Tampico Area Historical Society - Anniversaries
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Anniversaries > 1910 Mr & Mrs. H. L. Denison - 50th

Submitted by Lynn & Craig Kolb
3 Feb 2007

Possibly the Tampico Tornado



            MR. & MRS. H. L. DENISON were privilege to celebrate fifty years of married life on Christmas day, 1910, at the home of their daughter, MRS. E. B. CUMMINGS, for on Dec. 25, 1860, HENRY L. DENISON and LOUISA A. NEWTON were joined in marriage in Seward township, Winnebago township, Winnebago county, by Rev. Bliss.  At an early hour the guests began to arrive and by the dinner hour some thirty-five had assembled to help honor the bride and groom.  At 1 o’clock the guests sat down to a two course dinner and 8-8-8-8.  After dinner the guests repaired to the parlors where an appropriate program was rendered as follows:

            Song, Grandpa’s and Grandma’s Wedding Day – VESTA DENISON

            Original Poem – MRS. CUMMINGS

            Song, When Grandma Was a Girl – LOIS DENISON

This was followed by the presentation of a number of nice presents from the relatives and friends after which the afternoon was spent in singing songs of long ago and in the relation of many reminiscences of early days by some of the older ones present.

            The decorations in the dining room were yellow and white.  Festoons came from the center of the ceiling to the sides of the room and in one corner was a white bell and in another room a yellow one.  The motto “A Merry Christmas,” in large gold letters, greeted the eye of all who entered.  Those present were Messrs. and Mesdames:  J. W. HIXSON, L. I. STEWART, R. S. ALLEN, E. B. CUMMINGS, A. POPE, JOHN SHERE, GLENN GLASSBURN and family, N. E. DENISON and family, ASA STEWART and family, H. W. DENISON and family, L. W. DENISON and family, H. P. ALLEN, A. M. SMITH, CHARLES WEST, HERMAN DENISON and TRACY DENISON.


[Henry & Louisa had four sons and one daughter:  Newton Evard, Tracy E., Leslie Walter, Henry H., and Ellen (Stewart) Denison]


[Typed as written with the exception of names being capitalized and/or in bold type, changing several “and’s” to “&” to make names more readable and removing a couple of paragraph indentations]


TAMPICO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - MUSEUM - FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY/RESEARCH CENTER  119 Main St., P. O. Box 154,  Tampico, IL  61283   www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com   tampicoareahistory@gmail.com  We are an all-volunteer organization so your donations are always appreciated!  Sign up to receive our e-newsletter. Thank you!  Visit us on FACEBOOK.