Source: The Biographical Record of Whiteside County, Illinois Chicago, The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1900
Transcribed by Denise McLoughlin Tampico Area Historical Society
Pages: 519-520
WILLIAM AUGUST HEIN, a prominent and successful farmer residing on section 20, Hahnaman township, is a native of Illinois, born in Kendall county, February 15, 1857. His father, Jacob Hein, was born, reared and educated in Germany, and on his emigration to the new world in 184?, located in Kendall county, Illinois, where he married Christina Crumm, also a native of Germany, who came to this country when a young lady. In 1859 they removed to Whiteside county, the father having previously purchased a farm on section 19, Hahnaman township, and to its cultivation and improvement he devoted his energies throughout the remainder of his active business life. He owned two hundred acres of very valuable and productive land, and upon that place he died in February, 1893. His first wife, who was the mother of our subject, died May 1, 1860, and he later married again.
Upon the home farm William A. Hein grew to manhood, and attended the district schools of the neighborhood. He continued to assist his father in the labors of the fields until he attained his majority, and then rented a place with his brother Jacob, who now owns and operates the old home farm. Our subject has met with well-deserved success in his lifework and now owns a fine farm of one hundred and sixty acres on section 20, Hahnaman township, upon which he has made many useful and valuable improvements, in the way of buildings. He also owns forty acres in Tampico township, and is successfully engaged in general farming and stock raising.
Mr. Hein was married in Tampico township, March 31, 1892, to Miss Liva M. Cain, who was born in Bureau county, Illinois, but was reared and educated in Whiteside county. She is a graduate of the Tampico High school, and for five years prior to her marriage successfully engaged in teaching, the last year as teacher in the schools of Tampico. Her father was Eli Cain, a prominent farmer of this county. Our subject and his wife have two children: Mary R. and Mason A.
Since casting his first presidential vote for James A. Garfield, Mr. Hein has been a stanch supporter of the Republican party, has served as a delegate to county conventions of his party, and is now committeeman of his township. He has also filled the offices of township clerk and constable in a most commendable manner. Socially he is a member of the Modern Woodmen of American, and the Masonic fraternity, and both he and his wife are connected with the Eastern Star and Royal Neighbors, while she also belongs to the Methodist Episcopal church of Tampico.