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BIOS-Past & Present of Bureau Co. 1906 > Harry C. Booth

4 Aug 2005

Source: Past and Present of Bureau County, IL
Originally published 1906
Pioneer Pub. Co.
Chicago, IL

Transcribed by: Denise McLoughlin
Tampico Area Historical Society

Pages 623-24


Harry C. Booth, superintendent and treasurer of the Illinois Third Vein Coal Company, operating at Ladd, has for a number of years been connected with the development of the coal fields of Bureau county - one of its leading sources of wealth. He was born in Newark, New Jersey, April 10, 1864. His paternal grandfather, George Booth, still lives in New Jersey, at the advanced age of ninety-four years, and is a representative of an old family of English descent that was founded in America in 1607. His son, George C. Booth, also a native of New Jersey, married Charlotte Curtis, a native of New York. Both are at present living.

In the public schools of his native city Harry C. Booth began his education, and later continued his studies in Bryant & Stration Business College, in Newark. He entered upon his business career in connection with clerical and office work in New York city, and at the age of eighteen years went upon the road as a traveling salesman, being thus engaged for a number of years. Each change which he made was a step in advance, bringing him a broader outlook in the business world and greater opportunities. At length he became connected with the Spring Valley Coal Company, and he worked his way steadily upward, beginning with the very humble wage of a dollar and forty cents per day. Gradually he was advanced from one position to another until he became sales agent for the company, one of th most important positions to be filled in connection with the conduct of its business. When the Illinois Third Vein Coal Company was organized, August, 26, 1901, he came to Ladd as superintendent and treasurer, which constitues his present connection therewith, and in the performance of his duties in this capacity he has contributed in no small measure to the success of the enterprise.

In November, 1894, Mr. Booth was united in marriage to Miss Jennie L. Davies, a native of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and they haave one son, Harold, born February 8, 1897. Mr. Booth is a member of the Masonic lodge at Spring Valley and the chapter at Peru. He is a member of the Congregational church, and has taken a most active and helpful interest in the cause of education, serving now as president of the board of education of Ladd, while his efforts have been potent elements for advancement along material, political and moral lines in Ladd.

TAMPICO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - MUSEUM - FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY/RESEARCH CENTER  119 Main St., P. O. Box 154,  Tampico, IL  61283   www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com   tampicoareahistory@gmail.com  We are an all-volunteer organization so your donations are always appreciated!  Sign up to receive our e-newsletter. Thank you!  Visit us on FACEBOOK.