harm G. Klockega will be surrounded by their ten children and families at dinner in their home south of Prophetstown in the Stowell school district, in honor of their 40th wedding anniversary.

Sena Oltmanns, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Oltmanns, and Harm G. Klockega, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Klockenga of Hartsburg, Ill., were married Jan. 10, 1901, in the Methodist parsonage in Emden, Ill. The Rev. William F. Sipple read the nuptial service. They were attended by Miss Fannie Klockenga and Theodore Oltmanns, sister and brother.

After their marriage they began farming near Hartsburg. In 1911 they moved to the Leon community and settled on a farm which their son, Harm, jr., now operates, a short distance from their present farm.

Ten children including a set of twins were born to the union: George, Jacob, Anna (Mrs. Elison Hoak of Tampico), Harm, Theodore, Gilbert, William and Walter (twins), Raymond and Marjorie. William, Raymond and Marjoire are living at home while the others are nearby. They also have eight grandchildren.

While Mr. and Mrs. Klockenga lived in Hartburg, Mr. Klockenga served as a school director two years. This spring he will have completed his twentieth year as clerk of the Stowell school board. All their children were graduated from the Stowell school and two of their granddaughters, Shirley and Phyllis Klockenga, are now pupils. They are members of the Leon Methodist Church.

Mrs. Klockenga's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oltmanns of Harrisburg, will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary January 20. Mr. Klockenga's parents are deceased.


TAMPICO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - MUSEUM - FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY/RESEARCH CENTER  119 Main St., P. O. Box 154,  Tampico, IL  61283   www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com   tampicoareahistory@gmail.com  We are an all-volunteer organization so your donations are always appreciated!  Sign up to receive our e-newsletter. Thank you!  Visit us on FACEBOOK.