1900 Whiteside County Biographical Record
JOHN J. ENTWHISTLE, a thorough and skillful farmer residing on section 34, Ustick Township, was born on the 20th of March, 1857, in Jo Daviess County, Illinois, near Elizabeth, in the township of that name. The father was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in August, 1832, and when a small boy came to this state. As soon as old enough he commence farming and successfully followed that pursuit in Jo Daviess County until 1870, when he County, to which h he has added until he now has two hundred and forty acres. He is still living on the original purchase, and is one of the most highly respected en of the community. In politics he is a Republican. In Jo Daviess County, he was married to Miss Ellen Lawton, who was born in New York, and they became the parents of seven children, two became the parents of seven children, two of whom died in infancy. The others are as follows: Margaret is the wife of J. D. Odlin, of Union Grove Township, Whiteside County, and they have one daughter, Nellie; John J., our subject, is the next of the family; Carrie is the wife of W. L. Abbott, of Chicago; Hannah is at home; and George W. married Caroline Steiner, a native of Ohio, and had one child who died in infancy.
During his minority, John J. Entwhistle remained on the home farm, was educated in the district schools of the neighborhood, and for two years worked by the month for his father. Later he rented one of the farms until he was able to purchase eighty acres, for which he paid forty-two dollars per acre. In February, 1879, he led to the marriage altar, Miss Orena M. Goff, who was born in Ustick Township, in October, 1855, a daughter of Franklin B. and Mary (Baker) Goff, early settlers of this count, who are now living in Clinton, Iowa. Mrs. Entwhistle is one of a family of five children, the others being as follows: Armenia is the wife of Charles Roberts, a farmer of Franklin County, Iowa, and they have six children living; Sylvester W. is deceased; and Nary Delos married Eva Smaltz, and is a railroad fireman living in Clinton, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Entwhistle have four children, Sadie, Arthur and Arlie, twins, and Leta, all at home.
After his marriage Mr. Entwhistle located on one of the farms owned by his father, and still resides upon that place, successfully engaged in general farming and stock raising. He owns eight acres of land on section 34, Ustick township, also a half interest in one hundred and forty-eight acres, his brother being his partner, and besides this he also operates two hundred acres belonging to his father. He is systematic and methodical in business affairs and thoroughly understands the occupation he has chosen as a life work. Socially, he has chosen as a life work. Socially, he affiliates with Ustick lodge, No. 9, Mystic Workers of the World, and politically is identified with the Republican Party. He is an active worker for his party’s interests, has held the office of school director for a number of years, has also served as road commissioner, and is at present supervisor of his township, an office he is most creditably and satisfactorily filling.