Portrait & Biographical Album of Whiteside Co. 1885
Fulton City Lodge, No. 189, A. F. and A. M., was instituted Dec. 25, 1855, - It waas organized under a dispensation,, the Masons of the city having petitioned for the privelege. In October, 1856, a charter was granted them. David W. Thomson was the first W. M. In 1868, they commenced the building of a hall, which was finished in the spring of 1869, and dedicated June 30. James Luckey, Acting Grand Master, opened the ceremonies with an appropriate speech. On this occasion David W. Thomson presented the lodge with a gavel made in Jerusalem from olive wood, and an ashlar made of stone from the quaarry under the city of Jerusalem. The dedication ceremonies were closed by a grand banquet which was held in their banqueting hall, and which was gotten up by the ladies of Fulton. They have a fine hall, which is very neatly and apprropriately furnished. Adjoining the hall is their banquet room, and in the resr of this is their kitchen, which is furneshed with all the utensils necessary for a culinary department. The lodge has 70 members, is in good working order, and prospering. The present W.M. is J. C. Martindale.
Fulton Chapter, No. 108, R.A.M., was organized Feb. 13, 1867. It worked under a dispensation. Oct. 4, when their charter was granted, Abraham Salle was the H, P., D. W. Thomson, King, and Cyrus Pratt, Scribe. They have at present 62 members. The present officers are: W. C. Snyder, H. P.; R. H. Andrews, King; and Thomas A. Hardin, Scribe.
Abou Ben Adhem Lodge, No. 148, I.O.O.F. - This lodge was chartered in 1871, and the meeting for the organization was held July 29, same year. It was formed from the old Portland Lodge, whose charter was granted Oct. 12, 1853, and which was disbanded in 1861. J. W. Woodward was the first N. G. This lodge has a large and well-equipped hall, with a memberhip of 148. the present N. G. is Henry McCurray.
Modern Woodmen of America - This camp was chartered Feb. 10, 1883. They have a membership of 62, and meet in the Odd Fellows' Hall. The object of this order is to promote good fellowship and neighborly regard. It bestows substantial benefits upon the widow, children, and relatives of deceased members. They also care for the sick and indigent members. It is a life insurance order, paying such amounts upon the death of a member as he may select when joning. During life, each member is subject to assessments on the sum selected by him, whenever necessary to meet death claims. These assessments are very moderate.
The Woman's Christian Temperance Union have an interesting organiztion in Fulton. Their object, as is well known, is to promote the cause of temperance. This society was organized in September, 1875. They hold regular meetings, and give a good deal of time to the objects of their organization. Mrs. George Whitcomb is President; Mrs. C. A. Wood, Corresponding Secretary, and Miss Julia Teller, Treasurer.
The Leata Lodge, No. 428, I.O.G.T. - This society was organized Aug. 6, 1880. Officers, A. A. Wheeler, W.C.; J. C. Snyder, Secretary; and Mrs. W. F. Hansen, Treasurer. They meet in the basement of the Baptist Church.
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