Tampico Tornado, Thursday, January 4, 1923
20 Nov 2006
Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson Celebrate Silver Wedding Anniversary Friday
Twenty-five years ago on December 29th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter ERICKSON south of Tampico, their daughter Minnie, was united in marriage to James JOHNSON and upon December 29th, 1922 they, with over one hundred of their relatives and friends celebrated their silver wedding at Woodman Hall in Fairfield Township.
Long before the noon hour the autos began to arrive and at noon when the bride and groom with their four fair daughters arrived, they were greeted with hearty handshakes.
A table extending nearly the length of the hall and seating about forty-five persons was loaded down with nearly everything in the line of the culinary art and after seating the guests of honor other relatives were seated to do justice to the spread before them. Seated with the family was Miss Belle JOHNSON who was bridesmaid at the wedding twenty-five years ago, the best man, Henry ERICKSON, not being present. Those who were not seated at the table served cafeteria style so that all were finished at nearly the same time.
Before dinner and during the afternoon, an orchestra composed of Miss Hazel JOHNSON, violin, Miss Florence Crosell and Ralph LOUDENBURG saxophones, Donald DRAYTON clarinet, James and N. A. JOHNSON cornets, N. E. DENISON trombone and Mrs. N. E. DENISON at the piano played several selctions which were very much appreciated.
At the close of dinner but while still at the table a very fine program was rnedered. It was opened by remarks by Ed Peterson of Princeton an Mr. Amos LUNDQUIST, pastor of the Fairfield Lutheran church was master of ceremonies. Short speeches wer made by Thomas DRAYTON and Ed SWANSON. A young ladies' quartette composed of Misses Gladys JOHNSON, Oretha MUNSON, Ethelyn SWAN and Evelyn JOHNSON with Miss Hazel JOHNSON at the piano gave several selections which were fine. Mr. and Mrs. James E. JOHNSON of Manlius favored the crowd with a few well rendered cornet and piano duetts. Upon request Mrs. S. E. WILLIAMS of Manlius and MissEthelyn SWAN of New Bedford sang "Home Sweet Home," all present joining on the chorus. On behalf of those present, Mr. Ed PETERSON in a well chsen speech presented Mrs. and Mrs. JOHNSON a silver offering with instructions to purchase whatever they wished. Mr. JOHNSON responded in a speech of appreciation. Not knowing of the arrangements made for the gifts, Mr. and Mrs. HILL of Manito, Ill., friends of the couple brought a very beautiful gold lined silver creamer and sugar bowl. This was presented with the money. The program closed with singing "God Be With You Till We Meet Again" after which Mr. and Mrs. Johnosn and four daughters were lined up and received the congratulations of all present.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have been residents of this vicinity througout their married life and have won the esteem and respect of all with whom they have come in contact, and it was with hearty wishes for many