A Biographical Record of Whiteside County, IL 1900
pp 217
William E. Allen, who is identified with the Northwestern Railway Company at Fulton, Illinois, as both ticket and freight agent, is well qualified by knowledge and training for the important position he holds, and in which he is giving good satisfaction to all concerned. He was born in Fulton township December 19, 1857, a son of Orin T. and Hannah (Randall) Allen, both of whom were born, reared and married in Ohio They removed from Hillsborough, that state, about 1845, to Illinois, and settled on government land n Fulton township, where the father was prosperously engaged in farming until his death, in July, 1895. He was a stanch Democrat in politics, and was a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal church. His widow survives him, and makes her home with her son William. They were the parents of five children, as follows: Amanda, wife of L. A. Lewis, of Ustick township; Isaac B., "of Fulton, who is in the employ of the Northwestern Railway Company; William E., the special subject of this sketch; Effie, wife of Elisha Lockhart, of Garden Plain township; and Minnie, wife of W. H. Dabler, a conductor on the C. B. & Q. Railway, and a resident of Fulton.
Willi lam E. Allen was brought up on the home farm, and attended the district schools of the township and the Fulton high school. When seventeen years old he entered the joint office of the Milwaukee & Northwestern Railway as a telegraph operator, and when he had become an adept at telegraphing he was given a position at Meriden, Minnesota, on the Winona & St. Peter division of the road, and for three years thereafter was stationed at different places in Minnesota and Dakota. In 1880 he returned to Fulton to become night operator in the Northwestern office, and was subsequently in Iowa ten years, being stationed in different offices. Coming again to Fulton, he was employed as clerk in the freight department of the Northwestern office for two years, and the ensuing six years had control of the joint office at Fulton Junction. In 1893 he was installed in his present position, which he has since filled most acceptably.
In politics Mr. Allen affiliates with the Republican party, and takes a cordial interest in all matters relating to town, county or state. For four years he was alderman from th e third Ward, and in 1899 was elected to the board of education, on which he is one of the committee or securing teachers. While living gin Iowa, he served as town clerk at West Side, and was member of the town council. Fraternally he is past chancellor in the order of the Knights of Pythias, belongs to the Modern Woodmen of America, and is a member of the Mystic Workers of the World.
At Amiret, Minnesota, on September 21, 1881, Mr. Allen was united in marriage with Miss Nona Grover, daughter of Lafayette and Olive (Northrup) Grover, the former of whom was born at Blue Earth City, Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Allen have two children, Fay O. and Edwin Rodney.