1900 Whiteside County Biographical Record, S. J. Clark Publishiing
Pages 102 - 104
farmer of Unionville, Whiteside county,
Illinois, has demonstrated the true meaning
of the word success as the full accomplishment
of an honorable purpose. Energy,
close application, perseverance and good
management—these are the elements that
have entered into his business career and
crowned his efforts with prosperity.
A native of England, Mr. Scotchbrook
was born in Lincolnshire, December 8,
1827, and is a son of John and Charlotte
(Taylor) Scotchbrook, also natives
of that country where they continued to
make their home until after the birth of all
their children. The father was born April
4, 1793, the mother December 9, 1795.
In 1853 they came to America, and took up
their residence in Fenton township, Whiteside
county, Illinois, purchasing a farm of a
few acres, on which they made their home.
The father died in July, 1872, and the
mother passed away in May, 1882, in her
eighty-sixth year, both being laid to rest in
the Lyndon cemetery. They had three children:
Mary Ann, who wedded William
Forth, and died in Fenton township, in
1895, leaving one son, John; Edward, our
subject; and Elizabeth, who died in England
at the age of eighteen years before the
emigration of the family to America.
Our subject was reared in his native
land, and as he commenced working at an
early age, his education was obtained at
night schools. He continued to make his
home with his parents until twenty-four
years of age, when he crossed the Atlantic
and first located in Tompkins county, New
York, where he worked as a farm hand for
over a year. In 1852 he came to Lyndon,
Whiteside county, Illinois, where he was
similarly employed for the following four
years. Having saved some money he was
able to purchase a farm of one hundred acres
of partly improved land, paying two thousand
dollars for the same with the crop then
growing. Subsequently he traded that
place for eighty acres and six hundred dollars
additional. .After improving that farm,
he sold it in 1864 for twenty-five hundred
dollars, and purchased one hundred and
twenty acres of partially improved land in
Lyndon township, for which he paid thirty-six
hundred dollars.
He operated that
farm for seven years and then sold it
for seventy dollars per acre. His next
purchase consisted of one hundred and
twenty acres of land in Fenton township,
which he sold about four years ago at a good
profit. He afterward bought two hundred
and ninety-three acres in Mount Pleasant
township, at forty' dollars per acre, which
valuable farm he still owns. At one time
he owned another one-hundred-and-twenty-acre
tract, which he sold to his son, who is
now living thereon. For many years he
engaged in general farming and stock raising
with marked success, but since 1890 has
lived retired in Unionville, where he owns a
pleasant home and is surrounded by all of
the comforts of life.
On the 27th of March, 1854, Mr. Scotchbrook
was united in marriage with Miss
Mary A. Pope, also a native of Lincolnshire,
England, born December 25, 1830. In
1853 she came to the new world with her
parents, Abraham and Sarah (Crampton)
Pope, who located first in Lyndon township
Whiteside county, Illinois, but in 1874 removed
to \'Vancouver's Island British Columbia,
where both died. Their children were
Mary A., Betsey. Thomas, Sarah, Louisa,
Eliza, Emma and Aaron. Mrs. Scotchbrook
died on the home farm in November,
1889. By that union our subject had five
children namely: (i) Mary E. is a resident
of Tampico, Illinois. (2) George P., a grain
dealer of Wessington, South Dakota, married
Nettie Borden and has two children,
Carl E. and Frances W. (3) Willard A.,
editor of a newspaper at Stockton, Illinois,
married Lillie Myers, of Morrison, and they
have five children: Ruby, Ray, Bessie,
Nettie and Cecil. (4) John T. , who lives on
his father's farm, married Edith Upton, who
died leaving four children: Beulah, Ivy,
Mary and Edith. (5) Sadie E. is the wife of
Frank Davis, who is engaged in the implement
business in Tampico, and is also a
land owner, and they have three children:
Mr. Scotchbrook was again married, in
1891, his second union being with Miss
Charlotte Westmoreland, who was born in
Lincolnshire, England, January 2, 1865,
and is a daughter of Moses and Maria Westmoreland,
also natives of that country',
where the father died April 16, 1881. The
mother is still living and now makes her
home in Hull, England. She has three
children: Charlotte, wife of our subject;
Samuel; and Jennie, wife of John Stock, of
Hull, England, by whom she has two children,
Samuel and Horace. By his second
marriage Mr. Scotchbrook has three children,
namely: Jennie, born July 16, 1892;
Charlotte, born September 11, 1894, and
Samuel, born September 6, 1897.
Politically Mr. Scotchbrook is independent,
and supports the men whom he deems
best suited to fill the offices. He served as
school director in his district for a number
of years, and has always taken an active interest
in any enterprise which he believed
calculated to advance the moral, intellectual
or material welfare of his adopted county.
He merits and receives the respect and confidence
of his fellow citizens and by all who
know him he is held in high regard.