Tampico Tornado, Saturday, Jan. 26, 1895
Antoine Engle has purchased of Horace Booth his store building and stock of goods at Yorktown and has taken possession. Mr. Engle proposes to sell the old stock at greatly reduced prices, and fill the store chuck full of new and seasonable goods. He proposes to do business on business principles, and feels confident that he can successfully compete with the best of them in prices and qualities. He is a man well known to the people of Fairfield and vicinity, is a straight forward honest man and his word is as good as his note. For years he has lived in that vicinity and has made a success of his business, farming. His health has not been good for several years and owing to that fact he has been advised to change his business. He respectfully solicits your patronage and will give you a hearty welcome and sell to you goods at a figure that is right.