Tampico's Founding Family
Transcribed from the Tampico Centennial Year Book, 1975, pgs 14-15. J. W. Glassburn was the founder of the Village of Tampico. He located in the township about 1858 and lived within its confines all his life. In 1861 he bought 160 acres on section 14 and 15 and that holding became the site of the community of Tampico. He had numerous investments in local businesses including the elevator which was erected as soon as the railrad station site was located. In 1882, he and W.W. Craddock built and organized the Tampico Bank.
Mr. Glassburn's benefactions were many. He gave parcels of ground to the school and various church organizations and sided the latter with financial gifts when they built.
At one time he owned 1400 acres of farmland west of the village, but in later life disposed of most of his property. Mr. Glassburn's secret of success may have been based on the old formula of first things first. When he settled in Tampico, he built a grainary and lived in it until is home was erecetd. In 1887, he replaced the latter building with a brick residence. He died June 12, 1917.
John W. Glassburn, a native of Gallia County, OH, came to Whiteside County in 1857, settling at first on a place near Yorktown, where he remained until 1861, when he moved to a farm consisting of 160 ACRES, and this included the whole present vilage of Tampico. Mr. Glassburn was suscessful farmer for years, until the railiroad passed through the town in 1871. He bought the interest of the firm Fisher and Thompson-Bryant, grain dealers. The firm then became Glassburn and Bryant, and erected a large elevator. Largely to puchase and store corn, and ship grain and produce, making Tampico a convenient market for farmers of the surrounding country, and be able to send it to Chicago.
He platted the town of Tampico, and gave his entire attention to the work for a year. He then engaged in a grain and stock business, shipping grain and stock to Chicago. The venture proved successful, and he continued in the business for 30 years, meeting with prosperity.
In 1882, with W. W. Craddock, he established a private bank, to accomodate people of the vicinity. For a time he regarded banking as a side issue. This continued until March 1885, when Mr. Craddock retired and A.T. Glassburn, his son, purchased his interests. About 1882 he built the present Tampico bank, the first and still today, the only bank in the Village.
Mr. Glassburn, father of Tampico, laid out his farm in 1861, where the town now stands. He paid $7.50 per acre for the land. He was a solid frame and hopeful expression. He journeyed across the country from Ohio to Illinois, making the trip in a wagon. He set the cover off his lumber wagon and used it for shelter until he could build a house.
A portion of the town is level prairie, interspersed with sloughs, and the balance rolling prairie with, here and there, a sand ridge. The big slough a mile and one-half north of town was the best known of any in the south part of the county, previous to it being ditched by the County and side ditches, and was frequently, during the winter and spring, sometimes even extending into summer, covered with water from a mile to two miles in width, and was a favorite place for all kinds of water fowl found in this part of the country. Water would be from 1 to 3 feet deep, often partially frozen, so that those compelled to pass over the slough had not only to contend with the mire and water, but also the ice. In early times, these unacquainted with it would often get lost and wander about until they became mired, and then have to rest as best they could until help came. Often a wagon would sink so low that boxes of goods would be half submerged. It was hard to keep horses heads above water. In 1862 the slough was piked, and the work made it quite passable. The County Ditch draining and sough was dug in 1863 and 1864.
Before the Post Office, John W. Glassburn ran a private line between Sterling and Yorktown for the convenience of those on the route. The Post Office was established in 1871.
In 1881, Dewitt West moved into Tampico and quit farming. He locaterd in a home on the northwest corner of Joy and Glassburn streets and built a shop north of it. There he did woodwork. In 1886 he expanded his business by the installation of a grist-mill for custom grinding. He acquired metal-working equipment at an unknown date.
In September, 1897, he razed some of the sheds on his property and built a barn-like structure to contain an "electric-plant" for Tampico. The generator must have been more than customarily successful because the first failure of power did not occur until November, 1898 - about a year after service was begun.
Mr. West died in Oct., 1909, and his widow, Mrs. Anna West and daughter, Miss Darlene West, continued to operate the plant. In July, 1910, the local paper commented tht it was probably the only electric-light plant in the state which was run by two women.
One of the first settlers of the town was Nicholas Lutyens. John Lutyens and Hiram Tompkins from the State of New York and Jacob Bunley from Canada in 1852. In 1853 came Aaron S. Miller from Groten, Tompkins County, and Geo. W. Carter from Fox River Valley, although originally from New York State. Wm. Aldrich and Rev. William Gray came 1854, the former from Bradford County. Pennsylvania, and the latter from New York. Rufus Aldrich from Bradford County, PA, Daniel Foy from Cattaraugus County, New York, and James Conroy from New York City came in 1855and J.C. Aldrich from Bradford County, PA, John W. Glassburn and T.A. Glassburn from Gallia County, OH, in 1856. A.M. Smith came from Alleghany County, New York, in 1857, J. P. Badgley also came in 1857 from Gallia County, OH, and following them that year came large numbers of others.
The first house was put up by Nicholas Lutyens in the southeast part of the town in 1852. The first school house was built in July 1856 in what was known as the Aldrich district and Orlando McNickle taught the first school, commencing in the fall of that year.
The first minister who held services in the town was Rev. McPinkney of Wesleyan Methodist. He preached in the Aldrich school house, Glassburn schoolhouse, and also in private dwellings. Rev. Wm. H. Gray of Protestant Methodist was the next minister.
The first child born in the town was Anna [sic - Emma] Aldrich, a daughter of Rufus and Mary A. Aldrich, her birth occurring Oct. 23, 1855.
The first death was that of Mrs. Baker, a daughter of Jacob Barney, who died in the summer of 1856.
The first marriage was in 1857, the parties being Mr. Ellery C. Brown and Miss Susan Gray, daughter of Wm. H. Gray, the ceremony being performed by the father of the bride.
The first travelled road in the town was the one leading from Sterling to Yorktown and Green River. The road branched at the J.W. Glassburn farm, the branches running respec]tively to Yorktown and Green River. In 1856 a road was legally laid out, running from the burying ground south of the Village to the south line of the Township and in 1858 it was extended northward all the way through the town. The second road was laid out in 1857 and commences at the south line of the town, between Section 31 and 2, running north 2 miles, to the north line of Section 29 and 30 and then east 3 miles to Tampico village.
The first town meeting after the complete orgaization of the town was held on Tuesday, April 2, 1861. The principal officers of the town have been: SUPERVISORS-1861-63, Daniel Foy; 1964, J.C. Aldrich; 1865, Daniel Foy; 1866-69, G.A. Stilson; 1870-73, J.C. Aldrich; 1874-75, M.H. Brewer; 1876-77, T.M. Wylie. TOWN CLERK-1861-63, Eleary C. Brown; 1864, J.M. Vandermark; 1865, G.A. Stilson; 1866-69, Elery C. Briwbm; 1870-73, M.H., Brewer; 1874-75, T.M. Wylie; 1876-77, T.S. Beach. ASSESSOR- 1861, Rufus Aldrich, 1862-64, A.M. Smith; 1865, Charles C. Ring; 1866-67, A.M. Smith; 1868-70, A.S. Pratt; 1871-72,Rufus Aldrich; 1873, Geo. W. Apley; 1874, Isaac West; 1875-77, Rufus Aldrich. COLLECTORS: 1861, John P. Badgley; 1862, Isaac West; 1863, William Pickney; 1864, G.T. Marfleet; 1865, John P. Badgley; 1866, J..ray; 1867, Charles A. Lane; 1868-70, H.L. Denison; 1871, Maurice Fitzgerald; 1872, T.H.C. Dow; 1873, J.H. Kane; 1876, Maurice Fitzgerald; 1877, J.F. Leonard, James H. King.
The Assessors book of Tampico Township for 1877 shows 11,068 acres of improved land and 11,661 of unimproved. The number of improved lots is 109 and of unimproved 91. The total assessd value of all lands is $205,208. Number of horses, 616, cattle, 1,228; mules and asses, 22; sheep, 30;hogs, 1,535; wagons and carriages, 205l sewing and knitting machines 109; melodeons and organs,33. Value of personal property, $60,414l railroad property, $26,814. Total assessed value of all property, $307,071. THE FOLLOWING WAS TRANSCRIBED FROM THE TAMPICO CENTENNIAL YEAR BOOK, 1975, pgs 81-82 ~ HISTORICAL RECORD
The founder of Tampico, J. W. Glassburn and his wife
celebrated their golden wedding anniversary We. Afternoon
at their residence on Main St. About 40 relatives, children
and grandchildren were present for the occasion. The home
was decorated very nicely with flowers. A golden bell was
suspended under the chandelier in the parlor and a yellow
ribbon with 1855-1905 printed on it in gold was stretched from
the bell to the wall. A large wreath of 50 roses (one for each
year) decorated the center table and there was a profusion of
flowers nicely arranged in every room. A beautiful pair of
Persian pictures with gold centers were brought from Den-
ver and hung between the large doors. The celebration of the
anniversary was held from 2 o'clock until 4. Mr. and Mrs.
Glassburn were escorted to the seat of honor under the gold-
en bell in the parlor, by their son A. T. Glassburn and daugh-
ter May. A. T. Glassburn then gave a talk picturing the cou-
ple's early life in Ohio and what he thought their courting was
like. Telegrams, letter of congratulations were then read.
Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. Hovey both read poems. Glen Hovey
rendered two instrumental solos. Congratulations were
showered on the aged couple and well wishes extended after
which Lamon (the photographer) took pictures inside and
outside the house. Refreshments were served consisting of
ice cream and cake. Those who helped Mr. and Mrs. Glass-
burn celebrate their anniversary were the following fami-
lies: A. T. Glassliurn; W. H. Harrison; Bert Glassburn of
Chicago; Mrs. Albert Glassburn; Jed Badgley; S. B. Hovey
of Independence, Iowa; Mrs. Thomas Marshall of Moline;
Mrs. Minnie Brown; Minnie Hem of Erie; W. S. Johnson.
Mr. Glassburn was born June 6, 1834 in Gallia County,
Ohio and grew to manhood in Ohio. He acquired a fair educa-
tion although school facilities were limited. He was married
in Ohio to Miss Olive Johnston. She was a native of Gallia
County although her parents came from New York. Shortly
after their marriage, they came west locating near Yorktown
and in 1862 on a 160-acre claim of wild land in Tampico Town-
ship and when the railroad came through here in 1872, he in-
duced that corporation to lay the depot ground in the center
of the farm. He laid out the village which he named Tampico,
after the Township. When the railroad opened for business,
Mr. Glassburn established a grain, livestock and lumber
business and in May of 1882, established the Tampico State
Bank, along with W. W. Craddock. Mr. Glassburn was elect-
ed president. His business career has been remarkably suc-
cessful. Coming here when the country was wild and built up
from a small beginning to an estate of $100,000. He was loved,
honored, respected and esteemed by his fellow citizens.
Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Glassburns first home in Tampico.
John W. Glassburn and Olive Johnston Glassburn had 6
children, all born in Ill. Andrew Thomas who married Minnie
Smith and they had 2 children (Ora Clyde and Vernon). An-
drew Thomas worked in the Bank in Tampico. Jennie mar-
ried Glen Reeve and they had 3 children (Grace, Tracy and
JohnG.). JohnE.was bornin l86oanddiedin 1878and had no
children. Mary May married Silas Hovey and they had 3 chil-
dren (Glen Glassburn Hovey, Sherman and Ferne). ma was
born in 1865 and passed away in 1866. Fred was married to
Nellie Aldrich and they had 3 children (Harold L., James
Charles and Wayne).
John and Jane Fee Glassburn were married in 1826. They
came from Gallia County, Ohio to Whiteside County, Ill, in
1867. Following her husband's death, she lived with her
youngest son, Albert Glassburn. John and Jane were the par-
ents of 6 children: David, Thomas, John, Sarah Ann, Mary
Jane and Albert. Three brothers came to Iffinois: Thomas,
John and Albert. Thomas was a cripple because of breaking
his leg in two places while on the railroad. He walked with a
cane and farmed until the injury when he moved to town and
was assistant postmaster for 8 years. Thomas married Mary
Varian and they had 2 daughters: Mary and Sadie. Sadie
married Wm. H. Harrison who was prominent in the mercan-
tile business in Tampico. Sadie was a school teacher and also
helped in the store which prospered for 37 years. Mary taught
school and went into dressmaking business, then was post-
mistress of Tampico. She never married.
Sarah Ann married John Perry Badgley and they had 8
children. She is buried in Tampico beside her parents. Their
children were Mary Jane, John Anthony, Ida May, Jerod,
Minnie, Hattie, Perry A. and Hal C.
Mary Jane married E. B. McCarley and they had 5 chil-
dren; Sarah; John M.; Laura; Thomas and Hiram. Mary
Jane was born and died in Ohio.
Albert James Glassburn was a farmer and the 6th child
of John and Jane Fee Glassburn. He was born Sept. 26, 1842 in
Galila County, Ohio and passed away Dec. 26, 1894 at Tampico, Ill.
He was married Sept. 1861 to Mary Woods. Shortly- after their marriage, they came to Illinois with his 2 brothers
and parents. They had 9 children: John Perry married Mary
Ferris and they had 5 children (Fred, Ralph, Edwin, Claude
and John). Rebecca married Albert Ferris and they had 1
daughter (Daisy Ferris Marshall). ma married Ralph Ferris
and they had 1 daughter (Mabel Ferris Clapper). Effie was
born in 1870 and passed away in 1877. Charles was born in
1872 and passed away in 1877. Edward was born in 1874 and
passed away in 1877. Albert married Cora Brainerd and they
had 5 children (Gertrude, Louis, Wade, Evalyn and Howard).
Glen married Grace Demson in 1906 and they had 3 children
(Gladys Pierce, Kenneth and Gordon). Roy married Edna
Allen and they had 2 children (Mildred and Allen).
Harold Glassburn, the son of Fred and grandson of John
W., was married to Madia Alice Cash. She still ves in
Tampico and was a school teacher for many years.
Stanley Glassburn, the son of Fred Glassburn and grand-
son of J. P. Glassburn still lives in Tampico. Stanley married
Gladys McDonald and they have 3 children. One of their sons,
Fred, is a prominent farmer living near Tampico with his
wife and 3 children.
Edwin Glassburn's widow, Helen, lives on her farm not
far from Tampico. (He was a son of J. P. Glassburn.)
Gladys Glassburn Pierce, daughter of Glen Glassburn,
son of the Pioneer, Albert Glassburn, lives in Tampico, as
does her brother, Gordon Glassburn. Both Gladys and Gor-
don are grandchildren of the pioneer Albert James Glass-
burn, who came here from Ohio in 1867 with his brothers
Thomas and John and also his parents John and Jane Fee
Glassburn. They are all buried in the Tampico cemetery.
Honoring the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Thomas Glassburn, 265, Mira Mar Avenue, who
have resided here since 1918, their children Mr. and Mrs.
Vern Lynn Glassburn, 271 Santa Fe Avenue, entertained a
large company of friends. The Glassburns came here from
Tampico, Iffinois, where they conducted a banking business
for forty years.
,Mr. and Mrs. W. Glenn Reeve of Denver, Colorado, were
also honored, the date marking their forty-ninth wedding an-
A Golden Color idea in table decorations were appro-
priate to the Glassburns wedding anniversary and to the
Reeves, who were termed the "forty-niners." Yellow roses in
a gorgeous centerpiece radiated ropes of fern. A great wed-
ding bell, designed of roses and pompons, hung over Mrs.
Glassburn, who wore her quaint, lovely wedding gown.
Out of town guests who were present were Mr. and Mrs.
W. G. Reeve of Denver, Mrs. S. B. Hovey of Independence,
Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Perkins of Lynwood, Mrs. G.
A. Wells of Inglewood, Mrs. Glenn Ozias and son, Robert, of
Des Moines; Mrs. Harold Brown of Eagle Rock and Miss
Winifred Wells of Los Angeles.
RELATED LINKS: J.W. Obit James D Glassburn Obit Will of J.W. Glassburn Descendants of DavidGlassburn History Before J.W. Glassburn Glassburn Family Photo Album Glassburn BIO
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Glassburn on their Sixtieth Wedding Anniversary 
A.T. Glassburn (son of J.W.) Mansion on Main St. 
Golden Wedding Anniversary of the Thomas J. Glassburns celebrated in 1905 
Illinois Statewide Death Index, 1916–1950
Last Name First Name Middle Name Sex/ Race Age Cert # Death Date County City Date Filed GLASSBURN ALLEN LE ROY M/W UNK 0190288 1931-08-16 DE KALB WATERMAN 31-08-21 GLASSBURN CLARA HAPGOOD F/W UNK 5260521 1927-08-20 COOK OAK PARK 27-08-22 GLASSBURN CLYDE RAYMOND M/W UNK 0035556 1920-09-08 WHITESIDE TAMPICO 20-09-09 GLASSBURN EDWIN J M/W UNK 0044393 1947-11-14 BUREAU GREENVILLE TWP - -
GLASSBURN JOHN P M/W UNK 0980143 1934-07-06 WHITESIDE TAMPICO 34-07-07
GLASSBURN RONALD LA DUE M/W UNK 0006748 1921-01-16 WHITESIDE TAMPICO TWP 21-01-17 GLASSBURNER GLADYS F/W UNK 0001013 1946- -01 COOK OAK PARK VIL - Illinois State Archives