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IL Soldiers & Sailors Home at Quincy > Luther Garthwait

Source: IL Soldier's & Sailor's Home Quincy 1887-1898
18 Apr 2005

Source: Illinois Soldier's & Sailor's Home at Quincy
Admissions of Mexican War and Civil War Veterans  1887-1898

Indexed by: Lowell M. Volkel
Published by: Ye Olde Genealogie Shoppe, P. O. Box 39128, Indianapolis, IN  46239

Transcribed by: Denise McLoughlin
Tampico Area Historical Society

Number: 3843
Name: Luther Garthwait
Rank: QMS
Co: G
Regiment: 13d Indiana
Length of Service in months: 15
Pension per month: 12
Age: 64? 66? (difficult to read)
Disability: Chron. rheumatism
Admitted from County: McLean
Nativity: Indiana
Occupation: Harness maker
Married/single/widower: single
Read/Write: yes
When admitted: December 10. 1896


Number: 3843
Name: Garthwait, Luther
Co. G
Regiment: 137th Indiana
Rank: Q.M. Sgt.
Length of Service in months: 14
Age: 68
Pension per month: 12
Disability: Rheumatism
Admitted from: Illinois
Occupation: Harness maker
Married or single: widower
Read/Write: yes
When admitted: Jan. 31, 1898
Status: Present

TAMPICO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - MUSEUM - FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY/RESEARCH CENTER  119 Main St., P. O. Box 154,  Tampico, IL  61283   www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com   tampicoareahistory@gmail.com  We are an all-volunteer organization so your donations are always appreciated!  Sign up to receive our e-newsletter. Thank you!  Visit us on FACEBOOK.