Biographies of Whiteside County, IL 1885
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Biographies Whiteside Co 1885 > Mason W. Blaisdell

Transcribed by Deb Thormahlen
7 Jun 2008


Extracted from the Portrait and Biographical Album of Whiteside County 1885 – Chapman Bros


p. 190

            Mason W. Blaisdell, farmer, residing on section 16, Portland Township, and the owner of 210 acres in the township, is a son of Daniel and Clarissa (Gardner), Blaisdell and was born in Cortland Co., N.Y., July 27, 1820.  His father was a millwright, in connection with farming and lumbering, in the State of Vermont, and his mother was a native of the same State.  The issue of their union was three children, two of whom are living.  Mary is deceased.  Caroline is the wife of Daniel F. Cole, a farmer residing in Portland Township, this county.

            Mr. Blaisdell is the youngest of his father’s family.  He and his father came by river to Rock Island, and walked to Portland Township, this county, arriving at the residence of Horace Burk June 15, 1836.  His father made a claim of 160 acres on section 21, of Portland Township.  Coming at that date in company with his father, Mr. B., as well as the latter, may be considered one of the pioneer settlers of this county.  His father made improvements on his claim, and in the fall of 1837 the remainder of the family followed.  In the tornado which occurred in 1844, his father was considerably bruised, and never fully recovered.  He die don his farm, Dec. 23, 1855, where the mother also died, April 15, 1870.  He was a man of energetic disposition, with a determination to establish a home for himself and family, and faithfully labored for the fulfillment of his desire. He held numerous offices in the township.

            Mr. Blaisdell purchased 40 acres of prairie land and 33 of timber land in 1843, and subsequently added to his landed interests until at one time he had about 500 acres.  He has given 80 acres to his son Herbert P., 120 acres to his daughter, Anulet, and 80 acres to Almeda, and now has 210 acres, located on sections 21, 16, 25 and 27.  He has a fine residence, good orchard, barns, fine running spring, etc.  He also runs a threshing-machine in seasons, and has sawed wood for a number of years.

            Mr. Blaisdell was united in marriage in Portland Township, Dec. 5, 1844, to Miss Alzina Rowe.  She was a daughter of James and Mary A. Rowe, and was born in Steuben Co., N.Y.  The issue of their union was three children, all born in Portland Township, this county.  Their record is as follows:  Anulet was born April 14, 1847, and is the wife of Ralph Smedley, a farmer of Portland Township;  Almeda was born July 31, 1855, and is the wife of William C. Bryant, a farmer and dealer in stock at Erie; Herbert P., born Sept. 13, 1852, is now a resident of La Vergne, Minn.


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