Past & Present of Bureau Co. 1906
5 Nov 2007
Transcribed by Denise McLoughlin
Tampico Area Historical Society
Past & Present of Bureau County 1906
Page 780
Ernest J. HALL, who is farming in La Moille township and is one of Bureau county’s native sons, was born January 18, 1867. His parents were John H. and Charity (SMITH) HALL, both of whom were natives of Hackettstown, New Jersey. They were married in that state and, thinking to enjoy better opportunities in the middle west, came to Illinois in 1860, settling in Bureau county.
Ernest J. HALL, the youngest in their family of ten children, is indebted to the public-school system of La Moille for the educational priveleges he enjoyed, and during the periods of vacation he was trained to habits of industry and enterprise through the assistance which was required from him in the work of the fields on the home farm. He gradually gained broad and accurate experience in farm work in all of its departments, and throughtout his entire life he has followed agricultural pursuits. He now owns one hudnred and thrity-three acres of good land lying adjacent to the village of La Moille. This is a valuable property, and in addition to the cultivation of the fields. Mr. HALL feeds hogs and finds in their sale a good source of income annually. He is a self-made man, having started out in life alone and gined his present possessions through unremitting diligence and unabating enery. He is accounted one of the leading farmers of the township in which he resides, and his place is spendidly located, so that the advantages of the town are easily obtainable, while those of rural life are constantly enjoyed. Thre is a good set of farm buildings and fine shade trees add to the value and attractive appearance of the place. In the pastures are found good grades of stock, and the lates imporved machinery facilitiates the work of the fields.
Mr. HALL was married to Miss Laura B. FRARY, who was born in Bureau county, August 15, 1867. They became the parents of four children: Margaret M., born June 23, 1895; Lucy E., May 22, 1898; George W., December 30, 1900; and Esther C., June 19, 1903. Mrs. HALL is a daughter of George and Mary {PALMER) FRARY, the former a native of Massachusettes and the latter of Ohio. They became residnets of Illinois in 1863, and in their family were six children, of whom Mrs. HALL is the youngest. She too, was educated in the public schools of Bureau county.
Mr. HALL is a valued ad popular member of the Modern Woodmen camp, No. 227, and the Mystic Workerrs, No. 48. His political allegiance is given the republican party. He contributes to the support of the Methodist Episcopal church, of which his wife is an earnest and faithful member. They are greatly esteemed in the community, and their circle of friends is almost co-extensive with the cirlce of their acquaintance.