Biographical Record of Whiteside County, IL 1900
Frederick Matznick - One of the substantial citizens of Hopkins township, Whiteside County, is Frederick Matznick, whose home is situated on section 28. He is a native of Prussia, Germany, born on the 16th of February, 1843, a son of Frederick and Marie Matznick. The father, who died when our subject was a child of but seven years, was in the Prussian army for some years, and at the battle of Estrick received a number of severe flesh wounds. His widow, who reared her children with rare wisdom and fortitude, brought them to the United States in 1867, believing that greater opportunities for their future welfare could be found in this land of the free. Her useful life came to an end in 1881, but her memory is still tenderly treasure in the hearts of her numerous friends.
Like all the sons of the Fatherland, Frederick Matznick received excellent educational advantages in the public schools, and, in common with all his able-bodied companions, he then entered the German army. As a soldier he served his country faithfully for a period of three years and four months, and not until then did he feel at liberty to see his own fortune and private interests.
On the good ship which conveyed Frederick Matznick, his mother and sister to America, was a young lady, a friend of the family, Amelia J. Lemke. She was born in Prussia May 20, 1840, and became the wife of our subject March 26, 1868. Their eldest child, Frank H., was born December 22, 1868, and resides at home. Ida, born December 16, 1870, married August Miller, May 14, 1891; they have three children, and are now residents of Sterling, Illinois. Herman G., born October 7, 1872, and Charles D., born July 3, 1874, are unmarried and assist their father in the work of the homestead. Lizzie E., born February 14, 1876, is the wife of Archibald Matthias, of this township, and they have two children, Emma, the fifth child of our subject, died in infancy. Hannah M., born May 31, 1879, resides at home.
Christian, the elder brother of Frederick Matznick, died in Germany, unmarried. Charles, born August 20, 1830, emigrated to the United States in 1860, and is now a citizen of Hopkins township. He married Miss Sterns and has three children. Lottie, born February 2, 1833, became the wife of Christ Fibercorn, and their only child, Lottie, died in Iowa, February 2, 1895. Fredericka, born in Germany, February 2, 1835, married Frederick Rohn, and four children were born to them. Of that family all are deceased save two of the children, who now live in Chicago,
After his arrival in this country, Mr. Matznick worked for farmers for some nine or ten years, in the meantime carefully accumulating a sum of money to invest in a farm, when the proper opportunity presented itself. In 1885 he purchased the fine farm where he now dwells, and has made substantial improvements since that time. It is now considered one of the best farms in the township, and bountiful harvests are reaped every year by the thrifty owner and his stalwart sons.
In his youth, Mr. Matznick received a common-school education, and it has been a fixed purpose with him to provide his children with as excellent privileges as it has been in his power to give them. His interest in the public schools of this district led to his being appointed as a director, in which capacity he served for one term. Besides this, he served as a road commissioner for two terms. P:politically he is a Democrat.Faithful to the creed of his childhood, he is a German Lutheran in religious faith.