Tampico Tornado, November 15, 1917
28 May 2007
Mr. and Mrs. George Berge Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversay Last Thursday
The fiftieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. George BERGE, for many years prominent and respected residents of Tampico, was very pleasanty observed on November 8th, a day filled with very pleasant surprise having been planned by their daughters and very ably managed and carried out by the eldest, Mrs. Mary L. HOWLETT at their home on Glassburn street.
An elaborate dinner was served at noon to the immediate relativees soon after which Mr. and Mrs. BERGE were prevailed upon to to visit the photographer to have their pictures taken. During their absence reparations were made to entertain the many callers who had planned to drop in during the afternoon to extend their best wishes to the bride and groom at fifty years ago.
At two o'clock the guests began to arrive, being received at the door by Mrs. Carrie ANDERSON and daughter, Miss Violet, who conducted them to the dining room where Mrs. HOWLETT over the punch bowl and sserved light refreshements. The guests then repaired to the sitting room to spend a short time with the host and hostess.
In the early evening while listening to the grmophone a noise was heard outside andupon opening the door sisty-three members of the Baptist church entered to extend their best ewishes and spend the evening helping them to celebrate this memorable occation. Dishes and well-filled lunch baskets were brought by the ladies and a nice lunch served.
While the merry making was going on, a telegram of congratulatons was received and read from Mr. and Mrs. George BERGE of Lincoln, Nebraska, the fomer a nephew and namesake, after which, in a beautiful and appropriate speech of felicitation, Mrs. Anna WEST on behalf of those present presented Mrs. BERGE with a brooch. and Mr. BERGE with a cameo tie pin, as tokens of respect and esteem from their Baptist friends.
Among other presents received were a gold watch and chain for Mr. BERGE and an amethyst ring for Mrs. BERGE from the three daughters, a purse of gold from the nephews and nieces, a gold spoon, a gold knife, fancy work, flowers and cards from relatives and friends. On Friday afternoon at the meeting of the W. R. C. of which Mrs. BERGE is an officer, she was presented from that organization a gold thimble.
Fifty years ago on the 8th day of November, as the earth cast off her mantle of green and put on the more somber hued garment of Autumn, at Cambridge, Illinois, Mr. George BERGE, then a young farmer, led to the alter his fair, blushing bride, Miss Margaret LANDWHER who was accompanied by her sister, Miss Maary LANDWHER now Mrs. Mary ANOLD of Marshall, Mo.
These were pioneer days, they started out with the resolute purpose of winning for themselves a home from the virgin soil of Illinois where the Indians and wolves still wandered over the prairie. No automobile met them at the door to take them on a wedding trip, but a buggy, the only one in the country, had been hired by the groom for the occasion.
Mr. BERGE was not blessed with an abundance of this world's goods but what he had he invested in a team of horses, although ox teams were still used quite extensively at the time, but ill fortune overtook them.. As the young husband was driving his team to the barn to avoid a thunder storm, the lightning struck and killed both horses, prostrating Mr. BERGE and tearing the soles from his shoes, but nothing daunted they (sic) started again and also determined to own a home of their own.
They bought eighty acres of land in Bureau County, built for themselves a little home 16x24 where children began to gaather around the fireside. Three daughters came to brighten their home, Mary, Emma and Caroline. It was slow work paying for their farm with interest at 10 percent, so they decided to rent the farm and try their fortune in the city, so in 1876 moved with their family to Peoria, Illinois, where he worked for the railroad.
At the end of five years, the farm having been cleared of debt they decided to return to the farm. After a residence of one year they decided to increase their land holdings and bought what was then known as the COSNER farm which adjoined the one they already owned. This meant to them more hardships and toil.
It was rather discouraging at times but they enjoyed good health and happiness reigned in their little home. Many a time the old walls rang with merry laughter and song as the young people from the country roundabout gathered there. The latch string of hospitality was always out and no one was ever knowingly turned away from their door hungry.
The daughters had now grown to young womanhood and on December 1st, 1888, Miss Mary was united in marriage to J. R. HOWLETT, a young farmer who later became one of the leading merchants of Tampico; and on February 13, 1890 another wedding was solemnized in the old home, this time a double wedding when the two remaining daughters were united in marriage, one, Miss Emma to J. S. RUCK, a farmer who has in the last two years retired from farming and is at present resideing in Grand Rapids, Mich.; the other daughter, Miss Caroline, was married to F. J. ANDERSON, also a farmer, but who is now traveling salesman for the international Harvester Co. adn is residing in Rock Island, Ill.
After the young people had left to go to homes of their own it was lonely on the farm, so Mr. and Mrs. BERGE moved to Tampico wherehe engaged in the harness business. After a year or two he sold out his business to his nephew but still retained his ownership of the old farm. During their twenty-six years residence in Tampico, they have built for themselves a modern home and are now enjoying the furits of their labors. Among other modern conveniences by which they are surrounded they possess a fine little runabout with which they make frequent visits to the old home and enjoy many pleasure trips and visits with their frinds and relatives.
Here we leave them for the present enjoying the respect and esteem of their fellow townspeople, wishing them health and happiness with God's riches blessing to rest on them the remaining years of their lives and when life's race is run may a crown of glory await them in the Great Beyond.
Those present from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. Andrew BERGE of Thomas; Wm. LANDWHER and family of Hooppole; and F. J. ANDERSON of Rock Island in additon to which friends and neighbors of Tampico and vicinity to the number of over one hundred registered during the afternoon and evening presenting their best wishes.