5 Mar 2005
Source: Portrait & Biographical Album of Whiteside County, IL Originally published 1885 Chapman Bros. Chicago, IL Reproduced on CD purchased from "Old Glory Accents"
Transcribed by: Denise McLoughlin Tampico Area Historical Society www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com
George B. Adams, editor and proprietor of the Herald, at Morrison, was born in Lyndon, Whiteside Co., Ill., Oct. 7, 1855, being the eldest of a family of eight children of A. D. And Mary E. (Snyder) Adams, and has always been a resident of the county.
From Lyndon the family moved to Portland, where they lived several years, afterward removing again to Spring Hill, and in 1865 locating in Prophetstown, the present home. In each of these locations the father pursued his vocation of blacksmith, a trade in which he was a superior workman. He also purchased a farm in Prophetstown Township, on which the family lived a few years, finally returning to the village and subsequently disposing of the farm.
Mr. Adams’ education was acquired by studious attendance at the public school until 18 years of age, when he engaged as a teacher in one of the rural districts of the county. Not finding the calling a congenial one, however, he abandoned the teacher’s profession, and in 1875, entered the general store of D. K. Smith, Prophetstown, as clerk, remaining until 1877. In March of that year he went to Morrison and became a law student in the office of F. D. Ramsay, varying the monotony of constant reading by writing an occasional contribution for the county press, as well as for more remote publications.
In April, 1878, A. D. Hill founded The Whiteside Herald in Morrison, and being aware of Mr. Adams’ newspaper inclinations, secured his services as local editor. He continued his legal studies, in connection with reportorial work, until the fall of 1878, when he finally abandoned the former and devoted himself exclusively to the latter, soon becoming a partner in the publication of the Herald, the firm being Hill & Adams. Three years later the junior partner withdrew from the enterprise, and on the first of July, 1882, leased the Herald of Mr. Hill, and the following April purchased the office and business where he is still engaged. The Herald is an independent paper, devoted to the local news of the city and county. Mr. Adams is also manager of the Telephone Exchange at Morrison.
Nov. 19, 1879, Mr. Adams was united in marriage with Miss Lucy Euphemia, youngest daughter of Luther B. And Caroline M. (Smith) Ramsay, of Prophetstown. They have one child, Frank Ramsey, born July 7, 1883.