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Whiteside Co Villages > Morrison Societies 1885


Dunlap Lodge, No. 321, A. F. & A. M. - This lodge was instituted May 30, 1859, under a dispensation, and received its charter Oct. 5, 1859. It organized with ten members, with William Lane as W. M. The lodge now has seventy members, with George H. Kentfield as W. M. They have a large, commodious hall, which is well furnished and equipped. The walls of the hall are adorned with the photographs of the members. They also have an organ for their musical entertainment. The lodge is in good working order and prosperous.

G.A.R., Alpheus Clark Post, No. 118 - Was organized Dec. 8, 1881, with 22 charter members. Frank Clendennin was chosen Commander. They have a hall with A. O. U. W. Order, which is fitted up in good style. The camp is increasing in numbers and is in a prosperous condition.

I.O.O.F., Grove Lodge, No. 257 - This lodge was instituted May 12, 1858. Charter received Oct. 15 of the same year. There were six charter members. Upon the organization, W. W. Winter was chosen N. G. The lodge has a good hall, neatly furnished, and is in good working order. Stephen Stafford is the present Noble Grand.

Bethel Encampment, No. 55, I.O.O.F. - Was organized July 4, 1860, and chartered the same day, with six charter members. W. W. Winters was elected Chief. This encampment has at present 44 members, and is in a flourishing condition. Their hall is 27 by 60 feet, and nicely furnished. They have an organ and a library.

Eudine Rebekah Lodge, No. 8, I.O.O.F. - This order was instituted March 17, 1870, and received its charter Oct. 11 following. They organized with 10 members, G. W. Chapman, N.G. Mrs. D. G. Ackerman is the present N.G., with a membership of 64. This order meets regularly, and is in a good working condition.

Knights of Pythias, No.. 120 - This society has an interesting organization, with a membership of 40. They have a good, large hall, which is well furnished and equipped.

A.O.U.W., No. 52 - Was organized April 6, 1877, with 28 charter members. The lodge has increased in numbers steadily since its organization, and has at present 51 members. They have a good hall and are a prosperous society.

The Morrison Library and Scientific Association - Was founded by J. D. Odell, and opened in August, 1878. The rooms are on the third floor of the bank building. This associationhas a well selected library of some 2,400 volumes, and an interesting collection of minerals, fossils, and geological specimens. An annual assessment of $1 is made among the members of the association to defray the expenses of keeping the hallopen and for supplying the library with new books. this a worthy institution, and is very creditable to its founder and others who assisted in its establishment.

The Whiteside County Agricultural Society - This society was organized at Morrison, May 28, 1872. The objects of this organization were to aid all kins of industries, especially the agricultural, horticultural and mechanical branches, by stimulating competition, in gathering together the various products of the county and awarding premiums to the most deserving. A constitution was adopted and by-laws governing the society. The first officers chosen were James M. Pratt, Presidnet; H M. Teller, Vice-President; Frank Clendennin, Secretary, and E. G. Tapping, Treasurer. The Executive Committee were Levi Fuller, James Willson, H. F Kellum, George W. Mackenzie, John F. Demmon, D. J. Parker, M. M. Potter, J. H. Marshall and L H. Pratt. The first Fair was  held at Morrison, Sept. 24, 25,, 26 and 27, 1872, and was regarded as a successful one. The Fair Grounds are located in the southwest part of the town, on the banks of Rock Creek, and inclose about 15 acres. Exhibition buildings have een erected and spartments for stock provided for. A half-mile track has been made here, and as fine stock exhibited as could be seen anywhere inthe State.

C.D. Parker is the present Acting President, J. N. Baird, Secretary, and George N. Brown, Treasurer. The society hold regular annual fairs, is out of debt, and active in the objects for which it was instituted.


Grove Hill Cemetery is located on the northeast quarter of section 18. It was laid out June 28, 1873, and contains 12 1/2 acres. The site, though too near the town, is a beautiful one, situated on an eminence above the city. The lots are regularly laid out, with avenues and isles between. Pretty shade trees and tastefully chiseled monuments adorn the grounds, which are well kept. The care and attention given to this cemetery is a good index to the character of the people of this town. No better is needed. The quality of a community can be measured by the home it constructs for its departed. Reposing here after life's battles are over, are some of the soldiers who gave their lives for the preservation and perpetuation of their country during the late civil war. Below is given a list, with the regiments served in : Robert S. Anthony, Co. G, 13th Ill. Vols.; W. M. Alexander, Co. I, 8th Kan. Vols.; Edwin P. Boyer, Co. G, 156th Ill. Vols.; Henry E. Allen, Co. F, 93rd Ill. Vols.; D. D. Blodgett, Co. E, 46th Ill. Vols.; J. J. Brown, Co. E, 1st Light Artillery; Henry Brown, Co. C, 8th Ill. Cav.; Jasper Booth, 2d Regt. W. Va. Vols.; Alpheus Clark, Major, 8th Ill. Cav.; Columbus Dodge, Co. E, 46th Ill. Vols.; John G. Gillett, Co. C, 75th Ill. Vols.; Lyman A. Hulett, Co. B, 147th Ill. Vols.; E. Ingerson, Co. B, 186th N.Y. Vols.; John M. Isenheart, Co. D, 21st Ill. Vols.; Aaron B. Jackson, Co. G, 13th Ill. Vols.; D. D. Lincoln, Captain, Co. C, 8th Ill. Cav.; H. Levitt, Co. G, 8th Ill. Cav.; Samuel Lenhart, Co. G, 156th Ill. Vols.; John Lucas, U. S. Navy; George W. Mackenzie, Sergeant, Co. C, 8th Ill. Cav.; Alman M. Mosher, Co. B, 1st Iowa Cav.; George S. Milnes, Co. H, 75th Ill. Vols.; Milton Morse, Co. B 140th  Ill. Vols.; Thomas Powers, Co. G, 74th Ill. Vols.; W. H. Polington, Co. B, 13th Illl. Vols.; George A. Quackenbush, Musician, 34th Ill. Vols.; Rugg Gardner, Co. B 38th  Ill. Vols.; Rollin C. Sholes, Co. C, 8th Ill. Cav.

Soldiers of the War of 1812 who are buried here are: William Austin, Gordon Borrows, John Hall, Michael Harrison and Robert White.

One who served in the Black Hawk War is W. H. Pashcal.






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