Source: The Biographical Record of Whiteside County, lllinois Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company 1900 Reprinted by: Higginson Book Company, Salem, MA
Transcribed by: Denise McLoughlin Tampico Area Historical Society
Pages: 424-425
Samuel A. Thompson, who is living a retired life in the city of Erie, was for many years one of the most active and enterprising farmers of Whiteside county, where he has been living for the past forty-three years. He was born in Meigs county, Ohio, July 29, 1823, and is the son of Reuben and Philinda Thompson, both of whom were natives of Vermont. They had a family of four children. The mother dying when our subject was but a child, he was taken and reared by William Davis, with whom he remained until he was twenty years old. He then learned the carpenter's trade at which he worked for some years, two years of which time serving as a ship carpenter on the Mississippi river, the boat running between New Orleans and Memphis.
In 1850 Mr. Thompson made a visit in Whiteside county, at which time he purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land in Fenton township. In 1856 he came to the county and took up his permanent residence on the land and commenced its improvement. He became a very successful farmer, and from time to time added to the area of his land until he was the owner of seven hundred and fifty acres. While actively engaged in farming, he made a specialty of stock raising, and was an acknowledged authority in the value of stock.
On the 28th of April, 1858, Mr. Thompson was united in marriage with Mrs. Elizabeth Bull, widow of Elijah Bull, and who was a native of the state of Vermont, and born March 27, 1828. By this union there were born two children: Jennie M., born December 19, 1858, now the wife of James Carr, of Omaha, Nebraska; and Reuben A., born February 25, 1869, and now residing in Fenton township. He has been twice married, his first union being with Miss Anna Casenston, who died five months after their union was solemnized. He later married Miss Nora McMurphy. By her former marriage, Mrs. S. A. Thompson had one son, George E., born April 5, 1856. He was adopted by Mr. Thompson, grew to manhood and married Miss Nellie Eddy, and they reside in Fenton township. Mrs. Thompson died March 13, 1890. She was a devoted member of the Christian church and died in the full assurance of faith, being greatly lamented by all who knew her.
Mr. Thompson was married the second time, his second union being with Miss Juliet Campbell, the date of the marriage being May 13, 1894. She is the daughter of Harrison and Julia A. Campbell, and is a native of Ohio, born April 5, 1845. She resided in her native state until her marriage with Mr. Thompson, since which time she has made her home in Erie, Illinois. Her father was a farmer in Ohio. He married Julia A. Kent, a native of Vermont, and to them were born nine children. Warren died at about the age of twenty years. Caroline married Franklin Keck, and they reside in Ohio. James B. married Elizabeth Entsler, and they yet live in Ohio. Mary D. married William H. Carr, and theyyet reside in the Buckeye state. Martha also resides in Ohio. Juliet C., is the wife of our subject. Emma E., resides in Ohio. William H. has been twice married, his second wife being a Miss Chaarity Foster. They also reside in Ohio. Lucinda married Harvey Tripp, and their home is in Ohio. Mr. H. Campbell died in Ohio, February 20, 1891. His wife is yet living in Ohio at the ripe old age of eighty-three years.
For some years Mr. Thompson has been in ill health, in consequence of which he divided much of his property among his children and moved to the city of Erie in 1894, since which time he has been living a retired life. He is a member of the Christian church at Erie, as is also his wife. The large bell in use by that church was a present by Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, and cost about one hundred and fifty-five dollars. Few men are better known in the western part of the county than Mr. Thompson, and while his wife has not been long a resident of the place, she has made many friends and both are held in the highest esteem.