14 May 2006
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Past & Present of Bureau County, IL Originally published 1906, Pioneer Pub. Co., Chicago, IL Transcribed by: Denise McLoughlin, Tampico Area Historical Society, www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com
Page: 776
Photo: Mr. & Mrs. George Zink
The life history of a self-made man is always of interest. There is something inspiring in a victory, and he who fights the battle of life courageously and comes off conqueror in the strife is deserving of respect. Such was the history of George ZINK, one of the pioneer residents of Bureau county, who was well known in this part of the state and was respected and honored wherever known. He was born in Bedford county, Pennsylvania, November 30, 1822. The family was established in Pennsylvania at an early epoch in its development, the gransparwnts being John and Elizabeth (HOWE) ZINK, both of whom were natives of that state. The father of our subject, Samuel ZINK, was a native of the Keystone state, born August 11, 1788. At an advanced age he went to Ohio, settling in that state n 1841, and in 1844 he came to Bureau County, Illinois, where he joined his son George, who had arrived a year previous to that date. He then remained a resident of Bureau county until his death, which occurred February 15, 1866. His political allegiance was given to the republican party. His wife, who bore the maiden name of Catherine HANAWALT, was bron in Huntington county, Pennsylvania, Augst 26, 1789, and died February 10, 1886. She was of German extraction, and boh she and her husband were members of the Methodist church.
George ZINK was one of a family of eleven children. His boyhood days were spent upon the old home farm, and he attended the public schools until about nineteen years of age, when he went to Ohio with the family. In 1843, on attaining his majority, he came to Bureau county, Illinois, locating about a mile east of Buda, where he purchased eighty acres of military land. It was all wild priarie, and he hauled the lumber from Chicago in order to build upon his place a frame home. He then turned his attention to farming and stock-raising, and at one time owned about four hundred acres of land, while at the time of his death he had an excellent farm of one hundred and tweinty acres. Coming to the county at an early day, he experienced many of the hardships indcident to life on the frontie, and he resolutely struggled with conditions that made farming a difficult task because of the remoteness of the district from railroads and city markets.
On the 25th of November, 1847, Mr. ZINK was united in marriage tro Miss Catherine THOMPSON, who was born June 29, 1822, in Huntington county, Pennsylvania, a daughter of Andrew and Ekizabeth (HEATER) THOMPSON, natives of the Keystone state. The father was of English lineage, while the mother was of German descent. In 1845 they came to Bureau County, settling near Sheffield, where Mr. THOMPSON followed the occupation of farming. He was born November 30, 1786 and died December 24 1847, at the ge of sixty-one years, while his wife, who was born May 1, 1792, passed away January 27, 1847, at the age of sixy-one years and eight months, her remains being interred at Sheffield. Mrs. ZINK was a young lady when she accompanied her parents to this county, and she has since made her home here. As a bride she went to her husband's farm, and they resided continuously thereon for almost a half century. In 1895, however, they rented thw farm and removed to Buda, Mr. ZINK retiring from active business life. He had well earned the rest which he enjoyed, for in former years he was a most energetic, active farmer, laboring untiringly day after day, month after month and year after year until hi diligence and perseverence had broiught to him a substantial financial reward. In the meantime seven children had born into the family: Samuel Davis, who enlisted in the army at the age of only sixteen years, and died at Springfield before going south for active service; Thopson A., who is mentioned elsewhere in thi volume; Elizabeth E., who is still with her mother; Mary C., the wife of W. H. STUTZMAN, of Buda; George A., of Chicago, and Orrin A. and Warren A., both of whom are residents of Buda.
Mr. ZINK held membership in the Methodist Episcopal church, to which his wife still belongs. He remained a resident of Buda fo about five years, and passed away on the 5th of March, 1900, when in the seventy-eighth year of his age. His had been an upright life, and in all relations he was found honorable and reliable, courteous and considerate. He exemplified daily the spirit of the Chiristian religion, in which he believed, and followed closely the golden rule, doing unto others as he would have them do unto him. He met with a fair measure of success in his business life and won his prosperity not by taking advantage of others, but through close application and untiring effort. Such a record is indeed worthy of emulation. Mrs. ZINK, still surviving her husband, resides in Buda, and is greatly esteemed by many friends whom she has made during the years of her long residence in this county.