Tampico Area Revitalization Project
20 Jul 2007
Source: Portrait & Biographical Album of Whiteside County, IL
Originally published 1885 Chapman Bros., Chicago, IL
Transcribed by: Becky Jones
Page 264
John Downs, dealer in hardware, stoves and tinware, manufacturer and repairer of tinware, at Fulton, established his present business in February, 1875, and carries an average stock of $2,500 value. Mr. Downs was born in Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 23, 1839, and is the son of John and Ann (Gilmore) Downs. His parents were natives of Ireland and emigrated to the United States in 1835. John served a regular apprenticeship to the tinner’s trade, in Cleveland, and came to Fulton, Ill., in the fall of 1858. He was employed as a journeyman in this city till February, 1875, when he engaged in his present business and has carried it on continuously since.
He was married in September, 1862, at DIxon, Ill., to Miss Annie Mahony. Mrs. Downs was born in Limerick, Ireland, in 1842, and is a daughter of Daniel and Margaret (Ring) Mahony. They have four children, three boys and a girl: Edward, born Aug. 28, 1864; William, June 25, 1867; Nellie, Sept. 26, 1872, and John, Dec. 16, 1874.
Mr. Downs has been a member of the Fulton City Council eight years. He is a Democrat and a member of the temperance organization entitled the “R. C. B. & T. Society.” Mr. Downs, his wife and family are members of the Catholic Church of Fulton.
Mr. Downs has now been in business for himself a little over ten years, and has built up a very satisfactory trade. He aims to do good work, keep good goods, and give his customers the value of their money.