January 2, 1930
Over two hundred friends of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie PETERSON met at the hall in Yorktown last Tuesday and helped them celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. A wonderful dinner was served and just before serving, Rev. PALM, pastor of the M. E. church spoke a few words of congratulations to the couple and after grace was said, all helped themselves to the dinner. Immediately after dinner, the orchastra, composed of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. DENISON on piano and trombone, Mrs. R. P. LOUDENBERG and Donald DRAYTON, saxaphones, Glenn CARLSON cornet and Ralph CARLSON trombone gave a concert. Then followed a talk by Rev. SCHELL, pastor of the English Lutheran Church of Fairfield who spoke of what love and friendship meant in a community and how this large gathering showed the esteem in which this family was held. Miss Irene CROSELL then gave a reading in her usual pleasing manner. A saxaphone and piano duett was then played by Miss Darlene and Donald DRAYTON, followed by a piano duett by Misses Ruth and Irene CROSELL. Both numbers responded with encores. Mr. Earl PETERSON acted as announcer of the program. Before leaving for their home, Mr. and Mrs. PETERSON were given a nice purse of money from their friends, also a double set of salt and pepper shakers, Rev. SCHELL making the presentation speech. Both bride and groom of twenty-five years responded their thanks. Visiting was enjoyed until time to leave when congratulations were again extended.