Submitted by Les Niemi
From the Tampico Tornado newspaper (Anna is my gg Grandmother): January 8, 1987 The invitation generously given by the Woodmen of Fairfield to begin this New Year of our Lord 1887 in praise and prayer in their commodious hall was responded to by many. The day was cold; but one scarce heeded it as they listened to the soft strains of the organ as it led the many voices in the grand old hymn "Rock of Ages," and who shall know how many a weary one forgot their cares and trials as the words of divine truth fell from the speaker's lips, Rev. WHIPPLE, of Malden; his text was well chosen, Cor. 1 chapter and 18th, verse, and no greater compliment can be given the speaker than this truthful one, earnestly and eloquently were the truths spoken that one lost all thought of the speaker in the theme, and felt that at the foot of the cross and in its shadow is wisdom and joy. The sacred song sung by Mrs. BOOTH with its earnest inquiry still haunt the listeners and must be heard to be appreciated. I am sure that I speak for all when I say that the wives and daughters of the Woodmen unite in thanks true and sincere. It matters not where the spot, it may be hallowed by prayer. Be it heaven's vast dome, or the kings grand throne, if only God is there. At the Center Sunday School the Sabbath after Christmas, one of the teachers Miss M. CURLEY presented her class with handsome Christmas cards. She also presented on of her scholars with a beautiful book entitled "Harry's Vacations or Philosophy at Home" by W. C. RICHARDS, for his regular attendance spring the past year. Mrs. J.N. [Anna] HOGEBOOM