This is a work in progress databasemade by Robin Pardus and Fama Prokup. Info gathered
from obits, Death indexs, tombstones. Thanks also to info from Denise McLoughlin , Family
History Coordinatorfor the Tampico Area Historical Society (TAHS). Info also taken from If you
have any corrections or additions such as obits of info you would like added please email

Photo taken by Levi Rockwell

Inside of church taken by Ruth Ellis

Photo taken by Ruth Ellis
History of Whiteside County
Author: Bent, Charles, 1844-
Publisher: Morrison, Ill. [Clinton, Ia., L.P. Allen, printer]
History of Portland Township page 348
The Presbyterian Church and society in Portland, was organized at Sharon, in 1839, by Rev. Mr. Wilcox, of Geneseo, Henry County. The first members were: Deacon Kemmis, Mrs. Kimmis, his mother, Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah H. Johnson, Mrs. Nathan Norton, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Getty, Mrs. Durfee, Reuben Hurd and Horace Hurd. The society was organized in the school house near James Rowe's place and in which the little church, held their first meeting. It was not long before they were blessed by addition of twenty members, mostly by confession of faith. The old log school house became too small for the requirements of the church, and steps were taken to build a meeting house. Such was the energy with which the work was prosecuted that on Christmas Day 1841, it was finished and dedicated, Nathaniel Norton was the largest contributor towards the erection of the church, but all contributed according to their limited means. Mr. Norton soon afterwards donated ten acres of land to the church, and assisted largely in erecting a comfortable parsonage at the cost of $400. rev. Daniel Rockwell was the first settled pastor, and he ministered to their spiritual wants for two, some twelve members being added to the church during the time. Rev. Mr. Bliss, a returned missionary, then took charge and remained for seven years. Following him was Rev. Amasa C. Lord, who remained a year and a half. Rev. E.R. Martin then became pastor, and continued his labors for seven years. Under his pastorate the church obtained its greatest prosperity, having fifty-one members. Unfortunately, the parsonage, with all the church records, was burned at this time. A new one was however, soon erected. At the close of Mr. Martin's term, Rev. Joseph Baldwin became pastor, remaining only six months, and was succeeded by Rev. Wm. Kenricks, who continued in charge for three years. The next settled clergyman was Rev. J.P. Chambers who continued his labors for three years, after which the church was without stated pastoral supply for six years. Rev. Mr. Corbett is the present pastor, and during his ministry twenty-five have been added to the church. It now has a membership of forty. There is a fine cemetery adjoining the church, and in it sleep a large number of the oldest settlers. There is also a cemetery adjoining the school house on section 14, in which there is a handsome monument erected by the citizens of the town in honor of her brave and noble sons who fell in the war for the preservation of the Union.
History of Whiteside County by Wayne Bastian 1968
page 345
On November 4, 1851, Portland voted 21 to 11 in favor of organizing into a township. Organization was completed on April 6, 1852, when the first election for township officers was held. George Paddock was chosen as the first supervisor. He resigned soon after the election and P. Bacchus Bess was named as his successor. In 1855 and again in 1864, persons owning more than one dog were taxed one dollar for each additional canine. The township met its quota of men during the Civil War with out paying an extra bonus as many of the township did.
The Presbyterians were active in organizing as early as 1839 when they established a church at Sharon. The meetings were held in a log- schoolhouse until the society built a church on the northwest corner of section 29 in Congressional Township 19 north, range four east, in 1841. Dedication services were held on Christmas Day. A parsonage was built soon after. It burned at a later date and replaced. Nathaniel Norton contributed largely to the project, donating both money and a ten-acre tract of land. Part of the ground was laid out as a cemetery.
page 346
Sharon Church changed greatly with the passing of years, Presbyterians became fewer; members of other faiths attended and the name was changed to People's church. It was out-grown and replaced with a new church which was dedicated on July 7, 1907, Henry Kempster, Richard Thompson and J.P. Fuller, who attended the dedication on December 25, 1841, were present at the second ceremony. The new edifice had an auditorium 48 feet by 30 feet in size and an annex 18 feet by 30 feet. The ceilings, floors and woodwork were hard pine. Seating was furnished by Opera chairs and there were gas lights. The basement had a furnace room and kitchen. The last regular service was held in Sharon Church on December 7, 1941, but a Ladies' Aid society remained active and took on the care of the unused building. In 1967, there were 18 members left. They have explored the possibility or razing the church and making the handsome pulpit-furniture and woodwork available to needy churches. The "cathedral windows of chipped glass" are generally in good repair although there have ben a few replacements of panes. The glass has a Jack Frost pattern that tempers the light gently. Outwardly the church presents a well-kept appearance but the inside is sadly dilapidated because of the leakage where the belfry was removed. A swarm of bees has moved into the vestibule. There is a divergence of opinion on the fate of the white church. Some of the Ladies Aid believe it should be preserved as a landmark while others take a realistic view on the cost of maintenance and the dwindling of workers caused by the passing of time. The cemetery is maintained by taxes levied by the township. It presents a pleasant sight in its well-groomed condition. The old fence was removed but the wrought and cast-iron arch was left with the name Sharon and the date 1841, where the entrance used to be. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Arnett presented a large tablet of concrete which was installed in front of the arch. It lies against a gentle slope and carried a single mnesic word, Memories. There is another cemetery in Portland Township. It is know as Sandytown although in earlier days it was called Portland. The burial ground is located on Section 14, congressional Township 19 north, range four, and along County Route Three. There are fewer graves than in Sharon Cemetery and, towering over the old and new markers, is the column the Ladies' Aid erected in 1867.
Page 347
Ladies' Aid societies in those days were organized to provide necessities and comforts for the men in service. They served much the same purpose as the local chapters of the Red Cross did in later wars. They mad bandages and dressings, collected small luxuries and utilities such as needles and thread, paper and writing materials, dried fruits and bedding. The tall monument rest on a base of native stone, There is a plinth of white marble which supports a tapering, square column. At the top, an eagle with raised wings watches from his lofty perch. Even though his beak was dulled by the destructive fingers of Time, his claws still curve fiercely on the globe. The monument shows the erosion of 100 years but it carries legibly the testimonial, "To Their Sons Who Died for Their Country in Grateful Remembrance, Ladies Aid Society, Portland, Illinois, 1867." Listed in fading letters are the names of 12 soldiers who lost their lives during the Civil War. They are Eugene L. Besse, Lyman D. Chase, William R. Norcott, Dennis Mendall, Bark Bisby, Robert Emit Adams, Seth E. Langdon, Daniel McNaughton, George Ocoboch (?), Jonathan H. Brown, Carlos W. Martin and J. Delos Timmerman. The Spring Hill Evangelical United Brethren Church was built in 1887, outside of Portland Township and Whiteside County. It was then called Emmanuel Church and was located in Loraine Township, Henry County. About 1893, the building was moved north to the crossroads in the center of section 27, Congressional Township 19 north, range four east, where it was popularly called the Arnett Church after the owners of the adjacent farm. Services were held there until about 1908 and four years later the building was sold. It was moved again, that time to the platted area of Spring Hill to a church site obtained from David Urick. The removal was accomplished by the use of teams and capstans. It was rededicated as a Union Church, the property of the people of Portland. About 1930, a society of the United Brethren Church was constituted and the Spring Hill church shared a pastor with the Loraine Church. Extensive improvements were mad about 1954 and the church was again rededicated. Complete services are offered. Presently (1967), the Rev. Albert Atteberry has charge of the Loraine, Spring Hill and Ebenezer Churches.
Info about the Sharon Cemetery:
October 15, 2011
Not forgotten
By Angie BickerLifestyle Editor
SPRING HILL, Ill. — A busy highway marks the landscape now. The rumblings of motorists fill the air where a congregation once stood. The hoof prints of horses have long disappeared along with wagons that once carried some of the earliest settlers to worship in rural Whiteside County. The Sharon Church located outside of Spring Hill and 4 miles outside of Erie, Ill., is a solemn reminder of days gone by. The church, which was built in 1907, is surrounded by the rustling of corn fields — a life-size Norman Rockwell painting of rural Americana. Cindy Young, who lives down the road from the church, has mementos her mother-in-law, Jeanette, kept regarding the church’s history that date back to 1841. Inside a small box, are newspaper clippings, church announcements and an original photograph of the first Sharon Church, which was dedicated to the congregation on Christmas Day in 1841. Carefully cut-out newspaper clippings give an insight into the importance of establishing the country church. After thumbing through several archival pieces, Young pointed to one in particular that focused on dispelling a distillery business in the vicinity. “As the story goes, a distillery had been built on what was known as Thunderbolt hill, and to offset that evil the Sharon Church was erected,” Young said. Another article focused on the dismay one church member felt with the opening of the existing church in 1907. He lamented, in a poem, his dismay and sadness concerning the closure of the original house of God. He vowed to keep his undying loyalty solely to it. The original church, which became too small to hold its growing congregation, “was dragged across the road” and used as a utility shed. Young then held up an invitation, which looked like it had been printed yesterday, detailing the events surrounding the Sharon Church’s dedication ceremony on July 7, 1907. One can only picture how attendees were dressed in their Sunday best to mark the celebration at 10 a.m. According to the book, “History of Whiteside County,” hundreds of people attended the ceremony. The church, which was modern in stature, was built under the watchful eye of John C. Meyer and Sons of Spring Hill. The book then details its measurements, a 48 by 30 main auditorium and 20-foot eaves and a ceiling center of 40 feet. The annex, which measures 18 by 30, was utilized as a Sunday school room and league room. The ceiling was made of hard pine along with the floor and woodwork encasing the cathedral windows. The basement was split into two rooms, one for the furnace and the other for a kitchen. In a 1941 newspaper article commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Sharon Church, it stated there had not been a worship service for 26 years; however funeral services were still conducted. Since Young and her husband, Neil, are caretakers of the adjacent cemetery, she looks in on the church from time to time. “For being abandoned that long, it doesn’t look too bad,” she said. The folding opera chairs to seat the congregation are still in the main auditorium equipped with hymnal holders under the seats. Next to the church lie many of its members and early settlers in eternal sleep in the Sharon Cemetery. The original arch that says Sharon Cemetery, 1841, still exists even though the gate that surrounded the cemetery is long gone. Many markers tell stories of loved ones taken too soon and of their journeys to a new land. The gravestones, many of which are faded and weathered, are of young people and children who never had the chance to grow old. The tombstone of Esther M. Carney, who died in 1885 at the age of 37 years, 1 month and 12 days reads: “Rest mother rest, in quiet sleep while friends in sorrow o’er thee weep, and here their heartfelt offerings bring, and near thy grave their requiem sing.” Over the years, Young has received requests for gravestone etchings from family members who are filling in missing pieces of their family’s history. “One request was from California. He was doing genealogy and needed information,” she said. In Young’s opinion, the Sharon Church and adjacent cemetery is very rare. She said it’s not very often that both still co-exist. Young said small town and family cemeteries are scattered along the landscape but very rarely do you see cemeteries directly related to a church. “I just cannot imagine it not being here,” she said. Young’s mother-in-law, who was a member of the Sharon’s Ladies Aid, took care of the church for years. According to Young, the group looked into getting the church on the National Register of Historic Places at one time but the building was not old enough. According to the National Register of Historic Place’s website, a property’s eligibility is based on age, integrity and significance. A property can be nominated by property owners, organizations, governmental agencies and other individuals or groups. To nominate the Sharon Church, individuals should contact the Illinois Historic Preservations Agency at or by calling (217) 782-4836.
(Original building was Built and Dedicated in 1841)
Henry county lays claim to one of the oldest rural church buildings in Northern Illinois, although it has long since been remodeled and replaced a structure on modern lines. This church is the Sharon church, located twelve miles northeast of Geneseo. The original building was built in 1841 and was left standing for more than a half century. At the time it was replaced it was said to be the oldest place of worship still standing in this section of the state. The Sharon--Presbyterian--church and society were organized by Rev. Wilcox, of Geneseo, in 1839, with ten charter members. The first church was built and dedicated on Christmas, 1841. A parsonage costing $400 was built a little later, with Rev. Daniel Rockwell as the first resident pastor. Many of the oldest settlers of northern Henry county are buried in the Sharon cemetery, adjacent to the church. R. R. Stewart, one of the member of the original Geneseo colony, worked as a carpenter of the old church.
Sharon Church & Cemetery in Erie, Whiteside Co., IL
The Presbyterian Church and society in Portland, was organized at Sharon, in 1839, by Rev. Mr. WILCOX, of Geneseo, Henry county. The first members were: Deacon KEMMIS, Mrs. KEMMIS, his mother, Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah H. JOHNSON, Mrs. Nathaniel NORTON, Mr. and Mrs. Robert GETTY, Mrs. DURFEE, Reuben HURD and Horace HURD. The society was organized in the school house near James ROWE'S place, and in which the little church held their first meetings. It was not long before they were blessed by the addition of twenty members, mostly by confession of faith. The old log school house became too small for the requirements of the church, and steps were taken to build a meeting house. Such was the energy with which the work was prosecuted that on Christmas Day, 1841, it was finished and dedicated. Nataniel NORTON was the largest contributor towards the erection of the church, but all contribute according to their limited means. Mr. NORTON soon afterwards donated ten acres of land to the church, and assisted largely in erecting a comfortable parsonage at a cost of $400. Rev. Daniel ROCKWELL was the first settled pastor, and he ministered to their spiritual wants for two years, some twelve members being added to the church during the time. Rev. Mr. BLISS, a returned missionary, then took charge and remained one year. Following him was Rev. Amasa C. LORD, who remained a year and a half. Rev. E. R. MARTIN then became pastor, and continued his labors for seven years. Under his pastorate the church obtained its greatest prosperity, having fifty-one members. Unfortunately the parsonage, with all the church records, was burned at this time. A new one was, however, soon erected. At the close of Mr. MARTIN'S term, Rev. Joseph BALDWIN became pastor, remaining only six months, and was succeeded by Rev. Wm KENRICKS, who continued in charge for three years. The next settled clergyman was Rev. J. P. CHAMBERS who continued his labors for three years, after which the church was without stated pastoral supply for six years. Rev. Mr. CORBETT is the present pastor, and during his misistry twenty-five have been added to the church. It now has a membership of forty. There is a fine cemetery adjoining the church, and in it sleep a large number of the oldest settlers. There is also a cemetery adjoining the school house on section 14. in which there is a hansome monument erected by the citizens of the town in honor of her brave and noble sons who fell in the war for the preservaton of the Union.(from A History of Whiteside County, by Wayne Bastian, page 345) TAMPICO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - MUSEUM - FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY/RESEARCH CENTER 119 Main St., P. O. Box 154, Tampico, IL 61283 President Joan Johnson, 815-438-7581 or Family History Coordinator, Denise McLoughlin 815-590-2143. We are an all-volunteer organization so your donations are always appreciated! Sign up to receive our e-newsletter. Thank you! Visit us on FACEBOOK, too.
- See more at:
The Geneseo Republic Date:April 19, 1895
The Sharon church has been greatly improved by the building of a new chimney and papering the interior.
The Geneseo Republic Date: May 29, 1903
Another meeting to arrange for building a new church was held at the Sharon church last Thursday. It was decided to push the canvas for subscriptions at once. The subscriptions are not to be due or payable until $3,000 had been subscribed. The new church is to be located across road opposite the Sharon cemetery.
Geneseo Republic 9/8/1916
Ralph Smedley and David Urick, the Sharon cemetery trustees, are improving the church grounds by putting up new hitching posts and rods, a convenience that has been much needed.
Geneseo Republic Date: September 25, 1942
Mary Young Memorial Vault to Be Dedicated In Sharon Cemetery
Society Plans Dedication On Sunday, Oct. 4
Rev. E.L. Fahnestock, Pastor of Hillsdale Methodist Church To Speak
Sunday, October 4th, has been set as the date for the dedication of the Mary L. Young memorial vault in Sharon cemetery, north of Geneseo. The dedicatory service will be in charge of the ladies society of the Sharon church. Rev. E.L. Fahnestock, pastor of the Methodist church in Hillsdale will be the speaker. Members of the program committee are Mrs. Howard Martin and Mrs. Frank Johnson. A committee with Mrs. Julius Mix as chairman, has arranged for the uphold ring of the pulpit chairs. The receiving vault in the Sharon cemetery which was recently completed, is the gift of the late Mary L. Young. The vault has six crypts and has capacity to permit the installation of six more. The vault bears the inscription In Memory of Mary L. Young. Miss young was the daughter of Walter and Laura Morrill Young, pioneers of Sharon community. The Young family located on a farm near Spring Hill, which they purchased from the Government. In 1876 they moved to Geneseo, where they made their home for many years. Miss Young followed the occupation of teacher and for a number of years resided in New Bedford, Mass. She came from New Bedford to Geneseo for the homecoming in 1831 and renewed many acquaintances here. Prior to her death in May 1941, she had been residing in Prophetstown and during this time visited at different intervals in Geneseo homes. The vault is of white cement, located at the south part of the cemetery. A newly constructed driveway leads from the road to the door of the vault.
Geneseo Republic 10-21-1971
30 years ago (October 17, 1941)
Sharon Church, north of Geneseo, celebrated it centennial on Sunday with many former church members present. The present church was erected in 1907, being dedicated on July 7th of that year. Regular services are not held and no pastor is assigned to the parish. The cemetery adjoins the church lot.
Adams, Frank William 08 Sep 1858 2/26/1864
Birth: 1858 Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Death: Feb. 26, 1864 Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Family links:
Archibald David Adams (1832 - 1918)
Mary Ellen Snyder Adams (1833 - 1913)
Burial:Sharon Cemetery Spring Hill Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Created by: Keith
Record added: Apr 18, 2013
Find A Grave Memorial# 108744393
Aldrich, Mary Cole 5-30-1825 11-19-1846
wife of E. M. Aldrich
Andersen, Carl b. April 1898 d. April 1898 s/o Mr and Mrs Fred Anderson
Republic 4-29-1898
A little son was born Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson, who lived but a few hours. The little one was buried in Sharon cemetery Friday.
Andersen, Jack 1890 1953 h/o Vey
Andersen, Vey 1890 1962 w/o Jack
Anderson, Alfred 1/30/1868 5/9/1929
Obituary: May 15, 1929 in Prophetstown, IL. Echo
Died Suddenly
Alfred Anderson Buried at Sharon Saturday Afternoon
Funeral services or Alfred Anderson, 61, were held Saturday afternoon from the Methodist church with burial in Sharon cemetery. He died suddenly Thursday about 8 p.m. He had been in his usual good health and spirits during the day and had been in Prophetstown and Morrison. Shortly after he had retired for the night his house keeper, Mrs. Mattie Worthan, heard him breathing heavily and being unable to rouse him she called neighbors and sent for a doctor, but Mr. Anderson died before the arrival of the latter. An inquest was held Friday afternoon at which time it was determined that cause of his death was apoplexy (stroke). Mr. Anderson was born in Sweden, coming to this country when he was 20, and had lived in this vicinity ever since except for eight years spent in North Dakota. His wife, who was Tilda Ekdahl died in 1913. Two sons have also died, leaving three daughters. Mrs. Willis Fuller of Spring Hill, Mrs. Lewis Lawrence of Prophetstown, and Mrs. Vernon Lawrence of near Tampico, besides three brothers, Frank, Henry, and Gust Anderson, all of Prophetstown, and one sister Mrs. Emma Gustafson of Riverside.
Alfred was born to Anders Jacobsen & Johanna (Danielson) Anderson. Alfred married Matilda Anderson in March 1, 1897. Alfred & Tilda had five children-Carl Anderson; Emma (Willis H.) Fuller; Marie (Lewis "Joe" Milton) Lawrence; Elmer Alfred Anderson; Hilda (Vernon H.) Lawrence.
Birth: Jan. 30, 1868 Jonkopings Lan, Sweden
Death: May 9, 1929 Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Alfred was born to Anders Jacobsen & Johanna (Donaldson). Alfred married Tilda Anderson in March 1, 1897.
Alfred & Tilda had five children-Carl, Emma, Marie, Elmer Alfred, Hilda (Lawrence) Anderson
Family links: Spouse: Matilda Ekdaul Anderson (1875 - 1913)
Children: Elmer Alfred Anderson (1905 - 1918)*
Burial:Sharon Cemetery Spring Hill Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Created by: Paula Devers
Record added: Mar 05, 2013
Find A Grave Memorial# 106214652
Taken off the
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Alfred Andersen
Birth Date: 30 Jan 1868
Birth Place: Jonkoping, Sweden
Death Date: 9 May 1929
Death Place: Prophetstown, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 11 May 1929
Burial Place: Portland Twp, Whiteside, Ill
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 61
Occupation: Farmer
Race: White
Marital Status: W
Gender: Male
Father Name: Anders Jacolnn
Father Birth Place: Sweden
Mother Name: Johanna Donaldson
Mother Birth Place: Sweden
Spouse Name: Tilda Anderson
FHL Film Number: 1643315
Anderson, Elmer Alfred b. 1905 d. 5/28/1918
Unknown Paper
Alfred Elmer Anderson, son of Alfred and Matilda Anderson, was born in Cass Co., N.D., Aug. 18, 1905. He came with his parents to Prophetstown in 1911. In 1912 they moved to Spring Hill. He went to school at Spring Hill. He was always a dutiful, helpful son and an enjoyable chum for his friends. He passed away May 28, 1918, aged 12 years, 9 months, 10 days, meeting an untimely death Tuesday evening. The boy was digging a woodchuck out of his nest when the dirt caved in on him, smothering him to death. Not coming home after going for the cows, the father and neighbors searched nearly all night for him, and his body was not found until Wednesday morning. He was the only son. The funeral will be held this Friday Morning at the Spring Hill church, services conducted by Rev. J.W. George. Leaving to mourn his departure, his father, Alfred Anderson, and three sisters, Emma, Hilda and Marie Anderson, besides a host of friends.
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Elmer Alfred Anderson
Birth Date: 18 Aug 1905
Birth Place: Cas Co North Dacota
Death Date: 28 May 1918
Death Place: Whiteside Co , Illinois
Burial Date: 31 May 1918
Burial Place: Sharon
Death Age: 13
Race: White
Marital Status: S
Gender: Male
Father Name: Alfred Anderson
Father Birth Place: Sweeden
Mother Name: Tilda Ecdalik
Mother Birth Place: Bura County
FHL Film Number: 1544463
Anderson, James H. b.1855 d.8/31/1866 aged 31 yrs 3 mo 16 days
Anderson, Matilda "Tilda" Ekdahl b. 12/11/1875 d. 8/28/1913
Matilda "Tilda" Ekdahl Anderson
Birth:Dec. 11, 1875 Thomas Bureau County
Illinois, USA
Death:Aug. 28, 1913 Spring Hill Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Matilda Ekdahl was born Dec. 11, 1875 in Thomastown, Bureau county to Benjamin & Mary Ekdahl and died August 28, 1913 Tuesday evening in child birth, the child also passed away. She was married to Alfred Anderson March 1, 1897 in Tampico, IL. For a time they lived near Tampico, moved to Spring Hill in 1898 lived there for five years then moved to North Dakota where they lived eight years before returning to Prophetstown, IL. and for the past 2 years have lived at the present home near Spring Hill. To this union were born six children four whom are living, Emma, Marie, Elmer, and Hilda all living at home. There are four living sisters and one brother, Annie Aldrich of Hallock, Minn., Emma Christianson, Laplata Mo., Effie Arnold, Louise Arnold and brother V.C. Ekdahl all of Tampico, IL. These with a number of friends are left to mourn. Mrs. Anderson was a firm believer in God and His ways. She was a good mother, a kind loving wife, always doing all in her power to help her family in every way. The husband, children and relatives have the sympathy of all who know them. The funeral service was held Saturday afternoon at Sharon church. Rev L.P. Berry conducting the services and the remains were laid at rest in Sharon cemetery. The bearers were Ralph and Robert Sibly, Chas Zachlesche, George Miller, Henry and August Sohrbeck.
Family links:
Benjamin Ekdahl (1847 - 1889)
Mary Ekdahl (____ - 1876)
Spouse: Alfred William Anderson (1868 - 1929)*
Emma Anderson Fuller (1899 - 1939)*
Marie A. Anderson Lawrence (1902 - 1979)*
Elmer Alfred Anderson (1905 - 1918)*
Hilda Anderson Lawrence (1907 - 1968)*
Anna S. Ekdahl Aldrich (1868 - 1940)*
Emma Matilda Elkdahl Christianson (1874 - 1963)*
Matilda Ekdahl Anderson (1875 - 1913)
Victor Cornelius Ekdahl (1877 - 1948)**
Effie Ekdahl Arnold (1880 - 1961)**
Louise E Ekdahl Arnold (1884 - 1968)**
*Calculated relationship
Burial:Sharon Cemetery Spring Hill Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Edit Virtual Cemetery info [?]
Created by: Paula D.
Record added: Mar 05, 2013
Find A Grave Memorial# 106216087
Anderson, Thomas W. 2/26/1930 8/30/1987
Annell, Harriet M.
Arndt, Bertha Kleff b. 4/24/1865 d. 1/24/1937 Lot 82B
Bertha Kleff Arndt
Birth: Apr. 24, 1865
Death: Jan. 24, 1937
Family links:
Spouse: Frederick A. Arndt (1856 - 1939)*
Emil Arndt (1887 - 1890)*
Carl H. Arndt (1895 - 1957)*
Emmett Arndt (1901 - 1902)*
*Calculated relationship
Burial:Sharon Cemetery Spring Hill
Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Plot: Row 3 Lot 82 B
Edit Virtual Cemetery info [?]
Created by: Dave & Pam Jindrich
Record added: May 06, 2012
Find A Grave Memorial# 89647169
Arndt Carl H. 7/3/1895 1957 Lot 82B
CARL ARNDT , 61, of Prophetstown died at 7:30 last night in the home of a daughter, Mrs. Gene Johnston, 1149 13th Ave., Moline, after a long illness. He had been staying with his daughter for the last five weeks. He was born July 3, 1895, in Portland Township, the son of Frederick and Bertha Kleff Arndt. He married Henrietta Camphous Oct. 28, 1916, in Morrison. The couple farmed in Portland until 1936, when they moved to Prophetstown. Surviving are the widow; a daughter, Mrs. Johnston of Moline; three grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Anna Schroeder, and a brother, John, both of Moline. He was preceded in death by his parents, a brother, William, and an infant daughter. The body was taken to the Garner Mortuary in Prophetstown, where services will be at 2 Thursday afternoon. The Rev. William Dupree, Congregational pastor, will officiate. Burial will be in Sharon Cemetery in Portland. Contributed by Bonnie Pillers
Arndt, Emil 7/18/1887 11/12/1890 Lot 82B
Geneseo Republic 11-14- 1890
A little son of Fred Arnedt died Tuesday and was laid to rest in Sharon Cemetery.
Geneseo Republic 11-17- 1890
Fred Arnett's little three year old boy was scalded badly by falling into a pail of boiling water.
Arndt, Emmett 6/17/1901 2/18/1902 Lot 82B
Arndt, Frederick A. b. 8/23/1856 d. 12/2/1939 Lot 82B
Republic 12-8-1939
Frederick A. Arndt aged 83 years, veteran farmer of Portland township in Whiteside county, and resident of Erie, died at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Anna Schroeder in Moline with whom he had resided the past two years. He had been ill two weeks. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the Erie Methodist Church. Rev. Ralph Kafoed officiated and burial in Sharon cemetery. Mr. Arndt was born August 23, 1856 in Germany and came with his parents to the United States when 11 years old. The family resided in Chicago for fourteen years and then moved to Portland township and began farming. He was married in Chicago on January 10, 1885 to Bertha Kleffe. After their marriage they came to Portland township and farmed the adjoining farm of his mother and father. Mrs. Arndt died in 1937. They returned in 1919 and moved to Erie. After the death of his wife Mr. Arndt went to live with his daughter. Surviving are three sons, Carl of Prophetstown, William of Erie, and John Arndt of Moline, a daughter, Mrs. Schroeder of Moline, two brothers, William of Wisconsin and Charles of Geneseo, a sister Mrs. Mary Teerlinck of East Moline, also seven grandchildren.
Republic of 12/8/1939
Frederick A. Arndt, aged 83 years, veteran farmer of Portland township in Whiteside county and resident of Erie for eighteen years, died at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Anna Schroeder in Moline with whom he had resided the past two years. he had been ill two weeks. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the Schroeder home and at 2 o'clock at the Erie Methodist church. Rev. Ralph Kafoed officiated and burial was in Sharon cemetery. Mr. Arndt was born August 23, 1856 in Germany and came with his parents to the United States when 11 years old. the family resided in Chicago fourteen years and then moved to Portland township and began farming. He was married in Chicago on January 10, 1885 to Bertha Kleffe. After their marriage they came to Portland township and farmed the land adjoining his mother and father. Mrs. Arndt died in 1937. They returned in 1919 and moved to Erie. After the death of his wife Mr. Arndt went to live with his daughter. Surviving are three sons, Carl of Prophetstown, William of Erie and John Arndt of Moline, a daughter Mrs. Schroder of Moline, two brothers, William of Wisconsin and Charles of Geneseo, a sister, Mrs. Mary Teitlink of East Moline, also seven grandchildren.
Arndt, Henrietta (KAMPHIUS) b.3/7/1898 d. 1986 Lot 82B
HENRIETTA (KAMPHIUS) ARNDT , 87, formerly of Prophetstown, ILL., died Saturday at the Oak Glen Home, Coal Valley, ILL.The funeral will be at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at Gardner Chapel, Prophetstown with Rev. Steven Wood, associate pastor of First Baptist Church, Moline, officiating. Burial will be in Sharon Cemetery, rural Prophetstown. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. today at the Gardner Chapel. She was born March 7, 1898, in Fulton to Joseph and Jeanette Flikkema Kamphuis. She married Carl Arndt Oct. 28, 1916, in Morrison. They farmed in the Spring Hill Community until moving to Prophetstown in 1935. Mes. Arndt moved to Moline in 1957 after the death of her husband. Survivors include her daughter, Mrs. Gene (Dorothy) Johnston of Moline; three grandsons and a great-granddaughter. She is preceded in death by her husband, 10 brothers and sisters. Contributed by Bonnie Pillers
Arndt, Infant Daughter 1916 Feb 1917 Lot 82B
daughter of Mr. & Mrs. C.H. Arndt
Republic 2-16-1917
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Arndt were sadly bereft of their infant child last Thursday. Funeral services wee held Friday and the remains were laid at rest in the Sharon Cemetery.
Arndt, Karl C. b. Mar. 24, 1819 d. Oct. 2, 1908 h/o Mary
Inscription on Stone:
Karl C Arndt
Mar 24, 1819
Oct 2, 1908
His Wife
Mar 28, 1832
Oct 2, 1907
Arndt, Mabel C. Hastings b. Mar. 18, 1873 d. May 18, 1904 w/o William
Geneseo Republic 5-27-1904
The funeral of Mrs. William Arndt was held at the Sharon church Friday afternoon, Mrs. Babcock of Erie officiating. The deceased leaves a husband and six small children to mourn the loss of a loving wife and mother, and they have the sympathy of the community.
Republic 5-27-1904
The funeral of Mrs. William Arndt was held at the Sharon church Friday afternoon. Mrs. Babcock of Erie, officiating, The deceased leaves a husband and six small children to mourn the loss of a loving wife, and mother, and they have the sympathy of the community.
Arndt, Mary b. Mar. 28, 1832 d. Oct. 2, 1907 (birth maybe March 29)
Inscription on Stone:
Karl C Arndt
Mar 24, 1819
Oct 2, 1908
His Wife
Mar 28, 1832
Oct 2, 1907
Arndt, William F. b. Aug. 21, 1864 d. Aug. 25, 1940
Arnett, Annie Meyer b.March 19, 1874 d. April 27, 1961
DAR transcrition has birth as 1876
ANNIE (MEYER) ARNETT , 86, died late Thursday morning in the Morrison Community Hospital following a two years illness. The body was brought to the Schilling Funeral home where friends may call. Members of Evangeline Chapter OES will conduct services this evening at 8 o'clock in the funeral home. Funeral services will be conducted in the Erie Christian Church at 2 p.m. Saturday. Burial will be in the Sharon Cemetery. Annie Meyer was born March 19, 1874 in Chicago, the daughter of John and Frances Meyer. She attended Burke School near Erire. She was married to Edwin Arnett on May 6, 1896 in Portland township. They had made their home in Erie for the past 41 years. She was a member of the Christian Church, the Ladies Aid and Loyal Workers groups of the church and Evangeline Chapter Order of the Eastern Star, of which she was a past worthy matron. Survivors are her husband, of Erie; one son, Dale, and a granddaughter, Barbara, Mt. Prospect; and one brother Ernest Meyer, Portland township. She was preceded in death in addition to her parents, by one son, four brothers and one sister. Contriubted by Melva L. Taylor from The Daily Gazette, Sterling-Rock Falls, Illinois April 28, 1961 - Friday, pg 8 col 2.
Arnett, Barbara S. 1/14/1951 7/25/1993 Plot: Row 4 Lot 88
Arnett, Dale G. 11/1/1905 1-5-1988 h/o Regina
Arnett, Edwin S. b. 8/16/1868 d. 8/31/1966
Marr. Annie Meyer on May 6, 1896 in Whiteside Co., IL
Republic 9-8-1964
Edwin S. Arnett, 98, of Erie died Wednesday evening, August 31, in the Hammond Henry Hospital, Geneseo, following an extended illness. Funeral services were Saturday afternoon, September 3, in the Erie Christian Church with the Rev. Arthur Vail, pastor officiating. Burial in Sharon Cemetery near Erie. Mr. Arnett was born August 16, 1868 in Loraine township, the son of Samuel and Kate Urick Arnett. He was reared and educated in this vicinity and had resided in Erie for 45 years. On May 6, 1896, he married Annie Meyer. She died April 27, 1961, Mr. Arnett was a retired farmer and was more than 50 years member of the Erie Masonic Lodge. Surviving is a son, Dale of Mount Prospect and a granddaughter. A son, two brothers and two sisters preceded him in death.
Arnett, George M. b. d. 6/2/1872 19 years 27 days s/o L. & H.M.
Arnett, Glenn Ralph b. 10/20/1889 d.Sept. 1920 (Aug 29, 1920?)
Republic 9-10-1920
Glenn Ralph, son of E. S. and Annie Arnett, was born in Spring Hill, Portland township, Whiteside county, Ill., Oct 20, 1889. The funeral service was held at Sharon church Wednesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. C. C. C. Babcock, assisted by Rev. Tery. The music was by Mesdames Feaster and Sweders with Miss Susie Pierce, accompanist. The beaters were his former schoolmates, Kirk Guthrie, Harold Wheelock, Laurence Guthrie, Morris James, Leland Burchell, Floyd Adams. The flowers bearers were Erie high school pupils. The remains were laid at rest in Sharon cemetery. It is with sadness we here chronicle the death of Glenn Arnett and the community deeply sympathize with the sorrowing family. Glenn was a bright young man and was ambitions for a higher education. He graduated from the Erie high School last June and had made preparations to enter Knox college where he intended to study engineering. He was taken sick last winter with the flu and never fully regained his health, althought he continued at school until he graduated. What in cost him in suffering to reach the goal he along knew. He was a general favorite with his classmates and all who knew him. The funeral was largely attended and the floral tributes were profuse and beautiful. He leaves to mourn his loss his parents, one brother, grandparents, six uncles, three aunts and a host of friends.
Arnett, Harriett M. b. d. 3/25/1858 w/o Joseph 29 years 7 mos 16 days
Arnett, Henry Westley 4/21/1862 4/1/1928 Plot: Row 3 Lot 77 A
Henry Westly Arnett, Birth 21 Apr 1862 in Genesso, Illinois Death 1 Apr 1928 in Genesso, Henry, Ill
Arnett, Infant Son 10/12/1886 11/21/1886 s/o H.W. & L.J. Plot: Row 3 Lot 77 A
Arnett, Leonard b. 1874 d. 1943 h/o Lulu K.
Arnett, Lottie J. 12/24/1860 2/3/1896 35y 1m 10d Lot 77A w/o Henry A. Arnett d/o J.H. & E. A. Kempster
Geneseo Republic 2/7/1896
Mrs. H.W. Arnett died Monday afternoon and was buried Wednesday morning at Sharon.
IL Marriage Registry lists Josie Kempster marr. William Arnett on Nov. 30, 1880 in Whiteside Co., IL. I believe this to be Lottie J. even though she had an older sister named Josephine.
Republic of Feb.7, 1896; At her home in Sharon, Loraine township, Mrs. Henry W. Arnett died Monday, Feb. 3, 1896, at 5 p.m., of diabetes, a disease from which she had suffered for two years though only compelled to take to her bed about three weeks prior to death. The maiden name of the deceased was Lottie J. Kempster, she being a daughter of Henry and Elisa Kempster, early settlers of Whiteside county. She was born in Portland township, that county, Dec. 24th, 1860, and was united in marriage with her now bereaved husband Sept. 24th, 1884. But one child blessed the union and it died in infancy. Besides the husband, the father, five sisters and a brother, as well as many bound to her by ties of closest friendship, mourn that she has been called hence just in the prime of life. She was a woman whose social and home life was bright and cheerful, and even when in the shadow of death she bore up with christian fortitude and thought more of others than of self. Her last days called about her many friends who did all that willing hearts and ready hands could to give her comfort and peace. Funeral services were held at Sharon church at 12 p.m., Wednesday, Rev. Mr. Rife officiating, and she was laid at rest in the family burial lot adjacent to the church. The esteem in which she held was attested by the extrordinarily large attendance at the funeral, not more than a third of these present being able to get into the church.
Arnett, Lulu Kennedy b. Jan 3, 1879 d. Jan 15, 1951 (KENNEDY) ARNETT , 72, died early Tuesday morning [1-16-1951] at a Clinton, Ia. nursing home following an illness of five years. She had been in a nursing home at Rock Falls and another near Cordova prior to going in Clinton. The body was taken to the Schiller funeral home in Erie. Funeral services are to be conducted Thursday at 2 p.m. at the Sharon church, near Erie, the Rev. Curtis Price of Cullom, Ill., former pastor of the Loriane and Spring Hill churches, will officiate. Burial will be in the Sharon cemetery. Mrs. Lulu Arnett, the former Lulu Kennedy, was born Jan 3, 1879, near Villa Grove, Colo., the daughter of Joe and Frances Kennedy. She resided there until she came to Lyndon as a child. She was married to Leonard Arnett of near Spring Hill Jan. 28, 1902. They farmed for a time. Mrs. Arnett lived in Spring Hill for a while until going to a nursing home. She was a member of the Lyndon Methodist church, the Erie lodge of the Royal Neighbors of America and the Sharon aid society. Her husband died Sept. 3, 1943. Survivors include a niece, Mrs. Ada Hill of Albany whom she reared as a daughter; Donald Lewis of Clinton, Ia. whom she reared as a grandson, and a niece and a nephew in California. Her parents and three sisters, besides her husband, preceded her in death. Contributed by Pam Perkins - Sterling Daily Gazette, pg. 2 Date: 1-16-1951
Arnett, Regina M. 8/14/1909 12/29/1986 Wife of Dale Arnett
Arnett, William Leonard 8/27/1874 9/3/1943 Son of William Arnett from France & Marie Britton
Ashton, John b. 3/31/1823 d. 4/8/1864 (2/7/1864) 40 years 10 mo 13 days He also has a second stone stateing 39 yrs 11 mo 7 days
Ashton, Mary Ann Parr (Logan) b. 12/11/1824 d.11/1/1893 63 ys
m(1) John Ashton m(2) John Smith Logan
Avery, Christina J. Chase b. 10/2/1842 d. 12/4/1887 age 45 yrs 2 mo 2 days w/o James
Republic 12-9-1887
Mrs. James (Christine) Avery died at her home in the place Saturday, aged 91, after a long illness, of consumption. She leaves a husband and four children. Many friends mourn her loss. The funeral took place at Sharon church, Monday afternoon. Services were conducted by Rev. Baxton.
Avery, Emma S. (Moore) b. 9/8/1858 d. Nov 1940 w/o John
The Clinton Herald Monday December 2, 1940 p 5 Mrs. John Avery, 82, for 50 years a Clinton resident, died at 8:15 o'clock this morning, following a week's illness. The body will repose in the Snell funeral home, beginning Tuesday. Funeral arrangements will be announced later. Emma More was born Sept. 8, 1858, in Henry county, Ill., the daughter of Ashley and Susan Moore. She and John Avery were married in 1873 in Geneseo, Ill. Surviving are the husband, two sons, Charles and William Avery of Clinton; three daughters, Mrs. Alvert Matson, Davenport, and Mrs. Jack Andersen and Mrs. Oscar Wade, Chicago; a brother, Edward Moore of Clinton; a sister, Mrs. Lettie Leach of Minneapolis; five grandchildren; one great-grandchild, and nieces and nephews.
The Clinton Herald Thursday December 5, 1940 p 8 Last rites for Mrs. John Avery, 516 First avenue, were conducted at 10:30 o'clock this morning in the Snell funeral home, the Rev. H.E. Harned officiating. Harry Andrews, accompanied by Mrs. Nicholas Petersen, sang "Still, Still with Thee." Services also were held at 2 o'clock in the Sharon church near Erie, Ill., and burial was in Sharon cemetery. Pallbearers were Phil Hart, H.C. Baade, Charles Johnson, Ralph Beal and Frank Lynch. Attending the Clinton rites, from out of the city, were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wade and Mrs. John Mooney, Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Matson and Mr. and Mrs. J. Matson of Davenport and Mrs. Nettie Leach of Minneapolis.
Avery, George William b. 11/22/1872 (1873?) d. 5/28/1950
AVERYGEORGE W M/W Y-77 0022718 1950-05-28WHITESIDE
Dispatch 5-29-1950
George W. Avery, 77, died at 7:30 last night in the Morrison hospital, where he had been under treatment four weeks. The body was taken to Schilling funeral home. Mr. Avery was born Nov. 22, 1872 in Portland township son of James and Christina Chase Avery. He was married to Jessie Pratt of Erie. He resided on the home farm until moving to Erie to reside with his sister, Mrs. Ruth Rader a year and a-half ago. Surviving beside his sister, Mrs. Rader are a brother Horace Avery of Tampico and two nephew, Vernon Avery of near Erie and Norman Fortwangler of Owatoana, Minn. and a niece Caroline Avery of Tampico. He was preceded by his wife, who died two years ago and a sister, Ms. Ralph Fortwangler.
Dispatch 5-30-1950
Funeral services for George Avery, 77 will be held at 1:30 Wednesday afternoon at Schilling funeral home, with Paul Burdick pastor of the Christian church, officiating. Burial will be in Sharon cemetery. Mr. Avery died Sunday night at Morrison hospital,where he was a patient for four weeks.
Avery, Hannah Bean b. 9/1/1811 d. 2/7/1881 69 years 5 mo 6 days w/o John
Avery, James b. 6/29/1839 d. 2/8/1912 h/o Christina
Avery, Jesse Fay Pratt b. 4/4/1888 d. 10/28/1947 w/o George Avery
Taken off
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Jessie Fay Avery
[Jessie Fay Pratt]
Birth Date: 24 Apr 1888
Birth Place: Goodland, Kansas
Death Date: 28 Oct 1947
Death Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 30 Oct 1947
Burial Place: Portland Twp., Whiteside, Illinois
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 59
Occupation: Housekeeper
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Female
Father Name: Pratt
Mother Name: Anna Reisenbeales
Spouse Name: George Avery
FHL Film Number: 1991968
AVERY, John b.3/30/1848 d. June 29, 1944 Civil War h/o Emma
Republic 10-21-1887
John Avery died near Spring Hill, Oct 16th, 1887, of lung fever, aged 75 years, 4 months, and 6 days. He leaves three sons, and two daughters. His wife preceded him six years in death. Funeral services by Rev. Baxter, at M. E. church.
The Clinton Herald Thursday June 29, 1944 p 14 John Avery, 98, Clinton's last surviving veteran of the Civil war and member of the G.A.R., died this morning at 4 o'clock in the home of his niece, Mrs. George Slaughter, East Clinton, where he had been residing for the past year. Mr. Avery was the only survivor of the war between the states in Eastern Iowa. Until a year ago, when he moved to East Clinton, he lived at 616 First avenue where he made his home for 92 years. Born in England, March 30, 1848, he came to this country as a small boy. He is survived by a son, William A. Avery, Clinton, and three daughters, Mrs. Albert Matson, Hermosa Beach, Calif.; Mrs. Jack Andersen and Mrs. Oscar Wade, Chicago. Five grandchildren and three great grandchildren survive. His wife preceded him in death Dec. 2, 1940. Funeral services will be announced later. The body reposes in the Snell funeral home.The Clinton Herald Friday June 30, 1944 p 10 Final rites for John Avery will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday in the Snell funeral home, wht Dr. L.A. Gustafson officiating. Burial will be in Sharon cemetery, Sharon township, Ill. Full military honors will be conducted by combined ex-servicemen's organizations for the late Mr. Avery, last surviving G.A.R. member of Eastern Iowa. In May 16, 1864, he answered the call from governors of the states of Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin for volunteers for 100-days' service in the Union army. Avery was mustered into Company B, 140th regiment of the Illinois volunteers, on June 18. ct. 29, 1864, he received an honorable discharge from the volunteer army signed by Abraham Lincoln president of the United States and Commander in Chief of the army and navy. Avery moved from Illinois to Clinton 65 years ago. He had resided here since.
Avery, John b. 5/30/1809 d. 10-16-1887 78 years 4mo 16 day h/o Hannah
Bailey, Diana M. b. Dec. 12, 1935 d. unknown
Bailey, Jesse L. b. Nov. 24, 1932 d. unknown
Baird, Anna b. d. 12-9-1867 1 month d/o J.H. & H.
Baird, Lucy N. b. 4/28/1857 d. 1/21/1867
Baird, William b. 11/2/1825 d. 11/2/1889
Ballard, Hazel Juanita Remour b. Jun. 18, 1936 d. Apr. 10, 1987
Hazel Juanita Remour Ballard
Birth: Jun. 18, 1936 Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Death: Apr. 10, 1987 Erie Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Wife of Jerry Ballard
parents of Ricky G.,Jimmy L.,Ruby H.,Rhonda G. Rita L.& Robert R.
Family links: Spouse: Jerry Lee Ballard (1931 - 1989)
Burial: Sharon Cemetery Spring Hill Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Created by: ?D.Frederick Bire...
Record added: Jun 09, 2011
Find A Grave Memorial# 71089019
Ballard, Jerry Lee b. Apr. 9, 1931 d. Oct. 12, 1989
Republic 10-20-1989
Jerry L. Ballard, 58, of Erie, died Thursday October 12, 1989 at United Medical Center, Moline. Funeral services were held Saturday October 14 in Erie. Burial was in Sharon cemetery, Portland Township. Pallbearers were Irwin Farrington, Louis DeShame,Charles Lacy, Rockie Ballard, Large and Scott Swift. A memorial fund has been established. Mr. Ballard was born April 9, 1931 in Erie, the son of George and Dora(Nicely) Ballard. He married Hazel Remour October 3, 1957 in Kane County. She died April 10, 1987, He worked for International Harvestor and Frank Foundry. Survivors are daughters, Ruby Large of Erie, Rhonda Stephens of Prophetstown and Rita Van Raalte of Arkinson, son's Rick, Jimmy, and Robert all of Erie, 17 grandchildren, sister Belvadean Harris, Betty Stephensen, and Diana Bailey all of Erie and Berniece Dersham of Portage, Wisconsin and a brother, Donald of Erie
Ballard, Ricky G. Sr. Jan 4, 1956 Oct. 17. 2012
Ricky Ballard Sr.
10/17/2012, 5:16 pm Ricky G. Ballard Sr., 56, of Erie, died Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2012, at his home.
Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 20, at Gibson-Bode Funeral Home, Erie. Burial will be at Sharon Cemetery, rural Erie. Visitation will be from 4-8 p.m. Friday at the funeral home. Memorials may be made to the Ricky Ballard Sr. Memorial Fund. Ricky was born Jan. 4, 1956, in St. Charles, Ill., the son of Jerry and Hazel Remour Ballard. He graduated from Erie High School. Ricky married Thelma Buchanan on May 10, 1976, in Moline. He owned his own window washing company, and most recently had worked for Tyson as a welder. Ricky loved his family and enjoyed being with them. He also loved hunting deer with three special friends, Louis DeShane, George Pompu and Rusty Farrington. He enjoyed hunting wild pigs and riding motorcycles in Missouri. Survivors include his wife, Thelma; two sons, Ricky (Mikala) Ballard Jr., Erie, Anthony Ballard (Becky Boone), Erie; grandchildren, Jeri and Dallas Ballard, Erie; siblings, Jimmy (Verna) Ballard, Erie, Robert Ballard, Bettendorf, Ruby (Bob) Large, Erie, Rhonda (Bill) Stephens, Erie, and Rita (Jerry) VanRaatle, Geneseo. He was preceded in death by both of his parents and a nephew, Thomas Stephens. Online condolences may be left at
Bare, Keith A. 3/29/1917 7/16/2006
Keith Bare
Keith A. Bare, 89, of Rock Island, died Sunday, July 16, 2006, at Silver Cross Nursing Center, Rock Island. No services will be held. His body has been cremated. Memorials may be made to the Erie United Methodist Church Margaret and Keith Bare Scholarship Fund. Trimble Funeral and Cremation Center, Moline, is assisting the family. Keith Addison Bare was born March 29, 1917, in Coal Valley, son of Henry and Nell Lees Bare. He graduated from Bradley University, where he played football and basketball and ran track. He married Margaret Matthews June 14, 1941, in Erie. She died Nov. 11, 1997. Keith was a teacher at United Township High School for 37 years, retiring in 1976. He also was a coach for either the basketball, football or track teams at some point during his tenure. Previously, he was a teacher in Kirkwood, Ill., Princeton, Ill., and Toulon, Ill. Keith was a member of Erie United Methodist Church. He was a member of the Bradley University Hall of Fame. After retiring, he owned and operated Wild Flower Farm and Orchard in Erie. He is survived by sons and daughters-in-law, Mark and Varla Bare, Rock Island, and Michael and Jane Bare, Silvis; daughter and son-in-law, Mary Jane and Jerry Palmquist, Carlsbad, Calif.; five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife and a sister, Elizabeth Williams. Light a candle in Keith's memory, sign a card of condolence and share stories at
Bare, Margaret A. 7/6/1916 11/11/1997
Margaret A. Bare
Margaret A. Bare, 81, of Rock Island, died Tuesday. Nov. 11, 1997, in Silver Cross Nursing Center, Rock Island. Private family services will be held. Interment is in Sharon Cemetery, Erie. Trimble Funeral Home, Moline, is in charge of arrangements. Memorials may be made to Erie United Methodist Church, where she was a member. The former Margaret Ann Matthews was born July 6, 1916, in Erie, the daughter of Worthy and Myrtle Wilt Matthews. She married Keith Bare on June 14, 1941, in Erie. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin and taught in Moline Public Schools for 25 years, retiring in 1976. She authored children's books. She is survived by her husband, Keith; a daughter and son-in-law, Mary Jane and Jerry Palmquist of Carlsbad, Calif.; sons and daughters-in-law, Mark and Varla Bare of Rock Island, and Michael and Jane Bare of Silvis; five grandchildren; one great-grandchild; and a brother and sister-in-law, Robert and Marjorie Matthews of Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
Barker, Betsy W. b. 6-13-1813 d. 10/8/1855 42y 4m 6d w/o John Barker
Beardslee, Emma Jane b.1/6/1850 d. 5/25/1853 d/o W. & M.A. 3 yrs
Birthdate came from
Find a Grave site states birth as 12-6-1849
Beardslee, Infant b. Aug. 27, 1939 d. Apr. 26, 2011
Beers, Ephraim Penfield b. 1807 d.
Ephraim Penfield Beers was born in 1807 in Scott's Mt., NJ. He married Mary Fritts (,1873). She was the sister of Elizabeth Fritts who was married to her brother-in-law David Beers. Ephraim Beers was a farmer, tavern keeper, cooper and postmaster. The Ephraim Beers family moved from PA to Henry County, IL. in 1846. Ephraim Penfield and Mary Fritts Beers are buried in the Sharon Cemetery in Whiteside County, IL. Info from :
Maintained by: Terry W. Tersigni
Originally Created by: Jim Kerr
Record added: Aug 16, 2008
Find A Grave Memorial# 29073361
Beers, Mary Fritz b. 1807 d. Sept 24, 1873 (Date 9-21-1873 ???) 66 yrs w/o E.P. Beers
DAR states death as 9/21/1873
Ephraim Penfield Beers was born in 1807 in Scott's Mt., NJ. He married Mary Fritts (,1873). She was the sister of Elizabeth Fritts who was married to her brother-in-law David Beers. Ephraim Beers was a farmer, tavern keeper, cooper and postmaster. The Ephraim Beers family moved from PA to Henry County, IL. in 1846. Ephraim Penfield and Mary Fritts Beers are buried in the Sharon Cemetery in Whiteside County, IL. Info from :
Maintained by: Terry W. Tersigni
Originally Created by: Jim Kerr
Record added: Aug 16, 2008
Find A Grave Memorial# 29073361
Beldin, Phillip LeRoy b.5-27-1904 d. August 1959 Lot 58A
Moline Daily Dispatch 8-31-1959
Beldin Services
Services for Philip LeRoy Beldin who died Sat. were held at 1 yesterday afternoon in Wwendt Bros. Funeral Home, Moline. The Rev. Eldor Haake, pastor of Holy Cross Lutheran Church, officiated and burial was in Sharon Cemetery, Whiteside County. Pallbearers were Dick Wiess, Basil Thurman, Ted Herrick, Roy Kalman, Kenneth Bergstrand and Lloyd Roseen. Shared by Bev Bonnen
Philip L. Beldin
Philip LeRoy Beldin,55,of 2604 7th Ave., Moline, died at 3:55 Saturday afternoon in Lutheran hospital. Services will be at 1 tomorrow afternoon in Wendt Brothers Funeral Home, Moline, with the Rev. Eldor Haake, pastor of Holy Cross Lutheran Church officating. Burial will be in th Sharon Cemetery, Whiteside County. Mr. Beldin was born May 27, 1904, in Sioux City, Ia., the son of John and Emma Beldin. He attended schools in Sioux Falls, S.D. In 1928, he married Winnifred Pike in Davenport. His second marriage was to Mrs. Blance Dirck Douglass on Sept 29, 1956 in Rock island. Mr Beldin, who resided in Moine the last 15 years, was employed as a set up man by the Strombeck-Becker manufacturing Co., last woring on July 27. He was a member of the Moline Moose. Surviving are the widow: a son, PVT. Leoy Edward, Korea: three daughters, Mrs Genevieve Marie Sellers, Moline: Mrs. Marcella Grace Sellers and Mrs Delores Chezum, both of Sebastian, Fla.: 13 grandchildren: six brothers, Roscoe H., Canton: Elvin, Moline: John O., West Allis, Wis: A. Wayne, Elgin: Royal L., East Moline and Merlin C., Prophetstown, and four sisters, Mrs Edith F. Bloem and Mrs Esther M. Schneiderman, both of Sioux Falls: Mrs Florence E. Johnson, Geneseo and Mrs Edna L Rollo, Prophetstown. Shared by Bev Bonnen
Beldin, Blanche M. b. 1902 d. (no date on stone) Lot 58A
She remarried to Phil Beldin in 48/49 and she died 7/5/1974 and is buried in Oakwood. She was also married to William Kempster Douglass…. shared by Bev Bonnen
Bennett, Kenneth J. 1902 1973 Lot 87B
Bennett, Vernice G. b. 11/16/1874 d. 9/22/1922 Lot 87B
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Vumie Levema Bennett
[Vumie Levema Guthrie]
Birth Date: 16 Nov 1874
Birth Place: Sharon, Whiteside Co , Illinois
Death Date: 22 Sep 1922
Death Place: Prophetown, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 25 Sep 1922
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 47
Occupation: Housewife Self
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Female
Father Name: John Guthrie
Father Birth Place: Ireland
Mother Name: Mary Elizebeth Jenkin
Mother Birth Place: Ill.
FHL Film Number: 1557034
Benson, Amazetta Martin b. 2/6/1848 d. 1/15/1863 1st w/o Benoni C. Benson
Benson, Benoni C. b. 4/16/1840 d. 6/5/1915 h/o Amazetta & Susanna
Benson, Charlie E. b.6/19/1852 d. 1/26/1860
Benson, Christian b. 5/1/1805 d. 6/5/1885 h/o Maria
Republic 6-12-1885 page2
Messrs. Ephraim Kempster, Vanrensal Rowe, H. V. Cole, Milo Chapin, John Marveil and Benj Mattson, all attended at Mr. Benson funeral have resided in this vicinity for over forty years. Mr. Ben whose funeral recently took place at Sharon church, came to this state in 1835 made his claim on rock river, and has remained on the same farm fifty years. He leaves two children both residing near the old home.
Benson, Maria b. 3/2/1806 d. 3/10/1898 w/o Christian
Benson, Mary A. b.12/10/1844 d. 10/14/1846
Benson, Robert E. b. 11/19/1846 d. 4-29-1862
Benson, Susanna Bolger b. 11-15-1844 d. 2/26/1925 w/o Benoni C.
Republic 3-25-1925
The remains of Mrs. Susan Bolger Benson who spent her girlhood day in Sharon but later at Rock Island, were brought to Sharon Saturday where she was laid to rest in the family lot beside her husband. He husband preceded her in death several years ago.
BESSE, Ida E. (Crandall) b. Feb. 28, 1858 d. Nov. 23, 1884 (Date 11/29/1884 ??)
Married John J. Besse 15 Apr 1874
Besse, Mabel L. b. d. 3/31/1863 7 mos
Besse, Maude b.1876 d. 9/2/1877 d/o J.J. & I.E. 1 yr
BESSE, John J. b. Oct 25, 1850 d. Nov. 19, 1901
Parents: Joseph Randolph and Sarah (Guthrie) Besse. Married: Ida E. Crandall 15 Apr 1874 &
Emma R. Schmeid 6 Oct 1885 Henry Co
Bibley, Bertha Lawrence 1878 1908 d/o W & A
Blackman Infant Son b.2/16/1957 d. 2/16/1957 s/o V. & V.E.
Republic of Feb. 21, 1957
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Blackman of Milan died Saturday afternoon, February 16, shortly after birth in St. Anthony hospital, Rock Island. Graveside services were held, Monday, Feb. 18, at the Sharon Cemetery with the Rev. H. Sheldon Pattison, Geneseo Methodist pastor, officiating. Surviving are the parents and grandparents, Mrs. Clarence Eyrich of Geneseo and Mr. and Mrs. Byron Blackman of Seaton.
Dispatch 2-18-1957
The infant son of Virgil and Vera Blackman of Milan born Saturday morning in St. Anthony Hospital at Rock Island, died Saturday afternoon. graveside services were today at the Sharon cemetery, the Rev. H. Sheldon Patterson, Geneseo Methodist pastor, officiating. Surviving are the parents, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Eyrich of Geneseo and Mr. and Mrs. Byron Blackman of Seaton.
Blaisdell, Hattie S. 1851 1897 Lot 88
Bolger, Jacob d.2/15/1879 Lot 12 h/o Sarah age 65 years
Bolger, Sarah (Young) 2/3/1820 1/18/1906 Lot 12 w/o Jacob Bolger
Bons, Barbara A. 6/15/1946 7/1/1998 w/o Donald
Bons, Donald Dwayne b. Aug. 27, 1939 d. Apr. 26, 2011
Donald D. Bons, 71, of Erie, Illinois, died Tuesday, April 26, 2011 at Genesis Medical Center, Illini Campus, Silvis. Funeral Services will be held at 11:00AM Saturday, April 30th at the Erie Christian Church, 715 6th Avenue, Erie. Visitation will be held one hour prior to services at the church. Burial will be in Sharon Cemetery, rural Erie. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Donald D. Bons Memorial Fund. Arrangements are being handled by Gibson Funeral Home, Erie. Donald Dwayne Bons was born August 27, 1939 in Freeport, Illinois, the son of Albert A. & Violet M. (Miley) Bons. He married Barbara Ann Hainke on November 28, 1964 in Freeport. Donald held various manufacturing jobs throughout the years. He is survived by 4 children and their spouses, Deb Hashaway, Erie, Johnny (Deborah) Bons, Morrison, Jennifer Bons, Sterling, Brenda (George) Desmond, East Moline; 8 siblings and their spouses, Diane (Lyle) Hoefer, Monroe, WI, Julie (David) Garret, Loves Park, IL, Ronald (Caren) Bons, Tacoma, WA, Jacob (Mary) Bons, Elk Grove, IL, Joseph Bons, Dallas, TX, Ken (Tanya) Bons, Sycamore, IL, Robert (Vicki) Bons, Lena, IL, Jerry Bons, Monroe, WI; 7 grandchildren, Brian Hashaway, Jesse Bons, Sara Hauck, Travis Griffith, Kiley Griffith, Bryan Desmond, Logan Desmond, Damien Desmond; and 1 great granddaughter, Lili Barrett. He was preceded in death by his wife Barbara on July 1, 1998, both parents, an infant daughter and a brother, Gene Bons.
Donald Dwayne Bons, 71, of Erie, died Tuesday, April 26, 2011, at Genesis Medical Center, Illini Campus, Silvis.
Services are 11 a.m. Saturday at Erie Christian, Erie, with visitation from 10 a.m. to services. Burial is at Sharon Cemetery, rural Erie. Arrangements are by Gibson, Erie. He was born Aug. 27, 1939. He married Barbara Hainke in 1964. She died in 1998. Surviving are children, Deb Hashaway, Erie, Johnny, Morrison, Jennifer Bons, Sterling, Brenda Desmond, East Moline; seven grandchildren; one great-granddaughter; eight siblings, Diane, Jerry, both Wisconsin, Julie, Jacob, Ken, Robert, all Illinois, Joseph, Texas, Ronald, Washington.
Bos, Betty R. 11-19-1929 12-26-1998
Betty Bos
Betty R. Bos, 69, Geneseo, died Saturday, Dec. 26, 1998, at Hammond-Henry Hospital, Geneseo. Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at Geneseo Evangelical Free Church. Burial will be in Sharon Cemetery, rural Spring Hill. Rev. Rick Cryder will officiate. Visitation will be from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at Myers Chapel, Stackhouse-Moore Funeral Homes, Geneseo. Memorials may be made to Geneseo Lions Club or Loraine United Methodist Church Library Fund. The former Betty R. Tyler was born Nov. 19, 1929, in Rapids City, Ill., the daughter of Elmer and Ethel Newingham Tyler. She graduated from Erie High School. She married Wilfird ``Bill'' Bos July 22, 1950, in Whiteside County. He died March 27, 1983. Mrs. Bos was active in the Geneseo Senior Citizens and its Kitchen Band and Chorus. She was often featured as its Hawaiian Hula Dancer. She was a member of the Geneseo Lioness Club. She made weekly visitations to Hillcrest Home for several years. Mrs. Bos was a member of the Newton Zion Reformed Church, Erie. She had attended the Geneseo Evangelical Free Church for several years. Survivors include daughters and sons-in-law, Ruthie and Michael DePauw, Prophetstown, and Audrey and Stan Mercer, Sheffield; sons and a daughter-in-law, Wilfird ``Bill'' Bos Jr., Atkinson, and Roger and Diana Bos, Geneseo; 11 grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; sisters, Maurine Croxton, Minneapolis, Minn., and Marion Bos, Osco; and a brother, William Tyler, Flowery Branch, Ga. She was preceded in death by brothers, Elmer Tyler II and Donald Tyler.
Geneseo Republic 1-2-1999
Betty R. Bos, 69, Geneseo, died Saturday, Dec. 26, 1998, at Hammond-Henry Hospital, Geneseo. Funeral services will be held Wednesday December 30 at Geneseo Evangelical Free Church with the Rev. Rick Cryder officiating. Organist was Dorothy Mariman while soloist was Kathy Medema. Burial was in Sharon Cemetery, rural Spring Hill. Pallbearers were Michael DePauw, Jr., Dennis Britton, Jim Bos, Eric Bos, Floyd Matney and Roger Bos Jr. Memorials may be made to Geneseo Lions Club or Loraine United Methodist Church Library Fund. The former Betty R. Tyler was born November 19, 1929, in Rapids City, the daughter of Elmer and Ethel (Newingham) Tyler. She graduated from Erie High School. She married Wilfird ``Bill'' Bos July 22, 1950, in Whiteside County. He died March 27, 1983. Visitation will be from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at Myers Chapel, Stackhouse-Moore Funeral Homes, Geneseo. He died March 27, 1983. Mrs. Bos was active in the Geneseo Senior Citizens and its Kitchen Band and Chorus. She was often featured as its Hawaiian Hula Dancer. She was a member of the Geneseo Lioness Club. She made weekly visitations to Hillcrest Home for several years. Mrs. Bos was a member of the Newton Zion Reformed Church, Erie. She had attended the Geneseo Evangelical Free Church for several years. Survivors include daughters and sons-in-law, Ruthie and Michael DePauw of rural Prophetstown and Audrey and Stan Mercer of Sheffield; two sons and a daughter-in-law, Wilfird ``Bill'' Bos Jr., Atkinson, and Roger and Diana Bos, Geneseo; 11 grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; sisters, Maurine Croxton of Minneapolis, Minnesota and Marion Bos of Osco; and a brother, William Tyler of Flowery Branch, Ga. She was preceded in death by her husband and two brothers, Elmer Tyler II and Donald Tyler.
Bos, Charles W. 7-23-1929 1-29-2013
Charles W. “Chuck” Bos, 83, of rural Geneseo passed away Tuesday, January 29, 2013 at his home. A memorial service celebrating his life will be held at 11 am Monday, February 4, 2013 at the Geneseo Evangelical Free Church. Rev. Greg Chenoweth and Rev. Dick Van Dyke will officiate. Visitation for Charles will be from 2-6 pm Sunday at the Geneseo Chapel of Vandemore Funeral Homes and Cremation Services. Inurnment will be in the Sharon Cemetery, Erie, IL. Per his request, cremation rites have been accorded. Memorials may be left to the Charles “Chuck” Bos Memorial Fund. Charles was born on July 23, 1929 in Garden Plain, IL to Clarence and Grace (Heun) Bos. On December 24, 1949, he was united in marriage to Georgia Glee Luecke in Newton Township, IL. Chuck had been a lifetime farmer in Erie and rural Geneseo, farming in Geneseo for 50 years. Chuck was an active member of the Geneseo Evangelical Free Church as well as the Antique Engine and Tractor Assc., the Henry County Farm Bureau. He was involved with United Marriage Encounter Group, Stevens Ministry, Lay Witness Mission as well as Pastoring and Bible study groups at the local nursing homes. He volunteered for the Red Cross Blood Drive for many years. Chuck was an avid and accomplished woodworker and enjoyed camping. Charles is survived by his wife, Glee; 2 sons: Charles L. (Diane) Bos, Geneseo, IL, Kevin (Karen) Bos, Geneseo, IL; 3 daughters: Merry (Greg) VanMeenen, Geneseo, IL, Cheryl (Butch) DeSplinter, Indianapolis, IN, Sandra (Gregg) Schwartz, Ambler, PA; 15 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren. He is preceded in death by his parents; and 3 brothers: Robert, Bill, and Peter.
Bos, Clarence 10/23/1901 8/16/1979
Republic 8-24-1979
Clarence Bos, 77, Geneseo, died Thursday, August 16, at Hammond-Henry hospital in Geneseo. Funeral services were Monday, August 20, at 1:30 p.m. in the Myers Funeral Home, Geneseo. Rev. Perry DeGoot, pastor of Newton Reformed church, Erie, officiating. Burial was in Sharon cemetery, near Gear Geneseo. Memorial are being left to the American Cancer Society. He was born October 23, 1901 in garden Plain the son of Peter and Grace Jahns Bos. He was reared and educated in Fenton. On February 14, 1923, he was married to Grace Heum in Garden Plain. A member of the Newton Reformed church. Mr. Bos was a retired farmer. Surviving are his widow, four son's, Charles and Wilfrid "Bill" both of Geneseo, Peter of Osco, and Robert of Hillsdale, 16 grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren, four sister, Mrs. Albert Heum and Mrs. Ada Dornbush both of Albany, Mrs. John Huizinga, Erie, and Mrs. Siegel Heum, Garden Plains.
Bos, Grace 11/14/1904 7/28/1988
Geneseo Republic 8-5-1988
Grace Bos
Grace Bos, 83, formerly of Geneseo died Thursday, July 28, 1988 at Kewanee Convalescent center, Kewanee, where she had been living. Funeral services were held Monday August 1, at Gibson Funeral home, Erie. Burial was in Sharon Cemetery, Portland township, near Erie. Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society. Grace Heun was born November 14, 1904, in Newton township, the daughter of John and Winni Klimstra Heun. She married Clarence Bos February 14, 1928, in Newton township. He died in 1979. She was a member of the Newton Zion Reformed church, Newton township. Survivors include three sons, Robert, Hillsdale, Charles, Geneseo and Peter, Osco; 16 grandchildren; 34 great grandchildren; and one sister, Marie Beilema, Fulton.
Bos, Peter C. b. Jun. 2, 1933 d. Sep. 24, 2009
Peter C. Bos, 76, of Geneseo, passed away Thursday, Sept. 24, 2009, at Hammond-Henry Hospital, Geneseo. Funeral services celebrating his life will be 1:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 26, at Geneseo Evangelical Free Church. The Rev. Greg Chenowith will officiate. Burial will be at the Sharon Cemetery, Erie, where military honors will be accorded by Hillsdale American Legion Post 1144. Family and friends of Peter may call from 5 to 8 p.m. today at Vandemore Funeral Home, Geneseo. Memorials may be left to Peter C. Bos Memorial Fund. Peter was born June 2, 1933, in Albany, the son of Clarence and Grace Huen Bos. He proudly served his country during the Korean War in the Army National Guard and was activated/federalized. Peter was united in marriage to Marion L. Tyler on Oct. 20, 1951, in Erie. He was a lifetime farmer in rural Erie, Geneseo and Osco areas from which he retired in 2002. Peter was a member of the Geneseo Evangelical Free Church and a former member of the Osco Evangelical Free Church. He also belonged to the Hillsdale American Legion Post 1144, Henry County Farm Bureau, N.R.A., and the Illinois Sheriffs Association. Peter enjoyed fishing at the Rock River and hunting. Survivors include his wife, Marion; three daughters and spouses, Pat and Floyd Matney, Prophetstown, Jane and Larry Mueller, Neponset, Joan and Darin Christian, Buda, Ill.; a son and spouse, Jim and Lynn Bos, Atkinson; a daughter-in-law, Susan Bos, Geneseo; 14 grandchildren; 22 great-grandchildren; and a brother and spouse, Charles and Glee Bos, Geneseo. He was preceded in death by a son, Peter A. Bos, and two brothers and his parents.Share a message of sympathy with Peter's family at
Bos, Roger E. 11/29/1954 4/11/2002
Republic 4-19-2002
Roger E. Bos 47, of rural Geneseo died Thursday April 11, 2002 of a heart attack in rural Hillsdale. Funeral services were held Monday, April 15 at Myers Chapel, Stackhouse-Moore Funeral Services, Geneseo. A Roger Bos memorial fund has been established. Mr. Bos was born November 29, 1954 in Morrison, the son of Wilford "Bill" and Betty (Tyler) Bos. He graduated from J. D. Darnell High school in 1972. On November 30, 1972, he married Diana Ritter in rural Geneseo. Mr. Bos farmed in Phenix township and worked for Bos LP Gas in Hillsdale. He attended Loraine United Methodist Church, rural Geneseo. He was a member of the National Rifle Association and the American Motorcycle Association. He painted equipment and vehicles for people and enjoyed fishing and racing his four wheeler. Survivors include his wife, daughter and a son-in-law, Michelle and Ryan Rasmussen, and Kari Bos at home, and Sons and daughter in law, Roger E. and Carlie Bos and Tim Bos all of Geneseo, and Chad Bos, at home, grandchildren, Zoey, Blaze, and Shelby, sisters, Ruthie DePauw of Prophetstown and Audrey Merea of Sheffield, and a brother, Bill Bos of Geneseo. His parents preceded him in death.
Bos, Wilfird E. “Bill” 12/11/1953 10/11/2013
Geneseo Republic Date:April 1, 1983
Wilfird E. “Bill” Bos, Jr., 59, of rural Geneseo, passed away Friday, October 11, 2013 at his sister’s home in Prophetstown. A memorial service celebrating his life will be held at 3pm October 20th at the Chapel On The Hill, (Rodney Weber Chapel) rural Geneseo. There is no visitation. Inurnment will be at Sharon Cemetery in Erie, IL immediately following the memorial service. Per his request cremation rites have been accorded. Memorials may be left to the Wilfird “Bill” Memorial Fund to be used for his children. Vandemore Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Geneseo is assisting the family with arrangements. Bill was born Dec 11, 1953 in Morrison, IL., the son of Wilfird “Bill” Bos, Sr. and Betty Tyler Bos. He married Carmen Redell on June 16, 1978 in her parents’ front yard and they remained husband and wife for twelve years. Though he worked various jobs, Bill grew up farming and enjoyed it the most. He was an avid hunter and fisherman and had great knowledge of the ways of birds, fish, and animals. Bill saw the Lord’s hand in all He created and he loved the Almighty God. Bill is survived by his children; son, Wilfird E. “Willy” Bos III; daughter, Sheena Bos; grandson, Xxander, all of Decatur, IL; sisters, Ruthie DePauw (Mike), Prophetstown and Audrey Mercer (Stan), Kewanee. Bill was preceded in death by his parents and brother Roger.
Bough, Sarah 2/3/1820 1/13/1906 w/o Jacob
Bracken, Andrew Jackson b. 4/29/1854 d. 5/30/1937
Taken off of
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Andrew Jackson Bracken
Birth Date: 29 Apr 1854
Birth Place: Portland Twp , Illinois
Death Date: 30 May 1937
Death Place: Portland Twp , Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 1 Jun 1937
Burial Place: Portland Twp., Whiteside, Ill.
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 83
Occupation: Farmer
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Male
Residence: Portland Township, Whiteside, Illinois
Father Name: Andrew Thompson Bracken
Father Birth Place: Penn.
Mother Name: Mary Crook
Mother Birth Place: N. Y.
Spouse Name: Christine Anderson
Comments: 20 years of this place
FHL Film Number: 1786889
Bracken, Andrew Thompson b. 2/7/1901 d. 7/31/1940
Anderson, Andrew T.
Birth: 1901
Death: 1940
Family links: Parents: Christine A. Bracken Anderson (1867 - 1941)
Burial:Sharon Cemetery Spring Hill Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Created by: Michael Kearney
Record added: Oct 27, 2012
Find A Grave Memorial# 99658037
Taken off the
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Andrew Thompson Bracken
Birth Date: 7 Feb 1901
Birth Place: Prophetstown, Whiteside, Ill
Death Date: 31 Jul 1940
Death Place: City of Sterling, Whiteside, Ill
Burial Date: 3 Aug 1940
Burial Place: Portland Twp., Whiteside, Ill.
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 39
Occupation: Farmer
Race: White
Marital Status: D
Gender: Male
Residence: Portland, Whiteside, Ill
Father Name: Andrew J. Bracken
Father Birth Place: Portland Twp., Illinois
Mother Name: Christene Anderson
Mother Birth Place: Denmark
FHL Film Number: 1832231
Bracken, Mary Christine Anderson b. 4/4/1867 d. 7/31/1941 m:1897 Andrew J. Bracken
married in 1897
Taken off the
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Mary Christine Anderson Bracken
Birth Date: 4 Apr 1867
Birth Place: Denmark
Death Date: 31 Jul 1941
Death Place: Prophetstown, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 2 Aug 1941
Burial Place: Portland Twp., Whitedise, Illinois
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 74
Occupation: Homemaker
Race: White
Marital Status: W
Gender: Female
Street Address: 206 Douglas St.
Residence: Prophetstown, Illinois
Father Name: Christian Anderson
Father Birth Place: Denmark
Mother Name: Stine Hansen
Mother Birth Place: Denmark
Spouse Name: Andrew J. Bracken
FHL Film Number: 1851210
Bracken, Andrew T. 1804 1870
Bracken, Mary L. 1815 1883 w/o Andrew T. . Bracken nee:Booth married: 1840
Bracken, Nettie Adams b. 1851 d. 1936 m:James Bracken on 1878
Bracken, Sarah Besse b. 1854 d. 1873 w/o Andrew Bracken
Republic 9-6-1895
Mrs. Sarah Bracken died in Chicago Tuesday of last week. She had gone there for medical treatment.
BRACKEN, William H. 1843 12/11/1878 Co D 140th IL Civil War
BRAZELTON, Aaron b. d. June 23 , 1926 Civil War
Brewer, Dwight J. b. Jun. 6, 1852 d. Oct. 30, 1961
Submitted by Dawna Lund ( on Rootsweb website
Name: Dwight Julian BREWER
Surname: Brewer
Given Name: Dwight Julian
Sex: M
Birth: 6 Jun 1852 in Monterey, Berkshire, Massachusetts
Death: 30 Oct 1861
Burial: Sharon Cemetery, Spring Hill, Whiteside, Illinois
Brewer, Louisa b. Aug. 13, 1816 d. Jul. 24, 1859
Brewer, Lucy b.3/26/1807 d. 9/22/1890
Submitted by Dawna Lund ( on Rootsweb website
Name: Lucy BREWER
Surname: Brewer
Given Name: Lucy
Sex: F
Birth: 26 Mar 1807 in Tyringham, Berkshire, Massachusetts
Death: 22 Sep 1890
Burial: Sharon Cemetery, Spring Hill, Whiteside, Illinois
Brewer, Nathan b. Mar. 25, 1809 d. Dec. 16, 1893
Republic 12-22-1893
Nathan Brewer an old and respected resident of Portland Township, died at his home near this village Saturday, Dec. 16th, aged 87 years.
Submitted by Dawna Lund ( on Rootsweb website
Name: Nathan BREWER
Surname: Brewer
Given Name: Nathan
Sex: M
Birth: 25 Mar 1804 in Tyringham, Berkshire, Massachusetts
Death: 16 Dec 1893
Burial: Sharon Cemetery, Spring Hill, Whiteside, Illinois
Brooker, Asentto L. 12/13/1855 1/10/1919
Republic 1-17-1919
Mrs. Henry Brooker, who has been sick at the home of her daughter in Erie, passed away Friday evening having been in bed most of the time for a year. Cancer being the cause of her death. Funeral services were held Sunday and interment was in Sharon cemetery.
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Asenetto L. Brooker
[Asenetto L. Robb]
Birth Date: 13 Dec 1855
Birth Place: Iowa
Death Date: 10 Jan 1919
Death Place: Erie, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 12 Jan 1919
Burial Place: Sharon
Death Age: 63
Occupation: Housewife
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Female
Residence: Erie, Whiteside, Illinois
Father Name: Crawford Robb
Father Birth Place: Illinois
Mother Name: Keziah Medherst
Mother Birth Place: Illinois
FHL Film Number: 1562095
BROOKER, Henry b. d. May 19, 1932 Co I 8th KS Civil War
Brooks, Alice A. 2-8-1863 1-14-1887 d/o B.F. & A.M. Brooks Lot 83
The Geneseo Republic Feb. 12, 1897
Next Sunday at 11 o'clock there will be a memorial service at the Sharon church in honor of Miss Alice Brooks who died of diphtheria Jan. 13, 1897.
The Geneseo Republic Jan. 22, 1897
Miss Allie Brooks, of Spring Hill daughter of Frank Brooks, is very low with a bad case of diphtheria. Dr. McEntire is attending here and Tuesday Dr. Fitzgerald, of Morrison was called as consulting physician. Mr. Brooks who was absent in Nebraska was telegraphed for and arrived home Wednesday night. Word was received that Miss Brooks died Friday morning and was buried in the afternoon. Funeral service was held at the grave. Rev. Lee, of Erie officiating. Erie Indepentant.
Brooks, Alphonzo 6/28/1812 2-10-1882 h/o Eliza
Iowa, Deaths and Burials, 1850-1990
Name: Alphonze Brooks
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Widowed
Occupation: Farmer
Race: White
Age: 69
Birth Date: 1813
Birth Place: N.Y.
Death Date: 10 Feb 1882
Death Place: Peoples Twp., Boone, Iowa
Burial Place: Portland, Whiteside Co., Ill.
FHL Film Number: 1034316
Reference ID: Pg. 17 - No. 195
This is what I have, the first line probably reads something like "Word of death comes from..."
"...Marion Brooks, in Iowa, Friday, Feb. 10, 1882, Alphonzo Brooks, aged 70 years.
Mr. Brooks was born in Onondaga county, N. Y. in 1812, and came to DuPage county, Illinois, in 1833, and to Portland, Whiteside county, in 1835. His family came in 1836. He lived for six years on what is now known as the Wallingford farm, and after that near Spring hill, where he kept a public house for twenty-two years. He had been honored by his fellow citizens with the offices of supervisor, town clerk, and justice of the peace of the township, and had also filled the position of Postmaster, performing the duties of each office with credit and honor. He was twice married, his first wife being Miss Eliza Teats and his second Mrs. Mary Whitcomb, whom he married in 1872. his children are : Benjamin f., Alice, Marion and Rose K. Mr. Brooks' remains were brought from Iowa last week and on Wednesday, the 13th inst., he was laid in his final rest in Sharon cemetery in Portland."
U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current
Name: Alphonso Brooks
Birth Date: 28 Jun 1812
Birth Place: Onondaga County, New York, USA
Death Date: 10 Feb 1882
Cemetery: Sharon Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place: Spring Hill, Whiteside County, Illinois, USA
Has Bio?: Y
Spouse: Eliza Brooks
Children: Harriet L. Brooks
BROOKS, ALPHONSO HOMER b:1-8-1859 d:1-6-1938
Alphonso Homer Brooks is the son of George W. Brooks and Sophia (Martin) Brooks. Alphonso Homer Brooks married Mahala Lucy George on 6 Dec 1880. Their children: Frank Percy Brooks, Edwin Valley Brooks, Everett Milton Brooks and Retta M. (Brooks) Klobes and Lillian Brooks. Alphonso Homer Brooks has two brothers and three sisters: Charles, George and Harriett, Anna and Lora. Alphonso is buried in the Sharon Cemetery in Whiteside County, Illinois.
Brooks, B. Frank 8/17/1837 4/18/1815 Lot 83
Republic of 5-17-1915
Last Sunday afternoon at the Sharon church was held the funeral service for B. Frank Brooks, who passed away Wednesday, April 18, 1915. Rev. F. E. Shult, of Geneseo , officiated. Mr. Brooks was born in Portland township, Whiteside county, Aug. 17, 1837, and spent his entire life time in the town of his nativity having been one of the successful farmers residing in the southern part of this county. his home at the time, of his birth and for several years afterwards was in the log cabin erected by his father upon his arrival in the county in the years of 1835. He attended the district school in Portland and afterwards served as a member of the school board for the greater part of his life. Mr. Books was united in marriage to Miss Mary Lanphere April 19, 1859, and to this union were born six children, five of whom survive, as follows: Frederic, residing in Sharon, E. B. of Atkinson, Cora who resides at home, H. C. Who resides in Erie, and F. R. who resides in Atkinson. Mrs. Brooks died April 5, 1886. August 28, 1889, Mr. Brooks was united in marriage to Electa L. Brown, who with one son, Marion, survive. A brother, Marion Brooks, of Ogden, Iowa, and two sisters, Mrs. Jacob Shelters and Mrs. James Parks, of Boone, Iowa are also left to mourn the loss of their brother. Mr. Brooks was one of the charter members of the Sharon Methodist church, and served as a trustee of the church to the time of his death. He wasalso a member of Bollen Lodge, No.412, A.F. & A.M., of Spring Hill, and also a charter member of Brooks Camp No.225 M.W.A. He had always affiliated with the Republican party, having cast his first ballot for Abraham Lincoln in 1860. He served as deputy sheriff for four years under sheriffs R. E. Logan and John Dippell. He was assessor of Portland Tp., for 30 years, served one term as supervisor from that town, and also held the office of tax collector for one term, in the year 1874. Mr. Brooks was best known in Morrison and vicinity through his connection with the Morrison Fair association, of which he was a director for over a quarter of a century. He was a staunch and reliable friend, honorable and upright in all of his dealings, and in his death good man has gone to his final reward after a long and well spent life. He will be remembered with affection by many, and all will tender their deepest sympathy to the wife and kindred in their bereavement.
Brooks, Bert C. died Feb. 1952
Dispatch 2-23-1952
Funeral services for Bert C. Brooks, 85, who died at his home Tuesday, were held at Sharon church yesterday afternoon. The Rev. Donald Cobb of Erie Methodist church officiated. Mrs. James Blean, Mrs. John Shoemaker of Geneseo and Mrs. Keith Tomkinson of Hooppole sang and presided at the panio. Pallbearers were Charles Byam, Claire Dobson, Art Hawk, Roy Jordan, Clyde Burns, and Russell Thompson of Port Bryron. Mr. Ivor Anderson, Mrs. John Wirth, Mrs. Howard Martin and Mrs. Howard Roselieb were charge of flowers.
Brooks, Clyde b. Sep. 12, 1888 d. Apr. 1, 1898
Republic 4-8-1898
The Royal Neighbors sent out some lovely flowers for the funeral of Emmett Brooks little child Sunday.
Note : according to the date of paper and grave his name was Clyde.
Republic 4-8-1898
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Brooks, residing east of this city, near Spring creek, met with a sad loss last Friday by the death of their son, Clyde, aged 10 years, from pneumonia. Funeral services were held Sunday and the remains taken to Sharon for interment in the family burial ground. A very large cortege of friends and neighbor's of the family escorted the remains to their final resting place.
Brooks, Cora B. 1863 1950 Lot 83
Brooks, Donald H. b; 9-22-1929
Brooks, Emery died 6/21/1955
Republic 6-30-1955
Funeral service for Emery Brooks of Erie, who passed away on Tuesday June 21, were held on Thursday afternoon at the Sharon Church, Rev. Donald Cobb of Erie Methodist Church, officiated. Mrs. Keith Thompson of Hooppole and Mrs. James Blean of Erie sang two selections, accompained by Mrs. Tonkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Martin were in charge of the flowers. Burial was in Sharon cemetery.
Brooks, Emmett Benton b. Oct. 11, 1864 d. Nov. 28, 1929
Republic 12-6-1929
Atkinson community was called to mourn the passing of a prominent citizen on Thanks-
ing Day, Nov. 28, 1929, by the death of Emmert Brooks, which occurred at the J. C. Hammond city hospital in Geneseo at 4 o'clock in the morning. A stroke of paralysis followed by a brief illnedd resulted in his death. Mr. Brooks was born Oct. 11, 1861, at Spring Hill, north of Geneseo. He was married to Miss Tibbia Cole. The Brooks family moved to Atkinson about thirty years ago and have since made their home here. He leaves to mourn his passing, his aged mother, his wife, two son's Floyd and Frank Brooks of Atkinson, two daughter, Mrs. Jesse Maranville of Atkinson, and Mrs. Joseph Pelikan of Savanna, Ill. Also two brothers Bert Brooks of Erie, and F. Roy Brooks of Atkinson and two sisters. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 1:30 at the Atkinson Congregational church, Rev. John Rogers, officiating. The pallbearers were Chas. Withrow, Harold, Hollis, and Emery Brooks, of Erie, Joseph Pelikan of Savanna and Jesse Maranville of Atkinson. Interment was in the Sharon cemetery near Spring Hill.
Brooks, Emma Jane Arnett b. 8/26/1863 d. 8/25/1920
Republic of 9-3-1920
Emma Arnett Brooks, daughter of the late William and Maria Arnett, was born in Loraine township, Henry county, Ill., Aug.. 26, 1863, and died Aug. 25, 1920, at her home. On November 8, 1887, she was united in marriage with Fred F. Brooks at Erie, Ill. Of this union five children were born all of whom are; Mrs. Iva Rivers, of Granger, Iowa, Mrs. Irma Withrow, of Erie, Harold, also of Erie, William and Helen, at home. Besides these she leaves her husband, one grandson, one brother Leonard Arnett, of Erie, a step-mother and two half brothers, Howard and Hollis, in Oklahoma. Three sisters, Mrs. Elsie Chambers, of Nebraska, Mrs. Eva Park, of Canada, and Mrs. Nettie Brooks, of Erie, preceded her in death a number of years ago. About two years ago Mrs. Brooks was stricken with paralysis, but had partially recovered and was able to attend to her household duties, until about two months ago she again failed. At the last she was only confined to her bed two days. She was a charter member of the Eastern Star of Portland township, holding her membership during its existence. She was also a member of the Erie RoyalNeighbors, the Sharon Ladies Aid Society, and an active worker. She was a regular attendant of the Sharon church during the time there was an organization. For seven years she taught in the school of Henry county. Her whole life had been lived in that community where she was born. Funeral services were held at the house at 1 p.m. Sunday, and at the Sharon church at 1:30, conducted by Rev. Thomas Colley, pastor of the Erie Methodist church. The singing was by Mesdames Minnie Feaster, and Fannie Swederus, members of the Erie Methodist church choir, with Miss Susan Pierce as accompanist. The pall bearers were William and Harold Brooks, Bert Brooks, Leonard Arnett, Otis Withrow, and Edwin Ribers. There were many beautiful floral offerings from family and friends, testifying to the love and respect felt for the deceased. Among the special pieces were those from the Royal Neighbors and Aid Society. Burial was in the family lot in the Sharon cemetery.
Taken off of
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Emma Jane Brooks
[Emma Jane Arnett]
Birth Date: 26 Aug 1863
Birth Place: Illinois
Death Date: 25 Aug 1920
Death Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 29 Aug 1920
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 56
Occupation: HousewifeRace: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Female
Residence: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Father Name: William Arnett
Father Birth Place: Penn.
Mother Name: Maria Brittain
Mother Birth Place: Illinois
FHL Film Number: 1570226
Brooks, F. Roy 1876 1934 Lot 85A h/o Grace
Brooks, Grace 5/8/1872 8/10/1926 Lot 85A w/o F. Roy
Republic 8-13-1926
On Tuesday morning, August 10th, 1926, the community was called to mourn the death of Mrs. F. R. Brooks, a resident of Atkinson, for the past twenty-six years. Mrs. Brooks had been in poor health for several months and a month ago her condition became serious and she passed away at 3:30 at her home Tuesday morning. Three week ago, she submitted to be removed of her tonils at the J. C. Hammond city hospital in Geneseo and remained a patient there until last week when she removed to her home here. Grace Butzer Brooks, was born May 8, 1872 in Phenix township, north of Geneseo and was the daughter of Adam and Margaret Butzer. As a young girl she resided with her parents on farm in that locality and there received her education. She was married to F. Roy Brooks, February 8, 1893 in Hillsdale, Ill. After their marriage, they resided on a farm in Sharon neighborhood, north of Geneseo, for about a year and a half which they removed to Atkinson which since been their home and where Mr. Brooks ______ a furniture and undertaking business. To this union were born two son, Willard and Rollin Brooks both of Chicago. Mrs. Brooks was highly esteemed in the community.. She was very queenly to her home, loving, self-sacrificing, laboring always for the good of her husband and family. She took a great interest in the affairs of the community. Not only will she be missed in the family circle, but also by a host of friends. She leaves to mourn her passing besides her husband, two son's,Willard and Rollin of Chicago, her aged mother, Mrs. Margaret Butzer, one brother, Bert Butzer, of Prophetstown, two sisters, Mrs. Orlaf Jeffreyu of DeStot, Iowa and Mrs. Frank Evans of DesMoines, Iowa. Funeral services were held this Thursday afternoon at 2:30 at the Congregnational Chlurch in Atkinson. Interment was in Grandview. (She is buried in Sharon Cemetery).
Brooks, Kathleen Nov. 4, 1927 Jun. 3, 2010 w/o Donald H.
Brooks, Lyle Richard 5/20/1933 3/26/2016
Lyle R. "Jumpy" Brooks, 82, of Erie, died peacefully at home on Saturday, March 26, 2016. Services will be at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, March 30, at Gibson-Bode Funeral Home, Erie. Visitation will be 4 to 7 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home, preceded by a Masonic Lodge service at 3:30 p.m. Burial will be at Sharon Cemetery, rural Erie. Memorials may be made to Erie United Methodist Church or Erie Masonic Lodge No. 667. Lyle Richard Brooks, known by most as "Jumpy," was born May 20, 1933, in rural Erie, the son of Harold and Ethel Brooks. He graduated from Erie High School in 1951. He married Margo Davis on June 14, 1959, at Kewanee United Methodist Church. They were longtime members of Erie United Methodist Church. Together they raised their four wonderful sons and are the proud grandparents of seven. Lyle joined Erie Masonic Lodge in 1970 and was a past master, serving in 1975, '84, '94 and '03. He was also a lifetime member and served in many of their officer roles. He was the Erie Township road commissioner for 12 years. Lyle worked for John Keeler Construction, Moline, for 15 years. In 1973, he started Brooks Excavating in Erie. He enjoyed operating heavy equipment; his work was his hobby. For 25 years, he played Santa Claus in Erie. Lyle also loved going up to the Pink Pony for afternoon coffee with the guys. He leaves to celebrate his life his wife of nearly 57 years, Margo Brooks; four sons, Brian (Angie) Brooks, Bruce Brooks, Bradley (Pam) Brooks and Kyle Brooks (Traci Mask), all of Erie; and seven grandchildren, Tyler, Tanner, Brianna, Brennan and Blake Brooks, Zackary Vilmont and Rylee Melton. He was preceded in death by his parents; brother and sister-in-law, Arlyn and Esther Brooks; and twin sister, Marjorie, in infancy. Share a memory or condolence at
Brook, Mary (Lanphere) 11/12/1837 4/5/1886 w/o B. F. Brooks Lot 83
Brooks, Minnie 1897 1983 Lot 85B w/o Willard
Brools, Mrs. Henry
Republic 1-17-1919
Mrs. Henry Brooks, who has been sick at the home of her daughter in Erie, passed away Friday evening, having been in bed most of the time for a year. Cancer being the cause of her death. Funeral services were held Sunday and interment was in Sharon cemetery.
Brooks, Nettie L. Arnett b. 1865 d. 1915 w/o Bert C. Brooks
Brooks, Tillie Inez Cole b. 11/24/1865 d. 10/6/1950
BROOKSTIBBIE INEZ F/W Y-84 0041272 1950-10-06 HENRY
Republic Oct. 1950
Mrs. Tillie Inez Brooks, 84 died in the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Eugene VanOpdorf Friday noon, October 8. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon October 9, in the Congregational Church, the Rev. Russell Elllinger, officiated. Burial was in Sharon cemetery, Portland township. Pallbearers were Charles Jeffrey, Hughey Sullivan, Dale Redell, Bob Caldwell, Walter and Charles Maranville. Mrs. Brooks was born in November 24, 1865 in Portland township, Whiteside coounty, daughter of the late Horace B. and Belina Brewer Cole. She attended Portland township and Davenport schools and Knox college. On February 21, 1884 she married Emmett B. Brooks in Portland township. He passed away November 1929. She was a member of the Congregational Church, Atkinson. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Nettie Marvanville of Erie, Mrs. Velma Peliken of Savanna, two sons, Floyd of Cambridge, and Frank of Savanna, 10 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.
Brooks, Willard 6-10-1900 1/13/1951 (1961?) Lot 85B h/o Minnie
Dispatch 1-16-1961
Services were held in LaGrange this afternoon for Willard Brooks, 60, former Atkinson resident, who died there Friday. Grave sides services will be in in spring Hill Cemetery north of here. Born June 10, 1900, in Spring Hill. Mr. Brooks is the son of Ray and Grace Butzer Brooks. He attended Atkinson schools. Surviving are the widow, three sons and a daughter, a brother, Rollin of LaGrange, and his step-mother, Mrs. Florence Brooks of LaGrange.
Republic 1-19-1961
Willard Brooks 80, a former Atkinson resident died Friday January 13 in LaGrange, where he had resided. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon January 16 in LaGrange and burial was Tuesday afternoon in Sharon cemetery, near Spring Hill, north of Atkinson. Mr. Brooks was born June 10, 1900 in Spring Hill, a son of Roy and Grace Butzer Brooks. He attended Atkinson school. Surviving are his wife, three sons, a daughter, a brother, Rollin and his step-mother, Mrs. Florence Brooks both of La Grange.
Brooks, William A. 9/10/1889 3/29/1986
Republic 4-4-1986
William A. Brooks, 86, of Erie, father of a Geneseo woman, died Saturday, March 29 at Hammond-Henry hospital, Geneseo. Funeral services were held Tuesday, April 1 at Gibson-Reedy Funeral Home, Erie with burial in Sharon cemetery, Erie. Memorials may be made to the Erie Christian Church Youth Ministry. Mr, Brooks was born September 10, 1889, in Portland township, Whiteside county, the son of Fred and Emma Arnett Brooks. He married Mary Ann Stanton in Geneseo April 7,1981. He was a retired farmer. Surviving are his wife, two sons, James Stanton of Manitowoc, Wisconsin and Tom Stanton of Greenwich, Connecticut, a daughter, Sandra Fuller of Geneseo, nine grandchildren and a great-grandchild.
Brotherson, Hepsabeth Stowell b. Apr. 23, 1826 d. Nov. 19, 1870
Parents: Daniel & Hetty Stowell Married: Joseph Brotherson
Brotherson, Joseph b. 1790 d. Mar 2, 1865 USN Civil War
Married Hepsabeth Stowell
Brotherson, Capt Joseph b. Oct. 29, 1819 d. Mar. 2, 1865
Bryant, Almeda 1855 1948 Lot 84
Bryant, Emil 1882 1891 Lot 84
Bryant, Emily M. 3/29/1829 4/17/1904 Lot 9
Bryant, James 9/14/1821 11/29/1892 Lot 9
Republic 12-9-1892
James Bryant, a old settler and highly respected citizen of Sharon, died at his home Nov. 29. the funeral was held at Sharon Dec. 1st., Rev. E. W. Thompson, of Salem, officiated.
Bryant, Joseph E. 1856 1923 Lot 9
Republic 10-26-1923
Joseph Bryant, a life long resident of sharon and vicinity passed away in his home in Erie Tuesday morning. The funeral service were held at the sharon church Thursday afternoon at two o'clock and remains laid to rest in Sharon cemetery.
Bryant, Lillie G. 1861 1/31/1934 Lot 9
Republic 2-9-1934
Mr. and Mrs.Kenneth Bennett, Mrs. Clyde Reiger, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Bennett, George Crosier, and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Farrell went to Erie last Saturday to atten the funeral of a relative, Mrs. Lily Bryant, who passed away in Naperville, Wednesday Jan. 31, 1934. Mrs. Bryant was quite well known here having attended Northwestern Normal in Geneseo in her early years. Funeral services were held in Erie and burial was in Sharon cemetery.
Bryant, William C. 1850 1892 Lot 84
Republic 11-4-1892
Mr. Will Bryant died Monday night at 12 o'clock of brain fever. Mr. Bryant was sick but a few days and was unconscious most all time. His wife is reported worse with the same disease. It is a sad affair
BUNCH, James b. March 29, 1931 d. July 16, 2004
Parents: James & Mamie (Anderson) Bunch. Married Joann Sonculis
Burk, Dwight E b. 1835 d. Apr. 6, 1854 10y Lot 7A s/o H & N.M.L.
Burk, Horace 5/20/1808 11/23/1878 70 years. H/o Sarah Lot 7
From the Bent Wilson History of Whiteside County 1877.
HORACE BURKE was born in Berkshire county, Massachusetts. He lived in Bennington county, Vermont, 20 years. In 1830 he moved to Erie county, New York, and in 1834 came to Cook county, Illinois, and opened a farm on the Jolict road. He was by trade a carpenter, and worked in Chicago helping to raise and frame the first two-story house in that city. He came to Portland in June, 1834, where he still lives. He lost his entire improvements in the tornado of 1844, and nearly all his stock. He rebuilt, and the weary traveler and emigrant have always found a cordial welcome in his house. It was the place for holding elections from 1836 to 1853. He married Miss Lydia Sprague in 1832, and after her death, married Mrs. Hannah Witt, in 1850. Children: James, Dwight E., Sarah, Georgia, Alice, Julia, and Lydia. Dwight E. is dead; Georgia married Prank Haddaway and is also dead; Alice married Theodore Wyman and lives in Iowa; James married Miss Mary Briggs, Sarah married Win. Harris, Julia married Geo. Curry, and Lydia married Monroe Occobock—the last four mentioned reside in Kansas.
Surnames: Burk, Currie, Mosier, Harris
I might be able to provide a little info about the Horace Burk family. I'm descended from his daughter Julia who married George Currie. In 1983 I was corresponding with Ruby Egnew who was descended from his daughter Sarah Jane who married William Harris. I do not know her sources, but she said Horace Burk's second wife was Hannah Page Witt. Also, Horace and Lydia had seven children who reached adulthood and two who died in infancy, Helen and Elizabeth.Also, Horace Burk's parents were Horace Burk (b. Ireland) and Sarah Mosier (b. England ?, d. 15 Feb 1855, ae. 78, buried in Sharon Cemetery). I've never followed up on this information. I have a little info on Horace and Lydia's family I can share if anyone's interested. Let me know. James
I found a couple graves in Sharon Cemetery in Portland Twp.
Burk, Horace Nov. 23, 1878 70 years.
Burk, Sarah, wife of H. d. Feb . 15, 1855 - 75 yrs.
Did some checking on the LDS Search facility and found an IGI record for Horace's birth in 1808 which matches. Also found an ancestral file for the family which gives this for Hannah.
Born: 4 Nov 1804 Place: (incorrect).
Died: 1 Aug 1889 Place: , Whiteside, Illinois
Buried: Place: Erie Cemetery, Whiteside, Illinois
Married: 1850 Place: Whiteside, Illinois
So, who is the Sarah, wife of H. Burk? The date of death doesn't fit either Hannah or Lydia. And I checked and Hannah is buried in the Erie cemetery with the 1 Aug 1889 date of death……………..Bob
Burk, Lydia M Sprague b. Oct. 12, 1810 d. Dec. 5, 1848
Surnames: Burk, Currie, Mosier, Harris
I might be able to provide a little info about the Horace Burk family. I'm descended from his daughter Julia who married George Currie. In 1983 I was corresponding with Ruby Egnew who was descended from his daughter Sarah Jane who married William Harris. I do not know her sources, but she said Horace Burk's second wife was Hannah Page Witt. Also, Horace and Lydia had seven children who reached adulthood and two who died in infancy, Helen and Elizabeth.Also, Horace Burk's parents were Horace Burk (b. Ireland) and Sarah Mosier (b. England ?, d. 15 Feb 1855, ae. 78, buried in Sharon Cemetery). I've never followed up on this information. I have a little info on Horace and Lydia's family I can share if anyone's interested. Let me know. James
Burk, Sarah Mosier b. 1780 d. Feb. 15, 1855 75 years w/o Horace Lot 7A
Surnames: Burk, Currie, Mosier, Harris
I might be able to provide a little info about the Horace Burk family. I'm descended from his daughter Julia who married George Currie. In 1983 I was corresponding with Ruby Egnew who was descended from his daughter Sarah Jane who married William Harris. I do not know her sources, but she said Horace Burk's second wife was Hannah Page Witt. Also, Horace and Lydia had seven children who reached adulthood and two who died in infancy, Helen and Elizabeth.Also, Horace Burk's parents were Horace Burk (b. Ireland) and Sarah Mosier (b. England ?, d. 15 Feb 1855, ae. 78, buried in Sharon Cemetery). I've never followed up on this information. I have a little info on Horace and Lydia's family I can share if anyone's interested. Let me know. James
I found a couple graves in Sharon Cemetery in Portland Twp.
Burk, Horace Nov. 23, 1878 70 years.
Burk, Sarah, wife of H. d. Feb . 15, 1855 - 75 yrs.
Did some checking on the LDS Search facility and found an IGI record for Horace's birth in 1808 which matches. Also found an ancestral file for the family which gives this for Hannah.
Born: 4 Nov 1804 Place: (incorrect).
Died: 1 Aug 1889 Place: , Whiteside, Illinois
Buried: Place: Erie Cemetery, Whiteside, Illinois
Married: 1850 Place: Whiteside, Illinois
So, who is the Sarah, wife of H. Burk? The date of death doesn't fit either Hannah or Lydia. And I checked and Hannah is buried in the Erie cemetery with the 1 Aug 1889 date of death……………..Bob
Burris, Bob 1924
Burris, Mary E. 1927 1982 w/o William
Burris, Mike 1953 1988
Burris, William E. 1926 1988 h/o Mary
Butterbaugh, Jacob 9/13/1812 2/17/1893 h/o Susannah
Info from : Jacob Butterbaugh;Birth 13 Sept.1812inBedford PA.USA Death 17
Butterbaugh, Susannah Young 6/10/1818 8/4/1890 w/o Jacob
Info from : Birth 10 June1818 inBlair PA. USA Death 4 Aug. 1890 in
Butzer, Adam 2/27/1844 5/25/1900 h/o Margaret
Birth: Feb. 27, 1844
Illinois, USADeath: May 25, 1900
Illinois, USA
Marr. Margaret Licht on Apr. 26, 1868 in Henry Co., IL
Family links:
George Frederick Butzer (1839 - 1850)
Louise Cole Baltz (1809 - 1881)
Margaret Licht Butzer (1848 - 1927)
Hattie Grace Butzer Brooks (1872 - 1926)*
Bert Jacob Butzer (1876 - 1956)*
Harry Butzer (1876 - 1876)*
George Butzer (____ - 1856)*
Caroline Butzer Sieben (1838 - 1898)*
Adam Butzer (1844 - 1900)
*Calculated relationship
Burial:Sharon Cemetery Spring Hill Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Created by: Dave & Pam Jindrich
Record added: May 10, 2012
Find A Grave Memorial# 89905155
Republic 6-1-1900
Mr. Adam Butzer died Friday, May 25th, 1900, at his home at the north end of College Avenue in this city, from heart trouble, He having been an invalid for nearly two years and a great sufferer for the last two months of his life. Deceased was a native of Henry county, born in Phenix, Feb. 27, 1844, and aged 50 years, 2 months and 25 days. April 26, 1868 he was united in marriage with Miss Margaret Light(Licht). Of this union five children were born, one dying in infancy. The suriviors of this family are his faithful and loving wife, his son Bert of Phenix, Ms. Alice Davis, Mrs. Grace Brooks, and Miss Belva, the later at home. A brother and sister also survive—Louis of Pittsburg, Kansas and Mrs. Joseph Arnett of this city. Mr. Butzer was a farmer and a very successful one during his active life. He was possessed of strong character, great industry and sterling integrity. He was looked upon on as a leading man of his native town and was its representative on the Board of Supervisors for a time. He also held other position of trust in his town to the satisfaction of all. When he found that failing health would interfere with is further work on the farm he came to this city established his family in a good home, and despites his physical suffering he was social and congenial and made many friends here. He was a member of the Masoonic fraternity,belonging to the Spring Hill lodge, also the A.O. W. W. of, Geneseo and also the M. W. A. of that village he carrying insurance in the latters orders. The funeral was held sunday, Rev. F. E. Shult, of Spring Hill officiating. There was a short service at the home ft 11:30 a.m. Uner dirction of the Geneseo Masons, and later a sermon at the Sharon church in charge of the Spring Hill Mason's.
Butzer, Arlyn b. d. 8/28/1969
Dispatch 8-29-1969
Arlyn Butzer, 69, of Prophetstown, died yesterday afternoon in his home in Portland Twp. Services will be at 1:30 tomorrow afternoon in Sharon cemetery with Rev. A. Dean Lundstrom of the First Congregational Church, Prophetstown, officiating. Friends may call today at Garner Mortuary, Prophetstown. Mr. Butzer was born in Portland Twp., son of Bert and Josephine Decker Butzer. He married Julia Anderson, May 6, 1921, in Cedar Falls, Iowa. He was a farmer in Portland Twp. and a township supervisor for the last eight years. Surviving is the widow.
Butzer, Margaret Licht 9/23/1848 9/5/1927 w/o Adam
Birth: Sep. 23, 1848, GermanyDeath: Sep. 5, 1927
In 1880 her divorced mother, Elizabeth Hart b. 1815 in Germany, was living with Margaret and her family in Phoenix, Henry Co., IL.
Margaret was baptised in Rhineland, Germany on 24 Sep 1848 as Anna Margaretha Licht. She was the daughter on Antonius & Elizabeth Margaretha (Reis) Licht.
Children: Alice M. b. 1869, Hattie G. b. 1872 (marr. Frank R. Brooks), Bert J. b. 1877
Family links:
Adam Butzer (1844 - 1900)*
Hattie Grace Butzer Brooks (1872 - 1926)*
Bert Jacob Butzer (1876 - 1956)*
Harry Butzer (1876 – 1876)*
Republic 9-9-1927
Funeral services for Mrs. Margaret Butzer, window of the late Adam Butzer were held on Wednesday afternoon in Unitarian church. Rev. John H. Hershey officiated. The body was taken to Sharon, Ill. For burial in the family lot at the cemetery there. The service were attended by many Geneseo relatives and by her children, Mrs. alice Evans, of DesMoines, Ia., Bert Butzer of Proophetstown, and Mrs. Belve Jeffrey of DeSoto, Iowa. Mrs. Butzer death occourred suddenly last Monday evening in DesMoines, Ia. At the resident of her daughter, Mrs. Alice Evans with whom she made her home. Death was due to heart trouble. She was born in Germany on Sept. 23,1848 and came to this country with her parents at the age of four years. Since that time she had resided in or near Geneseo. Mr. Butzer died several years ago. Mrs.Butzer is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Velva Jeffrey of DeSoto, Ia. And Mrs. alice Evans of DesMoines, Ia, and one son Bert Butzer of Prophetstown, Ill. A daughter Mrs. Roy Brooks of Atkinson, preceded her in death. The pallbearers at the funeral service were David Arnett, Will Bollen, Fred Butzer, Henry Diener, Harry Butzer, and Willis Evans.
Caldwell, Mrs Alice DeMaranville b. Dec. 2, 1924 d. Jan. 3, 2012
Alice Caldwell, age 87, a resident of Glen Ellyn, IL, died January 3, 2012, at GlenOak Hospital in Glendale Heights, Illinois. She was born December 2, 1924 in Atkinson, IL. She was the youngest and last survivor of four children born to Jessie Melvin DeMaranville and Antionette "Nettie" Cole Brooks DeMaranville who were both born in Atkinson, IL. She is survived by her son, Alan Caldwell of California and Louise Caldwell of Bloomingdale, two grandsons, Marcum and Robert, her nieces, Kathleen Hayden of Omaha NE, Mary Kucera (Geoff) of Loami, IL, Helen Melton of Erie, IL and Janet Quaintance (Joel) of Erie, IL and nephew Thomas. Maranville (Deborah) of Morton, IL and several great nieces and great nephews. Preceding Alice in death were her husband, Robert, sister, Inez M. Redell (1912–1969) and brothers, Charles E. Maranvile (1908–2003) and Walter J. DeMaranville (1920–2001). A visitation will be held on Friday, January 6 from 3 to 8 p.m. at Hultgren Funeral Home, 304 N. Main St., Wheaton. A funeral service will be held on Saturday, Jan. 7 at 11 a.m. at Parkview Community Church, 764 Saint Charles Road, Glen Ellyn, IL. Friends may visit with the family one hour before the service. Interment will follow at Sharon Cemetery in Spring Hill, Illinois.
Carney, Baby Boy born abt 1905 died 1909 4 yrs old
The Geneseo Republic 2-19-1909
The little four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Zene Carney passed away at their home last Thursday morning after a week of suffering from spinal meningitis. The funeral services were held Sunday at the Sharon church and the little body laid at rest in the cemetery there. The grief stricken parents have the sympathy of all in their affliction.
Carney, Bert d. 8/21/1872 5m 22d s/o M & E Lot 6B
Carney, Elizabeth M. 1868 1955
wife of Fred
Carney, Ester M. 1847 11/17/1885 37y 1m 12d Lot 6B w/o Michael
Carney, Frederick L. 1863 1949 h/o Lizzie Regar
Dispatch 11-30-1949
Erie friends have received word of the death Thursday morning of Fred Carney of Waupon, Wisc., a former resident of Spring Hill. Funeral services will be held in Waupon at 2:30 tomorrow, with graveside services st 2:30 Friday in Sharon cemetery in Portland township. Mr. Carney lived in Spring Hill many years ago, leaving there about 30 years ago. He is survived by his widow, the former Lizzie Regar, and son and daughter. He was preceded in death by two brother, Elmer and Charles Carney.
Carney, Michael 4/5/1847 10/17/1914 67y 6m 12d Lot 6B h/o Ester
Republic 10-23-1914
Michael Carney of Spring Hill for some years in feeble health, was suddenly taken worse last week and after some thirty-six hours suffering passed away about 9 o'clock Saturday night. mr. carney was born in Massena, St. Lawrence county, New York, April 5, 1847 and departed this life October 17, 1914. He was a resident of this native state until coming to Illinois in April of 1866, when he settled on a farm near Spring Hill, in Portland Township, which has been his home since that time. He was united in marriage June 21, 1874, to Miss Esther Chase, who preceded him in death on November 17, 1886, since which time Mr. Carney has be home with his children, much of the time with his son, Zeam. To this union were three children, one son Bertie, who died in infancy, a daughter, Mrs. Dency Sohibeck of Spring Hill and Zeam, a son above spoken of. Beside his immediate family, Mr. Carney leaves six grandchildren, two brother, and three sisters, one brother and one sister preceding him in death. mr. Carney had been a great sufferer for the past twenty-two years and had traveled much in search of relief but to no purpose as his suffering continue up to the time of his death. He spent two winter's in southern California and one in Florida, also one in Alabama beside he also visited many resorted but to no avail. Mr. Carney was one of those men whom to know was to admire and consequently, he had many friends in different parts of Whiteside county, especially in the southern part of the county. The funeral was held Monday at 1 o'clock at the house and 2 o'clock at Sharon church. Rev. F. R. McNama presiding. There was a large concourse of friends beside the relatives to pay a last tribute to one whom they have loved and respected in life for his many manly traits of character and his honoresty of purpose. The foral offerings were many and rich attesting to his worth a great man.
Chambers, Andrew J. d. 6/24/1868 s/o Rev. J.P. (A.P.?) & M. Chambers Lot 70A
Chambers, Martha 7/2/1803 2/1/1870 w/o Rev. A.P. Chambers Lot 70A
CHASE, David b. d.12/30/1880 (10/30/1880??) 75y Lot 6C h/o Sally Co I 12th IL Civil War
Chase, Sally d. 8/17/1874 69y w/o David Lot 6C
Chase, Winslow H. d. 10/18/1863 17y s/o D & S Lot 6C
Cherry, James b. unknown d. Jan. 15, 1841 h/o Margaret
Cherry, Margaret b. unknown d. Aug. 30, 1815 w/o James
Church, Nancy M. Stone b. May 4, 1940 d. Jul. 1, 2006
Transcribed by Deb Thormahlen
The Prophetstown Echo – July 11, 2006
NANCY M. (STONE) CHURCH , 66, of Barstow, IL died Saturday, July 1, 2006 at her home surrounded by her family. Services were held Thursday, July 6, 2006 at the Gibson & Son Funeral Home, Prophetstown. Burial followed in Sharon Cemetery, rural Erie, IL. Following the burial, the celebration of her life continued for all family and friends at the Barstow Fire Department. A memorial fund has been established for EMT and Nursing education. Nancy was born May 7, 1940 in Rutland, IL the daughter of Francis and Lila (Redell) Stone. She was a graduate of Prophetstown High School and Black Hawk College, Moline. She married M.L. Church in 1959. They divorced in 1979. She had worked at Purina Foods, Clinton, IA, and Volckmann’s Furniture, Morrison where she was a union steward. At the age of 54, she received her Registered Nursing Degree. She then worked for Trinity Hospital, A Plus, and Gentiva all in the Quad Cities. Nancy then worked for TrinityHome Health Care where she specialized in in-home pediatrics. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church, Fenton, IL, the Red Hat Society, and past Eastern Star member. She served the Barstow Fire Department in many ways. She was an EMT, Volunteer Firefighter, member of its ladies auxiliary and treasurer of the Barstow Fireman’s Association. She also taught EMT and First Responder courses for area fire departments. Her hobbies included gardening, crocheting, sewing and golfing. Nancy is survived by daughters and son-in-law, Sandy and Jim Gerrard, Spring Valley, MN, Kim and Tom Dolieslager, Erie, IL, sons Tim Church, East St. Louis, Randy Church, Erie, 10 grandchildren, 9 great-grandchildren, sisters and spouses, Mary Ann and Marion Duuck, Clinton, IA, Lucy and Gene Ryan, Morrison, IL, Frannie and Carlyle Oleson, Hooppole, IL, brothers and spouses, Larry and Barb Stone and Frank and Kathy Stone, Lyndon, IL. She was preceded by her parents and a sister, Judy. Contributed by Debbie Thormahlen from The Prophetstown Echo – July 11, 2006
CLAPPER, Ellis W. b. d. Sept. 7, 1897 Co B 140th IL Civil War
Republic 9-17-1897
E. W. Clapper, died Monday night at his home. He was confined to his room only a few days although he had not been in good health for some time. Acute rheumatic trouble caused his death. Mr. Clapper was an old resident of Spring Hill having come here from Pennsylvana many years ago. He had been postmaster and collector in Spring Hill and held the later office at the time of his decease. Besides his wife, he leaves several daughters and many friends to mourn his loss. He was buried Thursday morning.
Clapper, John H b. Sep. 28, 1858 d. Jun. 30, 1941
Taken off the
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: John H. Clapper
Birth Date: 28 Sep 1858
Birth Place: Carson Valley, Penns
Death Date: 30 Jun 1941
Death Place: Fairfield, Bureau, Illinois
Burial Date: 2 Jul 1941
Burial Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Cemetery Name: Sharon Cemetary
Death Age: 82
Occupation: Sealer/C.B&Q R.R. Co. Ret
Race: White
Marital Status: W
Gender: Male
Residence: Fairfield Twsp., Bureau, Illinois
Father Name: Geo. Clapper
Mother Name: Elizabeth Hart
Mother Birth Place: Penns.
Spouse Name: Lydia Clapper
FHL Film Number: 1832585
Clapper, Lydia Ann b.6/20/1859 d. 10/30/1938
CLOPPERLYDIA A N/S UNK 0000324 1938-10-30 BUREAU
Taken off the
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Lydia Ann Clopper
[Lydia Ann Welt]
Birth Date: 20 Jun 1859
Birth Place: Carson Valley, Blair Co , Penns
Death Date: 30 Oct 1938
Death Place: York Town, Bureau, Illinois
Burial Date: 1 Nov 1938
Burial Place: Portland, Whiteside, Ills.
Cemetery Name: Sharon Cemetery
Death Age: 79
Occupation: Housewife
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Female
Street Address: 1109 1st Ave.
Residence: Sterling, Sterling, Whiteside, Ills.
Father Name: Peter H. Welt
Father Birth Place: Penns.
Mother Name: Mary Young
Mother Birth Place: Penns.
Spouse Name: J.H. Clopper
Comments: or Clapper
FHL Film Number: 1818996
Clark, Eliza (Milem) b:6-5-1863 d:7-8-1941
Mrs. Eliz Clark, agedf 78 years and for many years a resident of Henry county, died at the home of her sister, Mrs. Emma Denhardt in East Moline, Tuesday afternoon, July 8. She had been ill only a few days Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon, this week at the Cleveland Community church with Rev. John M. Stevenson, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, conducting the service. Burial was in Sharon cemetery. Eliza Milem Clark was born nears Madison, Wis., June 5, 1863, the daughter of John and Mary Milem. At the age of three years, she came with her parents to Cleveland commulnity. She was married to Henry Clark, who died in 1907. She leaves her sister, with whom she had resided recently, two brothers, James and Frank Milem, of Cleveland, two step sons, Dr. I. W. Clark and Samuel Clark, of Geneseo and several nieces and newphews, also five grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
Cole, Fred Horace b.4/24/1870 d.7/9/1933
Taken off the
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Fred Horace Cole
Birth Date: 24 Apr 1870
Birth Place: Portland Twp , Whiteside Co , Illinois
Death Date: 9 Jul 1933
Death Place: Washington, Carroll, Illinois
Burial Date: 11 Jul 1933
Burial Place: Portland Twp., Whiteside, Illinois
Cemetery Name: Sheran
Death Age: 63
Occupation: Agent
Race: White
Marital Status: D
Gender: Male
Residence: Washington Twp.
Father Name: Horace B. Cole
Father Birth Place: E. Aurora, New York
Mother Name: Belinda Brewer
Mother Birth Place: Mass.
Spouse Name: Myrtle Considine
FHL Film Number: 1675012
Conrad, Gloria J. 1/31/1944 11/26/2014
Posted: Thursday, November 27, 2014 9:55 pm | Updated: 9:55 pm, Thu Nov 27, 2014.
Gloria J. Conrad, 70, of Erie, died Wednesday, Nov. 26, 2014, at her home surrounded by family. Services will be at 1 p.m. Monday, Dec. 1, at the Gibson-Bode Funeral Home, Erie. Visitation will be from 11 a.m. until the time of service at the funeral home. Burial will be at Sharon Cemetery, rural Erie. Memorials may be made to the Gloria J. Conrad Memorial Fund. Gloria was born on Jan. 31, 1944, in Morrison, the daughter of James Bud and Velera Pearl Shepard Gallentine. She married J. Mike Conrad on Dec. 16, 1983. Gloria was a beloved wife, mother, grandmother, daughter and sister. She loved cleaning and cooking and hosting her family. Gloria cherished most spending time with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Her hobbies included camping and playing cards. She is survived by her husband, J. Mike Conrad; children (and their spouses), Shelly (Michael) Engelkens, Erie, Beth (John) Ronnau, Erie, Vickie (Jimmy) Nicewanner, Sterling, Ill., Anita (Robert) Hunter, Erie, Jackie (Rodney) Lippens, Prophetstown, Lisa (Drew) Maes, Wichita, Kan., Thomas (Debbie) Conrad, Ward, Ark., Michael (Robin) Conrad, Annawan, and Terry Colcord, Polo, Ill.; 22 grandchildren; 32 great-grandchildren; many brothers and sisters; and her beloved dog, Beau. She was preceded in death by her parents; two brothers, Joe and Jerry Lee Gallentine; two half brothers, Cal and Bobby Stage; and a half sister, Valora Fortune. Share a memory or condolence at
Conrad, James Michael 1/10/1940 4/7/2016
James “Mike” Conrad, 76, of Erie, IL, died Thursday, April 7, 2016 at Genesis Medical Center, West Central Park, Davenport. Services will be held at 2:30 PM on Monday, April 11, 2016 at Gibson – Bode Funeral Home, Erie. Visitation will be from Noon – 2:00 PM Monday at the funeral home. Burial will be in the Sharon Cemetery, rural Erie. Memorial may be made to the Erie Ambulance. James Michael Conrad was born January 10, 1940 in Moline, IL, the son of James C. and Mayowne Conrad. He graduated from Hillsdale High School. He served in the US Navy where he learned to operate heavy machinery with the Seabees. Mike was first married to Carol Sue Minnick until her passing. He later married Gloria J. Gallentine. She preceded him in death in 2014. Mike was a heavy equipment operator for the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150, retiring in 2002. He loved antique cars and was a member of the County Line Cruisers car club. He also loved to listen to oldies country music. Surviving are his children and spouses, Anita (Bud) Hunter, Erie, Thomas Conrad, Beebe, AR, Vickie (Jimmie) Nicewanner, Sterling, Beth (John) Ronnau, Erie, Shelly (Michael) Engelkens, Erie; sister, Mary VanDyke, Elkhorn, WI; many grandchildren, great grandchildren and one great-great granddaughter. Waiting in Heaven are his parents; his wives, Carol Sue and Gloria; brothers, Ronnie and Allan Conrad; and son, Michael J. Conrad. Share a memory or condolence at
Coono, William died March 1910 (not sure where buried but thinking this cemetery)
The Geneseo Republic March 18, 1910
Spring Hill
Mrs. Wm. Coono died at her home on the George Matson place last Thursday of pneumonia. She leaves to mourn her death a sorrowing husband and three small children. The funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Sharon church. The grief stricken family have the sympathy of the entire community.
Croft, Verlon Gene b. 7/30/1936 d. 7/19/2004
Verlon Gene Croft, 67, of Geneseo, died Monday, July 19, 2004, at Trinity Medical Center, West Campus, Rock Island. Funeral services will be 10:30 a.m. Saturday at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Geneseo. The Rev. Richard Greene will officiate. Burial will be in the Sharon Cemetery, Erie. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday at Vandemore Funeral Home, Geneseo. Memorials may be left to the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church. Gene was born July 30, 1936, in Tarkington Prairie, Texas, the son of Claude and Ina Mae Cude Croft. He attended high school in Texas and was a graduate of Lamar Tech in Beaumont, Texas. Gene married Mae Vroman Nov. 4, 1989, in Geneseo. He worked as a field engineer for several major pipelines in the United States. He was a member of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Geneseo. Gene enjoyed fishing. Survivors include his wife, Mae; two sons and spouse, James Croft, Jacksonville, Fla., David Bruce and Pat Croft, Gilmere, Texas; daughter, Tanny Thompson, Colorado Springs, Colo.; stepson, Richard Chapman, Geneseo; stepdaughter and spouse, Robin and Gregg Wyffels, Geneseo; seven grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; two sisters and spouse, Claudine Enloe, Cleveland, Texas, Gladys and Wilson McWhoter, Cleveland. He was preceded in death by his parents, and a brother, C.D. Croft. Online condolences may be sent to the family at
Crosier, Anderson S. b. 1821 d. 1871 Lot 75
Crosier, Delbert A. b. 1870 d. 1875 Lot 75
Crosier, Edith F. b. 1861 d. 1864 Lot 75
Crosier, Edward E. Died 11/16/1887 Lot 16A age 28y 9m 16d s/o W.T. & H.N. Crosier
Republic 11-25-1887
Thursday morning of last week a telegram from Western Kansas brought to his friends in Sharon the sad news of the death of Edward Crosier. Last February in company with his brother and a friend, he went to Kansas and located on a claim in Wichita county. In October having secured his land, on the day he was ready to state home he was stricken down with typhoid fever, and after an illness of little more than three weeks passed away. He was tenderly cared for during his illness by his brother and the friend, who went with him, and who lived nearest neighbor to him all summer. His brother had to go 110 miles for a coffin, and the sorrowing boys, with all that remained of the brother and associate, accompanied by a friend who had been with them much during the summer arrived in Geneseo Saturday morning. The funeral service were held at the Sharon church on Monday noon. Edward was 28 years of age and had always lived in Sharon. He was a kind and affectionate son and brother and a most exemplary young man. A large number of his friends and neighbors attended at his home to follow him to church and pay last tribute of respect to one who was so greatly beloved friends the deepest sympathy of the community.
Crosier, Eleanor b. d. 10/10/1979
10/19/1979 Republic
Miss Eleanor Crosier, 65, Fresco, California, a former Geneseo woman, died Wednesday, October 10, in Fresno. Memorial services will be held Sunday, October 21, at 3:30 p.m. at Sharon cemetery, Erie. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Crosier, she graduated from Kasson, Minnesota, high school, and Moline Lutheran Hosptal School of Nursing. She served as a Navy nurse during World War II and later graduated from American University in Washington, D.C., and received a master's degree in nursing education from the University of Chicago. Before retirement, she had been employed as Director of Nursing and with the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals, Chicago. She was affiliated with the Methodist church. Surviving are sisters, Mrs. Amy Stafford of Geneseo and Mrs. Erma Verschage of Kewanee, brothers, Claire Crosier of San Marcos, California, and Keith Crosier of Davenport, Iowa and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by a brother, Claude Crosier.
Crosier, Eliza b. 1814 d. Jan. 16, 1851
Crosier, Elizabeth b. 1836 d. 1905 Lot 75
Crosier, Elizabeth Pringree 1807 1888 Lot 75
Crosier, Esther Elizabeth 6-12-1904 3-5-1906
Republic 3-23-1906 page 4
Esther Elizabeth, daughter of George W. and Maude Young Crosier was born June 12, 1904 and departed this life March 5, 1906 after a brief illness having been sick only about one hour, age one year, nine months and three days, leaving to mourn her death father, mother, and one brothers and numerous relatives and friends. Her winning ways and pleasant smiles endeared her, not only to her parents and immediate relatives, but to all with whom she came in contact. Having been taken from her parental home and a father and mothers thoughtful loving care, she now dwells "in a house not made with hands, eternal in a heaven" As she fawnly stood in the door and waved her friends good-bye, she now stands at the Heavenly Door beckoning them to come. While here her favorite expression was "mine" and now she can sing with those gone on before ,"He is mine, mine". The funeral services were conducted at the Sharon church by Rev. Funston of Prophetstown. the remains were interred in the family lot in the cemetery.
Crosier, Eugene A. 10/18/1857 6/22/1924 Lot 75
Republic 6-27-1924
Eugene A. Crosier, oldest son of the late Anderson S. and Elizabeth S. Crosier of Portland Township, Whiteside County, was born Oct. 18, 1857 and passed away Sunday June 22, 1924. His early life was spent in Portland Township, where he lived on a farm. He is survived by two brothers, Frederick A. Crosier of Geneseo, and George Crosier of Kasson, Minn. and a sister, Mrs. Hattie Farrell of near Prophetstown. the body was brought to the funeral parlor of W. L. Myers. funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon and interment was in the family lot in Sharon cemetery. Rev. F. S. Brewer officiated.
Crosier, George Whitfield b. 10/8/1868 d. 12/22/1958
Republic 12-25-1958
George W. Crosier, 90 of 220 ½ Chestnut Street, Kewanee, a former resident of Geneseo, died Monday evening, December 22, in St. Francis Hospital,Kewanee, where he had been a patient for a week. He was born October 8, 1868 in Whiteside county, son of Anderson S. and Elizabeth Steee Crosier and was reared and educated in Whiteside where he farmed. He moved to Geneseo in 1932 and lived here until 1959, when he moved to Kewanee. On February 14, 1900, he was married to Maude Young in Hillsdale Methodist parsonage. She died May 13, 1942. He was a member of the Geneseo First Methodist Church and served as city election judge for a numer of years. He was a past member of the Minnesota Farm Bureau. Surviving are three son's, Claude of Miami, Florida, Claire of Inglewood, California, and Keith of LaGrange Park, three daughters, Eleanor Crosier of Chicago, Mrs. Erma Versehage of Kewanee, and Mrs. Amy Stafford, eight grandchildren and a great-grandchild. His wife, a daughter, granddaughter and several brothers and sister preceded him in death. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon, December 24, in Myers Funeral Home, Geneseo, with Rev. E. S. Schmidt of Grace EUB church officiating. Huburt Obrecht was soloist with Mrs. Dale Sieben at the organ. Pallbearers were Ora Meriman, Ralph and Laurn Young, Clyde Hannon, Elmer Wahlheim, and Emanuel Lauderbaugh. Burial was in Sharon cemetery, north of Geneseo.
Crosier, Harriet N. b. 1820 d. Dec. 5, 1895
Republic 12-6-1895
Our old neighbor and friend, Mrs. Crosier, died yesterday aged over eighty years. She left our neighborhood a few years ago to spent the remainder of her life in Geneseo. She was a splendid neighbor and friend.
Crosier, James b. 1815 d. 1860
Crosier, James Everet b. 1859 d. 1860 Lot 75
Crosier, Maude Agnes Young b. Mar. 9, 1876 d. May 13, 1942
Geneseo Republic 5/22/1942
Funeral for Mrs. Geo. Crosier held May 16
Funeral services for Mrs. Geo. Crosier were held Saturday afternoon at 1:30 in the home and at 2:30 in Sharon church with Rev. F.E., retired Methodist minister now residing in Canton, Ill., officiating. Mrs. Ruby Eweres and Mrs. Lillian Beemer, of Erie sang, accompanied by Mrs. Laura Turner of Moline. Interment was in Sharon Cemetery. Pallbearers were Buell, Keith, Lauren, Ralph, Howard, and Lyle Young.
Republic 5-15-1942
Mrs. George Crosier, a resident of this city the past ten years, died at 12:50 Wednesday noon, May 13th in the University of Chicago hospital, where she had been a patient for a week. Maude Agnes Young, daughter of Daniel E. and Esther Cameron Young, was born March 9, 1876 in Sharon community. She attended schools in Erie and was married to George Crosier in Hillsdale on February 14, 1900. Mr. and Mrs. Crosier resided in Minnesota for twenty-one years and came to Geneseo to make their home on North State street about ten years ago. Mrs. Crosier was a member of the First Methodist church. Surviving are the husband, three sons, Claude Crosier of Milwaukee, Clair Crosier of Peoria, and Keith Crosier of Geneseo, three daughters Miss Elinor Crosier of Chicago, Mrs. Irama Verschage of Moline, and Mrs. Amy Stafford of Geneseo. there also survive two grandchildren, Patricia Crosier and Daniel Verschage, two brothers, Albert and Elmer Young of Erie, two sister, Mrs. Harriet Palmer and Mrs. Edith Engdahl, both of Phoenix, Arizona.
Daughter of Daniel and Esther Camerer Young
CROSIERMAUDE A F/W Y-66 0014070 1942-05-13 COOK CHICAGO
Taken off the
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Maude A. Crosier
[Maude A. Young]
Birth Date: 9 Mar 1876
Birth Place: Sheron, Illinois
Death Date: 13 May 1942
Death Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Burial Date: 16 May 1942
Burial Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 66
Occupation: Housewife
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Female
Residence: Geneseo, Henry, Illinois
Father Name: Daniel Young
Father Birth Place: Sheron, Illinois
Mother Name: Esther Camerer
Mother Birth Place: Sheron, Illinois
Spouse Name: George
FHL Film Number: 1953744
Crosier, Nancy A. b. unknown d. Sep. 30, 1861
Crosier, William T. b. Aug. 30, 1811 d. Apr. 5, 1885
NOTE;Taken from the Fifty Year article: Dated May 1, 1885
Newspaper--Republic April 26, 1935
Deacon W. T. Crosier, whose serious illness from a paralytic stroke, we mentioned last week, died Sunday morning, April 5, 1885. Deceased was a native of New York, was 73 years, and was one of the earliest pioneers of the county, he having settled in Loraine in 1838, if the has been rightly reported to us. He was a man who always stood high in the estimation of his acquaintances. He was the first supervisor elected to represent his town, and all his life has served his townsmen in one official position or another. He was twice married and was the father of seven children, all of whom together with his wife survive to mourn his death. His funeral was held last Tuesday and the remain laid to rest in Sharon cemetery. By death the town of Loraine who lost one of the best citizen and all whom knew him will join the family in mourning his death. The only survivor of the family are Misses Mary and Harriet Crosier of this city.
Dail, Dubert Tremayne b. Apr.12, 1870 d. Jul. 14, 1933 Lot 72C
Parents: Robert & Elizabeth (McNeil) Dail. Married Laura M. Ferguson
Dail, Elizabeth Ann McNeill b. May 12, 1846 d. Dec. 20, 1923
Parents; Wm. & Jane (Gillis) McNeil. Married Robert Dail
Taken off of
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Elizabeth Ann Daile
[Elizabeth Ann McNeil]
Birth Date: 12 May 1846
Birth Place: Ireland
Death Date: 20 Dec 1923
Death Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 23 Dec 1923
Cemetery Name: Sharon Cemetery
Death Age: 78
Occupation: Housewife
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Female
Residence: Portland, Whiteside, Ill
Father Name: Wm. McNeil
Father Birth Place: Ireland
Mother Name: Jane Gillis
Mother Birth Place: Ireland
Spouse Name: Robert Daile
FHL Film Number: 1452340
Dail, John b. Dec. 15, 1845 d. Oct. 5, 1926
Parents:Nathaniel & Jane (McNeil) Dail
Melva L. Taylor - Sterling Gazette October 5, 1926 - Tuesday
JOHN DAIL , one of the pioneer residents of Whiteside county passed away at his home in this city at 4:30 o'clock Tuesday morning. ( 5 October 1926) Mr. Dail had been a resident of this county for 76 years, coming to the United States from Ireland when a small boy with his parents. Coming up the Mississippi river, the mother died at St. Louis, Mo. The father and three small boys continued their journey, landing at Fulton, Ill., from where they walked across country carrying their luggage, finally reaching the home of Mr. Dail's, grandparents in Portland township. Mr. Dail homesteaded a farm near that of his grandparents, still owning the tract of land at the time of his death. On Oct. 2, 1879 Mr. Dail was married to Florence Brown of Erie, who with four children survive. They are Clarence of Chicago, Mrs. Jay Houtsinger of Sterling, Dubert and Ellis, who reside on farms near Erie. Mr. and Mrs. Dail lived on the old homestead until about eight years ago when they moved to Erie. Mr. Dail was a high type citizen and was held in esteem by his neighbors in Portland and Erie. Funeral services will be held from the Sharon church in Portland township Thursday afternoon, Rev. J.C. Yemm of the Erie Methodist church conducting the rites.
Geneseo Republic Date:October 15, 1926
John Dail passed away at his home in Erie Tuesday. He was a former resident of this vicinity for a number of years. The funeral was held at the Sharon church, Friday at 2:30 p.m. Burial was in Sharon cemetery. The service was in charge of Rev. Yemom.
JOHN DAIL , one of the pioneer residents of Whiteside county passed away at his home in this city at 4:30 o'clock Tuesday morning. ( 5 October 1926) Mr. Dail had been a resident of this county for 76 years, coming to the United States from Ireland when a small boy with his parents. Coming up the Mississippi river, the mother died at St. Louis, Mo. The father and three small boys continued their journey, landing at Fulton, Ill., from where they walked across country carrying their luggage, finally reaching the home of Mr. Dail's, grandparents in Portland township. Mr. Dail homesteaded a farm near that of his grandparents, still owning the tract of land at the time of his death. On Oct. 2, 1879 Mr. Dail was married to Florence Brown of Erie, who with four children survive. They are Clarence of Chicago, Mrs. Jay Houtsinger of Sterling, Dubert and Ellis, who reside on farms near Erie. Mr. and Mrs. Dail lived on the old homestead until about eight years ago when they moved to Erie. Mr. Dail was a high type citizen and was held inesteem by his neighbors in Portland and Erie. Funeral services will be held from the Sharon church in Portland township Thursday afternoon, Rev. J.C. Yemm of the Erie Methodist church conducting the rites. Melva L. Taylor - Sterling Gazette October 5, 1926 - Tuesday
Dail, Laura 1877 1958 Lot 72C
Dail, Nathaniel b. 1810 d. 1872
Married: Jane McNeil
Dail, Nathaniel b.4/3/1839 d. July 21, 1922 Civil War Co B 140th
Taken off of
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Nathaniel Dail
Birth Date: 3 Apr 1839
Birth Place: Ireland
Death Date: 21 Jul 1922
Death Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 22 Jul 1922
Burial Place: Portland Twp., Illinois
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 83
Occupation: Retired Farmer
Race: White
Marital Status: S
Gender: Male
Residence: Portland, Whiteside, IL
Father Name: Nathaniel Dail
Father Birth Place: Ireland
Mother Name: Jane McNeill
Mother Birth Place: Ireland
FHL Film Number: 1557034
Dail, Nora Aice Reiger b. Nov. 1, 1879 d. Jan. 30, 1946
Married: Wm. Robert Dail
Republic 1-30-1946
Mrs. Nora Dail, 66, died at 4 o'clock this morning in the home of a sister-in-law, Mr. Laura Dail, where she had lived three years. She had been ill four years and Friday suffered another stroke. Funeral serviceas will be held at 1:30 Friday afternoon in the Slaymaker funeral home and at 2 o'clock in Sharon church with the Rev. Curtis L. Price of Springfield, former pastor of Loraine and Spring Hill churches, officiating. Burial will be in the Sharon cemetery. Mrs. Dail, the former Nora Reiger, was the daughter of Ferdinand F. and Malinda Santee Reiger. She was born Nov. 1, 1879, in Phenix township and spent all her life in the vicinity of Spring Hill. She was married Nov. 3, 1897, to William Robert Dail, who died May 27, 1935. Surviving are a brother Walter Reiger, of Spring Hill, and three nieces, Mrs. Lillian Bowman of Rockl Island, Mrs. Ella Dindinger of Moline, and Mrs. Kenneth Bennett of Loraine township
Dispatch 1-30-1946
Mrs. Nora Dail, 66, died at 4 o'clock this morning in the home of a sister-in-law, Mrs. Laura Dail, where she had lived three years. She had been ill four years and Friday suffered another stroke. Funeral services will be held at 1:30 Friday afternoon in the Slaymaker funeral home and at 2 o'clock in Sharon church with the Rev. Curtis L. Price of Springfield, former pastor of Loraine and Spring Hill churches, officiating. Burial will be in the Sharon cemetery. Mrs. Dail, the former Nora Reiger, was the daughter of Ferdinand F. and Malinda Santee Reiger. She was born Nov. 1, 1879, in Phenix township and spent all her life in the vicinity of Spring Hill. She was married Nov. 3, 1897, to William Robert Dail, who died May 27, 1935. Surviving are a brother, Walter Reiger, of Spring Hill, and three nieces, Mrs. Lillian Bowman of Rock Island, Mrs. Ella Dindinger of Moline and Mrs. Kenneth Bennett of Loraine township.
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name:Nora Alice Dail
[Nora Alice Reiger]
Birth Date:abt 1880
Death Date:30 Jan 1946
Death Place:Erie, Whiteside, Illinois
Death Age:66
Father Name:Ferdinand Reiger
Mother Name:Malinda Santee
Spouse Name:William Dail
FHL Film Number:1991236
Part of a Email:From: santee To:
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 12:51 PM Subject: Sharon Cemetery,
Milton's twin, Malinda Catherine Santee (1860-1932 and her husband Ferdinand F. Regier (1855-1939) and their daughter Nora Alice Regier (1879-1946) and her husband William Robert Dail (1877-1935) are also buried at Sharon.
Re: Rieger Marriages
Ron, I saw a message that you had posted in 1999 on an message board concerning Reigers married in Whiteside County. Bob Mosher included the marriage of William Dail to Nora/Dora Reiger in his reply. William was a 1st cousin of mine - his father Robert Dail had the same father (Nathaniel) as my great-great-great grandfather. If you have found any information about William in your research of your relative, I would appreciate it if you could let me know any of it. The only information I currently have about Nora (which sometimes is also listed as Dora) Reiger is that she was born in 1879 and died in 1946. She is buried alongside William in Sharon Cemetery in Spring Hill in Whiteside County. Interestingly enough, I have another Reiger on my family tree. Walter Reiger married Lillian Dail, who was born in 1860. Lillian was William's sister. I look forward to hearing from you. Please let me know if I can provide or research anything for you. Thank you, Becky Dail or
Dail, Elizabeth A McNeill 5/12/1846 12/20/1923
wife of Robert Sr.
Dail, Robert Sr. b. Jan. 12, 1842 (1843?) d. Aug. 25, 1927 Co B 140th Civil War
Parents: Nathaniel & Jane (McNeil) Dail
Re: Rieger Marriages
Ron, I saw a message that you had posted in 1999 on an message board concerning
Reigers married in Whiteside County. Bob Mosher included the marriage of William Dail to
Nora/Dora Reiger in his reply. William was a 1st cousin of mine - his father Robert Dail had the
same father (Nathaniel) as my great-great-great grandfather. If you have found any information
about William in your research of your relative, I would appreciate it if you could let me know
any of it. The only information I currently have about Nora (which sometimes is also listed as
Dora) Reiger is that she was born in 1879 and died in 1946. She is buried alongside William in
Sharon Cemetery in Spring Hill in Whiteside County. Interestingly enough, I have another
Reiger on my family tree. Walter Reiger married Lillian Dail, who was born in 1860. Lillian was
William's sister. I look forward to hearing from you. Please let me know if I can provide or
research anything for you. Thank you, Becky Dail or
Dail, Robert Jr. b. 12/9/1886 d. March 19, 1931 WW 1
Republic 3-27-1931
The Dail brothers and sisters received the sad news of the death of their brother, Robert of Spring Hill Thursday evening of last week. The car in which he was riding was struck by a train about ???. He was instantly killed and Reiger went to Rose Hill and brought the remains home where a funeral services were held in Sharon church. The Methodist minister from Erie Officiated. Music furnished by Mrs. Helen ???. American Legion members from Rochelle attended. The remains laid to rest in the family lot in the cemetery lot in the cemetery. The family has sympathy of many friends.
Acc. to IL death record he was the son of Robert Sr. & Elizabeth McNeill
He was an oil salesman; died at 44 yrs.
Dail, William Robertb. Jun. 13, 1877 d. May 27, 1935
Parents: Robert & Elizabeth (NcNeil) Dail. Married: Nora A. Reiger
Republic May 28, 1935
Will Dail, 57, died suddenly in his home in Portland township four miles southeast of Erie at 11:45 yesterday morning, following a paralytic stroke suffered after he had been working on machinery in the driveway of his barn. Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dail, he was born June 13, 1877, on the farm where he spent his entire life. He attended Pleasant Ridge school. On Nov. 3, 1897, he was married to Miss Nora Reiger of Spring Hill. He is survived by the widow and three sisters, Mrs. Charles VanAntwerp of Camanche, Ia., Mrs. E. Thompson of Oneida and Mrs. Walter Reiger of Portland. His parents and three brother preceded him in death. Mrs. Dail died in 1923 and Mr. Dail in 1927. A brother, Trumaine, died in July of 1933 after an operation, and another brother, Robert, died after a car accident in April, 1932. Funeral services will be held at 2 tomorrow afternoon in the home and at 2:30 in the Sharon church, near Spring Hill. Burial will be in Sharon cemetery.
Dispatch May 28, 1935
Will Dail, 57 died suddenly in his home in Portland township four miles southeast of Erie at 11:45 yesterday morning, following a paralytic stroke suffered after he had been working on his barn. Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dail, he was born June 18, 1877, on the farm where he spent his entire life. He attended Pleasant Ride school. On Nov. 3, 1897, he married to Miss Nora Reiger of Spring Hill. He is survived by the widow and three sisters, Mrs. Charles VanAntwerp of Camanche, Ia., Mrs. E. Thompson of Oneida and Mrs. Walter Reiger of Portland. His parents and three brothers preceded him in death. Mrs. Dail died in 1923 and Mr. Dail in 1917. A brother, Trumaine, died in July of 1933 after an operation and another brother, Robert, died after a car accident in April, 1932. Funeral services will be held at 2 tomorrow afternoon in the home and at 2:30 in the Sharon church, near Spring Hill. Burial will be in Sharon Cemetery.
Part of a Email:From: santee To:
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 12:51 PM Subject: Sharon Cemetery,
Milton's twin, Malinda Catherine Santee (1860-1932 and her husband Ferdinand F. Regier (1855-1939) and their daughter Nora Alice Regier (1879-1946) and her husband William Robert Dail (1877-1935) are also buried at Sharon.
Dail Wildman, Florence Rosa Brownb. Jan. 13, 1861 d. Jan. 11, 1946
Parents:Alexander & Eliza (Hamilton) Dail. Married John Dail
Dannenfelser, Mary Hunt b. d.
I just returned from a visit to the Quad Cities, Geneseo, Morrison, and Portland-Whiteside County. It is magnificiently beautiful! My search included viewing the gravesite of Mary Hunt Dannenfelser at Sharon Cemetery and the graves of Frederick and Mary Dannenfelser at Oakwood Cemetery in Geneseo. I also viethe land in Portland Township which was acquired by U.S. Land Grants in the late 1840's; in all it was a successful and very pleasant trip. My disappointment was in finding only a "reference" to naturalization in the basement of the Rock Island County Courthouse.I appear to be running aground on finding and establishing a connection back to the birthplace in Germany; if any of you have suggestions on alternatives available please let me know. A question: Where is located the most complete selection (for the area) of "Germans to America"?? Also, the most likely Passenger Lists for arriving in Rock Island? Does anyone have an idea of what might have attracted them "directly" to the area from Germany?? Thanks for any help, Charlie Dannenfelser
Davies, John William b. 3/28/1909 d.2/10/1933 h/o Inez
Republic 2-17-1933
John William Davis son of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Davis was born in Floyd county, Iowa, March 29, 1909 and passed away at the Sterling hospital Feb. 10, 1933 bring his age 23 years, 10 months, and 11 days. In the year 1929, he was uinited in marriage to Miss Inez Maranville of Atkinson, to this union two children were born. He came to Illinois with his parets in the year 1910 and lived in and near Prophetstown until 1932, when he moved to his present home near Deer Grove, Ill. He was educated in the Arnett and Prophetstown schools. He was of kindly, generous character and made many friends where ever he went. He was a loving father and a kind husband. He will be missed by his relatives and a large circle of friends. He leaves to mourn his departure his devoted wife, infant daughter, Helen May, his father and mother of Deer Grove, Ill., one brother, Elmer Davis of Prophetstown, his grandfather and step-grandmother, Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Marvel of New York. Other relatives and friends. One daughter preceded him in death in infancy. Services were held Tuesday, Feb. 14 at 1 p.m. from his father home near Deer Grove and at the Spring Hill church at 2:30 p.m. with Rev. H. O. Zimmerman officiating. Songs were rendered by Mrs. John Barker of Spring Hill and Mrs. James of Erie.
Taken off the
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: John William Davies
Birth Date: 28 Mar 1909
Birth Place: Nashua, Iowa
Death Date: 10 Feb 1933
Death Place: Sterling, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 12 Feb 1933
Burial Place: Portland, Whiteside, Ill.
Cemetery Name: Sheron
Death Age: 23
Occupation: Farmer
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Male
Residence: Deer Grove, Ill.
Father Name: John Davies
Father Birth Place: New York City, New York
Mother Name: Mellisa Marvel
Mother Birth Place: Springhill, Ill.
Spouse Name: Inis Maranville
FHL Film Number: 1684956
Davies, Margrie May b. 5/26/1930 d. 5/26/1930
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Margrie May Davies
Birth Date: 26 May 1930
Birth Place: Prophetstown, Illinois
Death Date: 26 May 1930
Death Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 27 May 1930
Burial Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 22 Hours
Occupation: At Home
Race: White
Marital Status: S
Gender: Female
Residence: Portland, IL
Father Name: John W. Davies
Father Birth Place: Washua/Iowa
Mother Name: Inez Morganville
Mother Birth Place: Attenison/Illinois
FHL Film Number: 1644130
DeCap, Anna L. (Boone) 2-11-1909 1-9-1990
Republic 1-12-1990
Funeral services will be held Friday, January 12 at 11:30 a.m. at St. Ambrose Catholic Church in Erie for Mrs. Laura DeCap, 80, of Erie. Mrs. DeCap died Tuesday, January 9, 1990. Her sister, Stella McHenry resides in Geneseo. Burial will be in Sharon cemetery. The former a. Laura Boone was born February 11, 1909 in Kentucky, daughter of W. J. and Lena (Jacboe) Boone. She married Morris DeCap, December 11, 1971 in Moline. She was a registered nurse for 32 years and was employed as a administrator at Harbor Crest Nursing Home in Fulton. Prior to that she was employed at Clinton, Iowa hospital. Survivors include her husband, a stepdaughter, Elis Jacob, Erie, stepsons, Alfred DeCap, Hillsdale and James DeCap, Erie, 11 step grandchildren, several step-great-grandchildren, and sister, Stella McHenry of Geneseo and Nellie Lancaster of Des Moines, Iowa.
Delphey, Sarah C. 1859 1929 w/o Tom
Republic 3-22-1929
Mrs. Delphey (Sarah) died at the Glenn Franks home Sunday. The funeral service was held the first of the week.
Delphey, Thomas Jefferson b, 6/7/1848 d. 5/291925
married Sarah C.
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947 about Thomas Delpha
Name: Thomas Delpha
Birth Date: 7 Jun 1848
Birth Place: Pittsburgh, Penn
Death Date: 29 May 1925
Death Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 31 May 1925
Burial Place: Sharon Cemetery
Cemetery Name: Sharon Cemetery
Death Age: 76
Occupation: Farmer, Self
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Male
Father Name: Samuel Delpha
Father Birth Place: Pittsburgh, Penn.
Mother Name: Kathrine Eiber
Mother Birth Place: Pittsburgh, Penn.
Spouse Name: Lottie Delpha
FHL Film Number: 1503936
Dear friends, I have visited the website of Tampico Historical Society, and there I found information on the Sharon Cemetery. I can provide you with some corrected information that may be very helpful to anyone doing genealogy research, because there is some inaccurate information there on one of the people buried in Sharon Cemetery. This is not unusual since family last names were often spelled several different ways. Anyway, here is what I am talking about. It concerns someone listed as buried in Sharon Cemetery under the name of Thomas Delpha. This is actually Thomas Delphey. All of the birth dates and other information that you have for Thomas Delpha agree perfectly with the birth date and death date of Thomas Delphey. I was at Sharon Cemetery last month, and the tombstone of Thomas Delphey is right there near the edge of the road, Springhill Road, and it is down near the gravel service road east of the church. The tombstone is in near perfect condition, and all of the dates agree perfectly. It is simply that the last name is Delphey and not Delpha. This was my grandfather, and this corrected information could be important for someone doing research. Best wishes, Bill
William R. Delphey, Atlanta, Georgia
Dennison, F. b. d. Lot 4B
Dersham, Arthur L. 12/8/1919 8/11/1973
Dersham, Florence 4/19/1890 September 1952 w/o LeRoy
Republic ????????1952
Mrs. Florence Dersham of Eric died early Sunday morning September ???, 1952 at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dersham in Geneseo where she had spent the past week. Mrs. Dersham had been ill seven months. Mrs. Dersham , daughter of Edward and Maud Downing Hill was born April 19, 1890, in Hillsdale where she was reared and educated. She was married to LeRoy Dersham, July 17, 1910, in Morrison. He died February 11, 1940. Mrs. Dersham was a member of Erie Christian church and Mothers of World War II. surviving are four son's, Glenn of Elgin, Arthur of St. Charles, Robert of Geneseo, and Wayne of Morrison, three brothers, a sister and 11 grandchildren. Funeral service were held Tuesday afternoon, September 23 in Erie Christian church and burial in Sharon cemetery.
Dersham, Grace Berneal 8/28/1927 1/13/2010
Grace Berneal Dersham
Posted Online: Jan. 16, 2010, 9:38 am
Grace Berneal Ballard Dersham, 82, of Baraboo, Wis., formerly of Erie, died Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2010, in Baraboo. Funeral services will be at noon today at Gibson Funeral Home, Erie, with visitation one hour prior to the service. Burial will be at Sharon Cemetery, rural Erie. Grace Berneal was born Aug. 28, 1927, in Erie. She was one of 11 children born to George and Dora Ballard. Berneal was happily married to Arthur Dersham on Dec. 14, 1946. He preceded her in death in 1973. They had two children, Terry (Dawn) Dersham and Lennie (Gloria) Dersham, Baraboo, and a foster son, Danny Garza, St. Charles, Ill.
Berneal and Art raised their children in St. Charles, and they worked together for 20 years. After Art's death, Berneal moved to Wisconsin to be closer to her children and grandchildren and enjoyed spending time with her great-grandson, Jeff. In addition to her sons, she is survived by a sister, Dinah (Leroy) Bailey, Geneseo; brother, Don (Linda) Ballard, Prophetstown; special nieces, Brenda Kerley and Sue Buthe; four grandchildren, Greg (Kim) Dersham, Baraboo, Jeff Dersham, Jeremy (Nichole) Dersham and Kelly Dersham, Portage, Wis.; and three great-grandchildren, Jeff, Justin and Hunter. She was preceded in death by sisters, Belvadean Harris, Betty Stephenson; brothers, Wayne Ballard, Jerry Ballard; and four siblings in infancy.
DeRew, Tayfield P. 1911 1984 Lot 81B
DeRew, Mae H. 1906 1959 Lot 81B
DEVER, Debra Jane 1952 1952
Dirck, Franklin A. b. Feb., 1855 d. 10/31/1860 Lot 11B s/o M & M Dirck (Michael and Polly Dirck) age 5y 8mo
Douglass, Mabel (Kempster) 4/11/1881 2/2/1918 w/o William A. Douglass Lot 74B
Parents: Ephraim & Rachel (Spicer) Kempster
Republic 2-7-1913
Mrs. Mabel Kempster Douglas died very suddenly and unexpectedly at her home in Dutch Bottom on Sunday evening, Feb.2, 1913,of gallstones. The funeral services were held Wednesday at Sharon church. The aged mother and husband and four little ones have the sympathy of all in their great lose of a dear daughter , Wife, and mother.
Douglass, Rodney Lee b.5-27-1928 d. 1/4/1929 New Sect of cem
Copied from the Sharon Cem. book at the RIHS and on this page I have No. 211 Douglass, Wm. Kempster. May 8, 1900 to April 23, 1947 Then No. 212 is Rodney Lee---shared by Bev Bonnen
Republic of 1-11-1929
The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Kempster Douglas, who passed away was laid to rest in Sharon Cemetery, Sunday afternoon. Death was caused by an attack of flu.
Port Byron Globe dated 1-10-1929 reads:
Douglas Obituary
Friday evening at 8:00 o'clock p.m. death claimed the seven-months old son, Rodney Lee, son of Kempster and Blanche Douglas at their home near Hillsdale. Rodney was born May 27, 1928. He had been ill with influenza for almost a month which was followed by double pneumonia and complications. Surviving him are his parents, one brother and two sisters: William, Betty, and Patricia; his paternal grandfather, William Douglas and his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dirck of Geneseo. At 2:00 o'clock p.m. Sunday at the home, funeral services were held and at 2:30 p.m. by Rev. Kerr at the Sharon Cemetery. (Shared by Bev Bonnen)
Taken off of
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Rodney Lee Duglass
Birth Date: 27 May 1928
Birth Place: Portland Twp , Whiteside, Illinois
Death Date: 4 Jan 1929
Death Place: Portland Township, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 6 Jan 1929
Burial Place: Portland Twp., Whiteside, Illinois
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 7 Months 8 Days
Occupation: Child
Race: White
Marital Status: S
Gender: Male
Father Name: Wm Kempsler Duglass
Father Birth Place: Portland Twp., Whiteside, Illinois
Mother Name: Blanch Marion Dirck
Mother Birth Place: Pheacir Twp., Henry Co., Ill.
FHL Film Number: 1642978
Douglass, William A. 1866 1945 Lot 74B h/o Mabel Lot 74B
Douglass, William Kempster 5/8/1900 4/23/1947 New Sect of cem
Copied from the Sharon Cem. book at the RIHS and on this page I have No. 211 Douglass, Wm. Kempster. May 8, 1900 to April 23, 1947 Then No. 212 is Rodney Lee---shared by Bev Bonnen
Married to Blanche on 8/9/1923 and they had four children, she remarried to Phil Beldin in 48/49 and she died 7/5/1974 and is buried in Oakwood. shared by Bev Bonnen
Moline Dispatch 4-24-1947
William K. Douglass
Funeral services for William K. Douglass, who did yesterday in home at 1730 hirteenth street, Moline, will be held at 2 Saturday afternoon in Hillsdale Methodist church, the Rev. E. I. Fahnestock officiating. Burial will be in Sharon cemetery, near Hillsdale. shared by Bev Bonnen
Moline Daily Dispatch 4-23-1947
William K. Douglass
William K. Douglass, 46 year old construction worker died shortly before 9 this morning in his home at 1730 Thirteenth street, Moline following an illness of two months. Mr Douglass had been employed as the site of the new plant of the Aluminum Company of America, near Bettendorf. Son of Mr and Mrs William A. Douglass, he was born May 8, 1900, in Kempterville community of Whiteside County new Hillsdale. He attended the Kempsterville school. He was married in Whiteside county Aug. 9, 1923. Surviving are widow; a son, Billy; two daughters, Betty and Patricia ___?___ and two sisters, Mrs Grant Wolf of Geneseo and Mrs Rachell Wright of Columbus, Ga. A son James died in 1929. The body was taken to Wendt Funeral Home in Moline. shared by Bev Bonnen
EBERLY, David Bruce b. Jan. 29, 1950 d. Feb. 11, 2005
Parents: George & Dorothy (Marsh) Eberly
DAVID BRUCE EBERLY , 55, of Prophetstown, died Friday, Feb. 11, 2005, at CGH Medical Center, Sterling. Services are 11 a.m. Monday with visitation from 10 a.m. to service time at Gibson, Erie. Burial is in Sharon Cemetery, Erie. Mr. Eberly was born Jan. 29, 1950, in Sterling, to George and Dorothy Marsh Eberly. He was employed at Self Help, Sterling, and was also a bus captain for seven years in Florida. Survivors are brother and sister-in-law, Ivan Richard and Betty Eberly, Prophetstown; sister and brother-in-law, Nancy and Donald Hasselbacher, Rock Falls.
EBERLY, DOROTHY (MARSH) b.Sept. 12, 1918 d. Nov. 19, 2004
DOROTHY (MARSH) EBERLY , 86, of Prophetstown, died Friday at her daughter's home in Rock Falls, Ill. Funeral services will be 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at the Gibson Funeral Home in Erie, Ill. Burial will be in the Sharon Cemetery in Erie. Visitation will be from 5 to 7 p.m. today. She was born Sept. 12, 1918, in Dixon, Ill., to James and Bertha Burdge Marsh. She married George Eberly on March 31, 1938, in Clinton. He died in 1993. She was employed as a psychiatric aide at the former Dixon State School before retiring in 1976 after 27 years of service. She was a member of Harvest Time Baptist Church in Rock Falls. Survivors include two sons, Ivan Richard (Betty) Eberly of Prophetstown and David Bruce Eberly of Morrison; one daughter, Mrs. Nancy (Donald) Hasselbacher of Rock Falls; three grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; five sisters, Clara Wuebben of Erie, Frances Dersham of Erie, Lois Miles of Lyndon, Ill., Ruth Frankfother of Rock Falls and Phyllis Stern of Sterling, Ill.; and one brother, Robert Marsh of Rock Falls.
Eipper, Helen Kempster 9/19/1897 4/3/1989 Lot 90 w/o Virgil L. Eipper
Republic 4-7-1989
Helen Eipper, 91, Colona, died Monday, April 3, 1989 at Hammond-Henry hospital Extended Care, Geneseo. Funeral services were held Thursday, April 6 at Myers Chapel of Stackhouse-Moore funeral homes in Geneseo with the Rev. Larry Muffett, officiating. Burial was in Sharon cemetery, Spring Hill. Helen Kempster was born September 19, 1897 in Kempsterville, daughter of Grant and Mathilda Larson Kempster. She married Virgil L. Eipper, February 18, 1925 in Moline. He died March 25, 1956. Mrs. Eipper was a member of the Henry County Home-Bureau for more than 50 years. Survivors include a daughter, Diane Martin of Chicago and five grandchildren.
Eipper, Virgil Leon 8/24/1894 3/25/1956 PVT 123 Inf. WWI Lot 90 h/o Helen Kempster
Republic 3-29-1956
An inquiry was conducted Sunday morning by Henry County Coroner Ralph N. Cole into the death of Virgil L. Eipper, 60, of north of Colona, who was found dead at 6:30 Sunday morning, March 25, in his barn of his farm home by his hired man, Gary Root. Mr. Eipper had gone to the barn to do morning chores. He was pronounced dead by a physician, who determined that death was the result of coronary thrombosis. He was born August 24, 1895, in Coe township, the son of William and Augusta Liphardt Eipper. On February 18, 1925, he married Helen Kempster. He was a veteran of World War I. Surviving are his wife, a daughter, Mrs. Raymond Martin, Jr. of Chicago, a granddaughter, his mother, Mrs. Augusta Eipper of Moline and two brothers, Lloyd of Flossmoor and Lester of Webster Groves, Missouri. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon, March 27, in the Rivenburg funeral home, Geneseo. The Rev. H. Sheldon Pattison, pastor of First Methodist church, officiated. Ed. Meier sang with Miss Hilma Hagelin at the organ. Pallbearers were George Oliver and Louis Fillmer, both of Hillsdale, M. E. Trowbridge of Geneseo, Lawrence Erickson and Robert Schnyder, of Colona, and Ben Gerkin of Moline. Burial was in Sharon cemetery.
Emmons, Irene d.5/24/1856 25y 2m Lot 71 w/o J. Emmons
Emo, Christopher b. 10/26/1869 d. 5/27/1924
Taken off
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Christopher Emo
Birth Date: 26 Oct 1869
Birth Place: Clintygrigny, Ireland
Death Date: 27 May 1924
Death Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 29 May 1924
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 54
Occupation: Farmer
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Male
Father Name: Christopher Emo
Father Birth Place: Ireland
Mother Name: Margaret Seewellen
Mother Birth Place: Ireland
Spouse Name: Mary Emo
FHL Film Number: 1452450
Emo, Joseph 12/6/1902 Jan 1962
Dispatch 1-20-1962
Joseph Emo, 59, died this morning in Morrison Community Hospital. Services will be at 1:30 Monday afternoon in Gardner funeral Chapel in Prophetstown with the Rev. Richard Speagus pastor of the Prophetstown Church of Christ, officiating. Burial will be in Sharon Cemetery. Friends may call from 7 until 9 tomorrow night at the funeral home. He was born Dec. 6, 1902, in Prophetstown the son of Christopher and Mary Emo. He attended Burke school and had been an life-long resident of this area. He was a laborer, and never married. Surviving are two brothers William of Glasford and Chris of Erie, one sister Mrs. Amy VanDamme of Prophetstown
Evans, Eizabeth b. Mar. 3, 1849 d. Mar. 3, 1849
Daughter of James and Lydia Spaid Evans, cousin of Franklin Dirck (Bev Bonnen)
Evans, Elizabeth L b. unknown d. 3/28/1849 Lot 11C d/o J & L Evans d/o/d 5/25/1849??
Ewart, Roger M. 1899 1986 h/o Mabel Lot 70B
Ewart, Mabel B. 1902 1989 w/o Roger Lot 70B
Eyrich, Clarence D. died 11/13/1950
Geneseo Republic 11-23-1950
Funeral Services Held Nov 13 For Clarence Eyrich
Funeral services for Clarence D. Eyrich, who died November 13, were held Thursday afternoon, November 16 at the Rivenburg funeral home and at Sharon church, north of Geneseo. The Rev. Harold B. Flessner officiated. Mrs. James Blean and Mrs. John Shoemaker sand and Mrs. Keith Tonkinson played the piano. Pallbearers were Arvid Lodge, James Andrews, Jess Hulslander, Howard Mortonson, Clyde Burns and Frank Hadaway. Burial was in Sharon cemetery.
Eyrich, Elmira 10/12/1893 7/5/1974 w/o Clarence
Republic 7-11-1974
Mrs. Clarence Eyrich, 80, of 321 East Main street, Geneseo, died at 3:25 a.m. Friday, July 5, in the Hammond Henry Hospital. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon, July 7, in the Grace United Methodist church with the Rev. Wayne Goodwin, pastor, officiating. Mrs. Dale Sieben was organist and Mrs. John shoemaker and Mrs. Keith Tonkinson, soloists. Pallbearers were Larry Roseleib, Paul, Daniel, Wayne, and Mark Eyrich, and Terry Vermost. Burial was in Sharon cemetery, Spring Hill. The former Elmira Wayne was born October 12, 1893, in Redding, Pennsylvania, the daughter of John and Elmire Hafer Wayne. She was reared and received her education in Pennsylvania and had lived in the Geneseo area the past 50 years. On January 6, 1912, she was married to Mr. Eyrich in Redding. He died in 1950. She was a member of the Geneseo Grace United Methodist church and the United Methodist Women. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Howard Roselieb of Erie and Mrs. Virgil Blackman of Milan; four sons, Arlyn and Lee, bother of Geneseo, Cleon of Prophetstown, and Loy of Bell Plain, Minnesota; 22 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. She also was preceded in death by two sons, three sisters and two brothers.
Fenton, Edward E. 12/6/1856 3/31/1857 (1852?) Lot 16A s/o A. & A. Fenton age 3m 25d.
Fernow, William 1842 Dec. 1903
Republic Dec. 8, 1903
Mr. William Fernow, an old resident of Rock River Bottom, died very suddenly at his home Thursday afternoon. He had been talking with a neighbor who was passing and just entered the home when death claimed him. He leaves a wife to mourn his departure. He was buried at Sharon cemetery.
Note:His birthdate is 1842 and he D: Dec. 1903
Republic 12-18-1903
Mr. Fernow, an old resident of Rock River Bottom, died very suddenly at his home Thursday afternoon. He had been talking with a neighbor who was passing and just entered his home when death claimed him. He leaves a wife to mourn his departure. He was buried at Sharon Sunday morning.
Findley, Rebecca Ann Cooper b. Jan. 25, 1975 d. Sep. 6, 2008
Rebecca A. Findley, 33, of East Moline, died Saturday, Sept. 6, 2008, at Genesis Medical Center, Illini Campus, Silvis. Services will be 11 a.m. Tuesday at Erie United Methodist Church. Burial will be at a later date at Sharon Cemetery, Erie. Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Monday at the Gibson Funeral Home, Erie. A memorial fund has been established. Rebecca Ann Cooper was born Jan. 25, 1975, in Morrison, the daughter of David and Georgia Roselieb Cooper. She married Scott Findley on May 18, 2007, in East Moline.Becky was employed at the Community Action of Eastern Iowa, Davenport, and was also the Nursery director at Christ United Methodist Church, East Moline. She was a member of Christ United Methodist Church. Survivors include her husband; sons, Cooper and Carver, both at home; her parents, Georgia and David Cooper, Prophetstown; a brother, Doug Cooper, Erie; and grandparents, Lela Roselieb, Moline, and Kenneth and Joyce Cooper, Fenton.
Fitch, Lucy J. 9/1/1847 12/13/1901
Republic- 12-20-1901
Mrs. Fitch (Lucy) departed this life Friday December 3, at eleven o'clock The funeral took place at the Sharon church Sunday at eleven a.m. Rev. E. W. Thompson of Erie conducted the service and delivered an appropriate funeral address. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community in their lose. She was buried at Sharon cemetery.
Fitch, Samuel Hartman "Sam" 10/27/1870 2/18/1940
Birth: Oct. 27, 1870 Coshocton County Ohio, USA
Death: Feb. 18, 1940 Rock Island Rock Island County Illinois, USA
Sam is son of James Fitch and Lucy Babcock
name:Samuel Fitch Census 1900 ED 154 Portland Township, Whiteside Ill birth date: Oct 1870
birthplace: Ohio relationship to head of household: Son father's birthplace: Ohio
mother's birthplace: Ohio
race:White gender:Male marital status: Single
family number: 130 image number: 00505
Household Gender Age Birthplace
head James Fitch M 55 Ohio
wife Lucy Fitch F 53 Ohio
son Samuel Fitch M 30 Ohio
son Jesse Fitch M 27 Ohio
daughter Clarindar Fitch F 25 Ohio
son Frank Fitch M 18 Ohio
daughter Rosa Fitch F 14 Ohio
Sam was mrd 2x
+1Martha Alice Gladhill
groom's name: Samuel Fitch groom's
birth date: 1870
groom's birthplace:Coshocta Ohio groom's age: 26
bride's name: Martha Alice Gladhill
bride's birth date: 1877
bride's birthplace: Albany Ill
bride's age: 19 marriage date: 02 Dec 1896
marriage place: Clinton, Clinton, Iowa
groom's father's name: James Fitch
groom's mother's name: Lucy Babcock
bride's father's name: Jeremiah Gladhill
bride's mother's name: Jenetta Clark
groom's race: White groom's marital status: Single
bride's race: White bride's marital status: Single
indexing project (batch) number: M02549-4
system origin: Iowa-EASy source film: 1005212
reference number: 14664
Sam and Alice had a dau Minnie born 1898 Albany Ill
Sam and Alice div by 1900
their daughter Minnie was living with Alice's family in census
Name: Minnie Fitch Age 1910: 12 Birth Year: 1898
Birthplace: Ill Home 1910: Albany, Whiteside Ill
Race: White Gender: Female Relation to Head of House: Niece Marital Status: Single
Father's Birthplace: Ohio Mother's Birthplace: Ill
Household Members: Name Age
Frank Gladhill 38 1872 must be Alice's brother
Mabel G Gladhill 23
William Gladhill 43
Arthur Gladhill 26
Charles Gladhill 21
Minnie Fitch 12 <<<
then living with her mother & 2nd husband 1920
1920 US Fed Census about Minnie Fitch Home 1920:Fort Dodge Ward 2 Webster Ia Age:23 years Est birth year:abt 1897 Birthplace:ILL Relation to Head of House:step dau
Mother Birth Place:ILL Race: White Sex:female
Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Image:187
Household Members: Name Age
E D Smothers 46
Alice Smothers 45 ILL OH IND 1885 lst wife
Minnie Fitch 23 stepdau 1897 ILL ILL ILL single
Joseph Smothers 15 1905 ILL
Meanwhile Sam remrd in late 1900 to Lena Hill
Home 1910: Albany, Whiteside, Illinois
Name: Samuel H Fitch Age 1910: 40
Birth Year: 1870 Birthplace: Ohio
Race: White Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married Spouse's Name:Lena M Fitch
Father Birthplace:Oh Mother Birthplace: Oh
Household Members: Name Age
Samuel H Fitch 40
Lena M Fitch 29
James R Fitch 9
Charles E Fitch 7
Lucy M Fitch 4
Francis L Fitch 1 6/12
Home in 1920: Clinton Ward 4, Clinton, Iowa
Name: Sam Fitch Age: 53 Birth Year: abt 1867
Birthplace:Nova Scotia Race: White Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House:Head Marital Status:Married
Spouse's Name: Lena Fitch
Father's Birthplace: Mother's Birthplace:
Home Owned: Own Able to read:Yes Able to Write:Yes
Household Members: Name Age
Sam Fitch 53
Lena Fitch 33
James Fitch 18
Charlie Fitch 17
May Fitch 14
Lester Fitch 11
Ada Fitch 9
Velma Fitch 5
Home 1930:Rock Island, Rock Island, Illinois
Name: Samuel Fitch Gender: Male
Birth Year: abt 1874 Birthplace: OH Race:White
Marital Status: Divorced
Relation to Head of House: Head
Father's Birthplace:OH
Mother's Birthplace:OH
Household Members: Name Age
Samuel Fitch 56
Lester Fitch 21
Velma Fitch 16
Death Record name: Samuel Hartman Fitch
death date:18 Feb 1940
death place: Rock Island, Rock Island Ill
gender: Male race or color: w age: 69
birth date: 27 Oct 1870 birthplace:Oh
father: James Fitch father's birth place:OH
mother: Lucy Babcock mother's birth place: Oh
occupation: Blacksmith helper
residence:Rock Island, Rock Island, Illinois
spouse: Lena Hill Fitch
burial date: 20 Feb 1940
burial place: Erie, Whiteside Ill cemetery: Sharon
digital folder number: 4008544
image number: 1458 film number: 1831902
volume/page/certificate number: 8879
Family links:
Spouse: Martha Alice Gladhill Smothers (1882 - 1924)*
Burial:Sharon Cemetery Spring Hill Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Maintained by: Find A Grave
Originally Created by: Nena Smothers
Record added: Jul 19, 2012
Find A Grave Memorial# 93848071
Franks, Glenn L. b. Jun. 23, 1893 d. Mar. 4, 1979
Married Nellie Delphey
Republic 3-9-1979
Glen Franks, Geneseo, died Sunday, March 4, in a Galesburg hospital at the age of 85. Funeral services for Mr. Franks were held Wednesday March 7, at 1:30 p.m. at the Wrights Funeral Home, Geneseo. Rev. James Burns, pastor of the Geneseo Church of Christ, officiating. Burial was in Sharon Cemetery in Loraine Township, Henry County. Memorials may be left at the Good Samaritan Center. Mr.. Franks was born June 23, 1893, near Hooppole in Henry County, the son of Mark and Sabrina Brown Franks. He was reared and received his education in Henry County. On September 23,1914, he married Nellie Delphey in Geneseo. She died last year (1978). He retired in 1948 after operating a former service station at the corner of Main and Oakwood Avenue. Surviving are three sons, Morton and Edison, both of Geneseo, Morris of Rockwell, Arkansas, a daughter Mrs. Donald Ritter, of Colona, 12 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren, two sisters, Mrs. Mabel Blackwell and Mrs. Evelyn Peterson both of Moline, and a brother Harvey of Galva. Preceding him in death were a sister and brother in addition to his parents and wife. Mrs. James Burns was organist and Rodney Weber, soloist. Pallbearers were John Frank, Leslie Ritter, Richard Enright, Brent Franks, David Goreth and Roger Bos.
Franks, Henrietta b. 1886 d. 1966
Franks, Infant died 3/17/1912 d/o Mr and Mrs Harry Franks
Republic 3-22-1912
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Franks came over from Hooppole a week ago to visit at the W. N. Lawrence when their girl was taken sick with pneumonia and which later developed into spinal meningitis, and the little one was taken away at 5:30 Sunday morning, March 17, 1912. Funeral services were conducted at the house Monday afternoon by Rev. Manshardt, of Hooppole and the remains were laid to rest in the Sharon Cemetery.
Franks, Infant 1905 1906
Republic 4-6-1906
Our community was shocked Thursday morning to learn that Isaac Franks and wife had found their little child dead in its bed, seemingly having been smothered. The funeral service were held at the Sharon church Friday and the little one laid at rest in the cemetery. The child was nearly seven months old. Rev. Wade Smith officiated at the funeral.
Franks, Isaac b. 1881 d. 11/26/1932
Franks, John M. b. 1904 d. 1955 Lot 11 A
Franks, Luella H. b. 1905 d. 1969 Lot 11 A
Franks, PFC Marion L. b. Nov. 23, 1923 d. Apr. 17, 1945 Lot 11 A WW2
Killed in Action on Okinawa
17 April 1945
I Company 106th Infantry
27th Infantry Division
PFC Marion Franks was born in Traer, Iowa and entered the Army on June 20, 1943 training at Camp Wolters, Texas before shipping overseas to the 27th Infantry Division. Prior to his death on Okinawa he had been wounded in an earlier campaign on Saipan in the Marianas. After WWII in April, 1949 his remains were brought back to the US and buried in Sharon Cemetery at the request of his parents.
Parents: John M. Franks (1904-1955) Luella H. Franks (1905-1969)
Franks, Nellie I. Delphey b. May 14, 1893 d. Feb. 1, 1978
Married Glenn Franks
Fritts, Benjamin b. Sep. 12, 1809 d. Mar. 26, 1876
Margaret Ann Beers was born in Scott's Mt., NJ on Jan.13, 1813. She died on Nov.3,1877 in IL. At the age of 15, she married Benjamin J. Fritts (b.Sept.12, 1809, Sussex County, NJ.-d.Mar.26, 1876 in IL.). Benjamin J. Fritts was a farmer and a lay preacher. He was also a county supervisor. They are buried together in the Sharon Cemetery. Info from
Maintained by: Terry W. Tersigni
Originally Created by: Jim Kerr
Record added: Aug 16, 2008
Find A Grave Memorial# 29073361
Fritts, Eliza A. b. Oct. 6, 1836 d. Aug. 1, 1911
Republic 8-4-1911
Mrs. U.B. Fritts (Eliz), a former resident of Sharon, who was struck and killed instantly by the fast mail train in Geneseo Tuesday was buried at Sharon cemetery Thusday. the sorrow children have the sympathy of all.
Fritts, Guy Everett 7/6/1890 11/13/1890 Lot 78 s/o M.E. & E.R. Fritts
Geneseo Republic 11-21-1890
Mr. and Mrs. Fritts took their baby to Sharon for burial in the family lot last Saturday after a funeral service had been held by Rev. F. H. Cumming.
Geneseo Republic 11-14-1890
Mr. Mrs. M. Fritts, who reside on West exchange street, were sadly bereaved by the death of their baby, a child aged about five months, at 11:30 a.m. yesterday. Whooping cough result in convulsions was the cause of the little ones death. (Note baby is buried at Sharon Cemetery)
Fritts, Margaret b. Jan. 14, 1813 d. Nov. 3, 1877
Margaret Ann Beers was born in Scott's Mt., NJ on Jan.13, 1813. She died on Nov.3,1877 in IL. At the age of 15, she married Benjamin J. Fritts (b.Sept.12, 1809, Sussex County, NJ.-d.Mar.26, 1876 in IL.). Benjamin J. Fritts was a farmer and a lay preacher. He was also a county supervisor. They are buried together in the Sharon Cemetery. Info from
Maintained by: Terry W. Tersigni
Originally Created by: Jim Kerr
Record added: Aug 16, 2008
Find A Grave Memorial# 29073361
Fritts, Sarah M. d. 6/5/1861 1y 5m 9d Lot 78 d/o A.H. & M.R. Fritts
Fritts, Usual B. b. Aug. 1, 1833 d. May 12, 1903
Republic 5-15-1903
After a lingering illness which continued since last fall Mr. Usual b. Fritts, a highly respected citizen of Geneseo and pioneer of this county, died Tuesday, May 12th, 1903. Mr. Fritts was born August 1, 1833, in Luzerne county, Pennsylvania, and when still a small boy came with his parents to Henry county and lived near Sharon. In this vicinity he continued to reside until 1880 when he moved to Geneseo. He was married to in 1856 to Eliza A. Crosier who survives to mourn his passing also with four children: M.E. and W.C. Fritts of this city, Mrs. Lillian Innean of Lincoln, Neb., and Mrs. Leona McConnell, of Kansas City. Throughout his long and trying last sickness Mr. Fritts bore his affliction with fortitude. He was given every attention and care that loving hands of his wife devoted children could bestow. During the last two months all his children were with him. Mr. Fritts was an honest and upright citizen of a frank and openhearted disposition, and a heart. His friends held him in high esteem and mourn with the wife and children at his death. He also survived by two brothers and six sisters , Wm. B. Fritts of City of Erie, Ill., Asa Fritts of Sioux City, Iowa, Mrs. Emeline Wirth of Sioux City, Iowa, Mrs.Ellen Benson of Grand Juction, Iowa, Mrs. D.B. McHenry of this city, Mrs. Joshna Browning of Phenix township, Mrs. L. F. Lofstedt and Mrs. J.F. Lofstedt of Rippy, Iowa. Funeral services were conducted at his late home Thursday at 9:30 a.m., Rev. G. C. Shaffer officiating. the interment was in the Sharon cemetery in the vicinity of which Mr. Fritts passed the greater portion of his days on earth.
The Geneseo Republic Date: May 29, 1903
The body of Mr. U.B. Fritts was brought from Geneseo to Sharon for burial Thursday. The deceased was formerly a resident in this vicinity. The relatives and friends have the sympathy of all.
Fuller, Alma M. died 1-4-1875 age 14 yr d/o J. _ & A.
Fuller, Almira Lanphere b. Aug. 23, 1821 d. Oct. 29, 1906
Republic 11-2-1906
Mrs. Almire Lamphere Fuller, mother of Mrs. George Talcott of this city, died at her home near Spring Hill Monday Oct. 29, 1906, in her eighty-six years. Deceased has been a resident of Illinois since 1846 and since 1851 has resided near Spring Hill. Mrs. Fuller is survived by her aged husband, two sons and two daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Talcott and family also Rev. and Millard attended the funeral held at spring Hill this Thursday.
Fuller, Bertha J. died 2-16-1862 d/o J.L. & A.A.
Fuller, Cecil b. Dec. 12, 1850 d. Sep. 24, 1929 Lot 79
Fuller, Douglas died 3-29-1868 (1869?) Lot 79
8ys 5m 16d s/o Levi & Melissa
Fuller, Earl died 4/2/1861
aged 1y 1m 14d s/o L. & M.
Fuller, Edmund Hall 3/13/1814 3/4/1858 43y 11m 21d Lot 80 h/o Mary M. Turner Fuller
I am looking for the burial place of Edmund Hall Fuller, 1814-1858, and his wife Mary, 1814-1896. I believe they are most likely in Lyndon or Sharon cemeteries. Edmund was born in Oneida County NY and died in Spring Hill.
Fuller, Elbert J. died 10-7-1871 s/o J. _& S. _
Fuller, Emma Anderson b. 7/4/1899 d. 9/21/1939
Taken off the
llinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Emma Anderson Fuller
Birth Date: 4 Jul 1899
Birth Place: Portland Twp, Illinois
Death Date: 21 Sep 1939
Death Place: Moline, Rock Island, Illinois
Burial Date: 23 Sep 1939
Burial Place: Portland Twp, Whiteside, Illinois
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 40
Occupation: Housewife
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Female
Residence: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Father Name: Alfred Anderson
Father Birth Place: Sweden
Mother Name: Matilda Eckdahl
Mother Birth Place: Sweden
Spouse Name: W H Fuller
FHL Film Number: 1432189
Fuller, George W. 11/24/1875 8/11/1959
Geneseo Republic August 13, 1959
Death Claims George Fuller
George W. Fuller, 85, died in his home in Spring Hill Saturday evening, August 11 in the Schilling funeral home, Erie, and burial was in Sharon cemetery. Mr. Fuller was born November 24, 1875, at Spring Hill, son of Stanley and Hannah Avery Fuller and spent his entire life in the Spring Hill vicinity. He was a farmer and had been a salesman for 12 years for the Illinois Feed Company. On February 5, 1901, he was married in Spring Hill to Bertha Redell. He served as the Whiteside county supervisor and was chairman of the Board 16 years. He was a member of the EUB church at Spring Hill and had attended the Spring Hill schools and business college in Davenport. Surviving are his wife, a son Richard of Spring Hill; two grandchildren, three great-grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. Grace Pratt of Oak Park. Four brothers preceded him in death
Fuller, Hannah H. 1842 Jan 1916 w/o Stanley Lot 77A
Republic 1-14-1916
Mrs. Stanley Fuller, a former resident of Sharon but latterly of Erie, died at her home there Sunday morning of pneumonia. The funeral service were held at the Sharon church Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and the remains were laid in the Erie cemetery. The husband and children have the sympathy of all their old friends and neighbors in their sorrow.
Fuller, Henry P. d. 10/26/1873 86y 1m Lot 79
Fuller, Hiram b. Feb. 8, 1850 d. Mar. 15, 1850
Fuller, James Martin b. 1816 d. Dec. 15, 1866
Fuller, James S. b. D. 1915 Co B 115th Civil War
Fuller, John P b. Jul. 4, 1822 d. Mar. 31, 1911
The Geneseo Republic 4-7-1911 page 15
Uncle John Fuller an old time resident of this vicinity passed away at his home north of town last Friday evening. He has been confined to his bed for over two years, but the final cause of his death was paralysis. Uncle John was a kind neighbor and was held in high esteem by all who knew him. The obituary will be found in another column.
Fuller, John Hannan died 2-2-1852 S/o J .M& _ S
Fuller, Levi b. Jan. 8, 1793 d. Apr. 18, 1849
Fuller, Lucinda d. 4/16/1882 92y 3m 6d Lot 79
Fuller, Mary A b. Feb. 13, 1843 d. Feb. 22, 1843
Fuller, Mary Ann Dorathy b. Mar. 24, 1856 d. Jun. 2, 1934 Lot 79
Mary Dorathy was born March 24, 1856, to Owen and Sarah (Lindsey) Dorathy in Chautauqua County, New York. She was brought to Illinois as a small child. On May 28, 1873, she married Cecil Fuller of Spring Hill, and the couple lived in that community for many years. For the last 30 years she had lived in the old home in Portland township. Cecil and Mary celebrated their golden wedding anniversary.Mary passed away at the age of 78 on June 2, 1934, of hardening of the arteries at her home in Portland township. She had been bedfast for the last few weeks and in failing health for several years. Her husband died September 24, 1929. She is survived by a brother, Charles of Spring Hill. There are also five brothers who preceded her in death: Frank, Dennis, William, Morris and Lee, and one sister, Mrs. Kate Breckenridge. She was an honorary member of the Portland club and a devout member of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Prophetstown.
Fuller, Mary M Turner 5/30/1814 8/7/1880 56y 2m 7d Lot 80 w/o Edmund (Verify date of death)
I am looking for the burial place of Edmund Hall Fuller, 1814-1858, and his wife Mary, 1814-1896. I believe they are most likely in Lyndon or Sharon cemeteries. Edmund was born in Oneida County NY and died in Spring Hill.
Fuller, Melissa died 9-7-1891 74 yrs (d/o/d maybe 9-5-1891) Lot 79
Fuller, Stanley M b. Oct., 1852 d. Apr. 2, 1924 h/o Hannah Lot 77A
Republic April 11, 1924
Stanley Fuller passed away in Chicago at the home of his daughter Tuesday and the remains were brought to Erie, Friday and funeral services were held at the Sharon church. He was laid to rest in the family lot in the Sharon cemetery. Turner and Slaymaker had charge of the funeral service being conducted by the Methodist minister of Erie.
Republic 4-11-1924
Stanley M. Fuller well known in northern Henry County died Sunday at the home of his daughter Mrs. Thurston Pratt of Oak Park, Ill., where he had been recently. Pneumonia caused his death. Mr. Fuller was a life long resident of Portland Township near Erie. He was a prominent farmer retiring into Erie. Mr. Fuller was born October 2, 1872. He married Mrs. Hannah Avery Rowe, December 19, 1872. She passed away in 1916. Both children survive. they are Harry of Sterling, George and Children of Portland township and Mrs. Pratt of Oak Park. He was a member of the M. W. A.
Fuller, W H b. 1849 d. June 1914
Geneseo Republic Date: June 12, 1914
W. H. Fuller, an old time resident of this village, died at his home in Erie at 11:30 Sunday evening, June _?_. The funeral services were held at Sharon Wednesday and the remains laid at rest in the family lot in the Sharon cemetery. The sorrowing wife and relatives have the sympathy of all.
Evening News. June 12, 1914
The many friends of Mr. W. H. Fuller were some what shocked to learn of his death, which occurred Sunday about midnight. He had been ill over a year and of late had had many very serious spells from which he recovered and seemed to be about over. He had been gradually getting weaker and weaker. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at the Sharon Church, Rev. L. P. Berry of Oregon, officiating.
Fuller, William R. b. Dec. 15, 1835 d. Aug. 15, 1838
Fuller, Willis H. b. d. 4/7/1942 Veteran
Unknown Paper Unknown Date
Military Funeral for Willis H. Fuller, World War Veteran, at Sharon
Funeral services for Willis H. Fuller, World War veteran, who passed away Tuesday in the Veterans hospital in Hines, Ill., were held Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock in Sharon church with the Rev. Curtis L. Price, pastor of the Spring Hill and Loraine Evangelical churches officiating. Two selections, “Shall We Meet Beyond the River?” and “Going Down the Valley.” were sung by a trio composed of Mrs. Keith Tonkinson of Hooppole, Mrs. John Shoemaker of Geneseo and Miss Loretta Redell of Erie. Casket attendants were the following members of the Erie post of the American Legion: James Ryan, Orrens Burns, E. G. Pelletier, Harry James, Louis Teats, and George Misfeldt. Casket guards were Harold Brooks and Julius Mix. Members who served as color bearers were John Besse and Earl Border. Color guards were Lloyd Bowen and Mortis Guthrie. The firing squad was composed of Arthur Martin, Fred Finnicum, Geoege Hoerler and Walter Prentiss. Taps were sounded by Henry Diehl. Lawrence Perkins was the officer in charge of the military rites. Mrs. Charles Withrow and Mrs. Ivan Anderson were in charge of the many beautiful floral expressions of sympathy. Interment was in the Sharon cemetery. Among the relatives and friends from a distance attending the services were Mrs. Maurice Martin, Miss Bessie Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Robert La Coste and Mrs. Maude Jacobs all of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Thurston Pratt of Oak Park, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Fuller, Freeport, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Lawrence of Rock Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Eiker and Mrs. Carl Knox of Alpha, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maranville of East Moline. A large number of relatives and friends were present from Morrison, Port Byron, Prophetstown, Geneseo and Erie.
Funderburgh, Elmer C. 11-1-1901 11-24-1956
h/o Grace Fuller
Unknown Paper Unknown Date
Elmer Funderburgh Dies; Rites Tuesday
Erie- Elmer C. Funderburgh 55 of 2405 48th St. Moline died at 12:20 p.m. Saturday afternoon at Moline Lutheran Hospital, The body was brought to the Schilling Funeral home in Erie. Mr. Funderburgh formerly lived at Erie. Funeral services will be held at the funeral home Tuesday afternoon at 2 p.m. The Rev. Charles Willey, pastor of the First Christian Church, Moline will officiate. Burial will be in Sharon Cemetery. Elmer Funderbugh was born Nov. 1, 1901, in Amboy, the son of James and Emma “Hacker” Funderburgh. He was raised on a farm west of Lyndon. He attended Hamilton Grove and Lyndon schools and moved to Erie and vicinity in 1919, where he resided until three years ago when he moved to Moline. He was a machinist at American Machine and Metals, Moline, for the past 14 years. He was married to Grace Fuller on Oct. 26, 1931, in Chicago. He was a member of the Congregational Church. He is survived by his wife, one daughter, Audrey, at home. Three brothers, Walter Funderbugh of Sterling, Glenn Funderburgh of Rock Island and Lawrence Funderburgh of Miami, Fla.
Getty, Agnes Mead May 6, 1818 Nov. 19, 1905
Getty, Cynthia Adeline Loomis Apr. 23, 1821 Jan. 20, 1901
Republic 2-1-1901
The remains of Mrs. Worling Getty of Tama City, Iowa arrived here on Tuesday and placed in Sharon cemetery. Mr. Asa Martin and daughter, Carrie, accompanied the remains here and returned home on the evening train. Dr. Chas Young of Geneseo and LeRoy Talcott, relatives were in attendance at Mrs. Gerry funeral.
Getty, George Willard 10/18/1853 10/23/1856 (verify burial)
Birth: Oct. 18, 1853
Death: Oct. 23, 1856
Only son of Worling & Cynthia Getty
Age 3 yrs, 5 days
Family links:
Worling Getty (1814 - 1903)
Cynthia Adeline Loomis Getty (1821 - 1901)
George Welland Getty (1853 - 1856)
John L. Getty (1857 - 1880)*
Burial:Sharon Cemetery Spring Hill Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Plot: Row 3 Lot 64
Created by: Wendy McIntosh
Record added: Jun 24, 2014
Find A Grave Memorial# 131826503
Getty, James 1/21/1778 3/6/1853
James Getty
Birth: Jan. 21, 1778 Salem Washington County New York, USA
Death: Mar. 6, 1853
Son of Robert and Agnes (Lytle) Getty. Robert Getty, a Revolutionary soldier who served under Gen. Ethan Allen at the capture of Ticonderoga and Crown Point.
James married 17 Feb 1800, Nancy Gregg.
John Getty 1800
Adams Getty 1802
James Getty 1803
Harriet Getty 1805
Jane Getty 1807
Nancy Getty 1808
Robert Getty 1810
Sally Ann Getty 1812
Worling Getty 1814
George Washington Getty 1820
Elizabeth Getty 1825
Family links:
Spouse: Nancy Gregg Getty (1784 - 1874)
John Getty (1800 - 1871)*
James Getty (1803 - 1864)*
Robert Getty (1810 - 1864)*
Worling Getty (1814 - 1903)*
Burial:Sharon Cemetery Spring Hill Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Plot: Row 3 Lot 65
Maintained by: Dave & Pam Jindrich
Originally Created by: Slowweb
Record added: May 17, 2012
Find A Grave Memorial# 90263339
Getty, James 10/28/1803 8/11/1864
James Getty
Birth: Oct. 28, 1803 Salem Washington County New York, USA
Death: Aug. 11, 1864 Helena Phillips County Arkansas, USA
On the 13th of March 1857, while living in East Hamburg, New York, James Getty shot a neighbor he did not like: namely one Daniel Albert. Albert was out working in his wood lot when Getty approached him with a shotgun, and proceeded to fire both barrels into Albert's thigh. He was helped to his house, but subsequently died of his injuries. James Getty was arrested and jailed, and went to trial on the 24th.
His attorney produced witnesses to say James had been despondent since the death of his daughter in 1854, and had been known to talk wildly to himself, weep for days, and on one occasion took a rope to the barn with the intention of hanging himself. Friends said he had inquired whether they had heard any report of his wife being unfaithful, though she was known to be a virtuous woman. James had told people it was his belief that Daniel Albert was behind the rumors. Other than his demonstrable hatred of Albert, Getty was known to be a temperate man. This produced a verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity. James was sent to the state asylum at Utica for treatment. Some time passed, and James enlisted in the Union Army. He was wounded at Fort Donelson and discharged; then went to Helena, Arkansas, where he died.
James married 04 Jul 1833 at Springville, New York, Mary Thorne Fosdick daughter of Solomon and Anna (Thorne) Fosdick of Erie County, New York. Mary died at Hamburg, New York, in 1891.
George W. Getty 1834
Levant W. Getty 1837
William Wallace Getty 1839
Louisa E. Getty 1842
Mary Cornelia Getty 1844
Nathaniel C. Getty 1847
Leonora Getty
Family links:
James Getty (1778 - 1853)
Nancy Gregg Getty (1784 - 1874)
John Getty (1800 - 1871)*
James Getty (1803 - 1864)
Robert Getty (1810 - 1864)*
Worling Getty (1814 - 1903)*
Burial:Sharon Cemetery Spring Hill Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Plot: Row 3 Lot 65
Maintained by: Dave & Pam Jindrich
Originally Created by: Slowweb
Record added: May 17, 2012
Find A Grave Memorial# 90263562
GETTY, Katie 12/7/1859 4/24/1885
KATIE GETTY , daughter of Rob't Getty, was buried at the Sharon cemetery Sunday, April 26, at 8 o'clock, p. m. Miss Getty, at the time of her death, was a teacher in the deaf and dumb asylum at Jacksonville. The Superintendent and a large number of classmates and relatives followed the remains to their last resting place.—first pub. in the Erie Independent Contributed by Pam Pickens - Sterling Standard, pg. 8 Date: 5-7-1885
Getty, Margaret Elizabeth Elliot Jun. 25, 1812 Sep. 18, 1846
Getty, Nancy Gregg Jan. 21, 1784 Aug. 24, 1874
Birth: Jan. 21, 1784 Londonderry Rockingham County New Hampshire, USA
Death: Aug. 24, 1874
Family links:
James Getty (1778 - 1853)*
John Getty (1800 - 1871)*
James Getty (1803 - 1864)*
Robert Getty (1810 - 1864)*
Worling Getty (1814 - 1903)*
Burial:Sharon Cemetery Spring Hill Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Plot: Row 3 Lot 65
Maintained by: Dave & Pam Jindrich
Originally Created by: Slowweb
Record added: May 17, 2012
Find A Grave Memorial# 90263293
Getty, Robert Feb. 28, 1810 Sep. 12, 1864
Robert Getty
Birth: Feb. 28, 1810 Salem Washington County New York, USA
Death: Sep. 12, 1864 Spring Hill Whiteside County Illinois, USA
History of Whiteside County, by Bent/Wilson 1877:
ROBERT GETTY was born in Washington county, New York, in 1810. He came to Portland in 1835, and settled near Sharon, in the vicinity of the county line. His death occurred in 1864. He married Miss Eliza Elliott, and after her death was married to Miss Agnes Mead. Children: Frances Maria, who married H. Fletcher, and lives at Brooklyn, N. Y.; Ann Eliza, who married Henry Slade, and, after his decease, P. C. Langdon, and also lives in Brooklyn, N. Y.; Agnes, who married Orlando Wells, and resides in Geneseo, Illinois; Luella Jane, who is a deaf mute teacher in the State Asylum at Jacksonville, Illinois; Kate, who resides in Geneseo.
He was one of the first members of the Presbyterian Church, Sharon Township.
Robert married first 03 Jan 1839 Margaret Elizabeth Elliot, who died 18 Sep 1846.
Frances Maria Getty 1840
Ann Eliza Getty 1842
Robert married second 06 Dec 1847 Agnes Mead of Pennsylvania.
Robert E. Getty 1849
Agnes Mead Getty 1851
Luella Jane Getty 1853
Kate A. Getty 1859
Family links:
James Getty (1778 - 1853)
Nancy Gregg Getty (1784 - 1874)
Margaret Elizabeth Elliot Getty (1812 - 1846)
Agnes Mead Getty (1818 - 1905)
Kate A Getty (1859 - 1885)*
John Getty (1800 - 1871)*
James Getty (1803 - 1864)*
Robert Getty (1810 - 1864)
Worling Getty (1814 - 1903)*
Burial:Sharon Cemetery Spring Hill Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Plot: Row 2 Lot 37
Maintained by: Dave & Pam Jindrich
Originally Created by: Slowweb
Record added: May 17, 2012
Find A Grave Memorial# 90263451
Getty, Worland died Nov 1903
The Geneseo Republic Date:November 13, 1903
The remains of Mr. Worlen Getty were brought from Iowa Friday and laid at rest in the Sharon cemetery. He was a former resident of Sharon and highly respected citizen. The daughter of the deceased, Mrs. Asa Martin, and her husband accompanied the remains, and visited with old time friends a few days before returning home.
Gray, Mary Lynn (Brooks) 8/19/1893 8/30/1918
Republic 1918
Mrs. Gray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Brooks died at her home near Atkinson last week, Monday and the remains were brought to Sharon and laid away in the family lot there.
Death Age: 25
Occupation: Housewife
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Female
Father Name: Emmet Brooks
Father Birth Place: Illinois
Mother Name: Tibbie Cole
Mother Birth Place: Illinois
Comments: Mrs.
FHL Film Number: 1543998
Guild, Grace Darling 8/14/1863 (Obits says 8/14/1862) 8/26/1938 w/o John J. Guild nee:Blagg
Republic of 9-2-1938
Mrs. John Guild, 75 years old, who has been a resident of Geneseo since 1907, passed away Friday night, Aug.26, in her home at 231 North College avenue in this city, after an illness of five years. She was born Grace Blagg, daughter of Samuel and Nancy Stickleman Blagg, in Erie, on August 14, 1862. She was reared and educated in that community and 1882 she married Chas. Adams of Erie. On May 23, 1909, she married John J. Guild in Spring Hill. They farmed until 1907 when they moved to Geneseo. Mrs. Guild was a member at the Royal Neighbors lodge and of the Grace Evangelical church. She is survived by the widower, a daughter, Mrs. James McDonald of Sherrard, four grandchildren, one great-grandson, a brother, Elia Blagg of Erie, an aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth Wilcox of Erie, a nephew, Theodore Blagg, and three step sons, Frank and Edward Guilde of Geneseo and Grant Guild of Annawan. Funeral services were held in the home Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock by Rev. E. G. Vanbel of the Grace Evangelical church officiating. Pallbearers were Willis Evans, Louis Urick, James Lavery, Glenn Dilenbeck, Seymore Brown, and Albert Sieben. Burial was in Sharon cemetery.
GUILDGRACE D N/S UNK 0000137 1938-08-26 HENRY
Taken off the
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Grace Darling Guild
[Grace Darling Blagg]
Birth Date: 14 Aug 1863
Birth Place: Erie, , Illinois
Death Date: 26 Aug 1938
Death Place: Geneseo, Henry, Illinois
Burial Date: 29 Aug 1938
Burial Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 75
Occupation: Housewife
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Female
Residence: Geneseo, Henry, Illinois
Father Name: Samuel Blagg
Father Birth Place: Ohio
Mother Name: Nancy Stickleman
Mother Birth Place: Ohio
Spouse Name: John J. Guild
FHL Film Number: 1818885
Guild, John J. b. 9/19/1860 d. 10/2/1939
GUILDJOHN J N/S UNK 0000168 1939-10-02 HENRY
Taken off the
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: John J. Guild
Birth Date: 19 Sep 1860
Birth Place: Geneseo, Ill
Death Date: 2 Oct 1939
Death Place: Geneseo, Henry, Illinois
Burial Date: 4 Oct 1939
Burial Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Cemetery Name: Sharron
Death Age: 79
Occupation: Grain-Feed
Race: White
Marital Status: W
Gender: Male
Street Address: 231 North College Ave.
Residence: Geneser, Henry, Illinois
Father Name: Elias G. Guild
Father Birth Place: New York
Mother Name: Cynthia A. Walker
Mother Birth Place: New York
Spouse Name: Grace Darling Guild
FHL Film Number: 1432188
Guthrie, Charlie d. 2/9/1871 7m 10 s/o J & M.E. Guthrie Lot 87A
Guthrie, John 1/3/1833 6/10/1906 Lot 87A h/o Mary
Republic 6-1906
John Guthrie, a former resident of Sharon but of late of Erie died at his home there Sunday, June 19th of paralysis. The interment was Tuesday afternoon at Sharon cemetery. The sorrowing wife and daughter have the sympathy of all in there afflication. "Johnnie" as he was called, had many friends at Sharon and Erie and was respected by all who knew him.
Guthrie, Mary E. (Jenkins) 9-15-1841 9-26-1906 w/o John Lot 87A
Guthrie, Unknown died Jan 1907 w/o John
The Geneseo Republic Date:January 4, 1907
Mrs. John Guthrie died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jos. Bryant, of Erie, last Wednesday. She was for many years a resident of Sharon and was highly respected by all who knew her. The funeral was held Friday and she was laid at rest in the Sharon cemetery beside her husband who preceded her but a short time ago. The children have the sympathy of all in their sorrow.
Guthrie, Vernice Lavinia 11/16/1874 1922
Republic 9-29-1922
Vernice Lavinia Guthrie, daughter of John and Mary Guthrie was born Nov. 16, 1874 at the Guthrie farm in Sharon. Here she spent her youth graduating from the eighth grade at the old Sharon school and moving with her parents to Erie in 1895, where she graduated from the Erie high school with the class of 1896. In 1899, November 14, she was united in marriage to Frank Bennett of Erie. One son, Kenneth was born to bless this union. After spending one ear, on the Bennett farm near Erie, they moved to the John Guthrie farm in Sharon and in 1919 they purchased the farm east of Geneseo which is the present home. In her young womanhood, she joined the church at Sharon, remaining a faithful and efficient member until recently when she transferred her membership to Zion church at Geneseo. She early afflicted herself with the Ladies aid at Sharon, returning this association to the present time also being an active member of Y.P.A. of the Zion church and of the East Side Domestic Science Club of Geneseo. She passed from this life Friday September 22 at the home of F.B. Schmeid of Prophetstown, where with her husband, she was spending the with the Guthrie cousins, among whom she was ever a loved and loving member. Her death came suddenly and without warning a she was talking. The last words on her lips being in praise of her Lord and savior. At the time her passing husband, one son, two sisters, Mrs. Joseph Bryant of Erie and Mrs. e. J. Howell of Mpaugh, Calif., one uncle, S.C. Guthrie of Erie, fifteen nephews and nieces, and a large circle of cousins and friends. Funeral services were held Monday September 25 at the home of her brother-in-law, Joseph Bryant, at Erie at 2p.m. and at the Sharon church at 2:30p.m.. Rev. J. Marth of Zion Evengelical church officiating. Mrs. James presided at the organ, Mrs. Bernice James and Mrs. Sadie Miller rendered beautiful selections. Interment was in Sharon cemetery
Hamilton, Robert W b. Sep. 2, 1943 d. May 19, 2006
Robert W. Hamilton, 62, of Geneseo, died Friday, May 19, 2006, at Trinity Medical Center, West Campus, Rock Island. Services will be 10 a.m. Wednesday at St. Ambrose Catholic Church, Erie. Burial will be in Sharon Cemetery, Erie. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, with a rosary at 6 p.m., at Gibson Funeral Home, Erie. Memorials may be made to the American Diabetes Association or the American Heart Association. Mr. Hamilton was born Sept. 2, 1943, in Davenport, the son of William and Arlene Graham Hamilton. He was a 1961 graduate of Alleman High School. He served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War. Bob retired in 1998 as the international representative for the United Food and Commercial Workers of America, Chicago. He was a member of the Knights of Columbus. He was very active in the Democratic party, having recently been a candidate for the Whiteside County Board. He enjoyed playing euchre. Bob was very caring and helpful to the elderly, especially to his stepmother Maureen in her final years of life. He especially enjoyed his dog, Fritz. Survivors include brothers and sisters-in-law, Richard and Joan Hamilton, Hillsdale, Gerald and Pat Schott, Tipton, Iowa, and James and Kathy Schott, Moline; half-sisters, Mercy Ann and Betty Ann and several nieces, nephews and great-nieces and -nephews.
Hamm, Mary P. 7/2/1929 9/9/2016
Mary P. Hamm, 87, of Erie, most recently of Crosstown Square, Silvis, died Friday, Sept. 9, 2016, at Genesis Medical Center, Silvis. Services will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 16, at Erie United Methodist Church. Burial will be in the Sharon Cemetery, rural Erie. Visitation will be held from 4-7 p.m. on Tuesday at Gibson-Bode Funeral Home, Erie. Memorials may be made to the Alzheimer's Association or the Erie United Methodist Church. Mary was born on July 2, 1929, in Clinton, Iowa, the daughter of Evans and Gussie Rowe Pratt. She married Walter Hamm on July 7, 1951.
Mary worked for many years at the Erie Post Office before becoming the postmaster at Hooppole, Ill. She enjoyed traveling. Mary was a longtime member of the Erie United Methodist Church, an active member and Past Worthy Matron of Evangeline Chapter No. 52 of the Order of the Eastern Star and member of the Erie Rotary Club of which she was a Paul Harris Fellow recipient. She is survived by her four children and their spouses, Kristin Somervell, Chevy Chase, Md., Walter (Judy) Hamm, Port Byron, Eric (Gabriel) Hamm, New Salem, Mass., Jeff (Kristi) Hamm, Noble, Okla.; four grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; husband; son-in-law, James Somervell; and sister, Charmian Magruder. Share a memory or condolence at Mary's family would like to thank all the wonderful caregivers and staff of Crosstown Square for their assistance to Mary.
HAMM, Walter B. b.July 22, 1926 d. Aug. 19, 1987
WALTER B. HAMM , 61, of Erie, a former trustee of the Erie Village board, died Wednesday ( 19 Aug 1987) in St. Luke's Hospital in Davenport, Iowa. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. in the Erie United Methodist Church. Visitation is Friday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. at the Gibson Funeral Home in Erie with burial in the Sharon Cemetery, rural Erie. A memorial has been established in his memory to the Erie Rotary Club;. Mr. Hamm was born on July 22, 1926 in Whiteside County, the son of John and Larua (James) Hamm. He was united in marriage to Mary Prapp on July 7, 1951 in Chicago. He was a retired trucker for J. I. Case Company in Racine, Wisconsin. He was a veteran of the United States Navy having served during World War II. He was a member of the Erie United Methodist Church, the Erie Rotary Club and the Teamsters,Union. He is survived by his wife; three sons, Walter B. of Andover, Eric C. of Chanute Air Force Base in Illinois, and Jeffrey of Santee, California; one daughter, Kristin Torbet of Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland; three grandchildren; his mother, Laura Hamm of Morrison; onesister, Marie Stingley of Erie; and two brothers, Harry of Erie and Floyd of Thomson. Contributed by Melva L. Taylor - The Daily Gazette, Sterling-Rock Falls, Illinois August 20, 1987 - Thrusday, pg A2
Hannis, Donavon M. b. 1/15/1907 d. 1951 h/o Esther N. Perkins
Dispatch 11-8-1951
Funeral services for Donovan M. Hannis, 44, of Spring Hill will be held at 1:30 Friday afternoon at the Gardner chapel in Prophetstown and at 2 in spring Hill E.U.B. church. Mr. Hannis died yesterday morning in the Morrison Community Hospital, where he had been under treatment 13 days. He had been in failing health for four years. The Rev. Harold Flossner will officiate at the funeral and burial will be in the Sharon cemetery near Spring Hill. Mr. Hannis was Sunday School superintendent and teaching the young people class at Spring Hill. He was also a director of the Whiteside county, Farm Bureau. The son of Miles and Ida Miller Hannis, he was born Jan. 15, 1907 in Lyndon township, and moved to Spring Hill community 22 years ago. He attended schools at Lyndon and Sterling. He married Esther Perkins of Spring Hill, Dec. 18, 1929, who survives with two sons, Mervin and Larry, and a daughter, Gloria, all at home and his father in Morrison. He was preceded in death by his mother and by a son, Donnie in 1940.
Hannis, Donovan Floyd b. 5/31/1933 d. 8/12/1940
Republic 16, 1940
Donovan Floyd Hannis, seven year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Hannis, of Spring Hill, died at 9 o'clock Monday, August 12th in Moline Public Hospital aftyer a ten days illness. Death was due to streptococcus infection. Donovan was born May 31, 1933 in Spring Hill. He would have been a pupil in the second grade of the spring Hill school this fall. Surviving are the parents, one brother, Mervin Paul, at home, the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Perkins of Spring Hill, the paternal grandfather, Miles Hannis of Morrison, and also the maternal great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P.Parson of Geneseo. Mrs. George Perkins if the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Parson and a former Geneseo resident. Dr. Geo Perkins also of this city is a great-grandfather of this child.
Taken off the
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Donovan Floyd Hannis
Birth Date: 31 May 1933
Birth Place: Springfield, IL (family says he was born in Spring Hill IL)
Death Date: 12 Aug 1940
Death Place: Moline, Rock Island, Illinois
Burial Date: 14 Aug 1940
Burial Place: Portland, Whiteside, IL
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 7
Occupation: Schoolboy
Race: White
Marital Status: S
Gender: Male
Residence: Portland, Whiteside, IL
Father Name: Donovan Hannis
Father Birth Place: Lyndon, IL
Mother Name: Esther Perkins
Mother Birth Place: Spring Hill, IL
FHL Film Number: 1832232
Hannis, Larry Dean b. Aug. 21, 1941 d. Jun. 20, 2008
Larry D. Hannis, 66, formerly of East Davenport, died Friday, June 20, 2008, at River Park Healthcare Center, Rock Island. Services are 11 a.m. Tuesday at Gibson Funeral Home, Erie, with visitation 10 a.m. to services. Burial is in Sharon Cemetery, Erie. He was born Aug. 21, 1941, in Sterling, Ill., to Donovan and Esther Perkins Hannis. He farmed in Portland Township. He was a member of the Erie Masonic Lodge. Surviving are two daughters; sister, Gloria (Chuck) Shoemaker, Geneseo; brother, Mervin (Judy) Hannis, Erie. He was preceded in death by his parents; stepfather, Albert Luchman; and brother, Donovan Floyd Hannis.
Harris, Sarah F 10/9/1853 2/19/1854 d/o W.S. Harris 4m 10d Lot 7A
Hauschildt, James B. 2/7/1883 3/23/1941 h/o Mabel Vroman
Republic 3-28-1941
James B. Hauschildt, aged 59 years died at his home north of Geneseo at 2:30 Sunday afternoon, March 23, after a lingering illness with diabetes and complications. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Sharon church with Rev. C. L. Price pastor of the Loraine and Ebenezer churches, officiating. The song service was in charge of Mrs. Carl Ropp and Mrs. Fred Cole. Pallbearers were Clarence Black, Carl and Loren Ropp, Lloyd, John, and Eugene Vroman. Burial was in Sharon cemetery. Mr. Hauschildt, son of Frederick and Lena Hauschildt, was born Feb. 7, 1883, on a farm near Hillsdale. At the age of two years, he moved to Hillsdale with his parents and there was reared and educated. He followed the occupation of painter for a number of years. His marriage to Mabel Vroman took place April 29, 1929 in Clinton, Iowa. Surviving are two daughter, Mrs. Edith Halligan of Geneseo and Miss Betrice Hauschildt of Davenport, one grandchild, Edna Mary Halligan, one sister, Mrs. Sophia Hummel of Rock Island, one brother Charles Hauschildt of East Moline.
Hazell, Thomas A. d.9/23/1873 Lot14C s/o R.H. & M.E. Hazell 4y 1m 5d
Heinsen August H. 2/23/1909 7/13/1997
Republic 7-18-1997
August H. Heinsen, 91, of Geneseo, died Sunday July 13, 1997 at Hammond-Henry Hospital, Geneseo. Services were Wednesday, July 16 at Gibson funeral Home in Erie. Burial was in Sharon Cemetery, Erie, Portland Township. Memorials may be made to Grace United Methodist Church, Geneseo. Mr. Heinsen was born February 23, 1906 in Hillsdale, the son of Hans and Myrthe (Delphy) Heinsin. He married Evelyn M. Carmaney on January 11, 1913 in East Moline. She died October 23, 1987. Mr. Heinsen was a retired farmer, having farmed in the Hilldale area. He had served as drainage commissioner for 34 yrs. and was a member of the Kempsterville school board for 17 years. Among his survivors are a daughter, Ellen Heinsen of Geneseo and two sisters, Pearl Hawthorne of Riverside, California, and Jessie (June) Sexton of Chino, California.
Heinsen, Elmer LeRoy 5/29/1913 8/6/1918
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Elmer La Roy Heinsen
Birth Date: 29 May 1913
Birth Place: Portland Township
Death Date: 6 Aug 1918
Death Place: Whiteside Co , Illinois
Burial Date: 7 Aug 1918
Burial Place: Sharon
Death Age: 5
Occupation: Boy
Race: White
Marital Status: S
Gender: Male
Father Name: Heinsen Heinsen
Father Birth Place: Germaney
Mother Name: Myrtle Delpha
Mother Birth Place: Knowx Co., Illinois
FHL Film Number: 1544463
Heinsen, Evelyn M. 11-1-1913 10-23-1987
Republic 10-30-1987
Funeral services for Evelyn M. Heinsen, 73, Geneseo, were held Tuesday, October 27 at Gibson Funeral Home, Erie, Burial was held at Sharon cemetery, Erie. Memorials may be made to Grace United Methodist Church, Geneseo. She died Friday, October 23, 1987, at Hammond Henry Hospital, Geneseo. Evelyn Carmaney was born November 1, 1913 in Kenosha, Wisconsin to Charles and Ruth Richards Carmaney. She married August Heinsen, January 11, 1913 in East Moline. Survivors include her husband, a daughter, Ellen Heinsen, her mother, and a brother Chester, all of Geneseo and a sister Marion Corvany, LaHabra, California. She was preceded in death by her father, a sister, a brother and a daughter.
Heinsen, Hans Olson b. 3/15/1875 d. 10/15/1934
Taken off the
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Hans Olson Heinsen
Birth Date: 15 Mar 1875
Birth Place: Unknown, Germany
Death Date: 15 Oct 1934
Death Place: Canoe Creek, Rock Island, Illinois
Burial Date: 19 Oct 1934
Burial Place: Portland Twp., Whiteside, Illinois
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 59
Occupation: Farmer self
Race: White
Marital Status: W
Gender: Male
Residence: Portland Twp., Whiteside, Ill.
Spouse Name: Myrtle Heinsen
FHL Film Number: 1712121
Heinsen, Infant Daughter 5/25/1917 (Twin) 5/26/1917
Republic 6-1-1917
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Hanson were ??? of an infant child Saturday, the burial was in the Sharon cemetery Sunday afternoon. We understand it was a twin and the other one is not expected to live.
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Heinsen
Birth Date: 25 May 1917
Birth Place: Erie
Death Date: 26 May 1917
Death Place: Erie, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 26 May 1917
Burial Place: Sharon
Death Age: 2 Days
Occupation: None
Race: White
Marital Status: S
Gender: Female
Father Name: Hans Heinsen
Father Birth Place: Germany
Mother Name: Myrtle Delphey
Mother Birth Place: Illinois
Comments: not named
FHL Film Number: 1543820
Heinsen, Katherine 5/25/1917 (Twin) 6/13/1917
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Katharine Heinsen
Birth Date: abt 1917
Birth Place: Whiteside
Death Date: 13 Jun 1917
Death Place: Erie, ?? Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Place: Sharon, Ill
Death Age: 19 Days
Occupation: None
Race: White
Marital Status: S
Gender: Female
Father Name: Hans Heinsen
Father Birth Place: Germany
Mother Name: Myrtle Delphey
Mother Birth Place: Illinois
FHL Film Number: 1543820
Heinsen, Myrtle Ira 5/27/1883 2/7/1923
Myrtle La Virna Delphey Heinsen
Birth: May 27, 1883 Woodhull Henry County Illinois, USA
Death: Feb. 7, 1923 Portland Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Dau. of Thomas J. Delphey from PA and Sarah Medburt from Warren Co., IL
Acc. to her IL death record she was 44 yrs. at the time of her death; her birth is recorded as May 27, 1878.
Family links:
Spouse: Hans Olson Heinsen (1875 - 1934)
Elmer H. Heinsen (1913 - 1918)*
Burial:Sharon Cemetery Spring Hill Whiteside County
Illinois, USA
Created by: Dave & Pam Jindrich
Record added: May 08, 2012
Find A Grave Memorial# 89811539
Heinsen, Wade Alan, Jr b. Mar. 24, 1992 d. Mar. 24, 1992
Wade Alan Heinsen Jr. was born at 8:52am on March 24,1992 at Hammond-Henry hospital in Geneseo, Illinois. He went to be with Jesus at 10:30am on March 24,1992. He was born to Wade & Krisa(DeBuysere) Heinsen & is the Brother of Taylor and Trae. Maternal Grandparents are: Ron & Susie DeBuysere Maternal great Grandparents :Cy & Eleanor DeBuysere & Howard & Thelma Rosleib. Paternal grandparents are Leon & Janice Heinsen & paternal great grandmother is Dorothy Heinsen.
Don't let them say I wasn't born, that something stopped my heart. I felt each tender squeeze you gave,
I loved you from the start.Although my body you can't hold, it doesn't mean I am gone. This world was worthy not of me ~ God chose that I move on.I know the pain that drowns your soul, what you are forced to face ~You'll have my word I'll fill your arms, some day we will embrace.You'll hear that "It was meant to be, God doesn't make mistakes." But that won't soften your worst blow, or make your heart not ache.
I'm watching over all you do, another child you'll bear,Believe me when I say to you that I am always there!There will come a time I promise you, when you will hold my hand.Stroke my face and kiss my lips
and then you'll understand.Although I never breathed your air or gazed into your eyes,That does not mean I never wasAn angel never dies.Authur UK
Herman, Betsy Underwood b. 1829 d. Jun., 1850
Herring, J. Louie b. 5/3/1881 d. 4/22/1934
Taken off
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: J. Louie Herring
Birth Date: 3 May 1881
Birth Place: Washington Twn , Penn
Death Date: 22 Apr 1934
Death Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 25 Apr 1934
Burial Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Cemetery Name: Sharen
Death Age: 52
Occupation: Farmer
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Male
Residence: Penn.
Father Name: Isaac Herring
Mother Name: Susan Heinbeck
Mother Birth Place: Washington Tws., Penn.
Spouse Name: Tillie Herring
FHL Film Number: 1711614
Hill, Ada Sawyer b. Apr. 11, 1903 d. Apr. 3, 2005
ADA (SAWYER) HILL, 101, of Pleasant View Nursing Home, Morrison, formerly of Albany, died Sunday, April 3, 2005 at the home. She was employed by Dolan's Grocery Store in Albany for more than 35 years. Mrs. Hill was born April 11, 1903 in Denver, the daughter of Claude and Edith (Kennedy) Sawyer. She was raised by her aunt and uncle, Leonard and Lulu (Kennedy) Arnett in the Spring Hill area of rural Erie. She married Roy L. Lewis on April 14, 1921 in Geneseo. They divorced in 1930. She then married Elmer Hill on April 20, 1940 in Clinton Iowa. He died Oct 12, 1967. Survivors include a son, Donald G. (Lorain) Lewis of Rock Falls, three grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren and several great-great grandchildren. She was preced by a half sister, Claudine Ellis. The funeral is at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Bosma-Renkes Funeral Home wiht Rev. Kolleen Klemmedson, pastor of the Albany United Meth.Church officiating burial is at Sharon Cemetery.
HILL, Fred b. abt 1829 d. June 17, 1912 Co I 12th IL Civil war
The Geneseo Republic June 28, 1912
Fred Hille, an old time resident of this village, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. Lamphere, at Prophetstown last Tuesday morning, at the age of 83 years. The funeral services were held at Sharon Thursday afternoon and the remains laid at rest in the cemetery there.
HOLLAND, Helen M (Hanell) b. April 5, 1916 d. Jan 6, 2009
Parents: Elmer & Julia C (Headman) Hanell. Married: Teddy Roselieb & Ted Holland
Helen M. Holland, 92, of Prophets Riverview Good Samaritan, Prophetstown, died Jan. 6, 2009, at the center. Graveside services are 10 a.m. Friday at Sharon Cemetery, Erie. There is no visitation. Arrangements are by Bosma-Gibson, Prophetstown. She married Teddy Roselieb May 15, 1937. She married Ted Holland Oct. 15, 1948. He died Oct. 14, 1976. Surviving are children, Lorene Holloway, Rock Falls, Kathy Washburn, Kewanee, Duane Roselieb, Ricky, Prophetstown; 12 grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren; three great-great-grandchildren.
Howell, William B. 4/27/1947 4/30/2014
05/01/2014, 10:50 pm William B. "Bill" Howell, 67, of Erie, formerly of Sandwich and Plano, Ill., died Wednesday, April 30, 2014, at the Morrison Community Hospital. Services will be 10:30 a.m. Monday, May 5, at Erie United Methodist Church. Burial will follow at Sharon Cemetery, rural Erie. Visitation will be held from 2 to 4:30 p.m. Sunday at Gibson-Bode Funeral Home, Erie. Memorials may be made to the Erie United Methodist Church. Bill was born April 27, 1947, in Peoria, Ill., the son of Walter and Artis Burgess Howell. He married Bonnie Martin in East Peoria on Jan. 9, 1966. The couple moved from East Peoria to Arizona for eight years and then came back to Illinois, living in Sandwich and Plano for much of their married lives. Bill was a mail carrier for the U.S. Postal Service and drove a school bus in the places he lived. They eventually retired to Erie, and Bill, again, was a school bus driver. During his years, he had been a volunteer sheriff deputy in Maricopa County, Ariz., and a volunteer fireman in Sandwich. He was a sports fan -- he enjoyed being a baseball and softball umpire for many years, playing golf and fishing. He also enjoyed woodworking and crossword puzzles. Survivors include his wife, Bonnie; children, Jennifer Brown, Plano, Brian (Angela) Howell, Erie, Bradley (Katrina) Howell, Sandwich; 11 grandchildren, William, Wesley, Tommy, Alyssa, Brandon, Brice, Jason, Felicia, Jessica, Annalise and Kathryn; and a brother, Charles Howell, East Peoria. He was preceded in death by his parents; and son-in-law, Marvin Brown. Share a memory or condolence at
Huntington, Daisy2/25/1879 5/21/1905
Geneseo Republic May 26, 1905
This community was shocked Monday by the unexpected and extremely sad word that Miss Daisy Huntington, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Huntington, had died at Monmouth, Sunday, from the accidental taking of carbolic acid. Miss Huntington's career has been an exceptionally successful one and her family here and friends had but just learned with pleasure that she had been reengaged as instructor of kindergarten work at Monmouth at an advanced salary and they were looking forward to her coming home to spend the summer vacation when the crushing word came that she had passed away. The blow is especially severe to the parents for whom deep sympathy is felt. But meager information has reached here concerning the sudden death. The remains are being conveyed to Geneseo accompanied by one of the teachers associated with the deceased. If the body arrives Friday the funeral will be held at the Sharon church in the afternoon. We will next week publish a more extended notice concerning the life and work of deceased young lady.
Geneseo Republic June 2, 1905
The funeral of Miss Daisy Huntington was held at the Sharon church Friday afternoon having been brought here from Portland, Oregon. The remains were accompanied by one of her lady friends of that place. The parents and relatives have the sympathy of all in their sad affliction.
Huntington, Emma 3/22/1860 2/24/1949
Huntington, Harriett F. 8/21/1836 4/1/1918
Republic 4-12-1918
Mrs. John Huntington, who for a number of years lived in this city, but lately has been residing at the Sharon home passed away Monday, April 1,1918. The Republic copies the following obituary from the Erie Independent: Harriet Elizabeth Schmeid, daughter of Rachel and John Schmeid, was born at Morristown, Pa. Aug, 21, 1836 and departed this life April 1, 1918, at the age of 81 years, 7 months, and 11 days. She came to Illinois, Whiteside county with her parent at the age 8 years and lived in the same locality, except for a few years spent in Geneseo, Ill. In early life, she united with the Presbyterian church and has been a faithful member of it all her life. Her religion displayed itself in deeds of kindness, helpfulness and service for all who needed her kindly touch. May 13, 1857, she was united in marriage to John Huntington, who departed this life June 5, 1909 but not before they celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in 1907. To this union were born seven children: Mrs. David Urick of spring Hill, Mrs. C. E. Little, of Dundis, Minn, Mrs. J. S. Claypool of Roseburg, Ore, John Huntington of Clear Lake, S.D., Emma and Henry at home and Daisy deceased. Besides the children she leaves to mourn her departure, a sister Mrs. Emma Besse of spring Hill, two brothers, Henry Schmeid of Sharon, and Frank Schmeid of Prophetstown. Also 11 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild, besides a host of friends. The funeral service was held at Sharon Church Wednesday afternoon Conducted by Rev. J. W. George, of the Erie M.E. Church. The music was by J. C. and Miss Anna Adams with Mrs. J. C. Adams accompanist. the remains were laid at rest in Sharon cemetery.
Huntington, Henry 8/30/1865 4/12/1943
Huntington, John 10/6/1834 6/5/1909
Republic 6-18-1909
Mrs. Dave Urick is entertaining her brother and two sisters this week, they having been called here by the death of their father.
Hurd, Clarrissa b. 1807 d. Jan. 25, 1848
Hurd, Anna (Fanna?) b. Jan. 17, 1787 d. Mar. 29, 1850
Parents:Andrew & Jerusha (Kirby) Booth. Married: Smith Hurd
Hurd, Horace b. unknown d. unknown
Hurd, Lydia b. 1808 d. Sep. 7, 1873
Hurd, Smithb. 1786 d. unknown (born 9/30/1783 died 4-24-1865)
Smith Hurd was born in Bennington Vermont, in 1786, and came to Portland in 1839. He married Miss Fanny Booth in 1806. Their children have been: Horace H., who married Miss Lydia Winters; he was a good mechanic, and invented the grater cider-mill; he came to Portland in 1837, and settled near Spring Hill; his children were, Adliza, wife of William Booth, now living in Prophetstown, and Henry, who married Miss Metta Smith, and is now a resident of Nebraska. Reuben, who first married Miss Clarissa Carr, and, after her death, Miss Polly Ann Sprague; he is theinventor of Hurd’s hog-tamer, and wagon and car brake, etc. Harriet B., who married Henry R. Stone, and is now dead; Moses, who married Miss Mary A. McClaughry, and lives in Oregon; Mary A., who married Sydney Martin, and is now dead; Jane E. wife of Rev. Mr. Buck, living in Oregon; and Hester C., wife of William P. Tabor, living in Portland.Extracted from Bent & Wilson History of Whiteside County Page 357
Hugart, Phyllis Ann b. 10/5/1934 d. 5/16/1936
Taken off the
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Phyllis Ann Hugart
Birth Date: 5 Oct 1934
Birth Place: Moline, Rock Island Co , Ill
Death Date: 16 May 1936
Death Place: Hillsdale, Rock Island, Illinois
Burial Date: 17 May 1936
Burial Place: Portland Twp., Whiteside, Ill.
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 1
Occupation: Child
Race: White
Marital Status: S
Gender: Female
Residence: Hillsdale
Father Name: Phyllis Hugart
Father Birth Place: Belgin
Mother Name: Hellen Heinsen
Mother Birth Place: Whiteside, Ill.
Comments: Length residence where death occurred: 6m
FHL Film Number: 1766163
JOHNSON, Clement D. b. Apr. 27, 1852 d. Nov. 18, 1946 Parents: John & Betsy (Galt) Johnson. Married: Fannie Booth JOHNSONCLEMENT D M/W UNK 0044858 1946-11-18 WHITESIDE PROPHETSTOWN TWP
JOHNSON, Fannie (Booth) b. Dec. 10, 1856 D. June 25, 1908 Married: Clement D. Johnson
Johnson, George W. d.6/22/1850 20y 3m 6d s/o J.H. & H. Lot 7B
Johnson, Harriet Getty 5/20/1805 Salem NY 12/8/1875 w/o Jeremiah Lot 7B
Johnson, Jeremiah 12/12/1797 Whitehall NY 9/13/1871 Lot 7B h/o Harriet
Kelly, John W. b. unknown d. Jan. 16, 1878 h/o Catherine “Kate” Wilt
Henry County News 1-24-1878
John Kelly, formerly residing near Spring Hill has passed into the Valley of the Shadows.
KEMPSTER, Anna I. b. 1866 d. Aug. 7, 1867 Parents: Wm. & Margaret (Hahn) Kempster
Any info on the Kempster family please share with William A Arnett <
KEMPSTER, Arthur E. b. March 17, 1862 d. Feb. 20, 1864 Ephraim & Rachel (Spicer) Kempster
Any info on the Kempster family please share with William A Arnett <
KEMPSTER, Bertha D. b. 5/10/1875 d.July 1956
Any info on the Kempster family please share with William A Arnett <
Dispatch 7-31-1956
Mrs. Bertha Kempster, 81, died this morning in the home of her son, R. L. Kempster in London Mills. the body is at Gardner Funeral Home here. Services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Sharon Church, south of Prophetstown, with the Rev. William Dupree of the M.E. Methodist church officiating. Burial will be in the Sharon cemetery. Bertha Dora Glatthaar was born May 10, 1875 at Tiskilwa, daughter of John and Marie Lutz Glatthaar. She attended school in Geneseo and a member of the Methodist Church. She was married to Wallace Russel Kempster of Portland Township at Salem in 1893. They spent all their married life in Portland township, until moving to Prophetstown 10 years ago. Her husband died in 1951. Surviving are two sons, Wesley of Springfield, Mo., and Russel of London Mills, two daughters, Mrs. Charles Schomerus of Prophetstown and Mrs. Margaret Wreath of Hillsdale, one brother, Leo Sickler of Milwaukee, three sisters Mrs. Carrie Holland of Erie, Mrs. Elsie Wiedenhoeft of Geneseo and Mrs. Lena Beddle of New York City, nine grandchildren and one great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by her husband, two brothers, two sisters, and a grandson.
KEMPSTER, Charles M. b. July 5, 1865 d. Aug. 5, 1867
Parents: Ephraim & Rachel (Spicer) Kempster
Any info on the Kempster family please share with William A Arnett <
KEMPSTER, Elbert A. b. May 7, 1873 d. Nov. 16, 1942 Lot 78
Any info on the Kempster family please share with William A Arnett <
Republic Nov. 1942
Elbert A. Kempster, a resident of Kempsterville, a small community north of Geneseo,died, Monday November 16th in the Morrison Public Hospital at 69 years. He had been in failing health for several months. Mr. Kempster was born May 7, 1873 in Kempsterville in Portland township, Whiteside county and was the last surviving member of the Ephrian and Rachel Spicer Kempster family. He spent his entire life in Kempsterville neighborhood which was named for the family. Surviving are only distant relatives. Four brothers and sisters died early in childhood. A brothers, Frank Kempster and a sister, Mrs. Mabel Douglas died a few years ago. funeral service were held on Wednesday afternoon in the Slaymaker chapel in Erie and burial was in Sharon cemetery.
Kempster, Eliza Ann Rowe 1830 1888 w/o John H. Lot 76
Tombstone photo from Bill Arnett verified dates
Any info on the Kempster family please share with William A Arnett <
John Kemptster
Source: History of Whiteside County, Illinois - Edited by Charles Bent, 1877
Transcribed by: Denise McLoughlin, Tampico Area Historical Society
Page 358
JOHN KEMPSTER was born in Berkshire, county, England, in 1794, and came to the United States in 1819, first settling in Oneida county, New York. He married Miss Lydia HALL, and came to Portland in 1837. The following are the children of this marriage: Julia Ann, wife of Washington ROWE, living in Henry county, Illinis; J. Henry, who married Miss Eliza Ann ROWE, and lives in Portland; William W., who married Miss Margaret HAHN, and lives in Portland; and Ephraim H., who married Miss Rachel SPICER, and also lives in Portland. Mr. KEMPSTER died in 1869.
KEMPSTER, Emma L. b.1859 d. Sept 4, 1862
Parents: Wm. & Margaret (Hahn) Kempster
Any info on the Kempster family please share with William A Arnett <
KEMPSTER, Ephraim H. b. Sept. 16, 1834 d. 1912
Parents: John & Lydia (Hall) Kempster. Married Rachel Ann Spicer
Any info on the Kempster family please share with William A Arnett <
John Kemptster
Source: History of Whiteside County, Illinois - Edited by Charles Bent, 1877
Transcribed by: Denise McLoughlin, Tampico Area Historical Society
Page 358
JOHN KEMPSTER was born in Berkshire, county, England, in 1794, and came to the United States in 1819, first settling in Oneida county, New York. He married Miss Lydia HALL, and came to Portland in 1837. The following are the children of this marriage: Julia Ann, wife of Washington ROWE, living in Henry county, Illinis; J. Henry, who married Miss Eliza Ann ROWE, and lives in Portland; William W., who married Miss Margaret HAHN, and lives in Portland; and Ephraim H., who married Miss Rachel SPICER, and also lives in Portland. Mr. KEMPSTER died in 1869.
Republic June 7, 1912
Frank Kempster, who for many years has been a mail cleck with assignments on the ocean liners, visited in Geneseo this week. Mr. Kempster was called home by the death of his father.
KEMPSTER, Frank E. b. Sept. 12, 1868 d. May 22, 1937 Lot 78
Any info on the Kempster family please share with William A Arnett <
Republic of 5/28/1937
Funeral service for Frank Kempster, aged 58, who died suddenly, Saturday, May 11, 1937, were held at his home in Hillsdale, Tuesday afternoon with the Rev. Walker Butler officiating. Burial was in Sharon cemetery. Mr. Kempster died suddenly Saturday morning while driving his car to the tri-cities. He was accompanied by his sister-in-law, Mrs.. Clara Costigan, who has been his housekeeper. About a mile before the Silvis city limits he mentioned to her that he did not feel well. an instant later he slumped over against her, dead. The car out of control, went across the road and stopped in a small ditch. Mrs. Costigan stopped another motorist who summoned a doctor and undertaker. The doctor said the cause of death was coronary thrombosis. The body was taken from the Primm funeral home in East Moline to the home in Hillsdale. Frank E. Kempster was born Sept. 12, 1888 in Portland township, son of Ephraim and Rachel Kempster. He attended grade school at Kempsterville, which was named for his family. He also attended Geneseo high school and for many years was a chief clerk in the United States postal service. He was stationed at various points while with the postal service some times in New York City and at other times in foreign ports. He was pensioned about a year ago and returned to Hillsdale to live in a resident built by his parents, and to care for Bert Kempster, his brother who is crippled. He was a member of Union Odd Fellow lodge of Chicago. He was married, Nov. 28, 1916, to Elizabeth Robbins of New York. She died Dec. 13, 1929. survivors are Bert Kempster, the brother, Mrs. Costigan, the sister-in-law, and two nieces and one nephew.
Republic June 7, 1912Frank Kempster, who for many years has been a mail cleck with assignments on the ocean liners, visited in Geneseo this week. Mr. Kempster was called home by the death of his father.
Kempster, Helen Matilda b. 3/13/1865 d. 12/6/1946 Lot 90 w/o Ulysses
Taken off the
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Helen Matilda Kempster
[Helen Matilda Larson]
Birth Date: 13 Mar 1865
Birth Place: Stockholm, Sweden
Death Date: 6 Dec 1946
Death Place: Hillsdale, Rock Island, Ill
Burial Date: 9 Dec 1946
Burial Place: Portland, Whiteside, Ill.
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 81
Race: White
Marital Status: W
Gender: Female
Residence: Hillsdale, Canoe Creek, Rock Island, Ill.
Father Name: Magnus P. Larson
Father Birth Place: Sweden
Mother Name: Eva C. Swanson
Mother Birth Place: Sweden
Spouse Name: Kempster
FHL Film Number: 1991462
Kempster, Henry J. 1858 1878 s/o of John H & Eliza A. Lot 76
Tombstone photo from Bill Arnett verified dates and name
Any info on the Kempster family please share with William A Arnett <
Kempster, John Henry 5/11/1828 2/7/1917 h/o of Eliza A. Lot 76
Republic 2-16-1917
John Henry Kempster, son of John and Lydia Hall Kempster, was born in Oneida county, New York, May 11, 1828 and died at his home in Portland township, Whiteside county, Illinois Feb. 7, 1917, aged 88 years, 8 months, 26 days. He emigrated to his present home with his parents coming by way of the canal and laked to Chicago, thence by team and wagon, arriving at this place in August 1837, where he spent his entire life. On October 6, 1853, Mr. Kempster was united in marriage to Miss Eliza A. Rowe. To this union ten children were born, Ellen A. wife of John A. Hahn,Long Beach, Calif., Henry J. who died in infancy, C. G. who resides at the old home, Minnie E. wife of Geo L. Dennis, Loveland, Colorado, Stella died in 1887, aged 17 years, Ethel C. Wife of Frank Sommers, died 1909, age 34, and Bessie R. wife of Albert Young of Portland township. He was a staunch and reliable friend, honorable and upright in his dealings. A good man has gone to his final reward after a long and well spent life. He will be remembered with affection by all who knew him and who will tender their profound sympathy to the bereaved family who mourns his departure, four daughters, one son, seventeen grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.)
Tombstone photo from Bill Arnett verified name and dates.
Any info on the Kempster family please share with William A Arnett <
John Kemptster
Source: History of Whiteside County, Illinois - Edited by Charles Bent, 1877
Transcribed by: Denise McLoughlin, Tampico Area Historical Society
Page 358
JOHN KEMPSTER was born in Berkshire, county, England, in 1794, and came to the United States in 1819, first settling in Oneida county, New York. He married Miss Lydia HALL, and came to Portland in 1837. The following are the children of this marriage: Julia Ann, wife of Washington ROWE, living in Henry county, Illinis; J. Henry, who married Miss Eliza Ann ROWE, and lives in Portland; William W., who married Miss Margaret HAHN, and lives in Portland; and Ephraim H., who married Miss Rachel SPICER, and also lives in Portland. Mr. KEMPSTER died in 1869.
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: John Henry Kempster
Birth Date: 11 May 1828
Birth Place: New York
Death Date: 7 Feb 1917
Death Place: Polland, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 11 Feb 1917
Burial Place: Sharon
Death Age: 88
Occupation: Farmer
Race: White
Marital Status: W
Gender: Male
Father Name: John Kempster
Father Birth Place: England
Mother Name: Lydia Hall
Mother Birth Place: New York
FHL Film Number: 1543820
(Typo: the death place should be "Portland". Also, I believe the birth place is probably "Utica, NY"……….Bill Arnett)
KEMPSTER, John Henry b. Mar. 5, 1794 d. Jan. 1, 1869 Lot 76
Tombstone photo from Bill Arnet verified his dates as 3/5/1794
Any info on the Kempster family please share with William A Arnett <
Married : Lydia A. Hall
John Kempster was born in Berkshire, county, England, in 1794, an came to the United States in 1819, first settling in Oneida county, New York. He married Miss Lydia Hall, and came to Portland in 1837. The following are the children of this marriage: Julia Ann, wife of Washington Rowe, living in Henry county, Illinois; J. Henry Kempster, who married Miss Eliza Ann Rowe, and living in Portland; William W. Kempster, who married Miss Margaret Hahn, and lives in Portland; and Ephraim H. Kempster, who married Miss Rachel Spicer, and also lives in Portland. Mr. Kempster died in 1869. Bent & Wilson History of Whiteside County Page 358.
KEMPSTER, Loretta A.14 Feb 186012 Sep 1860Parents:.Ephraim & Rachel (Spicer) Kempster
Any info on the Kempster family please share with William A Arnett <
KEMPSTER, Lydia (Hall) 12/24/1797 4/1/1843 Lot 76 MarriedJohn Kempster
Tombstone photo from Bill Arnett verified her dates
Any info on the Kempster family please share with William A Arnett <
John Kemptster
Source: History of Whiteside County, Illinois - Edited by Charles Bent, 1877
Transcribed by: Denise McLoughlin, Tampico Area Historical Society
Page 358
JOHN KEMPSTER was born in Berkshire, county, England, in 1794, and came to the United States in 1819, first settling in Oneida county, New York. He married Miss Lydia HALL, and came to Portland in 1837. The following are the children of this marriage: Julia Ann, wife of Washington ROWE, living in Henry county, Illinis; J. Henry, who married Miss Eliza Ann ROWE, and lives in Portland; William W., who married Miss Margaret HAHN, and lives in Portland; and Ephraim H., who married Miss Rachel SPICER, and also lives in Portland. Mr. KEMPSTER died in 1869.
Kempster, Margaret Haun 8/21/1838 2/19/1922
Any info on the Kempster family please share with William A Arnett <
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Margaret Kempster
[Margaret Haun]
Birth Date: 21 Aug 1838
Birth Place: Germany
Death Date: 19 Feb 1922
Death Place: Prophetstown, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 21 Feb 1922
Burial Place: Sharon
Death Age: 83
Occupation: House Wife
Race: White
Marital Status: W
Gender: Female
Residence: Prophetstown, Whiteside, Illinois
Father Name: John Haun
Father Birth Place: Germany
Mother Name: Margaret Brinolesis
Mother Birth Place: Germany
FHL Film Number: 1557034
Source: History of Whiteside County, Illinois - Edited by Charles Bent, 1877
Transcribed by: Denise McLoughlin, Tampico Area Historical Society
Page 358
JOHN KEMPSTER was born in Berkshire, county, England, in 1794, and came to the United States in 1819, first settling in Oneida county, New York. He married Miss Lydia HALL, and came to Portland in 1837. The following are the children of this marriage: Julia Ann, wife of Washington ROWE, living in Henry county, Illinis; J. Henry, who married Miss Eliza Ann ROWE, and lives in Portland; William W., who married Miss Margaret HAHN, and lives in Portland; and Ephraim H., who married Miss Rachel SPICER, and also lives in Portland. Mr. KEMPSTER died in 1869.
Kempster, M. Estelle 7/7/1871 1887 Lot 76
Tombstone photo from Bill Arnett verified her name & dates
Any info on the Kempster family please share with William A Arnett <
KEMPSTER, Orpha 1863 10 Mar 1864Parents:Wm. & Margaret (Hahn) Kempster
Any info on the Kempster family please share with William A Arnett <
KEMPSTER, Rachel (Spicer) 23 Apr 1840 (1846?) 1920 Parents:George & Abigail (Scudder) Spicer
wife of Ephraim H. Kempster
Any info on the Kempster family please share with William A Arnett <
John Kemptster
Source: History of Whiteside County, Illinois - Edited by Charles Bent, 1877
Transcribed by: Denise McLoughlin, Tampico Area Historical Society
Page 358
JOHN KEMPSTER was born in Berkshire, county, England, in 1794, and came to the United States in 1819, first settling in Oneida county, New York. He married Miss Lydia HALL, and came to Portland in 1837. The following are the children of this marriage: Julia Ann, wife of Washington ROWE, living in Henry county, Illinis; J. Henry, who married Miss Eliza Ann ROWE, and lives in Portland; William W., who married Miss Margaret HAHN, and lives in Portland; and Ephraim H., who married Miss Rachel SPICER, and also lives in Portland. Mr. KEMPSTER died in 1869.
Republic 12-31-1920
Mrs. Rachel Kempster eighty years old, died at her home in Hillsdale at 7 a.m. Sunday death being due to a complication of diseases. She was born April 23, 1840, in Lockport, Ill. Her maiden name was Rachel Ann Spicer. She married Ephruim Kempster, May 15, 1859. He died in 1912. After many years on a farm near Hillsdale, Mr. and Mrs. Kempster moved to Hillsdale twelve years ago. Two sons Bert of Austin, Minn. and Frank of Chicago and a sister Mr. E. R. Sly of Michigan survive. The funeral was held at 10a.m. Wednesday at Sharon church with burial in Sharon cemetery.
KEMPSTER, Ralph H. 1878 09 Mar 1881Parents:Wm. & Margaret (Hahn) Kempster
Any info on the Kempster family please share with William A Arnett <
Republic 3-11-1881
A little son of Mr. William Kempster is not expected to live.
Kempster, Robert E. 1863 1863 s/o John H. & Eliza A. Lot 73
Tombstone photo from Bill Arnett verified name and date
Any info on the Kempster family please share with William A Arnett <
Kempster, Ulyssess Grant b. 2/1/1865 d. 6/29/1928 Lot 90 h/o Helen
Taken off the
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Ulyssess Grant Kempster
Birth Date: 1 Feb 1865
Birth Place: Portland Town , Whiteside Co , Ill
Death Date: 29 Jun 1928
Death Place: Canoe Creek, Hillsdale, Rock Island, Illinois
Burial Date: 1 Jul 1928
Burial Place: Portland Twp., Whiteside, Illinois
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 63
Occupation: Farming
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Male
Residence: Canoe Creek, Hillsdale, Rock Island, Illinois
Father Name: John Henry Kempster
Father Birth Place: Oneida Co., N. Y.
Mother Name: Eliza Ann Rowe
Mother Birth Place: Steuben Co.
Spouse Name: Matilda Larson Kempster
Comments: Length of residence in city where death occurred 4y 9m
FHL Film Number: 1614424
KEMPSTER, Wallace R. 30 Apr 1868 6-5-1951 Parents:Wm. & Margaret (Hahn) Kempster
Any info on the Kempster family please share with William A Arnett <
Daily Dispatch June 6, 1951
Wallace R. Kempster, 83, died at 6:30 last night in the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. W. Schomerus here. The body was taken to Gardner Mortuary. Funeral service will be held in Gardner chapel at 2 Friday afternoon and 2:30 in the Sharon church. The Rev. C. F. Chasteen, Methodist pastor, will officiate and burial will be in Sharon cemetery. Wallace Russell Kempster was born April 30, 1868, in Portland township. His parents were William Ward and Margaret Hahn Kempster. He attended Portland schools and Northwestern Normal School in Geneseo. He was a member of the Methodist church. He was married to Bertha Glatthaar of Portland township at 1893, He farmed in Portland township most of his life. He had lived with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Schomerus for the past five years. Survivors are the widow, two sons, Leslie Kempster of East St. Louis,and Russell L. Kempster, of London Mills, two daughter, Mrs. Schomerus, and Mrs. Margaret Wreath of Hillsdale, and nine grandchildren. He was preceded b y his parents, four brothers, and five sisters and a grandson.
KEMPSTER, Wm. E. 1862 31 Oct 1863 Parents Wm. & Margaret (Hahn) Kempster
Any info on the Kempster family please share with William A Arnett <
KEMPSTER, William W. 1832 Sept 1911
The Geneseo Republic Sept. 8, 1911
Wm. Kempster of Prophetstown, an old time resident of Dutch Bottom, was buried at the Sharon cemetery Monday.
John Kemptster
Source: History of Whiteside County, Illinois - Edited by Charles Bent, 1877
Transcribed by: Denise McLoughlin, Tampico Area Historical Society
Page 358
JOHN KEMPSTER was born in Berkshire, county, England, in 1794, and came to the United States in 1819, first settling in Oneida county, New York. He married Miss Lydia HALL, and came to Portland in 1837. The following are the children of this marriage: Julia Ann, wife of Washington ROWE, living in Henry county, Illinis; J. Henry, who married Miss Eliza Ann ROWE, and lives in Portland; William W., who married Miss Margaret HAHN, and lives in Portland; and Ephraim H., who married Miss Rachel SPICER, and also lives in Portland. Mr. KEMPSTER died in 1869.
Any info on the Kempster family please share with William A Arnett <
1880 United States Federal Census about William Kempster
Name: William Kempster
Age: 48
Birth Year: abt 1832
Birthplace: New York
Home in 1880: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Self (Head)
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Margaret Kempster
Father's Birthplace: England
Mother's Birthplace: New York
Neighbors: View others on page
Occupation: Farmer
Cannot read/write:
Deaf and Dumb:
Otherwise disabled:
Idiotic or insane:
View image
Household Members:
Name Age
William Kempster 48
Margaret Kempster 42
Wallace Kempster 12
Perry Kempster 10
Myrtle Kempster 5
Ralph Kempster 2
Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois; Roll: 259; Family History Film: 1254259; Page: 214C; Enumeration District: 208; Image: 0048.
KEMPSTER, Wm. Wayne 6/1/1930 10/20/1935
Any info on the Kempster family please share with William A Arnett < KEMPSTERWILLIAM WAYNE M/W Y-05 0038961 1935-10-20 HENRY PHOENIX
Republic 10-25-1935
William Wayne Kempster, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kempster, died Sunday afternoon, Oct. 20, 1935, at his home of his parents in Phenix township at the age of 5 years. He had been ill three weeks with an abscess on his leg. He was born June 1, 1930 at the Geneseo City Hospital, a son of Russell and Florence Kempster. He was a member of the Methodist church. Survivors include his parents, two brothers, Kenneth and Dale, and three grandparents, Mr. and Mr. W. R. Kempster of Hillsdale and J. L. Brown of Peoria. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Hillsdale church, Rev. A. Walter Bulter of Hillsdale, officiating. Burial was in the Sharon cemetery.
Kuno, William b. 4/30/1866 12/9/1934
Taken off the
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: William Kuno
Birth Date: 30 Apr 1866
Birth Place: Germany
Death Date: 9 Dec 1934
Death Place: Geneseo, Henry Co , Illinois
Burial Date: 12 Dec 1934
Burial Place: Portland Twp., Whiteside Co., Illinois
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 68
Occupation: Farmer
Race: White
Marital Status: W
Gender: Male
Residence: Geneseo, Henry Co., Illinois
Father Name: Charles Kuno
Father Birth Place: Germany
Mother Birth Place: Germany
Spouse Name: Emily Kuno
Comments: 51 yrs in U.S.A.; 14 yrs in Illinois
FHL Film Number: 1753853
LaCoste, Vera Dove Martin 7/17/1899 9/20/1976
Info below shared by Steven Schrader
Information my great aunt Bess Martin Kirkpatrick compiled and updated until the 1970s.
Sarah Dovey Martin b.Jan 26, 1854 m. Fayette Martin (no relation) Dec. 29, 1875. Fayette Martin b. Mar. 14, 1843 in Parish Oswego Co. N.Y. Children born to this union:
George Edward Martin b. 12/6/1876 m. Effie Clapper 8/10/1897 their children;
Carl Edward 8/4/1899 7/30/1920
Lloyd George 5/2/1904 m. Sarah Moore
Nellie Viola 7/27/1910 m. Arthur Holtz
Maurice Clyde Martin 2/4/1879 m. Sadie Mae Lanphere she was born 11/2/1876 they married 6/22/1898 their children;
Vera Dove 7/17/1899 9/20/1976 bur in Sharon Cem.
Bessie Lenore b. 11/7/1903
Clifford Maurice b. 2/25/1907
Leroy Lanphere b. 4/19/1912
Death Certificate of Sarah Dove Martin states her age as 25 years, 14 days. Nationality-American. Place-Portland Township. Cause of death- Erysipelas over entire body. Duration of Disease- 3 days. Burial – Sharon Cemetery Feb. 10, 1897, Spring Hill ILL. Signed - D.B. Seger M.D. Residence- Erie ILL. Sarah Dove died 4 days after my fathers birth and he was always told his mother died from childbirth. Fayette Martin later married Lydia Bolan Clifton, she had 2 children, Tom and Myrtle Clifton. They had two children- Bessie and Marcia Martin. After Lydia's death, Fayette later married Kate Curtis Kelly. She had been married before and had a son who lived in Clinton Iowa. Fayette d. June 18, 1925. Kate died sometime before that at her son's home, while she was there on a visit.
Laird, Unknown(Broken Stone) 1/11/1851 12/8/1856 Lot 69A
Laird, Unknown(Broken Stone) March 3, ???? 11m 3d Lot 69A
Laird, Mary Estella d. 1/24/1863 Lot 69A d/o Glover & E. Laird
Langdon, Clara (Callista) Louise (Taylor) 7/31/1869 12/23/1914 Lot 15A
Wife of Daniel Vorhees Langdon he is buried at Storm Lake Cemetery Storm Lake Buena Vista County Iowa, Plot: Pg 145 of Tombstone Records of Buena Vista County
Republic 1-1-1915 page 1
The remains of Mrs. Clara Landon formerly of Taylor, were buried at Sharon cemetery Thursday. She came from Minneapolis, Minn. to spend the winter with her sister, Mrs. Nettie Gorath of Spring Creek and died there having only been there about four weeks. She leaves a husband and three sons to mourn her departure.
Lanphere, Bessie b. Jan. 28, 1888 d. Apr. 28, 1888
Lanphere, Caleb Pierce 5/11/1799 5/11/1799
Born New Durham Greene New York Died Springhill Whiteside Co Illinois
Caleb Lanphere was born in Greene county, New York, in 1799, and came to Portland in 1841. In 1841, he married Miss Lucinda Martin. Their children have been: Almira, wife of John Fuller, living in Portland; James M., living in Portland; Clark C., who married Miss Lucinda Fuller, and lives in Portland; George, living in Warren county, Illinois; Albert, living in MeDonough county, Illinois; Mary, wife of B. F. Brooks, living in Portland; Harriet, wife of 0. P. Welding, living in Portland; and Jay C., living in Portland, Mr. Lanphere died in 1875. He was a devoted christian, and one of the pillars of the Methodist church. He was a Justice of the Peace, and Town Clerk of the township for a number of years. Bent & Wilson History of Whiteside County
Lanphere, Clark W b. Jan. 2, 1827 d. Jun. 27, 1896 Veteran Mexican War
Lanphere, Frederic 1859 1936 same stone as Hurburt’s s/o Clark & Lucinda
Lanphere, Hurburt (Hugh) 10/19/1871 11/6/1929 s/o Clark & Lucinda
Geneseo Republic Date: November 15, 1929
Funeral services for Herbert Lamphere, better know as Lampie, were held at Sharon church, Friday afternoon and the remains laid to rest in Sharon Cemetery.
LANPHERE, Jay C. b. d. Sept. 28, 1924 Co B 140th IL Civil War
Unknown Paper ?/??1924
J.C. Lanphere
J.C. Lanphere was born at Monmouth, Warren County Ill., June 27, 1848. He was the son of Caleb and Lucinda Lamphere, the youngest of a family of 11 children, all of whom preceded him in death. At the age of four years he came with his parents to Spring Hill, Whiteside county, Ill., where he has resided for the last 72 years. He was a blacksmith by trade and followed the occupation for a number of years. In the spring of 1864 he enlisted for the Civil War and entered service in Co.B. 140th Regiment, Illinois Volunteers, and received an honorable discharge out of the army at Chicago. He was married to Miss Jennie Mendell Nov. 1, 1868, at Portland. They have lived happily together for 56 years and celebrated their golden wedding anniversary six years ago. There were born to this union three children, one son, Claude, who preceded him in death, and two daughters, Daisy L. wife of H.P. Fuller, of Spring Hill, and Sadie M. wife of M.C. Martin of Sterling. Mr. Lanphere served two terms as postmaster at Spring Hill and was constable for several years. At the age of 15 years he was baptized and joined the Methodist church. Father Lanphere was a kind and loving husband and father, very affectionate to his family, and his home was the place on earth he loved the best. He died a firm believer in God and in immortal life. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, two daughters, eight grandchildren and three great-grandchildren and a host of friends. Dear father is gone, Oh, how we miss him. No one can take his place, how we long to hear that familiar voice, and view that blessed face. But the vacant chair cannot be filled, more can we view his face. But blessed that, we’ll meet again beyond, in that better place.
Lanphere, Lucinda b. Apr. 21, 1803 d. Dec. 9, 1864 w/o Caleb Pierce Lanphere
Birth 19 Apr 1803inWestern, Oneida, New York, USADeath 9 Dec 1864inSpring Hill, Whiteside, Illinois, USA
Lanphere, Lucinda Fuller b. Mar. 23, 1833 d. Jan. 23, 1903
Lamphere, Marilyn P. b.5/3/1931
LANPHERE, Richard F. b. Oct. 16, 1932 d. Sept. 18, 2006
Parents: Frank & Bessie(Devenney) Lanphere. Married: Marilyn Toppert
Transcribed by Deb Thormahlen
The Prophetstown Echo – September 19, 2006
Richard F. Lanphere
Richard F. (Dick) Lanphere, 73, of Prophetstown, IL, died Monday, Sept. 18, 2006 at his home. Services will be 11:00 A.M. Thursday at the Gibson & Son Funeral Home, Prophetstown. Burial will follow in the Sharon Cemetery, rural Erie, IL. Friends may call on Wednesday from 6:00 until 8:00 P.M. at the Funeral Home. A memorial fund has been established. Dick was born Oct. 16, 1932 in Prophetstown the son of Frank and Bessie (Devenney) Lanphere. He married Marilyn Toppert on Nov. 18, 1951 in Prophetstown. He had been employed at General Electric in Morrison, IL until retiring in 1992. He is survived by his wife, his mother, Bessie Schweiss, Rock Island, IL, a daughter and her husband, Kathy and Frank Schradeya, Rock Island, sons and their wives, Tom and Renee, Brian and Marge, all of Prophetstown, Mike and Kathy, Frisco,Col., and 8 grandchildren.
Lathong, John Born: Died 3/20/1880
Lathong, John 1880-03-20 SHARON UNK M 1 47 588
Death Register says; John Lathong Male White Single Date of Death 3/20/1880 at 5 a.m. Nationality is Irish where born Geneseo Ill. Place of death Sharon Ill of Pulmonary _?_ Complication was infection with duration of disease of 18 months buried at Sharon 3-21-1880
Lawrence, Augusta Mary Jane b. 9/10/1857 d. 8/30/1916
Geneseo Republic Date:September 8, 1 916
Mrs. Augusta Lawrence, a lifelong resident of this vicinity, passed away at her home in the village on Wednesday, August 30, after being confined to her bed for about ten days. The funeral services were held from Spring Hill church on Saturday morning, in charge of Rev. Ulrich, pastor of the Prophetstown church. The remains were laid to rest in Sharon cemetery. The children and relatives have the sympathy of the entire community in their sorrow.
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Augusta Mary Jane George Lawrence
Birth Date: 10 Sep 1857
Birth Place: Prophetstown, Whiteside Co , Ill
Death Date: 30 Aug 1916
Death Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 2 Sep 1916
Burial Place: Sharon, Ill.
Death Age: 58
Occupation: Housework
Race: White
Marital Status: W
Gender: Female
Father Name: Charles Milton George
Father Birth Place: Vermont
Mother Name: Abby Douse Eastman
Mother Birth Place: Main
FHL Film Number: 1530920
Lawrence, Jennie Pearl Roselieb b. Jun. 29, 1902 d. Jan. 9, 1934
Illinois death and stillborn index
Name: Jennie Pearl Roselieb Lawrence
Birth Date: 29 Jun 1902
Birth Place: Prophetstown, Ill
Death Date: 9 Jan 1934
Death Place: Prophetstown, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 11 Jan 1934
Burial Place: Portland Twp., Whiteside, Ill.
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 31
Occupation: House work
Occupation: House work
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Female
Residence: Prophetstown, 3rd Ward, Ill.
Father Name: W.O. Roselieb
Father Birth Place: Ohio
Mother Name: Annie Horton
Mother Birth Place: Ohio
Spouse Name: Wallace Lawrence
FHL Film Number: 1675309
Her parents are William Oscar Roselieb and Julia Ann Horton
Lawrence, Kittie 3/4/1879 7/15/1879 Lot 82 d/o M.E. & E.S. Lawrence
Lawrence, M. W. 10/27/1854 10/24/1897 Lot 82
Lawrence, Wallace N. b. 1852 d. 1915
Leach, Lucy b. Nov. 26, 1808 d. Dec. 29, 1850 42y 11m 3d w/o Joseph Lot 72A
Taken off Ancestry. This may be Lucy that was married to William R. Maynard even though dates look wrong:
William Maynard Birth 05 Nov 1805 in Savoy, Berkshire, Massachusetts Death 03 Nov 1889 in Geneseo, Henry, Illinois
married Emily P. Barrs in 1827
married Lucy Pomeroy in abt 1856 Lucy Crossman Birth 1821 in New York, USA Death 1848
Emily Armina Maynard
Birth 30 Jan 1834 in Erie Co., OH Death 7 Mar 1859 in Portland, Whiteside, IL
married Martin V. Seely Birth 30 Jan 1834 in New YorkDeath aft 1880
Little, Charles R. 10/5/1903 11/1/1906 s.o F. & E. Little Lot 69B
The Geneseo Republic Date:November 9, 1906
The funeral of the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Little was held at the home Saturday afternoon and the remains laid at rest in the Sharon cemetery. The grief stricken parents have out sympathy.
I take these little hands, said he,
and lay them on my breast,
So weep not for your Charlie dear,
For he is fully blest.
LODGE, Alice (Weimer) b. Aug 3, 1865 d. May 11, 1930
Taken off the
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Alice Lodge
[Alice Weimer]
Birth Date: 3 Aug 1865
Birth Place: Geneseo, Illinois
Death Date: 11 May 1930
Death Place: Erie, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 13 May 1930
Burial Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Cemetery Name: Sharen
Death Age: 64
Occupation: Housekeeper
Race: White
Marital Status: W
Gender: Female
Residence: Whiteside, IL
Father Name: Joseph Weimer
Father Birth Place: Penn.
Mother Name: Helen Kiser
Mother Birth Place: Germany
Spouse Name: Joseph Lodge
FHL Film Number: 1644130
ALICE (WEIMER) LODGE , 65, widow of the late Joseph A. Lodge, died at her home in Erie Sunday morning of nephritis. She had been in failing health for about three years and was bedfast one week. Funeral services will be at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon from the Methodist Episcopal church in Erie, with Rev. J. M. Jones of the First Baptist Church at East Moline officiating. Committal will be in Sharon Cemetery, near Erie. Mrs. Lodge was born Aug. 3, 1865 in Geneseo, oldest daughter of Jospeh and Helen Kaiser Weimer, and with the exception of two years in Iowa, spent her entire life in Geneseo and Erie. She was married Feb. 9, 1882 to Mr. Lodge, who preceded her in death July 2, 1925. She is survived by two sons, Bert Lodge of Loraine, William Lodge of Prophetstown, and four daughters, Mrs. Grace Jaquet Atkinson, Mrs. Bernice Seger and Miss Inez Lodge of Chicago, and MissMarcia Lodge at home. Mrs. Lottie McHenry of Geneseo is a sister. Mrs. Lodge was a member of the United Brethren Church at Spring Hill and was an active member of Sharon Ladies Aid Society, and was highly esteemed by a large circle of friends. Contributed by Melva L. Taylor-The Daily Gazette, Sterling, Ill. May 12, 1930 - Monday, pg 8.
Lodge, Brenda S. b.5/11/1962 w/o Thomas A. married 9-6-1986
Lodge, Joseph Alfred b. 12/2/1854 d. 7/2/1925
Republic 7-10-1925
A sad and uncommon occurrence was transacted at Sharon church wen two funerals were held there Sunday afternoon. Services for Joseph Lodge were held at 1:30 and hardly had they left the church to lay remains to rest when the funeral from Erie with the body of Herbert Lamphere better known as Barney Lamphere arrived. There was an unusually large crowd at bother services. Rev. Countyman of Loraine preached at the Lodge service while Rev. Yemme of the Methodist church of Erie presided at Mr. Lamphere funeral. the singing was by Mrs. James and Mrs. Miller of Erie, accompanied by Mrs. Pierce. The sorrowing friends of both families have the sympathy of the entire community.
Republic 7-10-1925
Joseph Alfred Lodge, a resident of Spring Hill for the past seven years was suddenly call by death on last Thursday morning. He arose as usual, started the fire, and passed out into the garden. Breakfast being ready he was called, but not responding. Breakfast was eaten supposing that he had a piece of work he wished finish. After the meal search was made with the result as stated above. Mr. Lodge was the son of the late Dr. and Mrs. Benj Lodge and was born in Phenix township, December 2, 1854, and died July 2, 1925, aged 70 years and 7 months. With the exception of a few years lived near Chicago, this community has always been his home. On February 9, 1882, he was married to his now sorrowing companion, Miss Alice Wiemer, which happy union was blessed with ten children, four of whom died in infancy. The living are: Bert A. of Loraine, Mrs. Grace Jaquet of Geneseo, Wm. B. of Prophetstown, Berniece R. and Inez R. of Moline, and Marcia Jane at home. there are also thirteen grandchildren. these with a large circle of friends mourn his departure. He was the oldest of five children all of whom preceded him in death. Mr. Lodge was a kind and loving husband and father,of a friendly disposition, every ready to assist those in need. The funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Sharon church and interment made in the cemetery near by.
Taken off
llinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Joseph A. Lodge
Birth Date: 2 Dec 1854
Birth Place: Ills
Death Date: 2 Jul 1925
Death Place: Portland Township, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 5 Jul 1925
Cemetery Name: Sharen Cemetary
Death Age: 70
Occupation: Farming
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Male
Father Name: Benjamin Lodge
Father Birth Place: PA
Mother Name: Elizabeth Mathews
Mother Birth Place: PA.
Comments: 4y of this place
FHL Film Number: 1503937
Lodge, Kenneth W. 3-30-1917 11-4-1991
Republic Nov. 1991
Funeral services for Kenneth W. Lodge, 74, of Erie, were held Thursday, November 7, 1991 at St. Ambrose Catholic church, Erie, where he was a member. Burial was in Sharon cemetery, Portland township. Survivors include a daughter Colleen Capps of Geneseo. Memorial may be made to the church or to the Whiteside County Hospice Association. Mr. Lodge died Monday, November 4 at home. He was born March 30, 1917 in Portland township, the son of William and Sylvia (Dresham) Lodge. He married Lucille DePauw on June 24, 1939 in Davenport. He worked at former AMETEK , East Moline. He also worked as a janitor, for the Sterling school district.He was a member of the Geneseo American Legion and American International Machinists Union. Mr. Lodge was a World War II Navy veteran. Survivors include his wife, daughters Kathleen Inskeep of East Moline, and Colleen of Geneseo, sons, William, Joseph, and Norman Lodge, all of Erie, Charles Lodge of Tucson, Arizona and Thomas of Prophetstown, 12 grandchildren, five great-grandchildren, and a sister Pauline Stone of Prophetstown.
Lodge, Lucille M. 3-18-1917 9-4-2005
Lucille Lodge
Lucille M. Lodge, 88, formerly of Erie, died Sunday, Sept. 4, 2005, at Illini Restorative Care, Silvis. Services will be 1 p.m. Friday at St. Ambrose Catholic Church, Erie. Burial will be in Sharon Cemetery, Erie. Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Thursday, with a rosary at 5 p.m. at the Gibson Funeral Home, Erie. Memorials may be made to St. Ambrose Catholic Church or the Illini Restorative Care. The former Lucille Marie DePauw was born March 18, 1917, in Geneseo, the daughter of Camiel and Rose Lyons DePauw. She married Kenneth Lodge on June 24, 1939, in Davenport. He died on Nov. 4, 1991. Mrs. Lodge was a member of St. Ambrose Catholic Church and its Altar and Rosary Society. She was also a former member of the Geneseo American Legion Auxiliary. Survivors include daughters, Kathleen Inskeep, Moline, and Colleen Capps, Geneseo; sons, William Lodge, Prophetstown, Charles Lodge, Tucson, Ariz., Joseph Lodge, Prophetstown, and John Lodge, Silvis; 12 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; and a special caregiver at IRC, Cindy. She was preceded in death by sons, Thomas and Norman; two sisters and four brothers.
LODGE, Norman M. b. Dec. 27, 1956 d. May 29, 2003
Daily Gazette 29 May 2003
NORMAN M. LODGE , 46, of East Moline, formerly of Sterling. died Tuesday. May 27, 2003, at Forest Hill Health and Rehab Center, East Moline. He was employed by Self Help. Sterling. Mr. Lodge was born Dec. 27, 1956, in Morrison, the son of Kenneth and Lucille (DePauw) Lodge. He enjoyed Harley Davidson motorcycles and coin collecting. Survivors include his mother of Silvis: two sisters, Kathleen Inskeep of East Moline and Colleen Capps of Geneseo. four brothers, William of Prophetstown, Charles of Tucson, Ariz , Joseph of Hillsdale and John of Clinton, Iowa. He was preceded in death by his father; and a brother, Thomas. The funeral is at 11:30 am. Saturday at Gibson Funeral Home, Erie. Burial is at Sharon Cemetery. Erie. Visitation is from 10:30-11:30 am. Saturday at the funeral home.
Lodge, Samuel d. 1/11/1861 65y 22d Lot 5B
Lodge, Thomas A. 12/27/1956 2-11-1998 h/o Brenda S. married 9-6-1986
Lodge, William B. 4/9/1890 12/6/1961
Publication:Geneseo Republic Date:December 14, 1961
Wm. Lodge Taken By Death
William B. Lodge, 71, of Erie died early Wednesday morning, December 6, in Morrison Community hospital. He had been ill three years. Mr. Lodge was born April 9, 1890, in Henry County a son of Joseph and Alice Weimer Lodge. He was reared and received his education in Whiteside County and spent most of his life near Erie. On April 2, 1913, he married Sylvia Dersham in Geneseo. He farmed in the Erie vicinity all his life. Surviving are his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Paul Jacques and Mrs. Melvin Stone, both of Prophetstown, a son Kenneth of Erie, a brother Bert of Geneseo: three sisters, Mrs. Harold Sohrbeck of East Moline, Mrs. Charles Meyers of Moline and Mrs. George Tank of Davenport and 15 grandchildren. A sister preceded him in death. The funeral was held Friday afternoon December 8 in the Schilling Funeral home, Erie. Burial was in Sharon Cemetery.
LODGE, William C “Bill”, Sr b. July 8, 1947 d. July 29, 2009
Parents: Kenneth & Lucille (DePauw) Lodge. Married: Sarah M Knuppe
William C. "Bill" Lodge Sr., 62, Prophetstown, died Wednesday, July 29, 2009, at Mercy Medical Center North, Clinton, Iowa. Visitation is 10 a.m. to noon Saturday at Gibson, Erie. Private graveside services are at Sharon Cemetery, Erie. He was born July 8, 1947, in Geneseo, to Kenneth and Lucille DePauw Lodge. He married Sarah M. Knuppe Nov. 16, 2007. Surviving are his wife; son, Bill Jr., Morrison; daughter and son-in-law, Jean and Jeff Drumm, Wilton, Iowa; granddaughters, Samantha Kincaid, Megan and Courtney Drumm; brothers, Charles, Tucson, Ariz., Joseph, Prophetstown, John, Silvis; sisters, Kathleen Inskeep, East Moline, Colleen Capps, Geneseo.
LOGAN, Elizabeth (Warren) b. May 23, 1819 d. Oct 26, 1863 Father: Russell Warren. Married John Smith Logan
Luchman, Albert Emil b. Jul. 30, 1901 d. Jul. 15, 2001 h/o Esther N.Perkins
Rock Island Argus, Moline, Dispatch, July 17, 2001
Albert Emil Luchman, 99, died Sunday, July 15, 2001, at Good Samaritan Village, Geneseo. Services will be at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at Grace United Methodist Church, Geneseo. The Rev. David Myers will officiate. Burial will be in Sharon Cemetery, Portland Township, Whiteside County. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at Wright Chapel, Stackhouse-Moore Funeral Services, Geneseo. Memorials may be made to Grace United Methodist. Mr. Luchman was born July 30, 1901, in Rock Island, the son of Fred and Emma Buncher Luchman. He married Esther Hannis March 14, 1953, in Geneva, Ill. The Luchmans lived in Springhill, Ill., until retiring to Geneseo in 1975. Mrs. Luchman died Feb. 17, 1996. Mr. Luchman was a master plumber and worked in that profession in the Prophetstown area for 46 years. After retirement, he found the time to express his artistic talents in woodworking, decoy carving and oil painting. He earned a reputation for refinishing golf clubs and found himself in a new vocation at age 75. As a teenager, he was a caddy at the Rock Island Arsenal golf course and became an avid golfer himself. He continued playing well into his 80s. Mr. Luchman also devoted his time to helping friends and family work on varied projects of their own. He was a devoted father and grandfather who delighted in visits with his family. He was a member of Grace United Methodist Church, Plumbers and Pipefitters UAW Local 25, and Prophestown Masonic Lodge 293, AFandAM, and a former member of Geneseo Senior Citizens. Survivors include a daughter and son-in-law, Gloria and Charles Shoemaker, Geneseo; sons and daughters-in-law, Mervin and Judy Hannis, Erie, and Larry Hannis, Davenport; eight grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren, four great-great-grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews, including Diane Tomicik and Donna Tulach. He was preceded in death by his parents, a brother, two sisters and a great-granddaughter.
Luchman, Esther N. Perkins b. May 23, 1908 d. Feb. 17, 1996
Quad-City Times, Davenport, Iowa, Monday, February 19, 1996
GENESEO, Ill.--Services for Esther N. Luchman, 87, will be 11 a.m. Tuesday at Grace United Methodist Church, Geneseo. Burial will be in Sharon Cemetery, Spring Hill. Visitation is 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. today at Stackhouse-Moore Funeral Homes, Wright Chapel, Geneseo, with an Order of the Eastern Star service at 6 p.m. Mrs. Luchman died Saturday at Hammond-Henry Skilled Care, Geneseo. Esther Perkins married Donovan Hannis in 1929 in Spring Hill. He died in 1951. They farmed in Portland Township. She married Albert Luchman in 1953 in Geneva. She was a member of the church, Kings' Daughters Sunday School Class, Gold Circle of United Methodist Women, 50-year member of Evangeline Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, Erie; and Geneseo Senior Citizen. She enjoyed growing flowers, reading, summer concerts in the park, softball games and family gatherings. Memorials may be made to the church. Survivors include her husband, sons, Mervin Hannis, Erie, and Larry Hannis, Davenport; a daughter, Gloria (Mrs. Charles) Shoemaker, Geneseo; eight grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; three great-great-grandchildren; and sisters, Ruth Lodge, Geneseo, and Eleanor Hill, Geneva. She also was preceded in death by a son, Donovan F. Hannis, and a great-granddaughter, Emily Jo Shoemaker.
Magill, John Thomas b.4/26/1861 d.3/10/1931
Taken off
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: John Thomas Magill
Birth Date: 26 Apr 1861
Birth Place: Sullivan, IN
Death Date: 10 Mar 1931
Death Place: Portland Twp , Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 12 Mar 1931
Burial Place: Springhill, Whiteside, IL
Cemetery Name: Skoron
Death Age: 69
Occupation: M.D.
Race: White
Marital Status: W
Gender: Male
Father Name: Thomas Calvin Magill
Father Birth Place: Genesee Co., TN
Mother Name: Mary Jane Sayhoaff
Mother Birth Place: Worthington, IN
FHL Film Number: 1653756
Magill, Mary Jane Dyhoff b. 6/15/1837 d. 12/26/1926
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Mary Jane Dyhoff Magill
Birth Date: 15 Jun 1837
Birth Place: G??n Co , Ind
Death Date: 26 Dec 1926
Death Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 29 Dec 1926
Burial Place: Sharon
Death Age: 89
Race: White
Marital Status: W
Gender: Female
Street Address: Spring Hill
Father Name: John Yantes Dyluff
Father Birth Place: Kentucky
Mother Name: May C...
Mother Birth Place: Kentucky
Spouse Name: Thomas Calvin Magill
FHL Film Number: 1613463
Majors, Royal b. Jan. 7, 1817 d. Jan. 10, 1848
Majors-Hurd, Polly Ann b. unknown d. Jun. 17, 1871
Maranville (DeMaranville), Jesse M. 12/11/1875 2/12/1955
Republic 2-14-1955
Jesse M. DeMaranville, 79, died Saturday evening February 12 at his home in Erie after a nine months illness. He was a retired farmer. Funeral service were held Tuesday afternoon at the Erie Christian church. Burial was in Sharon cemetery. Mr. DeMaranville was born in Atkinson December 11, 1875, ath son of Charles and Harriet Tickard DeMaranville. On July 16, 1907, he married Nettie Brooks in Rock Island, He was a member of the Spring Hill EUB church and a member of the Masonic Lodge at Atkinson for over 50 years. He is survived by his wife, two sons, Charles and Walter of Erie, two daughters, Mrs. Robert Caldwell of Ridgewood, New Jersey and Mrs. Dale Redell of Coal Valley, seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by two brothers and two sisters.
Maranville Nettie C. July 1907 6/20/1981 w/o Jesse
Republic 6-26-1981
Funeral services for Nettie C. Maranville, 96, of Erie who died Saturday afternoon, June 20 at the home of her son, Walter Maranville of Erie, were Tuesday afternoon, June 23, where Rev, Roger Cheatham, associate minister of the Erie Christian church, conducted the services at 2p.m. at the Shilling-Reedy funeral Home, Erie. Burial was in Sharon cemetery, Erie. An Eastern Star service was conducted Monday evening, June 22 at the funeral home. A memorial has been established. Nettie Brooks was born in Atkinson and in July 1907, she married Jessie M. Maranville in Rock Island. He died in February 1965. Ms. Maranville was a member of the Erie Christian church and Geneseo Chapter 275 Order Of the Eastern Star. Surviving are two son;s Charles of Silvis and Walter of Erie, a daughter Mrs. Robert Caldwell of Glenn Ellyn, seven grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren, eight great,great grandchildren and two brothers, Floyd, of Galva and Frank of Savanna.
Martin, Alvira Spencer 1817 4-17-1888
Info abt her on
Captain James A. Martinb: February 24, 1776 Hillsdale, Columbia County, New York or Western, NY d: August 15, 1861 in Spring Hill, Whiteside County, Illinois Burial: Sharon Church Cem., Springhill, Ill.
+Alvira Spencer b: 1817 m: Aft. 1835 in Illinois d: April 17, 1888 in Springhill, Illinois Burial: Sharon Church Cem., Springhill, Ill.
Kate Wilt Curtis Martin is buried in the Sharon Church cemetery. It is mentioned in her obit--- and in a compilation of the cemetery from in 1972 by Janet K. Pease.
From the Daily Gazette, Sterling, IL, Tuesday, 26 October 1920, p. 5, col. 3.
Mrs. Feyette (sic) Martin, who with her husband lived west of town two and a half miles, died while on a visit with relatives, in Clinton. She was found dead in bed Friday morning, probably the result of a chronic heart trouble which had affected her for years. She left town Wednesday apparently feeling as well as usual and her death came as a surprise to her relatives as well as Prophetstown people. She leaves relatives by former marriages as well as her husband, who is her senior by a number of years. She was a lady well thought of and had many friends who will mourn her taking. Mrs. Martin was buried Sunday in Sharon cemetery where a former husband is laid to rest. The funeral was conducted in the Sharon church, many friends from Prophetstown attending.
Cemetery Listing by Pease: "Catherine Martin, wife of Fayette Martin, 1853-1920; listing #446."
Earle F. McBride
6001 Highland Hills
Drive, Austin Texas 78731
Info shared to Robin from Earle McBride: On 10 April 1901 Kate (CATHERINE “KATE” WILT) married for the third time to Fayette MARTIN, who also married for his third time. Fayette was the son of Edward MARTIN and Chloe HOPKINS and was born 14 March 1843 in Parrish, Oswego Co., NY, and died 18 June 1925 in Amboy, Lee Co., IL. Fayette was age 58 and Kate was 43 at the time of their marriage. Fayette served in the Civil War and was commended for Distinguished Service. He enlisted as a private on 1 February 1865 in Co., B, 147th Illinois Infantry Regiment. He was mustered out on 20 January 1866 in Savannah, Georgia and was noted for Distinguished Service. In Fayette Martin’s history posted on the web, his third wife is listed a Catherine Clapper (Curtis?), with a note that family tradition reports the wife’s name was KATE CURTIS KELLEY. Fayette and his first wife are buried in the Sharon Church cemetery a mile or so SE of Spring Hill, Whiteside Co., IL.
Info shared with Robin by:
Earle F. McBride
6001 Highland Hills
Drive, Austin Texas 78731
The weekly paper, the Clinton Weekly, erroneously reported on Sep. 28. 1894, that it was W. H. Curtiss who died in Chancy House and not B. J. Curtis.
CATHERINE “KATE” WILT was born in 1853 in Juniata Township, Allegany Co., PA. She was one of 18 children of Peter H. (1819-1885) and Mary Young WILT (1821-1883), both from Pennsylvania. Peter Wilt owned three farms totalling 400 acres when he lived in PA. In 1866 Catherine’s father and mother came to Portland Township, Whiteside Co. and purchased 240 acres of land located on sections 27 and 28. They resided there until 1880 and then Peter added to his original purchase until he owned 400 acres. In March 1880, he bought seven lots in Erie, IL., and moved there with his family. He served as Justice of the Peace from 1880 and was reelected in 1885. He was a member of the Village Board, and of the Order of Masonry, and a member of the Methodist Church. In the 1880 census he was enumerated as Wilts; age 52; farmer; real estate = $150,000; personal property = $3100; wife Mary; eight children; also in house are Arthur Welding, 28, farm laborer and wife Mary 26, their daughter Agnes, age 9 months; plus Joseph Kelly, 20, farm laborer; and Frank Armstrong, 22, school teacher. His children listed in this census (8) do not all match the names given in the Whiteside Co History. The census lacks Sarah, Jacob, Mary A, and Margaret that are in the history; but it has Benjamin and Luella, who are not in the History. Mary Young Wilt died on March 21, 1883, in Erie, Whiteside Co., IL. One year after her death, 65-year-old Peter married 35-year-old Mary Featherstinein Kearney, NE, on 21 March 1883. The fate of this couple is unknown.
Catherine “Kate” Wilt married John W. Kelley on May 6, 1871, in Prophetstown, Whiteside Co., IL; the marriage was performed by clergyman George Whitefield Carr. The couple had at least two sons, Albert (or Ollie) and Frank. The first mention of them is in the 1880 census, when they were living with Barber and Kate in Portland Twp., Whiteside Co., IL. Albert/Ollie was born in 1873 and Frank was born in 1875, both probably in Whiteside Co., IL. Kate remained in Clinton with Lloyd CURTIS until 1900, at which time she left Clinton. The Clinton City directory for 1899-1900 (p. 61) gives this information: widow of B. J. Curtis; lives at 945 Camanche Ave with son Lloyd R. Curtis; he works at Peterson, Bell & Co. Kate’s sons Albert and Frank were not in Clinton at that time. Lloyd moved to Marion, Lynn Co., IA, where he worked for the railroad most of his career. On 10 April 1901 Kate married for the third time to Fayette MARTIN, who also married for his third time. Fayette was the son of Edward MARTIN and Chloe HOPKINS and was born 14 March 1843 in Parrish, Oswego Co., NY, and died 18 June 1925 in Amboy, Lee Co., IL. Fayette was age 58 and Kate was 43 at the time of their marriage. Fayette served in the Civil War and was commended for Distinguished Service. He enlisted as a private on 1 February 1865 in Co., B, 147th Illinois Infantry Regiment. He was mustered out on 20 January 1866 in Savannah, Georgia and was noted for Distinguished Service. In Fayette Martin’s history posted on the web, his third wife is listed a Catherine Clapper (Curtis?), with a note that family tradition reports the wife’s name was KATE CURTIS KELLEY. Fayette and his first wife are buried in the Sharon Church cemetery a mile or so SE of Spring Hill, Whiteside Co., IL.
Info below shared by Steven Schrader
Information my great aunt Bess Martin Kirkpatrick compiled and updated until the 1970s.
Sarah Dovey Martin b.Jan 26, 1854 m. Fayette Martin (no relation) Dec. 29, 1875. Fayette Martin b. Mar. 14, 1843 in Parish Oswego Co. N.Y. Children born to this union:
George Edward Martin b. 12/6/1876 m. Effie Clapper 8/10/1897 their children;
Carl Edward 8/4/1899 7/30/1920
Lloyd George 5/2/1904 m. Sarah Moore
Nellie Viola 7/27/1910 m. Arthur Holtz
Maurice Clyde Martin 2/4/1879 m. Sadie Mae Lanphere she was born 11/2/1876 they married 6/22/1898 their children;
Vera Dove 7/17/1899 9/20/1976 bur in Sharon Cem.
Bessie Lenore b. 11/7/1903
Clifford Maurice b. 2/25/1907
Leroy Lanphere b. 4/19/1912
Death Certificate of Sarah Dove Martin states her age as 25 years, 14 days. Nationality-American. Place-Portland Township. Cause of death- Erysipelas over entire body. Duration of Disease- 3 days. Burial – Sharon Cemetery Feb. 10, 1897, Spring Hill ILL. Signed - D.B. Seger M.D. Residence- Erie ILL. Sarah Dove died 4 days after my fathers birth and he was always told his mother died from childbirth. Fayette Martin later married Lydia Bolan Clifton, she had 2 children, Tom and Myrtle Clifton. They had two children- Bessie and Marcia Martin. After Lydia's death, Fayette later married Kate Curtis Kelly. She had been married before and had a son who lived in Clinton Iowa. Fayette d. June 18, 1925. Kate died sometime before that at her son's home, while she was there on a visit.
MARTIN, CLIFFORD 2/251907 7/3/1961
From: Steven Schrader
Thanks for information. Fayette Martin was my great great grandfather. I have his civil war musket and discharge papers signed by A Lincoln. Are you linked to the Martins or just have access to the cemetery records? My grandparents Clifford and violet (Schwartz) Martin are buried there as well as their son John who was my age and died from muscular dystrophy. If you have interest in the Martin family I have attached the information my great aunt Bess Martin Kirkpatrick compiled and updated until the 1970s. Thanks again
Please use any info can. Genealogy works best when we share any gems we might find. Do you want more recent obits. I believe I have my grandparents. And uncle buried there. Clifford Martin died June 3 1961, violet Martin April 13 1983. John j Martin early 1970s.
Steve Schrader
Info below shared by Steven Schrader
Information my great aunt Bess Martin Kirkpatrick compiled and updated until the 1970s.
Sarah Dovey Martin b.Jan 26, 1854 m. Fayette Martin (no relation) Dec. 29, 1875. Fayette Martin b. Mar. 14, 1843 in Parish Oswego Co. N.Y. Children born to this union:
George Edward Martin b. 12/6/1876 m. Effie Clapper 8/10/1897 their children;
Carl Edward 8/4/1899 7/30/1920
Lloyd George 5/2/1904 m. Sarah Moore
Nellie Viola 7/27/1910 m. Arthur Holtz
Maurice Clyde Martin 2/4/1879 m. Sadie Mae Lanphere she was born 11/2/1876 they married 6/22/1898 their children;
Vera Dove 7/17/1899 9/20/1976 bur in Sharon Cem.
Bessie Lenore b. 11/7/1903
Clifford Maurice b. 2/25/1907
Leroy Lanphere b. 4/19/1912
Death Certificate of Sarah Dove Martin states her age as 25 years, 14 days. Nationality-American. Place-Portland Township. Cause of death- Erysipelas over entire body. Duration of Disease- 3 days. Burial – Sharon Cemetery Feb. 10, 1897, Spring Hill ILL. Signed - D.B. Seger M.D. Residence- Erie ILL. Sarah Dove died 4 days after my fathers birth and he was always told his mother died from childbirth. Fayette Martin later married Lydia Bolan Clifton, she had 2 children, Tom and Myrtle Clifton. They had two children- Bessie and Marcia Martin. After Lydia's death, Fayette later married Kate Curtis Kelly. She had been married before and had a son who lived in Clinton Iowa. Fayette d. June 18, 1925. Kate died sometime before that at her son's home, while she was there on a visit.
MARTIN, FAYETTE b. 3-14-1843 d. June 18, 1925 Civil War
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Fayette Martin
Birth Date: 14 Mar 1843
Birth Place: Parish, Oswego Co , New York
Death Date: 18 Jun 1925
Death Place: Amboy, Lee, Illinois
Burial Date: 20 Jun 1925
Burial Place: Whiteside Co.
Cemetery Name: Sharon Cem.
Death Age: 82
Occupation: Retired Farmer
Race: White
Marital Status: W
Gender: Male
Residence: Amboy, Ill
Father Birth Place: New York
Mother Birth Place: New York
Comments: 2y of this place
FHL Film Number: 1503937
Info shared to Robin from Earle McBride: On 10 April 1901 Kate (CATHERINE “KATE” WILT) married for the third time to Fayette MARTIN, who also married for his third time. Fayette was the son of Edward MARTIN and Chloe HOPKINS and was born 14 March 1843 in Parrish, Oswego Co., NY, and died 18 June 1925 in Amboy, Lee Co., IL. Fayette was age 58 and Kate was 43 at the time of their marriage. Fayette served in the Civil War and was commended for Distinguished Service. He enlisted as a private on 1 February 1865 in Co., B, 147th Illinois Infantry Regiment. He was mustered out on 20 January 1866 in Savannah, Georgia and was noted for Distinguished Service. In Fayette Martin’s history posted on the web, his third wife is listed a Catherine Clapper (Curtis?), with a note that family tradition reports the wife’s name was KATE CURTIS KELLEY. Fayette and his first wife are buried in the Sharon Church cemetery a mile or so SE of Spring Hill, Whiteside Co., IL.
Info below shared by Steven Schrader
Information my great aunt Bess Martin Kirkpatrick compiled and updated until the 1970s.
Sarah Dovey Martin b.Jan 26, 1854 m. Fayette Martin (no relation) Dec. 29, 1875. Fayette Martin b. Mar. 14, 1843 in Parish Oswego Co. N.Y. Children born to this union:
George Edward Martin b. 12/6/1876 m. Effie Clapper 8/10/1897 their children;
Carl Edward 8/4/1899 7/30/1920
Lloyd George 5/2/1904 m. Sarah Moore
Nellie Viola 7/27/1910 m. Arthur Holtz
Maurice Clyde Martin 2/4/1879 m. Sadie Mae Lanphere she was born 11/2/1876 they married 6/22/1898 their children;
Vera Dove 7/17/1899 9/20/1976 bur in Sharon Cem.
Bessie Lenore b. 11/7/1903
Clifford Maurice b. 2/25/1907
Leroy Lanphere b. 4/19/1912
Death Certificate of Sarah Dove Martin states her age as 25 years, 14 days. Nationality-American. Place-Portland Township. Cause of death- Erysipelas over entire body. Duration of Disease- 3 days. Burial – Sharon Cemetery Feb. 10, 1897, Spring Hill ILL. Signed - D.B. Seger M.D. Residence- Erie ILL. Sarah Dove died 4 days after my fathers birth and he was always told his mother died from childbirth. Fayette Martin later married Lydia Bolan Clifton, she had 2 children, Tom and Myrtle Clifton. They had two children- Bessie and Marcia Martin. After Lydia's death, Fayette later married Kate Curtis Kelly. She had been married before and had a son who lived in Clinton Iowa. Fayette d. June 18, 1925. Kate died sometime before that at her son's home, while she was there on a visit.
Martin, George W. May 15 1868 Dec. 24, 1935
Taken off of
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: George W. Martin
Birth Date: 15 May 1868
Birth Place: Burns Twp , Henry, Ill
Death Date: 24 Dec 1935
Death Place: Hume Twp , Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 26 Dec 1935
Burial Place: Portland Twp., Whiteside, Ill.
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 67
Occupation: Farmer
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Male
Father Name: Jos. Martin
Father Birth Place: Ireland
Mother Name: Mary Ann Martin
Mother Birth Place: Ireland
Spouse Name: Ella Louise Girkin
FHL Film Number: 1765654
Martin, Capt James b.2-24-1776 d. Aug. 15, 1861 Civil War Co G 13th IL
Captain James A. Martinb: February 24, 1776 Hillsdale, Columbia County, New York or Western, NY d: August 15, 1861 in Spring Hill, Whiteside County, Illinois Burial: Sharon Church Cem., Springhill, Ill.
+Alvira Spencer b: 1817 m: Aft. 1835 in Illinois d: April 17, 1888 in Springhill, Illinois Burial: Sharon Church Cem., Springhill, Ill.
MARTIN, JOHN J. died 1970's
Unknown Paper ?/?/1971
Belvidere, died at 7:48 a.m. Friday March 5, 1971, in St. Joseph Hospital after a short illness. He had muscular dystrophy since he was four years old. Born March 1, 1951, in Belvidere. Son of Clifford and Violet (Schwartz) Martin. Lived most of his life in the Belvidere Area. Member of the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church. Attended Belvidere schools. Survivors include his mother and step-father, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grammer Sr.: two sisters, Mrs. Patricia Schrader, Belvidere, and Mrs. Joan Arnold, Wausau, Wis.: and one nephew, Steven Scrader, and on niece, Mrs. Teresa Winkelman. He was preceded in death by his father, Clifford. Requiem services at 10:15 a.m. Monday, March 8, in the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church with the Rev. John W. Biggs, pastor of the church officiating. Burial in Sharon Cemetery, Spring Hill, Ill. Arrangements by WITBECK-WHEELER-SABIEN FUNERAL HOME, 203 Logan Ave., Belvidere. Friends may call at the funeral home after noon, Sunday until 9:30 Monday. Litany at 9 p.m. Sunday in the funeral home. A memorial has been established in his name at the Holy Trinity Episcopal church.
From: Steven Schrader
Thanks for information. Fayette Martin was my great great grandfather. I have his civil war musket and discharge papers signed by A Lincoln. Are you linked to the Martins or just have access to the cemetery records? My grandparents Clifford and Violet (Schwartz) Martin are buried there as well as their son John who was my age and died from muscular dystrophy. If you have interest in the Martin family I have attached the information my great aunt Bess Martin Kirkpatrick compiled and updated until the 1970s. Thanks again
Please use any info can. Genealogy works best when we share any gems we might find. Do you want more recent obits. I believe I have my grandparents. And uncle buried there. Clifford Martin died June 3 1961, violet Martin April 13 1983. John j Martin early 1970s.
Steve Schrader
Martin, Lemuel Daniel b. Jan., 1803 d. Oct. 26, 1851
Martin, Mary Feb 9, 1898 10-8-1944
Taken off of
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Mary Martin
[Mary Young]
Birth Date: 9 Feb 1858
Birth Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Death Date: 8 Oct 1944
Death Place: Moline, Rock Island, Illinois
Burial Date: 11 Oct 1944
Burial Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 86
Occupation: Housewife
Race: White
Marital Status: W
Gender: Female
Residence: Erie, Whiteside, Illinois
Father Name: Adam Young
Father Birth Place: Bedford Co., Pennsylvania
Mother Name: Elizabeth Ebersole
Mother Birth Place: Pennsylvania
Spouse Name: John Martin
FHL Film Number: 1984002
Martin, Maurice Clyde born 2/4/1879 died 1-3-1954
Unknown Paper Unknown Date
Chicago Man, Born in Portland Victim of Heart Attack Friday Night
The body of Maurice Martin of Chicago, former resident of Portland, was brought to the Gardner mortuary this morning and services will be held at the chapel this afternoon at 2 o’clock in charge of the Rev. C.F. Chasteen of the Methodist Church. The Redell Trio of Spring Hill will sing and Clifford Martin of Dixon, LeRoy Martin of Grand Detour, Howard Martin and Elmer Funderberg of Erie and Robert LaCoste and K. Kirkpatrick of Chicago will serve as pallbearers, with burial at the Sharon Cemetery. Services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Johnson Funeral Home in Chicago. Mr. Martin died Sunday afternoon at the age of 74 at the Walther Memorial Hospital in Chicago after suffering a heart attack Friday night. Previous to the attack Friday he had enjoyed good health and had been at his work as a merchant policeman until then. Born in Portland Feb. 4, 1879, the son of Fayette and Sarah (Dove) Martin, he was raised in the Portland community and married Miss Sadie Lanphere of Spring Hill. The couple made their home in Iowa a few years, then moved to Morrison and later to Sterling, where he worked as a merchant policeman for some years. About 1929 they moved to Chicago, where Mr. Martin followed the same line of work since. In addition to his wife, Mr. Martin leaves two sons, Clifford Martin of Dixon, LeRoy L. of Grand Detour, two daughters, Mrs. Robert (Vera) LaCoste and Mrs. Bess Kirkpatrick of Chicago. also three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren
MARTIN, SARAH MAE DOVEY 1/26/1854 2/8/1879
wife of Fayette Martin and is buried next to him, died Feb 8, 1879, aged 25 years, 13 days
Earle F. McBride
6001 Highland Hills
Drive, Austin Texas 78731
Info below shared by Steven Schrader
Information my great aunt Bess Martin Kirkpatrick compiled and updated until the 1970s.
Sarah Dovey Martin b.Jan 26, 1854 m. Fayette Martin (no relation) Dec. 29, 1875. Fayette Martin b. Mar. 14, 1843 in Parish Oswego Co. N.Y. Children born to this union:
George Edward Martin b. 12/6/1876 m. Effie Clapper 8/10/1897 their children;
Carl Edward 8/4/1899 7/30/1920
Lloyd George 5/2/1904 m. Sarah Moore
Nellie Viola 7/27/1910 m. Arthur Holtz
Maurice Clyde Martin 2/4/1879 m. Sadie Mae Lanphere she was born 11/2/1876 they married 6/22/1898 their children;
Vera Dove 7/17/1899 9/20/1976 bur in Sharon Cem.
Bessie Lenore b. 11/7/1903
Clifford Maurice b. 2/25/1907
Leroy Lanphere b. 4/19/1912
Death Certificate of Sarah Dove Martin states her age as 25 years, 14 days. Nationality-American. Place-Portland Township. Cause of death- Erysipelas over entire body. Duration of Disease- 3 days. Burial – Sharon Cemetery Feb. 10, 1897, Spring Hill ILL. Signed - D.B. Seger M.D. Residence- Erie ILL. Sarah Dove died 4 days after my fathers birth and he was always told his mother died from childbirth. Fayette Martin later married Lydia Bolan Clifton, she had 2 children, Tom and Myrtle Clifton. They had two children- Bessie and Marcia Martin. After Lydia's death, Fayette later married Kate Curtis Kelly. She had been married before and had a son who lived in Clinton Iowa. Fayette d. June 18, 1925. Kate died sometime before that at her son's home, while she was there on a visit.
MARTIN, VIOLET died 4/3/1983
From: Steven Schrader
Thanks for information. Fayette Martin was my great great grandfather. I have his civil war musket and discharge papers signed by A Lincoln. Are you linked to the Martins or just have access to the cemetery records? My grandparents Clifford and violet (Schwartz) Martin are buried there as well as their son John who was my age and died from muscular dystrophy. If you have interest in the Martin family I have attached the information my great aunt Bess Martin Kirkpatrick compiled and updated until the 1970s. Thanks again
Please use any info can. Genealogy works best when we share any gems we might find. Do you want more recent obits. I believe I have my grandparents. And uncle buried there. Clifford Martin died June 3 1961, violet Martin April 13 1983. John j Martin early 1970s.
Steve Schrader
MARVEL, INFANT SON 5/13/1919 5/13/1919
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Marvel
Birth Date: 13 May 1919
Birth Place: Fenton Township, Whiteside, Ill
Death Date: 13 May 1919
Death Place: Fenton, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 13 May 1919
Burial Place: Sharon -(No Undertaker)
Death Age: 1 Day
Occupation: Infant
Race: White
Gender: Male
Residence: Erie, Ill.
Father Name: Alfred L. Marvel
Father Birth Place: Illinois
Mother Name: Hazel J. Stubbs
Mother Birth Place: Illinois
Comments: Stillborn
FHL Film Number: 1544466
Marvel, Rev. John W b. Oct. 26, 1789 d. Feb. 5, 1856 60y 3m 10d Lot 74A h/o Lavina
Marvel, LeRoy 11/20/1917 11/20/1917
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Leroy Marvell
Birth Date: 20 Nov 1917
Birth Place: Erie, Ill
Death Date: 20 Nov 1917
Death Place: Fenton, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 21 Nov 1917
Burial Place: Sharon
Death Age: 2 Hours
Occupation: Child
Race: White
Gender: Male
Father Name: Roy Marvell
Father Birth Place: Illinois
Mother Name: Hazel Strubs
Mother Birth Place: Illinois
FHL Film Number: 1543820
Marvel, Lovina b. Mar. 8, 1810 d. Aug. 13, 1873 63y 5m 13d Lot 74A w/o John
Marvel, Mary Melvina 10/20/1864 1/8/1917
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Mary Melvina Marvel
[Mary Melvina Miller]
Birth Date: 20 Oct 1864
Birth Place: Illinois
Death Date: 8 Jan 1917
Death Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 11 Jan 1917
Burial Place: Sharon
Death Age: 52
Occupation: Housewife
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Female
Father Name: Jacob Miller
Mother Name: Mary Heckathorn
FHL Film Number: 1543820
MARVEL, Ray Leroy b. d.1961
RAY LEROY MARVEL - Funeral services for Ray LeRoy Marvel of Erie were conducted Thursday in the Schilling Funeral Home in Erie. Rev. L. E. Ellison, pastor of the Erie Baptist Church, officiated. Jim DeCap was soloist, and burial was in the Sharon Cemetery near Erie. Pallbearers were Evertt Barkman, Frank Hahn, Gordon Blietz, Lewellyn Morgan, Ed Dennis and Duane Prentias. Those who cared for flowers were Mrs. Everettt Barkman, Mrs. Frank Hahn, Mrs,. Gordon Blietz, Mrs. Lewellyn Morgan, Mrs. Ed Dennis and Mrs. Duane Prentiss. Contributed by Melva L. Taylor - The Daily Gazette, Sterling-Rock Falls, Illinois September 1, 1961 - Friday, pg 2
Matthews, John d. ???? age ?y 10m 1d Lot 70A church lot
Maynard, Emily P. Baird 3/7/1810 2/15/1855 44y 11m 8d Lot72A w/o William Maynard
Taken off
William Maynard Birth 05 Nov 1805 in Savoy, Berkshire, Massachusetts Death 03 Nov 1889 in Geneseo, Henry, Illinois
married Emily P. Barrs in 1827
married Lucy Pomeroy in abt 1856 Lucy Crossman Birth 1821 in New York, USA Death 1848
Emily Armina Maynard
Birth 30 Jan 1834 in Erie Co., OH Death 7 Mar 1859 in Portland, Whiteside, IL
married Martin V. Seely Birth 30 Jan 1834 in New YorkDeath aft 1880
1850 United States Federal Census about William Maynard
Name: William Maynard
Age: 44
Birth Year: abt 1806
Birthplace: Massachusetts
Home in 1850: District 37, Whiteside, Illinois
Gender: Male
Family Number: 209
Household Members:
Name Age
William Maynard 44
Emeline Maynard 40
Emily A Maynard 16
Prudence Maynard 80
Source Citation: Year: 1850; Census Place: District 37, Whiteside, Illinois; Roll: M432_132; Page: 389A; Image: 252.
Maynard, Lucy N. 4/27/1857 1/21/1867 Lot 72A d/o William & Lucy Maynard
Taken off rootsweb:
Contact: Jim Gambell
Name:Lucy Nellie MAYNARD
Given Name:Lucy Nellie
Birth:April 2, 1857 in Portland, IL
Death:January 21, 1867 in Geneseo, IL
Note:History and Genealogy of the Pomeroy Family, Vol 2 entry 8091
Robin, All my information on the Meynards came from History and Genealogy of the Pomeroy Family in America. Sorry, Jim Gambell
1860 United States Federal Census about Wm Manard
Name: Wm Manard
Age in 1860: 59
Birth Year: abt 1801
Birthplace: Massachusetts
Home in 1860: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Gender: Male
Post Office: Portland
Value of real estate: View image
Household Members:
Name Age
Mary Dotherty 5
Frank Dotherty 3
Mary Stores 32
David Chace 54
Sally Chace 52
Cawestina Chace 17
Lyman Chace 21
Winslow Chace 14
Esther Chace 11
Wm Manard 59
Lucy Manard 39
Lucy M Manard 3
Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois; Roll: M653_237; Page: 1105; Image: 477; Family History Library Film: 803237.
Maynard, Prudence(Grout) 2/22/1770 (2/19/1770?) 3/31/1860 (3/31/1850?) 90y 1m 9d w/o William Maynard
Taken off Ancestry;
William Maynard
Birth 11 Apr 1774 in Westborough, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States Death 2 Jan 1847 in Portland, Whiteside, Illinois, United States
Prudence Grout Maynard
Birth 19 Feb 1770 in Westborough, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA Death 31 Mar 1860 in Portland, Whiteside, Illinois, USA
Levina (Lorinna) Maynard
Birth1 Mar 1800 in Shelburne, Hampshire, Massachusetts, United States Death13 Jul 1873 inPortland, Whiteside, Illinois, United States
1850 United States Federal Census about William Maynard
Name: William Maynard
Age: 44
Birth Year: abt 1806
Birthplace: Massachusetts
Home in 1850: District 37, Whiteside, Illinois
Gender: Male
Family Number: 209
Household Members:
Name Age
William Maynard 44
Emeline Maynard 40
Emily A Maynard 16
Prudence Maynard 80
Source Citation: Year: 1850; Census Place: District 37, Whiteside, Illinois; Roll: M432_132; Page: 389A; Image: 252.
Maynard, William R. 11/2/1805 (11/5/1805?) 11/2/1889 (11/3/1889?) Lot 72A
1827 Marriage to Emily P. Barrs
1856 Marriage to Lucy Pomeroy (note wife Lucy is buried at North Cem in Geneseo IL)
Taken off Ancestry;
William Maynard
Birth 05 Nov 1805 in Savoy, Berkshire, Massachusetts Death 03 Nov 1889 in Geneseo, Henry, Illinois
married Emily P. Barrs in 1827
married Lucy Pomeroy in abt 1856 Lucinda D Crossman
Birth 1821 in New York, USA Death 1848
Emily Armina Maynard
Birth 30 Jan 1834 in Erie Co., OH Death 7 Mar 1859 in Portland, Whiteside, IL
married Martin V. Seely Birth 30 Jan 1834 in New YorkDeath aft 1880
1850 United States Federal Census about William Maynard
Name: William Maynard
Age: 44
Birth Year: abt 1806
Birthplace: Massachusetts
Home in 1850: District 37, Whiteside, Illinois
Gender: Male
Family Number: 209
Household Members:
Name Age
William Maynard 44
Emeline Maynard 40
Emily A Maynard 16
Prudence Maynard 80
Source Citation: Year: 1850; Census Place: District 37, Whiteside, Illinois; Roll: M432_132; Page: 389A; Image: 252.
1860 United States Federal Census about Wm Manard
Name: Wm Manard
Age in 1860: 59
Birth Year: abt 1801
Birthplace: Massachusetts
Home in 1860: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Gender: Male
Post Office: Portland
Value of real estate: View image
Household Members:
Name Age
Mary Dotherty 5
Frank Dotherty 3
Mary Stores 32
David Chace 54
Sally Chace 52
Cawestina Chace 17
Lyman Chace 21
Winslow Chace 14
Esther Chace 11
Wm Manard 59
Lucy Manard 39
Lucy M Manard 3
Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois; Roll: M653_237; Page: 1105; Image: 477; Family History Library Film: 803237.
Selected U.S. Federal Census Non-Population Schedules, 1850-1880
Name: Wm Maynard
Location: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Enumeration Date: 13 Jul 1860
Schedule Type: Agriculture
Source Citation: Census Year: 1860; Census Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois; Archive Collection Number: T1133; Roll: 11; Page: 71; Line: 12; Schedule Type: Agriculture.
1870 United States Federal Census about Wm Maynard
Name: Wm Maynard
Age in 1870: 65
Birth Year: abt 1805
Birthplace: Massachusetts
Home in 1870: Geneseo, Henry, Illinois
Race: White
Gender: Male
Post Office: Geneseo
Value of real estate: View image
Household Members:
Name Age
Wm Maynard 65
Lucy Maynard 49
Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Geneseo, Henry, Illinois; Roll: M593_229; Page: 435B; Image: 402; Family History Library Film: 545728.
1880 United States Federal Census about William Maynard
Name:William Maynard
Age: 74
Birth Year: abt 1806
Birthplace: Massachusetts
Home in 1880: Geneseo, Henry, Illinois
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Self (Head)
Marital Status: MarriedSpouse's Name: Lucy D. Maynard
Father's Birthplace: Massachusetts
Mother's Birthplace: Massachusetts
Neighbors: View others on page
Occupation: Farmer
Cannot read/write:
Deaf and dumb:
Otherwise disabled:
Idiotic or insane:
View image
Household Members:
Name Age
William Maynard 74
Lucy D. Maynard 59
Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Geneseo, Henry, Illinois; Roll: 213; Family History Film: 1254213; Page: 292A; Enumeration District: 110; Image: 0144.
Maynard, William S. 9/11/1774 1/2/1847 72y 3m 21d Lot 72A h/o Prudence
Taken off Ancestry;
William Maynard
Birth 11 Apr 1774 in Westborough, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States Death 2 Jan 1847 in Portland, Whiteside, Illinois, United States
Prudence Grout Maynard
Birth 19 Feb 1770 in Westborough, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA Death 31 Mar 1860 in Portland, Whiteside, Illinois, USA
Levina (Lorinna) Maynard
Birth1 Mar 1800 in Shelburne, Hampshire, Massachusetts, United States Death 13 Jul 1873 in Portland, Whiteside, Illinois, United States
McConnell, John C. 1864 1922 Lot 78
McCormick, Nellie Bracken died Sept 1916
Geneseo Republic Date:September 8, 1916
The remains of Mrs. Nellie Bracken McCormick were laid to rest in the Sharon cemetery last Sunday afternoon.
McGregor, Samuel 2/13/1851 June 1897
The Geneseo Republic Date: June 25, 1897
Samuel McGregor, for a number of years employed at the Mahana livery barn, Erico, was taken sick last week with stomach trouble and rapidly grew worse until Sunday when he passed over the river of death. The deceased was a quiet inoffensive man and well liked by all who knew him. Deceased was born in Portland township, Feb. 13th, 1851 and was aged 40 years and four months at the time of his death. Funeral took place Tuesday morning from the church Rev. Mrs. C.C. Babcock, officiating at the services. Interment took place in Sharon cemetery. He leaves one brother and three sisters.
McNeill, Jane A Gillis b. Feb. 2, 1818 d. Jan. 28, 1888
Submitted on rootsweb website by Rebecca Dail (
Name: Jane A. GILLIS
Sex: F
Birth: 2 FEB 1818 in Drumbloo, Co. Monaghan, Ireland
Death: 28 JAN 1888
Burial: UNKNOWN Sharon Cemetery, Spring Hill, Whiteside Co., IL
McNeill, William b. Oct. 15, 1822 d. Jul. 13, 1904 Married: Jane A. Gillis
Submitted on rootsweb website by Rebecca Dail (
Name: William MCNEILL
Sex: M
Birth: 15 OCT 1822 in Killgreen, Co. Monaghan, Ireland
Death: 13 JUL 1904
Burial: UNKNOWN Sharon Cemetery, Spring Hill, Whiteside Co
Mead, Agnes 5/6/1819 11/18/1905 w/o Robert
Republic 12-1-1905
Agnes Mead, born near Meadville, pa., May 6, 1819, married to Robert Getty, December 6, 1847, died November 18, 1905, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. Huntington, in Rock Rapids, Iowa in her eighty seventh year. In 1843 she came west to Illinois with an uncle who settled in Whiteside county. Soon after her marriage, she moved to Geneseo, Ill. where she resided till the death of her husband, September 12, 1864. Five children were born to them, two dying in infancy, Katie, who was a graduate of Wellesburg and an instructor in the State school for the Mute at Jacksonville, Ill., died at the age of 26, two daughters, Mrs. Waddell of California, and Mrs. E. Huntington of this place with whom she has made her home for twenty-two years, besides these, two daughters of Mr. Getty, Mrs. Fletcher and Mrs. Langdon, both of Brooklyn, New York survive her. Her going away was a natural and necessary journey, planned on and prepared for through long well lived years, and the folding of her hands the most expected phase of life when the lights burn low in the quiet places where children have been born and reared and gone out to establish homes of their own. Her mission well preformed and the duties lain upon her kind all done, with the soul development attended upon devotion such as hers, why should she not leave the clay which had served the purpose in the day, and go unbound and better to greater possibility. And so we mark the passing of our beloved friend and loved one by a date and place upon the world, but we who knew her in her natures years shall not forget the spirit of her kindly greetings nor lose the trace her beautiful earth life has left upon us. the closing lines of her life were said by her pastor, rev. H.H. Burch of the Congregational church, on Sunday afternoon, at her late home and paid fitting tribute to the ???? record of her years. Mr. and Mrs. E. Huntington, accompanied the remains to Geneseo, where many old friends of hers and family assembled at the of Dr. Chas. Young, a nephew of Mrs. Getty and Rev. Millard, pastor of her old home church conducted a brief memorial service. Interment was made in Sharon cemetery.
Meier, William F. 1/5/1888 6/28/1967
Republic 7/6/1967
William F. Meier, 79, of Erie died Wednesday afternoon, June 28, in the Morrison Community hospital. Funeral services were Saturday afternoon, July 1, at the Schilling funeral home in Erie with the Rev. Francis Guither, pastor of the Hillsdale Church of the Cross, officiating. Burial was in Sharon cemetery, Erie. Mrs. Richard Shilling was the organist and Jim DeCap, soloist. Pallbearers were Morris DeCap, Thomas Houzenga, Robert VanLanduit, Vaugh Thomas, Lauren Young and Louis Zobrist. Mr. Meier was born January 5, 1888 in Edford township in Henry county, a son of Julius and Augusta Pobanz Meier. He received his education in Geneseo schools. He married Mildred Osborn Kerr February 14, 1931 in Rock Island. He was a farmer in Sharon community until he retired and moved to Erie. He was a member of the former Joslin Evangelical United Brethren church where he served as Sunday school superintendent. Surviving are the widow, a son William of Erie, two step-children, Mrs. Riely Greth of Erie and Russell Kerr of Morrison, five grandchildren and a great-grandchild, seven sisters, Minnie Miller, Mrs. Amelia Hulting and Mrs. Rose Wilson, all of Geneseo, Mrs. Theresa Wilson of Anaheim, California, Misses Ida and Helen Meier of Chicago and Mrs. Anne Webb of Waukekan, and three brothers, Albert, Ernest and Edwin of Geneseo.
Meyer, Bessie Abby Lawrence b. 2/3/1882 d. 8/8/1936
Taken off
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Bessie Abby Lawrence Meyer
Birth Date: 3 Feb 1882
Birth Place: Portland Twp , Whiteside, Illinois
Death Date: 8 Aug 1936
Death Place: Portland Twp , Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 10 Aug 1936
Burial Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 54
Occupation: Home Maker
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Female
Residence: Portland Twp., Whiteside, Illinois
Father Name: Wallace Lawrence
Father Birth Place: Pennsylvania
Mother Name: Agusta George
Mother Birth Place: Prophetstown, Illinois
Spouse Name: Ernest Meyer
Comments: 3 years, 5 months, 7 days at this place
FHL Film Number: 1766169
Meyer, Catherine Schmitt b. Aug. 7, 1867 d. Apr. 11, 1933
(might want to check tombstone on year of death to be sure)
Catherine Schmitt Meyer
copied off internet Birth: Aug. 7, 1867 Sublette Lee County Illinois, USA
Death: Apr. 11, 1937 Erie Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Her mother died when she was young and she was placed with neighbors as a hired girl.
Burial:Sharon Cemetery (Spring Hill) Spring Hill Whiteside County Illinois, USA.
Taken off the
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947 about Cathrine Meyer
Name: Cathrine Meyer
[Cathrine Schmitt]
Birth Date: 7 Aug 1864
Birth Place: Sublet, Lee, Ill
Death Date: 11 Apr 1933
Death Place: Portland Twp , Whiteside, Ill
Burial Date: 13 Apr 1933
Burial Place: Portland Twp., Whiteside, Ill.
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 68
Occupation: Housewife
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Female
Residence: Portland Twp
Father Name: Peter Schmitt
Father Birth Place: Germany
Mother Name: Elizabeth Machen
Mother Birth Place: Germany
Spouse Name: Henry Meyer
FHL Film Number: 1674524
Meyer, Francis b.12/24/1847 d.5/31/1922
Taken off
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Francis Meyer
Birth Date: 24 Dec 1847
Birth Place: Germany
Death Date: 31 May 1922
Death Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 2 Jun 1922
Cemetery Name: Sharon Cemetery
Death Age: 75
Occupation: Housewife
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Female
Residence: Portland, Whiteside, Illlinois
Father Birth Place: Germany
Spouse Name: John C. Meyer
FHL Film Number: 1557034
Meyer, Emma b. Nov. 7, 1886 d. Feb. 22, 1902
Meyer, Eve b. Apr. 1, 1894 d. Feb. 2, 1904
Meyer, Henry A. b. Jun. 18, 1851 d. Dec. 16, 1937
Meyer, John C. b. 6/24/1846 d. 6/30/1923
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: John C. Meyer
Birth Date: 24 Jun 1846
Birth Place: Hoff Province, Germany
Death Date: 30 Jun 1923
Death Place: Erie, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 2 Jul 1923
Burial Place: Sharon
Death Age: 77
Occupation: Carpenter
Race: White
Marital Status: W
Gender: Male
Father Name: John F. Meyer
Father Birth Place: Germany
Spouse Name: Francis Meyer
FHL Film Number: 1558707
Meyer, John S. b. Sep. 12, 1882 d. Jun. 29, 1955
Republic 7-7-1955
Services for John Meyer of Chicago who passed away were held at Sharon on Friday July 1. He was a former resident of the Spring Hill community. He was a brother of Harley Meyer of Spring Hill. Burial was in Sharon Cemetery.
Meyer, William Elliot b. Jan. 29, 1884 d. Jul. 24, 1962
Dispatch 7-25-1962
Services for William E. Meyer 78, Northbrook formerly of Erie, will be at 2 tomorrow afternoon in the Schilling Funeral Home here. He died yesterday (7-24). Burial will be in the Sharon Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home tonight and tomorrow until service time. Mr. Meyer was born Jan. 29, 1884, in LaMoille, the son of Henry and Catherine Meyer. He was reared and attended school in LaMoille and Erie. He married Florence Waite, Nov. 29, 1910 here. They farmed near Erie for several years. He retired from farming and was employed by Parmalee Transfer Co. He was a member of the Methodist Church. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Kenneth Wood of Northbrook, Mrs. Ray Christoffil, of Tucson, Arizona, and Mrs. Roy Hickey Jr. of Chicago, a son Wilbur of Wilbur of Des Plaines, 12 grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren, two brothers, Albert of Erie, and Harley of Spring Hill. He was preceded in death by two brothers and three sisters.
William Elliot Meyer: William was the twin brother of Albert who was buried in the Erie, Whiteside County Illinois cemetary. They were close their entire life and identical such that people had trouble distinguishing them even when they were 70 years old. He worked in Chicago as a redcap for the trains. He hauled trunks to storage from the station. He loved to play golf and to travel.
Florence May Waite born 9 Mar 1894 in Wadena, Wadena, MN; died 14 Apr 1946 in Chicago, Cook, IL; buried in Acacia Park Cemetery, Chicago, Cook, IL. She married(1), on 24 Nov 1910 in Springhill, IL William Elliott Meyer, born 29 Jan 1884; died 24 Jul1962; buried in Sharon Cemetery; (2) in 1937 in Chicago, IL J.L. Kaiser, died Aug 1968 in Missouri.
Millard, Mary b. 1794 d. Aug. 30, 1847
Miller, Ams Dec. 1, 1854 Feb. 26, 1937
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llinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Ams Miller
Birth Date: 1 Dec 1854
Birth Place: Fayette County, Penn
Death Date: 26 Feb 1937
Death Place: MT Pleasant, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 28 Feb 1937
Burial Place: Portland Twp., Whiteside, Ill.
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 82
Occupation: Farm Laborer
Race: White
Marital Status: S
Gender: Male
Residence: MT. Pleasant, Whiteside, Ill.
Father Name: Jacob Miller
Father Birth Place: Penn
Mother Name: Mary Heckathorn
Mother Birth Place: Penn.
FHL Film Number: 1786728
Miller, Frances Aldrich b. 1846 d.4-9-1868 w/o H.A. Miller
Miller Francis Died Feb 1885
Republic 2-20-1885 .
The funeral services of Mr. Francis Miller were held at the Sharon church Sunday Feb 8th. the Rev. Mr. Hall officiated.
Moeller, Susan Lynn 3/26/1958 4/16/1978 d/o Gene Louis Moeller & Betty Lou Brooks Lot 83
Newell, Emily M. b. Oct. 5, 1838 d. Apr. 18, 1912
Found in book of newspaper clippings - no dates or source shown.(A note in pencil = "1912") MRS. EMILY NEWELL DEAD Passed Away Thursday at The Home of Her Daughter In Iowa
Mrs. Emily Newelldied last week Thrusday morning at 6:30 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary Atwood near Shenandoah, Iowa, to which place Mrs. Newell had been taken from Tampico only the previous Tuesday. The remains were brought to Prophetstown last Sautrday and the funeral services were held at the Sharon church the Methodist minister at Prophetstown officiating. Interment was in the Sharon cemetery. Her death came rather suddenly and when she left Tampico last Monday with her daughter, she moaned and took on all the way to Mendota. Emily Newell was born in Montrey, Mass., Oct. 5, 1838 and came west with her parents when a young girl to Iowa where she married Thos. Newton in 1854. He died in 1867 and in the following year she came to Prophetstown, later moving to Yorktown and then locating in Tampico. She was again married Dec. 31, 1880 at Morrison inWilliam Newell and since that time Tampico was her home. He died just two months lacking a day previous in her death. Two daughters were born of the first marriage one of whom is dead. The surviving daughter is Mrs. Mary Atwood of Shenandoah. Four grandchildren and twelve great grandchildren also survive. She leaves no brothes or sisters. Mrs. Atwood and daughter Mabel accompanied the remains to Prophetstown and also came to Tampico before returning home.
Republic May 3, 1912
The remains of Mrs. Newton, of Tampico, were brought to Sharon for burial Saturday.
Noble, Bill 1969 1987
Noble, Laura E. 1922 1990
Nordstrom, John b. 3/4/1919 d. 3/4/1919
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: John Nordstrom
Birth Date: 4 Mar 1919
Birth Place: Portland Twp , Whiteside, IL
Death Date: 4 Mar 1919
Death Place: Portland Twp , Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 5 Mar 1919
Burial Place: Sharon
Death Age: 0
Race: White
Gender: Male
Residence: P.O. Address Erie, IL
Father Name: John Nordstrom
Father Birth Place: Sweden
Mother Name: Anna Nelson
Mother Birth Place: Sweden
Comments: Stillborn
FHL Film Number: 1544466
Nordstrom, Spencer Russell b.2/21/1920 d.3/2/1920
Taken off the
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Spencer Russell Nordstrom
Birth Date: 21 Feb 1920
Birth Place: Illinois
Death Date: 2 Mar 1920
Death Place: Portland, Whiteside County, Illinois
Burial Date: 4 Mar 1920
Cemetery Name: Shoran Cemetery
Death Age: 11 Days
Occupation: Child
Race: White
Marital Status: S
Gender: Male
Father Name: John Nordstrom
Father Birth Place: Sweden
Mother Name: Anna Nelson
Mother Birth Place: Sweden
FHL Film Number: 1562482
Ocobock, George A b. 1844 d. Oct. 4, 1864 Co B 140th IL Civil War Lot 81A
Painter, William L. 1/27/1847 2/21/2016
William L. “Bill” Painter 69, of Prophetstown, IL, died Sunday, February 21, 2016 at Hammond - Henry Hospital. Visitation will be Thursday, February 25, 2016 from 4-7 pm at the Gibson-Bode Funeral Home, Erie, IL. Private Graveside Services will be held on Friday at Sharon Cemetery, Erie, IL. Memorials may be made to the family. Bill was born January 27, 1947 in Moline, IL, the son of Marion and Julia (Kilby) Painter. He graduated from Orion High School in 1965. He married Barbara L. Harman on June 18, 1973 in Woodhull, IL. Bill spent 32 years as a heavy crane operator through the Local 150. He worked on many large projects for various companies throughout this time. He was a Trustee for Portland Township in rural Prophetstown, IL. He enjoyed gardening and raising a variety of animals. Some of his greatest enjoyments were his Bulldog Bertha, his grandchildren, and most recently spending time with his buddy “Hunter”, his youngest grandchild. He is survived by his wife, Barbara; daughters, Tammy Woodson, Detroit, MI, Tracey (David) Smith, Indian Trail, NC, Nicki Nelson, Allen Park, MI, Katy (Maurice) Sorensen, Prophetstown, IL; 8 grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren; brother, Dan Kruger, Phoenix, Az; sisters, Mary Ann Nooner, Long Beach, CA, and Laurie Archibald, Jacksonville, FL. Also surviving are many nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents and 3 brothers. Share a memory or online condolence at
Pearsall, Beatrice "Bea" Hauschild b. Feb. 13, 1922 d. Apr. 29, 2011
NORMAL - Beatrice "Bea" Pearsall, 89, of Normal, Ill., formerly of Peoria, passed away at 10:52 p.m. on Friday, April 29, 2011, at BroMenn Regional Medical Center in Normal. She was born Feb. 13, 1922, in Rock Island, Ill., to James and Mabel (Vroman) Hauschild. She married Lawrence L.W. Pearsall on June 20, 1943. He preceded her in death on April 25, 1992, in Bradenton, Fla. Her parents and one son, Roland Neal Pearsall, also preceded her in death. She is survived by one son, Jim (DonnaDee) Pearsall of Sun City, Ariz.; and two daughters, Pam (Kevin) Monk of Lowpoint, Ill., and Beth Pearsall (Jim Morrison) of Normal, with whom she made her home. Also surviving are four grandchildren, Jill (Sean) Holihan, Sarah (Ray) Austin, Luke Morrison and Annie Morrison; and six great-grandchildren, Noah and Ben Holihan, and Megan, Zachary, Emma and Zoe Austin. Bea graduated from St. Luke's Nursing School in 1943. She retired from Proctor Hospital in 1980. She was very active in the Red Cross and received a pin for 50 years of service. She was a member of the First Baptist Church in Bradenton, Fla., and was known as a very giving person who volunteered for many organizations throughout her life. A visitation will be held on Tuesday, May 3, 2011, from 5 to 7 p.m. at Woolsey-Wilton Funeral Home in Peoria. A funeral service will be held on Wednesday, May 4, 2011, at 11 a.m. with visitation one hour prior to the service at the Funeral Home. The Rev. Pat Newsum will officiate. Burial will follow the service in Sharon Cemetery in Erie, Ill. Memorials may be made to the American Red Cross.
PHELPS, Henrietta (Cherry) b. d. Sept. 7, 1907 Married: Bela Phelps
Youngest child of James M. Liggett, George Liggett (my great great grandfather), married Georgianna Phelps (pictured below) on September 20, 1865. Georgianna was born in January 1849 to Bela and Henrietta Cherry Phelps. The Phelps, one from Ohio and the other from New York, were married in 1845. Georgianna's mother, Henrietta Cherry Phelps, was one of twelve children born to James and Margaret Cherry (buried in Sharon Cemetery in adjoining Whiteside County, Illinois). The Cherrys have been traced back to Maidenhead (County of Berkshire, 25 miles west of London), England in 1657. The Illinois Public Land Records show that Georgianna's father, Bela Phelps, bought 80 acres on April 24, 1852. This land was near property owned by his wife's mother, Margaret Cherry.
Pingree, Elizabeth b. 1807 d. 1888
Rader, Louis died April 1895
Originally buried in Sharon Cemetery and later moved to North Cemetery in Geneseo IL.
The Geneseo Republic Date:April 19, 1895
Uncle Louis Rader died at 2 a.m. Monday. Funeral services were held at Sharon Tuesday at 10 a.m., and his remains quietly laid to rest in Sharon cemetery.
Republic 12-27-1895
The remains of Lewis Rader have been taken from the Sharon cemetery by the family and placed in one of the Geneseo cemeteries.
Redell, Alberta b.9/23/1925 d. 3/19/2014 Lot 86B w/o Blair
Alberta G. Redell, 88, of WoodRidge Supportive Living Residence, Geneseo, formerly of rural Erie, died Wednesday, March 19, 2014, at her residence. Services will be at 10:30 a.m. Monday, March 24, at the Loraine United Methodist Church, 28782 E. 2000th St., Prophetstown. Visitation will be from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday at Gibson-Bode Funeral Home, Erie. Burial will be at Sharon Cemetery, rural Erie. Memorials may be made to the Loraine United Methodist Church, American Cancer Society or Erie Ambulance Service. Alberta was born Sept. 23, 1925, in Cedar Island, N.C., the daughter of John and Mollie Emory Goodwin. She married Blair Redell in New Bern, N.C., on April 23, 1943. He preceded her in death in 1996. The couple made their home in Springhill (rural Erie) where they raised their four children. Alberta was a longtime active member of the Loraine United Methodist Church, where among many involvements, she taught Bible School and enjoyed helping with the Apple Pie Project fundraiser. She also volunteered her time with many Whiteside County elections. She enjoyed gardening and time spent with her grandchildren playing cards, board games and working on puzzles. Alberta loved her home state of North Carolina and enjoyed traveling back to visit. Survivors include three children, Rita Reiley, Rock Island, Becky Paxton, Erie, and Allan (Karen) Redell, Pasco, Wash.; daughter-in-law, Elise Redell, Atlanta, Ga.; grandchildren, Noel (Michelle) Paxton, Len (Kim) Reiley, Sarah (Paul) Lucas, Darrick (Mandy) Reiley, Christopher (Brenda) Redell, Amy Redell, Megan (Shawn) Ryan, Nathan Redell, and Caleb Redell; and 18 great-grandchildren. In addition to her husband, she was preceded in death by a son, Tim Redell, in 2013; a son in infancy; grandson, Jim Reiley, in 1988; brothers, Walter and Orville Goodwin; and sister, Wynez Ashburn.
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Redell, Albert 4-30-1880 Aug 1955
Submitted by Melva Taylor
The Daily Gazette, Sterling-Rock Falls, Illinois
August 1, 1955 - Monday, pg 2
Albert Redell Dies, Funeral Rites Tuesday
Erie: - Albert Redell, 75, of Spring Hill died unexpectedly at 8:45 p.m. Saturday night. He was stricken with a heart attack while driving home alone from Prophetstown on the blacktop road in Portland township. He evidently felt the attack coming and started to drive into the farm yard where Arlo Paxton lived. He shut off the ignition and the car ran into the fence with only slight damage to the front of the car. The family saw him and an ambulance was immediately called, but he was pronounced dead when the ambulance arrived. He had been in ill health for nine months.The body is at the Schilling Funeral Home in Erie. Funeral services will be held at Spring Hill EUB Church at 2 p.m. (CST) Tuesday. Burial will be in Sharon Cemetery. Albert Redell was born April 30, 1880 in Yorktown, the son of Louis and Rachel Ashton Redell. He was reared and educated in Yorktown. He came to Spring Hill 52 years ago. He was married Jan. 30, 1914 at Spring Hill to Cecelia Yepsen. He was a tiler. He is survived by the widow and 12 children, including six sons, Charles Redell, Clinton, Iowa; Roy Redell, Spring Hill; Elbert Redell nd Delbert Redell, both of Spring Hill; Raymond Redell, Erie, and William Redell at home; six daughters, Mrs. Francis (Lila) Stone, Prophetstown; Mrs. Clyde (Betty) Unger, Port Byiron; Mrs. Dennis (Dorothy) Blevins, East St. Louis, Mo.; Mrs. Donald (Bonnie) Whitted, Geneseo; Mrs. Leslie (Arlene) Dever, Prophetstown, and Carol Redell at home. He is also survived by three brothers, Edward Redell, Lyndon; Charles Redell, Spring Hill and John Redell, Erie, and two sisters, Mrs. Anna Blake, Waterloo, Neb., and Mrs. George Fuller, Spring Hill;, and 36 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by one son, Robert, one brother and two sisters.
Redell, Alice 1920 1987
Redell, Blair 1917 1996 Lot 86B h/o Alberta
Redell, Dale B. b. 9/17/1912 d. 3-9-2007 Lot 86A h/o Inez
Dale B. Redell, 94 of Prophetstown, formerly of Erie died Friday, March 9, 2007 at Hammond Henry Hospital, Geneseo. Services will be 11:00 AM Monday at the Lorraine United Methodist Church, Prophetstown where he was a member. Burial will be in Sharon Cemetery, Erie. Visitation will be on Sunday from 4 to 6 PM at the Gibson Funeral Home, Erie. Memorials may be made to the WDLM Christian Radio or a charity of the family's choice. Mr. Redell was born September 17, 1912 in Springhill, IL, the son of Charles and Grace Franks Redell. He married Inez Maranville Davies on Oct. 4, 1940 in Prophetstown. She died on Aug. 20, 1969. He then married Novella Himes on Nov. 12, 1971 in Rock Island. She died on Sep. 16, 1999. Dale had been a farmer in rural Coal Valley. After his retirement from farming he joined his family as a painter. He was a former member of the Rock Island and Coal Valley Nazarene Church. He enjoyed ministering the word of Christ, but most of all enjoyed his family. Survivors include daughters and sons-in-law, Helen Melton, Erie, Kathleen Hayden, Council Bluffs, IA, Janet and Joe Quaintance, Prophetstown and Mary and Geoff Kucera, Loami, IL, 16 grandchildren, 39 great grandchildren, 19 great great grandchildren, sisters, Zola VanDeWostine, Woodhull, IL and Loretta Jeske, DePere, WI and a brother, Charles Redell, Geneseo. He was preceded in death by his parents and 7 brothers and sisters.
REDELL, CECELIA 3-22-1894 6-3-1962
Geneseo Republic 6-7-1962
Cecelia Redell Is Found Dead
Mrs. Cecelia Redell, 68, was found dead in her Erie home about 11 a.m. Sunday, June 3. Death was due to natural causes. A neighbor child went to the door to bring a newspaper to her and when she did not come to the door, the child went home. Her father Henry Hicks, went to the house and Mrs. Redell's body was found by Mr. Hicks and her son, Will who resides with his mother. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon in the Sprng Hill EUB church with Rev. Raymond Bjork, pastor, officiating. Burial was in Sharon cemetery. The former Cecelia Yepsen was born March 22, 1894, in Nebraska. She was reared and attended school in Ohio and had resided in the Spring Hill area for the last 47 years. On January 31, 1914 she was married to Albert Redell in Yorktown. She was a member of the Lutheran church. Mr. Redell died in 1955. Surviving are six daughters, Mrs. Frank Stone, Mrs. Donald Whitted and Mrs. Leslie Dever of Prophetstown, Mrs Dennis Bievins and Mrs. Ernie Rangel of East St. Louis and Mrs. Clyde Unger of Port Byron, sox sons, Charles of Clinton, Iowa, Roy of Spring Hill, Delbert and Elbert both of Erie, Raymond of Cordova and William at home, one brother Pete Yepsen of Marengo. 46 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren.
REDELL, Danny E. b. Nov. 15, 1962 d. Oct. 23, 2009 Parents: Elbert D & Ruth Ann (Morris) Redell
Danny Redell
Created: Monday, October 26, 2009 11:04 a.m. CDT
OXFORD JUNCTION, Iowa – Danny E. Redell, 46, of Oxford Junction, Iowa, formerly of Rock Falls, died Friday, Oct. 23, 2009, at University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics, Iowa City, Iowa. He was an auto mechanic. Mr. Redell was born Nov. 15, 1962, in Erie, the son of Elbert D. and Ruth Ann (Morris) Redell. Survivors include a daughter, Christine Redell of Dixon; two sons, Ryan (April) Redell of Oxford Junction, Iowa, and Tommy (Lindsay) Redell of Dixon; three sisters, Donna Barteau of Tucson, Ariz., Susan Redell of Milledgeville, and Penny (Jim) Anselmo of Polo; three brothers, Jack (Tina) Redell of Rock Falls, Steve (Sue) Redell of Nevada, and Bobby (Peggy) Redell of Lakewood, Wash.; and four grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; two brothers, David and Tommy Redell; and several nieces and nephews. The funeral is at 1 p.m. Tuesday at McDonald Funeral Home, 48 Grove St., state Route 78 N., Prophetstown. Burial will be at Sharron Cemetery, Erie.Visitation will be from noon to 1 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home. In lieu of flowers, a memorial has been established. Visit to send condolences.
Redell, Inez Maranville Davies 1912 8/20/1969 Lot 86A w/o Dale
Dispatch 8-20-1969
Mrs. Dale Redell 56, of rural Coal Valley, died this morning in her home. Services will be at 2 Friday afternoon in First Church of Nazrene, Rock Island with burial in Sharon cemetery. Friends may call from 7 until 9 at Kick and Huggin funeral Home, Orion. Inez M. Maranville was born in Atkinson, the daughter of Jesse and Nettie Brooks Maranville She was married to Dale Redell Oct. 6, 1940 in Lorraine, Ill. surviving is the widower, Mrs. Redell mother, Mrs. Jesse Maranville of Erie, four daughters, Mrs. James L. Milton of Erie, Mrs. David G. Hayden of Bettendorf, Mrs. Joel Quaintence of Orion, and Mary Alice Redell, at home, ten grandchildren, two brothers, Walter of Erie and Charles of Silvis, and a sister Mrs. Robert Cadwell of Glenn Ellyn. Mrs. Redell preceded in death by a daughter.
Redell, Infant Son 8/16/1958 Lot 86B s/o Blair & Alberta Redell
Redell, Infant Son died 1929
Geneseo Republic 1-3-1930
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Redell were bereft of an infant son Thursday night of last week. The remains were buried in the cemetery at Sharon.
Redell, Infant Son b. 4/10/1934 d. 4/10/1934
Taken off the
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Redell
Birth Date: 10 Apr 1934
Birth Place: Portland, Whiteside, Ill
Death Date: 10 Apr 1934
Death Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 10 Apr 1934
Burial Place: Portland, Whiteside, Ill.
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 1 Day
Race: White
Marital Status: S
Gender: Male
Residence: Portland Twp.
Father Name: Chas. Redell
Father Birth Place: Illinois
Mother Name: Grace Franks
Mother Birth Place: Illinois
Comments: infant
FHL Film Number: 1711614
Redell, LeRoy 1916 1970
Redell, Margaarite Eleanor b. 11/8/1924 d. 6-25-1926
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Margaarite Eleanor Redell
Birth Date: 8 Nov 1924
Birth Place: Spring Hill, Illinois
Death Date: 25 Jun 1926
Death Place: Lyndon, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 27 Jun 1926
Burial Place: Sharon, Portland Twp., Illinois
Death Age: 1
Occupation: Infant
Race: White
Marital Status: S
Gender: Female
Residence: Lyndon, Illinois
Father Name: Ed Redell
Father Birth Place: Yorktown Twp., Illinois
Mother Name: Pearl Sabrey Lawrence
Mother Birth Place: Spring Hill, Illinois
FHL Film Number: 1613439
Redell, Pauline 1877 Dec. 15, 1946
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Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Pauline Redell
[Pauline Bruder]
Birth Date: 1877
Birth Place: Germany
Death Date: 15 Dec 1946
Death Place: East Moline, Rock Island, Ill
Burial Date: 17 Dec 1946
Burial Place: Portland, Whiteside, Ill.
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 69
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Female
Residence: Erie, Whiteside, Ill.
Father Name: George Bruder
Father Birth Place: Germany
Mother Name: Caroline Leaman
Mother Birth Place: Germany
FHL Film Number: 1991462
Redell, Timothy James 6-10-1954 7-24-2013
Timothy Redell
Posted Online: July 25, 2013, 11:04 pm
Timothy J. Redell, 59, of Atlanta, Ga., formerly of Erie, died on Wednesday, July 24, 2013, in Norcross, Ga. Visitation will be from 1 to 4 p.m. on Sunday, July 28, at Gibson- Bode Funeral Home, Erie. Private graveside services will be at Sharon Cemetery, rural Erie. Timothy James Redell was born on July 10, 1954, in Morrison, the son of Blair and Alberta Goodwin Redell, of Erie. He graduated from Erie High School in 1972. Tim married Elise Maehr on Aug. 23, 1980, at Loraine Church, Prophetstown. In addition to being a carpenter and cabinet maker, Tim owned and operated Redell's Heating and Air Conditioning in Erie for four years. In 2011, the couple moved to Atlanta, and Tim worked for Johnson Management LLC. Those who knew Tim, an avid fisherman, well joked that he had the magic touch, saying fish would jump onto his hook or into his boat. He enjoyed hunting, cooking and baking for his family and spending time with his friends. He was a great gardener and adored sharing time with his granddaughter, Grace. Tim is survived by his mother, Alberta Redell, Geneseo; his wife, Elise, Atlanta; sons, Nathan Redell, Atlanta, and Caleb Redell, Erie; a granddaughter, Grace Redell; brother, Allan (Karen) Redell, Pasco, Wash.; sisters, Rita Reiley, Rock Island, and Becky Paxton, Erie. He was preceded in death by his father, Blair; and his nephew, James Reiley. Share a memory of condolence at
Reiger, Ferdinand 10-19-1836 2-8-1917
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name:Ferdinand Rieger
Birth Date:19 Oct 1836
Birth Place:Whitenberg, Germany
Death Date:5 Feb 1917
Death Place:Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date:8 Feb 1917
Burial Place:Shawn (this is to read Sharon)
Death Age:80
Marital Status:M
Mother Name:Margrett Wagon
Mother Birth Place:Hessin/Germany
FHL Film Number:1543820
Reiger, Ferdiand F. 3-19-1855 10-1-1939 Lot 77B h/o Malinda
Republic 10-6-1039
Ferdinand F. Reiger, aged 84 years and a well known resident of this section of the country, died late Sunday afternoon at his home in Spring Hill. Mr. Reiger suffered a stroke of paralysis nearly three months ago and had since been in a serious condition. Mr. Reiger was born March 19, 1855, in Loraine township. He was reared and educated there and married to Melinda (Santee) of Loraine township on Decemaber 5, 1878. His parents were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reiger. The first year Mr. and Mrs. Reiger resided in Portland township after which they moved to Phenix township where they lived for two years. They then purchased a farm one mile south of Spring Hill, where they lived thirty-one yearas or until their retirement to Spring Hill in 1912. Mr. Reiger was a member of Sharon Church. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Nora Dail, who had recently raised with her aged father, a son, Walter, residing on the Reiger farm, an only granddaughter, Mrs. Kenneth Bennett of Geneseo and two great-granddaughter, Elsie Beth and Vernice Bennett of Geneseo. Also surviving are three half sisters, Mrs. Christine Butzer, of Sterling, Mrs. Harrie Humphrey, of Geneseo and Mrs. Lydia Hanna, of Freeport, two half brothers, Benn Roos, of Geneseo and Sam Roos, of Luverne, Minn. The eldest son, Clyde Reiger, of Geneseo, was called by death in 1935 and the wife of the deceased died in 1932. One sister, three half brothers and two half sisters also preceded him in death. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Sharon church. Rev. Curtis L. Price, officiating. Interment was in Sharon cemetery.
Among those who attended the funeral were Mrs. Hattie Humphry, Ben Roose, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kyner, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bennett and daughters, Mrs. Clyde Reiger and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Santee.
Ferdiand F. Reiger married Malinda Catherine Santee (Milton Santee’s twin sister)
Part of a Email:From: santee To:
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 12:51 PM Subject: Sharon Cemetery,
Milton's twin, Malinda Catherine Santee (1860-1932 and her husband Ferdinand F. Regier (1855-1939) and their daughter Nora Alice Regier (1879-1946) and her husband William Robert Dail (1877-1935) are also buried at Sharon
Reiger, Lillie D. 1880 1968 Lot77B
Reiger, Malinda Cathrine (Santee) 11/24/1860 4/14/1932 Lot 77B w/o F.F. Reiger
Republic 4-22-1932
Mrs. F. F. Reiger
Funeral services were held Sunday for Mrs. F. F. Reiger, who passed away afternoon at 2:30 at the Sharon Church at her home in Spring Hill on Thursday, April 14, 1932.Rev. Thompson,of Galesburg, a former pastor of the Sharon church was in charge. Two musical numbers were rended by Mrs. James and Mrs. Barker. The pallbearers were David Arnett, Fred Crosier and David Urick, of Geneseo, Henry Sohrbeck, George Rollo and Bert Brooks, of spring Hill. Interment was in Sharon cemetery. Linda Santee Reiger was born on November 25, 1860 in North Branch, Pennsylvania and was the daughter of Martin and Mary Henry Santee. The family moved to Sharon community in 1870. Deceased attended the schools in Loraine township. When a young girl, she was converted and united with the Sharon church, where she was active until her health failed. On December 5, 1870, she was united in marriage to F. F. Reiger. Their home was made on a farm a mile south of Spring Hill until 1906, when they retired and moved into the house in spring Hill, where Mrs. Reiger passed away Thursday at 1:30, at the age of 71 years, 1 months, and 21 days. Two strokes of paralysis which she suffered during the last three weeks were the immediate cause of her death. Although she had been a great sufferer for some time, she was patient and considerate, a desire not to be a burden to those who cared for her, and contributed kindness to all around her. Mrs. Reiger will be greatly missed by her family and the entire community. She glorify in her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren and found her greatest pleasure in having them with her. Mrs. Reiger for many years has served as a correspondent for the Geneseo Republic, writing item for Spring Hill and vicinity. She leaves to mourn her passing, her husband, one daughter, Mrs. Nora Dail, of near Spring Hill, two sons, Clyde H. Reiger of Geneseo and Walter Reiger, of near Spring Hill, one granddaughter, Mrs. Dorothea Bennet and two great-granddaughters, Elsie Beth and Vernice Bennett of Geneseo, her twin brother Milton Santee of near Geneseo and a number of nieces and nephews. Three brother and four sisters preceded her in death.
Part of a Email:From: santee To:
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 12:51 PM Subject: Sharon Cemetery,
Milton's twin, Malinda Catherine Santee (1860-1932 and her husband Ferdinand F. Regier (1855-1939) and their daughter Nora Alice Regier (1879-1946) and her husband William Robert Dail (1877-1935) are also buried at Sharon.
Taken off the
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Malinde Cathrine Reiger
[Malinde Cathrine Santee]
Birth Date: 24 Nov 1860
Birth Place: North Branch, Wyoming Co , Penn
Death Date: 14 Apr 1932
Death Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 17 Apr 1932
Burial Place: Portland Tws., Whiteside, Illinois
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 71
Occupation: Housekeeper
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Female
Residence: Spring Hill
Father Name: Marten Santee
Father Birth Place: Penn.
Mother Name: Mary Henry
Mother Birth Place: Penn.
Spouse Name: F. F. Reiger
FHL Film Number: 1684332
Reiger, Margaret 5-16-1838 8/8/1918
Republic of 8-16-1918
As announced in these columns last week Mrs. Margaret Rieger, widow of the late F. F. Rieger, Sr., and for many years a resident of Geneseo passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Millie Ballard, at Spring Hill Thursday, August 8, 1918, aged eighty years, two months, and twenty-two days. Mrs. Rieger will alwas be remembered by her friends as a woman of Christian character and throughout her life was industrious and devoted to the care of her family and doing of kind acts. Mrs. Rieger was born in Gisen, Hessen Darmstadt, Germany, May 16, 1838. She was united in marriage to Ferdinand F. Rieger, and to this union were born eight children. Two of these children passed away, one in infancy and a son, W. L. Rieger, at Sterling, January 1, 1916. The husband and father passed away February 5, 1918. There survive the following children, F. F. Rieger, of this city, Mrs. Millie Ballard, of Spring Hill, Mrs. Lizzie Carney, of Wampum, Wis., Charles Rieger, Mrs. Carrie Ward and Mrs. Mamie Overholster, the latter three of Sterling. Beside the sons and daughters there also mourn fourteen grandchildren, four great-grandchildren and the following three sisters, Mrs. Lizzie Hartung, of Geneseo, Mrs. Catharine Hartung, of Rockwell City, Iowa, and Mrs. Susan Burkhart, of Geneseo. Mrs. Rieger was converted and became a Christian in early life as a young girl and was faithful to the tenets of her faith throughout her years. The funeral services were held at the Spring Hill church, Saturday at 2:30 p.m. Rev. J. M. Terry officiating. The body was laid to rest in Sharon cemetery.
Reiger, Walter M. 1883 1964 Lot 77B
Reis, Martha d. 5/21/1874 69y 4m 16d Lot 88
Reis, Mary A. 1824 6/23/1891 67y 1m 16d Lot 88
REMOUR JULIA ANN (Potter) B:4-2-1869 D:8-1-1939
(on tombstone it say her name as Junia)
REMOUR LELAND DEAN b:8-13-1968 d:3/6/1989 (cem had 3-7-1989)
Republic 3-10-1989
Petty Officer Leland Dean (Boomer) Remour, 20, of Colona, drowned while on maneuvers with the United States Navy, on Monday, March 6, 1989. Memorial services will be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday, March 18 at Wright chapel of Stackhouse-Moore funeral Home with the Rev. Charles DeWitt officiating. Memorials may be made to the Boy Scouts of America. He was born August 13, 1968 in Geneseo, son of Leonard D. and Lorraine Fox Remour. He graduated from J. D. Darnall High School in 1987 and joined the Navy on March of that year. He is survived by his parents, of Colona, two sisters, Mrs. Terry (Lisa) Borkgren of Green Rock and Lauri Remour of Colona. His grandparents preceded him in death.
Remour, Lena (Huff) 8/20/1893 1/21/1975
Republic of 1-23-1975
Mrs. Laura Remour, 81, of Geneseo died Tuesday, January 21 in Hammond-Henry hospital. She had been residing at the Hillcrest Home. Services will be 1:30 p.m. Friday in Myers Funeral Home, Geneseo, with the Rev. Donald Calkins of the First Baptist church officiating. Burial will be in Sharon cemetery, northeast of Geneseo. William Bean will be vocalist and Mrs. Robert Daniels, organist. Pallbearers will be David and Rick Littig, Gene, Kenneth, and Art Glazier and Leonard Petrie. Visitation is 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home, where a memorial service will be conducted by the members of the Geneseo Unit Mothers of World War ll at 8 p.m. The former Laura Huff was born August 20, 1893, in Buda. She married George M. Peck in November, 1911, in Howard City, Michigan. He died November 14, 1918. She married Leonard Remour February 1, 1923, in Clinton, Iowa. He died June 27, 1957. Mrs. Remour was a past president of the Geneseo Eagles Auxiliary, a past president of Geneseo Mothers of World War ii, and a member of AARP. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Margaret Glazier Halcom and Mrs. Vera Littig, both of Geneseo, four sons, Ralph W., Fayetteville, North Carolina, Merle, Mount Shasta, California, Pearl I., Bowling Green, Kentucky, and Leonard, Geneseo, 39 grandchildren, 28 great-grandchildren, a brother, Chester, Portland, Oregan, and a sister, Mrs. Lloyd Robbins, Comstock, Michigan. She was preceded in death by a daughter, a granddaughter, two great-grandsons, three brothers and a sister.
REMOUR LEONARD DEAN 12-14-1932 9/18/1997
Republic 9-26-1997
Leonard "Dean" Remour, 64, of Colona, died at home Thursday, September 18, 1997. Funeral services were Saturday, September 20, at Stackhouse-Moore Home, Myers chapel, Geneseo with Rev. Wayne Melais-Swanson officiating. Burial was in Sharon cemetery. in Spring Hill. Music was provided by Donnetta Holtz,, vocal and guitarist, and Marilyn Young, Vocalist. Pallbearers were Michael VanDeVoorde, Roger Remour, Vern Remour, Vince Arnold, Dave Littig, and Rick Littig. Memorials may be made to the Leonard Remour Memorial Fund. Mr. Remour was born December 14, 1932 in Cordova, the son of Leonard L. and Laura (Huff) Remour. He married Lorraine Fox Wells, February 12, 1966 in Geneseo. He had formerly been employed at Franks Foundry, Moline, as an over the-road truck driver and retired from Blackhawk Foundry. He enjoyed camping, cards, bowling, fishing, and his close family. Survivors include his wife, a daughter and son-in-law Lisa and Leonard Stewert of Colona, a daughter and her fiance, Lauri Remour and Tom Osborn of Colona,, grandson's, Jeremy Remour of Colona, and Terry Borkgren III of Jacksonville, a sister and brother-in-law Vera and Jim Littig of Geneseo and brothers and sister-in-law Ralph and Margaret Remour of Fayettevilla, North Carolina, Merle and Lois Remour of Mount Shasta, California and Pearl Remour of Bowling Green, Kentucky. He was preceded in death by his parents, a son, Leonard (Boomer) Remour and two sisters.
REMOUR LEONARD L B:3/23/1901 D:6-26-1957
Dispatch 6-26-1957
Leonard Lesmore (Dick) Remour, 56, of 409 1/2 S. Spring St., Geneseo died at 3:15 this morning in Hammond-Henry Hospital after a long illness. services will be at 2 Friday afternoon in Sharon church. The Rev. Ewald Lieske, pastor will officiate. Burial in Sharon cemetery. Calls may be made at Myers Funeral Home, Geneseo, tomorrow afternoon and evening. Mr. Remour was born March 23, 1901 in Cambridge, the son of Ralph W. and Junia Potter Remour. He was reared and educated in Henry and Whiteside counties and had lived in Geneseo the last six years. Mr. Remour had farmed before moving to Geneseo and while here he had been employed by the state highway maintenance department. He married Laura Huff Peck in Clinton, Ia. in Feb. 1, 1923. He was a member of the Silvis Eagle Lodge and attended the Ebenezer church. Surviving are the widow, four son's Sgt first Class Ralph W. Remour of Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., David M. of Mt. Shasta, Calif., Pearl I of Lynn Center, L. Dean at home, two daughters, Mrs. Donald Petrie of Franklin Grove and Mrs. James Littig of Lynn Ceanter, a step-daughter, Mrs. Margaret Glazier of Atkinson, 19 grandchildren, 2 great-grandchildren, four brothers, Rolland of Silvis and Russell of Albany, Leslie of Oregon, Ill., Perry of Erie, a sister Mrs. Jake Klockenga of Prophetstown. He was preceded in death by his parents and two brothers.
REMOUR LILA B:8-12-1940
REMOUR MILTON B:1898 D:Nov. 1915
Republic 11-19-1915
Milton Remour passed away last week after two weeks of illness and laid to rest in the Sharon cemetery. He was almost nineteen years of age.
REMOUR RALPH PERRY B:7/22/1893 D:2/27/1965
Dispatch 3-2-1965
Ralph (Perry) Remour, 71, of Erie was found dead in his room in the Carlson building here yesterday morning. A Whiteside County Coroner's Jury ruled at an inquest yesterday in schilling Funeral home here that Remour died of self inflicted gunshot wounds. The inquest was conducted by Coroner John Ardapple. Burial was today in Sharon cemetery near Spring Hill. Mr. Remour was born July 22, 1893 in Burns Twp. Henry County, the son of Ralph and Junia Remour. He attended schools in Henry county. Mr. Remour had been a resident of Erie and the athe vicinity the last 50 years. He was a retired farmer. Survivors include one sister, Mrs. Jake Klockenga of Prophetstown and three brothers, Robert of Albany, Rolland of Silvis and Leslie of Oregon, Ill.
Found this in Dispatch the following; Memorial services for Ralph Perry Remour,71, who died Feb 27 will be Sunday afternoon in the Schilling Funeral Home here. The Rev. Glenn Harms pastor of the Erie Baptist church will officiate. A fund for the Sharon church has been established.
Remour, Ralph Warner Mar. 10, 1852 Oct. 23, 1931
Republic 10-30-1931
Ralph W. Remour, son of Mrs. and Mrs. Christopher Remour, who were pioneer settlers of Burns township, passed away at his home north of Geneseo, Friday, Oct 23, 1931, at the age of 78 years, 10 months, and 24 days. The deceased was born in Burns township community Dec. 4, 1852, and at the time of death was the last son of a family of eleven children. His parents came here from Montreal, Canada in 1840. In the year of 1890, he was united in marriage to Junia A. Potter at the Baptist parsonage in Kewanee. To this union eight children were born. Mr. Remour lived most of his life in Henry county, with the exception of seven years spent in Iowa and seven years in Whiteside county this state. He attended schools in Burns township and learned the blacksmith trade from his father, but later followed the occupation of farming. In the year 1910 he united with the Ebenezer Evangelical church of which he was a faithful attendant until impaired hearing and poor health prevented his attendance. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Junia Remour, six son's: Perry and Russell at home, Ira of Propetstown, Lesline of Havana, Leonard of Cordova, Rolland of St. Paul, Minn. and one daughter Mrs. Hazal Klockenga of Prophetstown, three sisters, Mrs. Ida Gibboney of Hasting, Nebr., Mrs. Adella Chickering of Fort Collin, Colo., and Mrs. Cara Barnes of Grinnell, Ia. Also there are six grandsons and one granddaughter. One son Milton preceded his father in death 1915. Three of his seven brothers served in the Civil War and three of his son's served in World War I. Funeral services were held Sunday at 2:30 o'clock at Sharon church with the Rev. H. O. Zimmerman, pastor of Ebenezer Church and Rev. G. H. Wykle pastor of Grace church in charge of services. The pallbearers were William Marin, Henry Haines, Simon Jaquest, Wallace Kempster, Marin Franks, and John Kuszmal. Irene and Lois Delp sang suitable number with Mrs. Elmer Delp at the organ. Burial was in Sharon cemetery.
Taken off of
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Ralph Warner Remour
Birth Date: 10 Mar 1852
Birth Place: Illinois
Death Date: 23 Oct 1931
Death Place: Phoenix Township, Henry, Illinois
Burial Date: 25 Oct 1931
Burial Place: Portland Township, Whiteside, Ill.
Cemetery Name: Sharon Cemetery
Death Age: 78
Occupation: Farmer
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Male
Residence: Phoenix Township, Henry, Ill.
Father Name: Christopher Remour
Father Birth Place: New York
Mother Name: Hestor Warner
Mother Birth Place: Montreal, Canada
Spouse Name: Jurnia Remour
FHL Film Number: 1653950
REMOUR ROLLAND B:1-16-1904 D:2-12-1981
Richardson, Eliza Fuller b. 1826 d. Aug. 27, 1864 38y 7m Lot 76
Riggs, Daniel B. b. May 3, 1840 d. Jan. 21, 1864
Riggs, Mary b. Apr. 15, 1833 d. Jan. 17, 1861
Riley, Abigial Burnett b. Dec. 17, 1825 d. Jan. 12, 1907 w/o John Lot 68
Republic 1-25-1907
Mrs. Abigal (Burnet) Riley was born in Fulton county, New York, 1825. In 1830 her parents moved to Saratoga county where she grew to womanhood. At the age of twenty she united with the Methodist Episcopal church. She was married on the 26th. day of December, 1844, to Dr. John Riley and moved to the state of Illinois on the year 1847. This union were born seven children, namely Charles born in 1848, John born in 1850, William born 1853, George born in 1856, Bruce born in 1859, Henry Clay born in 1867, all of whom are living except William who died in the year of 1888. Her husband died June 17, 1903, after living together for fifty-nine years. Mrs. Riley was in ill health for some time and was stricken with paralysis, Thursday January 10th and departed this life Jan. 12, 1907 at the age of eighty-two years. Of her it can be said, "Well done thou good and faithful servant." After living for seventy years in the Christian faith she gladly welcome the call: Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." funeral services were held at Sharon church, Tuesday Jan. 15th, Rev. Wade Smith officiating. The remains were interred in the Sharon cemetery.
Submitted on rootsweb website Dennis (
Name: Abigail Burnett Sex: F
Birth: 17 DEC 1825 in Northville, Fulton County, New York
Death: 12 JAN 1907 in Spring Hill, Whiteside County, Illinois
Residence: 1846 Moved to Illinois
Burial: Sharon Cemetery,Whiteside County, Illinois
Riley, Daughter b. 1862 d. 1864
Riley, Ellen b. 1827 d. 1864
Riley, Forrest C. Dec. 11, 1900 Jul 9, 1939 s/o Henry & Mathilda
Taken off of
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Forrest C. Riley
Birth Date: 11 Dec 1900
Birth Place: Spring Hill, Ill
Death Date: 9 Jul 1939
Death Place: Evergreen Park, Cook Co , Illinois
Burial Date: 12 Jul 1939
Burial Place: Portland Twp, Whitside, Ill
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 38
Occupation: Accountant
Race: White
Marital Status: S
Gender: Male
Residence: Aurora, Kane Co., Illinois
Father Name: Henry Clay Riley
Father Birth Place: Spring Hill, Ill
Mother Name: Mathilda Peterson
Mother Birth Place: Nebraska
FHL Film Number: 1819835
Riley, Henry C. 1861 1938 h/o Mathilda Lot 68
Riley, John b. 1855 d. 1864
Riley, Dr John b. Sep. 30, 1818 d. Jun. 17, 1903 h/o Abigail Lot 68
Republic 6-26-1903
Judge Charles Riley, of Albron, Neb. Better known to our readers as Prof. Riley, visited in Geneseo Tuesday. His presence in Illinois at this time was occasioned by the death of his father, Dr. John Riley, Sr., which occurred at his home in Spring Hill Wednesday of last week, at the age of eighty-four. Dr. Riley was a pioneer of Illinois, coming to Knox county in 1846. From 1849 until 1853, he resided in Andover township and then removed to Spring Hill where he has since resided. By hi skill and thorough knowledge of medicine he soon won the confidence and esteem of the people. In the Course of a few years, he built up an extensive and lucrative practice, his rides extending to all the adjoining counties for not withstanding the difficultly of traveling in early day. He always responded cheerful and promptly to the calls of his numerous patients. A man of prudent foresight and good business capacity, the doctor purchased land soon after locating at Spring Hill, and has since improved a fine homestead. He was also engaged in mercantile business there for about eight years , meeting with excellent success in this as in his other industries. Six sons survive him, as follows, Charles a attorney in Albron, Neb, John a physician at Exlis, Iowa, George W. a lawyer in Idaho, Bruce, a doctor residing in Goldfield, Iowa, Henry C. who lives on the home farm near Spring Hill, and Lincoln an active practitioner of Wisner, Neb, Dr. Riley always took a deep interest in local affairs and in 1872 he was elected county coroner, and office which he filled most satisfactorily. Fraternity, he was Master Mason.
Riley, Mary b. 1863 d. 1864
Riley, Mary Mathilda 7/12/1865 Oct 1949 w/o Henry C. Lot 68
Dispatch 10-17-1949
Mrs. Mary M. Riley, 84, died in her home in Lyndon at 4;15 Sunday morning. She had been in failing health for several months. The body was removed to the Gardner Mortuary in Prophetstown where friends may call. Funeral services will be held at 3 tomorrow afternoon in Gardner chapel. The Rev. C. F. Chasteen of the Prophetstown and Lyndon Methodist church, assisted by the Rev. Fred Graham will officiate. Burial will be in Sharon cemetery. Mary Mathilda Petersen was born July 12, 1865 in New York City, N.Y., the daughter of Lawrence and Hattie Strickler Petersen. She was educated in schools at Moberly, Mo. She was married to Henry Clay Riley of Clearwater, Neb. on April 8, 1886. They moved to Illinois and lived on a farm in the Spring Hill community until moving to Lyndon in 1920. Mr. Riley died in 1938. Mrs. Riley had lived in her present home for nine years. She was a member of the Methodist church and W.S.C.S. the Lyndon Woman's club and Birthday Club. The Riley's were parents of six children. The son, Forrest, died in 1939. Surviving are Mrs. Mary Redell, who had lived with and cared for her mother several year's, Mr. Ethel Maberry of Santa Monica, Calif., Mrs. George Gregory of Kansas City, Mo., Mrs. Jerry Jaegar of Washington D.C. and Mrs. Alonza Melton of Macomb. Also two sisters, Mrs. Ethel Blair and Mrs. Katherine Holland of Denver, Colo, and several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Preceding her in death was her husband and son, Forrest,two brothers and two sisters.
Riley, Patrick b. 1821 d. 1864
Rogers, Infant Son b. 5/2/1922 d. 5/2/1922
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Rogers
Birth Date: 2 May 1922
Death Date: 2 May 1922
Death Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 3 May 1922
Burial Place: Sharon
Death Age: 1 Day
Gender: Male
Residence: Portland Township, Whiteside
Father Name: Corniel Rogers
Father Birth Place: Belgium
Mother Name: Foreolia Starsins Or Starsius
Mother Birth Place: Belgium
Comments: Stillbirth
FHL Film Number: 1570829
Rollo, Anna McLeod b. 6/24/1869 d. 11/23/1937
Taken off the
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Anna Rollo
Birth Date: 24 Jun 1869
Birth Place: Tain, Ross Co , Scotland
Death Date: 23 Nov 1937
Death Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 26 Nov 1937
Burial Place: Portland, Whiteside Co., Ill.
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 68
Occupation: Housekeeper
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Female
Residence: Portland, Whiteside Co., Ill.
Father Birth Place: Scotland
Mother Birth Place: Scotland
Spouse Name: George Rollo
FHL Film Number: 1787129
Rollo, George H b. 7/23/1868 d. 4/9/1942
Republic 4/17/1942
George H. Rollo, a blacksmith in Spring Hill for 52 years, died at 10 o'clock Thursday morning, April 9th., following a cerebral hemorrhage, which he suffered the night before. Mr. Rollo was born July 23, 1868 in Aberdeen, Scotland and came to Marseilles, Ill. in 1888. He remained there about two years after which he moved to Spring Hill, where he has since resided. He learned the blacksmith trade while in Scotland. He was married to Anna McLeod, in October 1892 in Tampico. she died on November 1937. Mr. Rollo was a member of the Presbyterian church and active member of the Erie Masonic Lodge. Mourning him are a daughter, Mrs. Julius Mix of Portland township and a son, William of Sterling, six grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, one brother in Scotland, one sister Mrs. Mary Beghtol, of Long Beach, California. A son, Harold preceded him in death. Funeral rites were held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the home and at 2:30 in Sharon church, north of Geneseo. Burial was in Sharon cemetery. Pallbearers were Arthur Martin, Charles Zschiesche, George O. Perkins, Leonard Arnett, Walter Reiger, and Elmer Young.
Taken off the
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: George H Rollo
Birth Date: 23 Jul 1868
Birth Place: Scotland
Death Date: 9 Apr 1942
Death Place: Portland Twp , Whiteside, Ill
Burial Date: 11 Apr 1942
Burial Place: Portland Twp., Whiteside, Illinois
Cemetery Name: Sha...
Death Age: 73
Occupation: Blacksmith-Self
Race: White
Marital Status: W
Gender: Male
Residence: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Father Name: James Rollo
Father Birth Place: Scotland
Mother Name: Anna
Mother Birth Place: Scotland
Spouse Name: Anna Rollo
FHL Film Number: 1851453
Rollo, Harold Feb. 22, 1895 Dec. 26, 1936
Republic 1/1/1937
Harold Rollo aged 42, of Spring Hill was found dead in a burning car, a short distance west of Erie, Saturday morning, Dec. 26, 1936, the body being so badly charred as to make identification difficult. Fred Woodring of Rock Falls, a passing motorist, saw the car in flames and notified Robert Greer, night watchman at Erie. The two men removed the body from the car and notified Sheriff A. D. Hamilton of Whiteside county. At the inquest Saturday afternoon at the Slaymaker funeral home, the body was identified as that of Harold Rollo, by means of wearing apparel, articles in the car known to be property of Rollo, and the auto license. He had been working for the International Harvester company since last November, as an expert blacksmith in the forge department. According to testimony given by members of the family, he was to have spent Christmas at his home in Spring Hill, but it was not known where he had spent the day. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in Sharon church near Erie with Rev. A. L. Reid officiating. Selections were sung by Edwin Meier of Geneseo with Robert Pfundstein of Erie accompanying. Pallbearers were Charles Zschiesche, George Perkins, Henry Sohrbeck, Elmer Hoffmeister, Art Martin, and Louis Kennedy. Burial was in Sharon cemetery. Survivors include the parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Rollo, and a brother William Rollo, of Spring Hill.
Taken off of
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Harold Rollo
Birth Date: 22 Feb 1895
Birth Place: Spring Hill, Whiteside, Illinois
Death Date: 26 Dec 1936
Death Place: Erie Township, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 27 Dec 1936
Burial Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Cemetery Name: Sharon Cemetery
Death Age: 41
Occupation: Black smith
Race: White
Marital Status: D
Gender: Male
Residence: Spring Hill
Father Name: Geo. Rollo
Father Birth Place: Aberdine Co., Scotland
Mother Name: Anna McCleod
Mother Birth Place: Rothshire Co., Scotland
Spouse Name: Ethel Rollo
FHL Film Number: 1766275
ROSELIEB, Jerrod R. b. July 5, 1950 d. Jan. 26, 2006
Parents: Oscar & Lela (Post) Roselieb Married: Diane Kallebach & Debbie Hunter
JERROD R. ROSELIEB , 55 of Green Forest, Arkansas formerly of Erie died Thursday, January 26, 2006 in Green Forest. Services will be 10:00 AM Monday at the Gibson Funeral Home, Erie. Burial will be in Sharon Cemetery, Erie. Visitation will be on Sunday form 4 to 7 PM. A memorial fund ahs been established. Mr. Roselieb was born July 5, 1950 in Moline the son of Oscar “Ted” and Lela Post Roselieb. He served as a helicopter door gunner in the US Army during the Vietnam War. He was wounded when his helicopter was shot down in Vietnam and spent many months in the U.S. Naval Hospital in Chicago. Jerry was awarded the Purple Heart for his injuries. He married Diane Kallebach in 1972 in Lyndon. He later married Debbie Hunter in 1979 in Morrison. Jerry was employed at Billie’s Place in Green Forest. He enjoyed barbequing and all of the outdoor activities. Survivors include his wife of Seattle, WA, a daughter, Justine Roselieb, Seattle, a son, Keith Rixen, Moline, his mother, Lela Roselieb, Port Byron, sisters, Patricia Edie, Erie, Georgia Cooper, Prophetstown and Leah Garrison, Port Byron, half sisters, Diane Ruth, Sterling and Lorene Holloway, Rock Falls, brother, Darrell Roselieb, Erie and a half brother, Duane “Butch” Roselieb, Prophetstown. He was preceded in death by his father and nephews, Landis Garrison and Scott Holloway. Contributed by Debbie Thormahalen from The Prophetstown Echo – January 31, 2006
Roselieb, Julia Anna Horton b. Oct. 16, 1876 d. Sep. 2, 1943
(date of death needs verified)
Julia Anna Horton Roselieb
Birth: Oct. 16, 1876 Beaver Pike County Ohio, USA
Death: Sep. 2, 1943 Moline Rock Island County Illinois, USA
Parents: Christopher Columbus Horton Sarah Jennie Allen Lyons
Spouse: William Oscar Roselieb 1872-1949
Roy Howard Roselieb 1898-1979
Wilbur Roselieb 1899-1899
Jennie Pearl Roselieb 1902-1934
Ralph Richard Roselieb 1904-1971
Mae Hattie Roselieb 1906-1959
Minnie Roselieb 1908-xxxx
William Arthur Roselieb 1909-1996
Alice Marion Roselieb 1911-1970
Howard Theodore 1912-1995
Oscar Walter Roselieb 1914-1976
Nellie Roselieb 1917-xxxx
Robert Roselieb 1918-1918
Notes: Anna was a farmer's housewife
1900 Marion, Pike Co. IL
1910 Prophetston, Whiteside co. IL
1920 Erie, Whiteside Co. IL
1930, Tampico Twp, Whiteside Co. IL,
Anna cited as widowed, servant for
private family; Oscar cited as divorced
in Portland Twp.
Illinois Death & Stillborn Index
Anna Roselieb
[Anna Horton]
Birth Date: 16 Oct 1876
Birth Place: Beaver, Ohio
Death Date: 31 Aug 1943
Death Place: Moline, Rock Island, Illinois
Burial Date: 2 Sep 1943
Burial Place: Whitesides, Ill.
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 66
Occupation: Housewife
Race: White
Marital Status: W
Gender: Female
Residence: Erie, Whitesides, Illinois
Father Name: Christopher Columbus Horton
Father Birth Place: Ohio
Mother Name: Jennie Allen Lyons
Mother Birth Place: Ohio
FHL Film Number: 1983459
Family links:
Christopher Columbus Horton (1848 - 1918)
Sarah Jennie LyonsHorton (1852 - 1900)
William Oscar Roselieb (1872 - 1949)
Homer Grant Roselieb (1900 - 1918)*
Jennie Pearl RoseliebLawrence (1902 - 1934)*
William Arthur Roselieb (1909 - 1995)*
Robert Roselieb (1918 - 1918)*
Created by: Paul Fantz
Record added: Feb 27, 2012
find A Grave Memorial # 85830282
ROSELIEB, LELA I. 11/9/1927 3/27/2017
Lela I. Roselieb, 89, of Erie, died Monday, March 27, 2017, at Hope Creek Care Center, East Moline. Services will be held at 1 p.m. on Wednesday at Gibson-Bode Funeral Home, Erie. Visitation will be from 11 a.m. until the start of the service on Wednesday. Burial will be at Sharon Cemetery, rural Erie. Memorials may be made to the Honor Flight of the Quad Cities. Lela was born Nov. 9, 1927, in Seattle, the daughter of John and Stella Fendrickoff Post. She married Oscar "Ted" Roselieb on June 21, 1947, in Davenport. He preceded her in death in 1976. Lela worked for a time at Winning Wheels in Prophetstown. She was a member of the WWII Mothers and a former member of the Erie Christian Church. She enjoyed crafts, reading and crocheting. She also loved gardening and canning. Survivors include her four children, Patricia (Richard) Edie, Erie, Darrell (Marilyn) Roselieb, Erie, Georgia (David) Cooper, Prophetstown, and Leah (Randy) Garrison, Port Byron; stepchildren, Lorene Hollaway, Rock Falls, and Duane "Butch" Roselieb, Prophetstown; 11 grandchildren; nine stepgrandchildren; many great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren; and one brother, Art Post, Salina, Kan. She was preceded in death by her parents; husband; son, Jerrod Roselieb; granddaughter, Rebbeca Findley; grandson, Landis Garrison; two stepgrandchildren; and four siblings, Ivan, John, Laura and Winnie.
ROSELIEB, OSCAR W. died 1976
Dispatch 24, 1976
Oscar W. "Ted" Roselieb, 61, of rural Prophetstown, died Sunday at his home. Services will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday at the Schilling-Reedy funeral Home. Burial will be in Sharon Cemetery, where Denton-Schreiner American Legion Post will conduct military services. Visitation is after 7 tonight at the funeral home. Mr. Roselieb was born in Erie. He married Lela Post in 1947 in Davenport. He was a retired machine operator for John Deere Harvester, East Moline Works. He was a veteran of World War II. Survivors include the widow; daughters, Mrs. William Lodge, of Erie, Mrs. David Cooper, of Prophetstown, Leah Roselieb, of Coal Valley, and Mrs. Gene Ruth and Mrs.Charles Halloway, both of Rock Falls,; sons, Darrell and Jerry, both of Erie, and Duane, of Prophetstown; 17 grandchildren; a great-grandchild; sisters Mrs. George Lyon and Mrs. Herbert Williams, both of Erie;and brothers, Roy and William both of Prophetstown, and Howard, of Erie.
ROSELIEB, THELMA M. (EYRICH) b.4-23-1915 d. 6-10-2004
THELMA M. (EYRICH) ROSELIEB , 89, formerly of Erie, died Thursday, June 10, 2004, at CGH Medical Center, Sterling. Services will be 1:30 p.m. Sunday at the Erie United Methodist Church. Burial will be in Sharon Cemetery, Erie. Visitation will be 3 to 5 p.m. Saturday at the Gibson Funeral Home, Erie. A memorial fund has been established. The former Thelma Marie Eyrich was born April 23, 1915, in Reading, Pa., the daughter of Clarence and Elmira Wayne Eyrich. She married Howard T. Roselieb Aug. 3, 1932, in Erie. He died Feb. 5, 1995. She was a member of the Erie United Methodist Church and was a former member of the Erie Senior Citizens. She had been a volunteer at the Erie Elementary School. Mrs. Roselieb enjoyed watching TV, doing crossword puzzles and bird watching. She was a resident of the Prophet's Riverview Center, where she enjoyed assisting with the activities and helping with the baking using her own recipes. Survivors include her daughters and sons-in-law, Rita Ayre, Freeport, Ill., Beverly and FredSuzuki, Arlington Heights, Ill., and Susie and Ron DeBuysere, Erie; grandchildren, Craig Blumhoff, Kurt Blumhoff and Krisa Heinsen; seven great-grandchildren; brothers and sisters-in-law, Cleon and Jean Eyrich, Prophetstown, Loy and Eldina Eyrich, Bell Plain, Minn., and Lee and Carol Eyrich, Geneseo; and a sister-in-law, Carol Jo Eyrich, Geneseo. She was preceded in death by a son, Larry, in 1974, and a great-grandchild. Contributed by Judy Morgan
Roselieb, William Arthur "Willie" b. Jan. 1, 1909 d. Oct. 31, 1995
The Daily Gazette, Sterling-Rock Falls, Illinois November 1, 1995 - Wednesday, pg A2
WILLIAM A. ROSELIEB , 86, of 28677 Ridge Rd., Prophetstown, died Tuesday, Oct. 31, 1995 at KSB Hospital, Dixon. Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. Thursday at the Gardner Funeral Home, Prophetstown, with the Rev. Bruce Janes, Pastor of the United Methodist Church, officiating. Burial will be at Sharon Cemetery, rurual Erie. Visitation will be from 6-8 p.m. today at the funeral home. A memorial has been established. Mr. Roselieb was born Jan. 1, 1909, in Prophetstown, the son of Oscar and Julia (Horton) Roselieb. He married Flossie Egert on Dec. 30, 1933 in the Erie Church of Christ. She died Aug. 16, 1991. He farmed, did carpentry work, and laid drainage tile for many years. He enjoyed hunting, trapping wild game, and raising popcorn. Survivors include two daughters, Sharon (Ronald) Oleson of Prophetstown, and Joyce (Eugene) Anderson of Rock Falls; two sons, Ronald (Shirley) Roselieb of Hooppole, and Gary (Jackie) Roselieb of Prophetstown; 11 grandchildren; 21 great grandchildren; and two sisters, Minnie (George) Lyon and Nellie Williams, both of Erie. He was preceded in death by one grandson, three sisters, and seven brothers.
WILLIAM ROSELIEB , Funeral services for William Oscar Roselieb, 76, of Portland Township, whose death occurred Friday afternoon at the Wilson Nursing Home in Rock Falls, were held Sunday afternoon at the Schilling Funeral Home with Pastor Paul Burdick of the Christian Church officiating. Organ music was provided by Mrs. R. M. Schilling. Pallbearers were Eli Upton, Dean Howard, D. O. Bayles and Ralph Sibley all of Prophetstown, Thomas and Aitkin Carpenter of Erie. Interment was in the Erie Cedmetery. The flowers were in charge of Mrs. Eli Upton and Mrs. Dean Howard of Prophetstown and Mrs Thomas Carpenter, Jr., and Mrs. Gene Carpenter of Erie. Relatives from a distance attending the rites were Albert Roselieb, DeKalb, Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson of Dixon, A. C.Roselieb, Mrs. Martin Sturmer and Mr. and Mrs. George Roselieb of Morrison and a large number of relatives and friends from Propheststown, Hillsdale and vicinity. Contributed by Melva L. Taylor - The Sterling Daily Gazette September 26, 1949 - Monday, pg 2
Rowe, James d. 1/2/1871 h/o Mary 67y 8m 5d Lot 69B
ROWE, Julia A. b. 1827 d. 8/8/1888 Parents: John & Lydia (Hall) Kempster Married: George Washington Rowe
Rowe, Mary A. d. 7/2/1863 1902 w/o James 59y 5 m 13d Lot 69B
Republic 1-10-1902
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Rowe, a former resident of this vicinity but for the last few years of Geneseo, took place at Sharon church, Saturday at 12 o'clock. Rev Woodring of Geneseo, had charge of the services and the remains were laid at rest in the Sharon cemetery.
RUGGS, Daniel b. d. Jan 26, 1864 Co I 112th Civil War
Santee, Charles Cleveland b. December 1892 d. May 1976 s/o Milton & Mary h/o Mary
Part of a Email:From: santee To:
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 12:51 PM Subject: Sharon Cemetery,
The Charles Cleavland (sp?) you mention from your database of family history is the son of Milton Rolland Santee (1860-1936) and Mary Nettie Boda (1867-1931). He was born in December 1892 and died in May 1976. I assume he was named for his uncle (Milton's brother) Charles C. Santee (25 Sep 1866-21 Mar 1892). He's buried at Sharon on the same plot as his parents Martin (1822-1885) and Mary Henry (1829-1902). Charles was married to Mary M. Sorbeck in October 1891. Mary gave birth to their child in July 1892 and later remarried.
Santee, Charles C.. 9/25/1866 3/21/1892 Lot 13 s/o Martin & Mary Santee
Republic of 3-25-1892.
A fatal shooting accident occurred at the residence of Jacob Sauerbach, on the Cook Besse, farm, near Sharon, last Sunday. His son-in-law, Charles Santee, who was the victim, was visiting there that day and about 2 o'clock in the afternoon he and his brother-in-law were examining a gun. They knew it was loaded, and as a precaution had taken the caps off. In some way unknown it was discharged while in the hands of his brother-in-law and the charge struck Santee in the thigh near the groin, causing a wound from which he died at 2 a.m. Monday. Deceased was a son of Mrs. Mary Santee, formerly of this city, was aged about 26 years, and had been married but about six months. It is a very sad affair and the brother-in-law is overwhelmed by grief on account of it. The funeral was held last Wednesday. The young wife and other relatives have the deepest sympathy of friends.
Part of a Email:From: santee To:
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 9:11 PM Subject: Sharon Cemetery
Ms. Pardus, Thank you for your work with the Sharon Cemetery. My wife and I were at Sharon just last month to tie a few loose strings together. Anyway, Martin Santee was my Great-Grandfather. There is a correction to be made about Martin. His age at death was 62 years, etc., etc. He died in 1885 and his wife Mary (nee: Henry) later remarried Dixon Allan but she out-lived him. On the same family plot is their son Charles Santee who died in 1892. Charles was married in October 1891 and died in March 1892. I believe that the broken stone to the south of the large SANTEE stone is for another of their children, Walter J. Walter appears in the 1870 and 1880 census as does Charles. That's about all I know about Charles and obviously less about Walter. Walter does NOT appear in the 1900 census so the inference is that he had died by that time. I have marriage records for Charles that I obtained at the courthouse in Morrison but have had no luck finding anything about Walter. I attempted to locate death information (obit) about Charles at the Geneseo Public Library but their equipment was not working properly and they were unable to assist me in locating anything regarding him. I'd be interested to know if cemetery records exist showing if, indeed, Walter is buried on that plot and when he was buried. It is my intent to contact the Geneseo Public Library and let them search the newspapers for Charles' marriage and death (since they volunteered). If I can discover Walter's death/burial date perhaps I can locate more information. Thanks again for your work at Sharon.
Ray Santee
100 S. Maple
P.O. Box 501
Inman, KS 67546-0501
Santee, John Roland b.June 7, 1889 d. Nov. 10, 1933
Geneseo Republic 11-17-1933; John Roland Santee, aged 44 years died unexpectedly from heart failure about noon Friday morning, Nov. 10, 1933, while digging potatoes at the farm home of his father, Milton Santee, in Loraine township. A jury was empanelled by Coroner J. Stephenson of Galva to inquire into the cause of death, composed of Marion Cherry, foreman, Carl Johnson, Darrell Perry, Arthur Munson, Chester Horner, and Julius Williams. The jury returned a verdict of death from heart attack. Testimony given by the father, Milton Santee and a brother, Ralph Santee, indicated that the deceased had complained of illness and had not been known to visit a physician at the time recently. He had talked of digging the potatoes and of plowing the ground in which the potatoes were sown. He had been in the house most of the forenoon and at 11:30 had gone to dig potatoes. It was not until p.m. that the brother, Ralph, went to the field and found him lying face downward where he had been digging. John Roland Santee was born June 7, 1889 in Loraine township and had spent his entire life in this community. He was the son of Milton and Sarah Boda Santee. He had been following the occupation of farm laborer andmechanic. Surviving are the father, Milton Santee, sister, Mrs. Florence ???? of Bettendorf, five brothers, Ralph, Howard, Clarence of Loraine and Charles, of Fairhault, Minn., and Alvin )??) of Newton, Iowa. Funeral services were held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at Sharon church with Rev. H.H. Zimmerman officiating. Singers were Mrs. Fred Weber, Mrs. Roy Heller with Mrs. H. O Zimmerman accompanist. Pallbearers were Bert Lodge, William Brooks, Roy Thorp, Perry Remor, Howard Martin, Howard Brooks , and Raymond Newton. Burial was in Sharon cemetery. Submitted by Robin Pardus and Fama Prokup
Santee, Martin 8/3/1822 2/10/1885 Lot 13 age 62y 5m 28d h/o Mary
Republic of Feb. 13, 1885
Mr. Martin Santee, an old resident of Loraine, died at his home at 11 o'clock Tuesday from a stroke of paralysis. Deceased was 62 years of age and has been a well known farmer of the town where he died for sixteen years past. Funeral services will be held at the Sharon church next Sabbath, and the remains laid at rest in the cemetery there.
Geneseo Republic 2-20-1885
Mr. Martin Santee, who died at his home in Loraine on Tuesday of last week was hardly confirmed to his room an hour prior to his death.
(From Fama Prokup; Note: I write it as it was publish in paper and back than it was something else.)
Santee, Mary 2/28/1829 4/4/1902 Lot 13 79y nee: Henry w/o Martin
Republic of April 11, 1902
Mrs. Mary Santee departed this, life Friday, April 3, 1902, at 8 o'clock. She was taken sick about two months ago while on the way to Iowa, and was brought back home three weeks prior to he death. Her friends thought she was gaining up to last Friday, when she was taken suddenly worse. All that kind and loving hands could do was done but she declined rapidly and passed away as stated above. The funeral was held at the Sharon Church Monday at 11 o'clock conducted by Rev. Thompson, of Erie, who preached from the text found in 1st. Sam. 20:3, "It is but a step between me and death," a text that was repeated by her only three days before her death in a conversation with her daughter, Linda. The remains were laid at rest in the family lot in the Sharon cemetery.
Rest on, dear mother, soon we'll meet you
In a world that's free from pain.
Meet around the throne of Jesus,
Never more to part again.
Thought it seems so hard to leave her,
In the cold, dark grave alone.
Yet our savior still will guard her
As he did while here below.
Dearest brothers, sisters, friends,
Let us tread the path she trod,
That whenever Jesus calls us
We'll meet dear mother and our God.
Copy on file: Geneseo Republic of April 11, 1902
Mrs. Mary Santee Allen died at the home of her son, Milton Santee, last Friday evening. Her funeral was held at Sharon Monday forenoon and she was laid to rest beside her first husband, Mr. Santee, in the Sharon cemetery. She was quite an aged lady and had a host of relatives and friends who mourn her departure.
Santee, Milton Rolland 11/25/1860 7/11/1936 Lot 14A h/o Mary Nettie Boda
Part of a Email:From: santee To:
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 12:51 PM Subject: Sharon Cemetery,
East of Martin and Mary Santee's plot are the graves of Milton Rolland Santee (1860-1936) and Mary Nettie Boda (1867-1931). Milton was another of Martin and Mary's children. Milton and Nettie's son John Roland (1899-1933) is also buried at Sharon but you have have his information. Milton's twin, Malinda Catherine Santee (1860-1932) married and her husband Ferdinand F. Regier (1855-1939).
Taken off of
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Milton R. Santee
Birth Date: 25 Nov 1860
Birth Place: Pennsylvania
Death Date: 11 Jul 1936
Death Place: Loraine, Henry, Illinois
Burial Date: 13 Jul 1936
Burial Place: Portland Twp., Whiteside, Illinois
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 75
Occupation: Farmer
Race: White
Marital Status: W
Gender: Male
Residence: Loraine Twp.
Father Name: Martin Thomas Santee
Father Birth Place: Pennsylvania
Mother Name: Mary Henry Santee
Mother Birth Place: Pennsylvania
Spouse Name: Nettie Bodas
FHL Film Number: 1766166
Santee, Mary Nettie Boda 1867 1931 Lot 14A w/o Milton
Part of a Email:From: santee To:
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 12:51 PM Subject: Sharon Cemetery,
East of Martin and Mary Santee's plot are the graves of Milton Rolland Santee (1860-1936) and Mary Nettie Boda (1867-1931). Milton was another of Martin and Mary's children. Milton and Nettie's son John Roland (1899-1933) is also buried at Sharon but you have have his information. Milton's twin, Malinda Catherine Santee (1860-1932) married and her husband Ferdinand F. Regier (1855-1939).
Santee, Walter J. b. abt 1864 d. July 1883
Part of a Email:From: santee To:
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 12:51 PM Subject: Sharon Cemetery,
It is my belief that the broken stone on the south of the SANTEE plot is that of Walter J. Santee (b. abt 1864). That is about all I know of Walter.
Last Sunday morning Walter Santer son of Martin Santee, of Sharon, was drowned. In company with several other young men, he went bathing in Rock river at the old stone quarry near Benson's. After finishing their bath the boys concluded to ride their horses Into the river. Young Santee's horse either reined in or freightened, reared and fell over backwards burrying his rider under him and probably inflicting injuries that prevented the boy from helping himself out, as he was drowned. Search was continuously made for the body for two days, but at last accounts we had from there it had not been recovered. Walter was between eighteen and twenty years of age and was Mr. Santee's second son.
Schmied, Henry M. 10/11/1838 11/12/1923
Republic 11-16-1923
Henry M. Schmied was born in Morristown, Pennsylvania, October 11,1838 and died at his home in Portland township on November 12, 1923, aged eighty-five years, one month and one day. He came with his parents, Jacob and Rachael Schmeid, to Whiteside county, Illinois in 1844 residing ????all of the reminder of his life on the old home farm. he was married to Ella Bogart in 1876. He is survived by one daughter, Elizabeth, one brother F.B. Schmeid of Prophetstown, Illinois and several nephews and nieces. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Joseph Allen, minister of the Geneseo Unitarian church, Wednesday at the Sharon church and the interment was in the Sharon cemetery.
Schmied, Jacob b. unknown d. Apr. 1, 1858
Schmied, Rachel Davis b. unknown d. Aug. 31, 1894
Schmied, Rebecca Davis b. 6/8/1843 d.3/10/1916
Republic 2-17-1916
Miss Rebecca Davis Schmeid daughter of Jacob and Rachael Schmeid was born at Morristown, Pa., June 8, 1843, and departed this life Friday, March 10, 1916. Miss Schmeid came to Illinois in 1844 and settled in Whiteside county. With the exception of ten years which she spent in Geneseo, she resided at the home place in Sharon with her brother, Henry, and her niece, Bessie with whom she made the home circle both pleasant and cheerful. Her love for the beauties of nature, she expressed by surrounding the home with beautiful flowers. She loved literature and was well versed in standard works. She taught school for several years in her early life in the vicinity of Sharon. The end came after a long illness during which time she bore her suffering with great fortitude, patient at all times, she appreciated much the kindness shown by family , nurse and many friends. She leaves to mourn her loss two brothers, Frank Schmeid of Prophetstown and Henry Schmeid of Sharon two sisters Mrs. Harriet Huntington of Sharon and Mrs. Emma Besse of Erie, also eight nieces and five nephews and a host of friends. The remains were laid to rest in the Church yard at Sharon, Rev. Wm. Lord McKinney, officiating at the service.
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Rebecca Davis Schmied
Birth Date: 8 Jun 1843
Birth Place: Pennsylvania
Death Date: 10 Mar 1916
Death Place: Portland, Sharon, Whiteside, Ill
Burial Date: 12 Mar 1916
Burial Place: Sharon County, Ill.
Death Age: 72
Occupation: Housekeeping
Race: White
Marital Status: S
Gender: Female
Father Name: Jacob Schmied
Father Birth Place: Switzerland
Mother Name: Rachel Davis
Mother Birth Place: Pennsylvania
FHL Film Number: 1530920
Schmitt, Peter b. unknown d. 1911
SCHOMEROUS, Beulah (Kempster) b. 20 Dec 1895 d. 11 Oct 1974
Parents: Wallace and BerthaGlatthaar Kempster. Married C.W. Schomerous.
BEULAH (KEMPSTER) SCHOMEROUS , 78, died Friday morning (11 October 1974) at Colonial Acres in Rock Falls. Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Sunday at Gardner Chapel in Prophetstown. Burial will be in Sharon Cemetery. Friends may call at Gardner Chapel from 7 to 9 p.m Saturday. The Rev. Paul Olson will officiate. Beulah Kempster was born Dec. 20, 1895 in Protland Township, the daughter of Wallace and Bertha Glatthaar Kempster. She was a member of Prophetstown United Methodist Church, a retired schoolteacher, teaching 37 years in the area, a past Worthy matron of the OES Erie Chapter. She married C. W. Schomerus of Hillsdale on Nov. 28, 1928. Survivors include her husband; one sister, Mrs. Ford (Margaret) Wreath of Hillsdale; and two brothers, Leslie Kempster and Russell Kempster, both of London Mills. Ill. Contributed by Melva L. Taylor - The Daily Gazette, Sterling-Rock Falls, Illinois October 11, 1974 - Friday, pg. 2
Schomerous, Charles W. 1894 1977 h/o Beulah
Schomerous, Sophia Anna (Anderson) 12/25/1862 9/13/1916 w/o Eno
Geneseo Republic 9-22-1916
Mrs. Eno Schomerus, a long time resident of the vicinity north of the city, died at her home on Maplewood farm Wednesday, Sept. 13, 1916, at 2:30 o'clock in the morning. She was taken ill with typhoid fever on September 1 and the efforts of her family and friends could not serve to stay the hand of the great reaper. Sophia Anna Anderson was born in Sweden December 25, 1862. At the age of two years she came to this country settling in Geneseo and she has spent the years since in this vicinity. When 31 years of age she was married to Eno Schomerus, March 21, 1893. To this union were born two boys, Charles and Harry, both of whom survive to mourn the loss of their mother. In spite of much sickness Mrs. Schomerus was a woman who could see the bright side of life. She has made a host of friends who with the husband and sons mourn her departure. Of her it can be said she was a devoted wife and mother. In February 1902, she united with Ebenezer United Evangelical church, of which she remained a faithful member till death. She died fully trusting her Lord Jesus Christ. The funeral was held from Sharon church at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon following a service at the home at 2 o'clock, both in charge of Rev. I.E. Holtzman. Interment was in Sharon Cemetery.
Sensenbaugh, Emaretta b. unknown d. Sep. 10, 1857 4y 7m 14d Lot 73
Sensenbaugh, George H. 12/25/1851 12/26/1853 2y s/o P & S Sensenbaugh Lot 73
SCHULZE, Julie Marie b. 31 Aug 1983 d. 24 Oct 1984
Parents; David & Helene (Young) Schulz.
JULIE MARIE SCHULZE , 13 month old daughter of David and Helene Young Schulz, died suddenly Wednesday (24 Oct 1984) at Illini Hospital, Silvis. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday at the Erie Christian Church with the Rev. Terry Green, assistant pastor, officiating. Burial will be in the Sharon Cemetery, rural Erie. The Schilling-Reedy Funeral home was in charge of arrangements. A memorial is being established. Julie Schulze was born on Aug. 31, 1983, in Clinton, Iowa. Surviving are her parents; one sister, Elizabeth, at home; and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Young, Erie, and Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Schulze, Middleton, Wis. Contributed by Melva L. Taylor - Gazette, Sterling-Rock Falls, Illinois October 25, 1984 - Thursday, pg A6
Schmied, Henry M. 11/12/1923 h/o Ella
Republic 11-16-1923
Henry M. Schmied was born in Morristown, Pennsylvania, October 11,1838 and died at his home in Portland township on November 12, 1923, aged eighty-five years, one month and one day. He came with his parents, Jacob and Rachael Schmeid, to Whiteside county, Illinois in 1844 residing ????all of the reminder of his life on the old home farm. he was married to Ella Bogart in 1876. He is survived by one daughter, Elizabeth, one brother F.B. Schmeid of Prophetstown, Illinois and several nephews and nieces. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Joseph Allen, minister of the Geneseo Unitarian church, Wednesday at the Sharon church and the interment was in the Sharon cemetery.
Schmeid, Rebecca Davis 6/8/1843 3/10/1916
Republic 2-17-1916
Miss Rebecca Davis Schmeid daughter of Jacob and Rachael Schmeid was born at Morristown, Pa., June 8, 1843, and departed this life Friday, March 10, 1916. Miss Schmeid came to Illinois in 1844 and settled in Whiteside county. With the exception of ten years which she spent in Geneseo, she resided at the home place in Sharon with her brother, Henry, and her niece, Bessie with whom she made the home circle both pleasant and cheerful. Her love for the beauties of nature, she expressed by surrounding the home with beautiful flowers. She loved literature and was well versed in standard works. She taught school for several years in her early life in the vicinity of Sharon. The end came after a long illness during which time she bore her suffering with great fortitude, patient at all times, she appreciated much the kindness shown by family , nurse and many friends. She leaves to mourn her loss two brothers, Frank Schmeid of Prophetstown and Henry Schmeid of Sharon two sisters Mrs. Harriet Huntington of Sharon and Mrs. Emma Besse of Erie, also eight nieces and five nephews and a host of friends. The remains were laid to rest in the Church yard at Sharon, Rev. Wm. Lord McKinney, officiating at the service.
SHELLHAMMER, Elizaeth (Rein) b. 11 Aug 1843 d. 29 Dec 1929 Lot 88
Married George Shellhammer
ELIZABETH(REIN) SHELLHAMMER , 86, passed away Sunday morning [12-29-1929] at 3 o'clock after a year of invalidism. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 o'clock at the home, the Rev. H. O. Zimmerman of the Loraine Evangelical church officiating. Interment will be in Sharon cemetery. Elizabeth Rein was born August 11, 1843 in Portland township. She was educated in the Geneseo schools and later taught school. She was married in 1872 to George Shellhammer and had resided in Erie for 27 years. She leaves her daughter, Mrs. Berniece Sieben with whom she made her home, and brother, Martin Rein. Contributed by Pam Perkins - The Albany Review, pg. 1 Date: 1-2-1930
Geneseo Republic 1-3-1930
Mrs. Elizabeth Shellhamer an old and highly respected resident of Dutch Bottom years ago, passed away at the home of her daughter, Bernice Sieben in Erie Saturday evening. Funeral services were held Wednesday with burial in the family lot at Sharon cemetery.
Republic 1-30-1930
Mrs. Elizabeth Shellhamer, aged 86 years, and a former resident of Geneseo and Loraine, passed away at Erie at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Bernice Sieben, early Sunday morning had been in failing health for the past six years and on December 20 fell and incurred injuries which hastened her death. Deceased was a daughter of Martin and Mary Reis of Kemperville, where she was born August 11, 1843 in a log cabin. She received her education in the schools near there and in the seminary located in Geneseo at that time. She taught school for nine terms. She was married to George Shellhamer in 1872 in Geneseo. She was a member of Rebekah lodge and W.M. S. of Loraine church. Mrs. Shellhamer is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Sieben of Erie and one brother. Deceased was the oldest of seven children. Funeral services were held at 2p.m., Wednesday at the Sieben home with Rev. H. O. Zimmerman of the Loraine church officiating. Interment was in Sharon cemetery.
Taken off of
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Elizabeth Ann Ries Shellhamer
Birth Date: 11 Aug 1843
Birth Place: Kempsterville, Whiteside, Ill
Death Date: 29 Dec 1929
Death Place: Crete, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 1 Jan 1930
Burial Place: Portland Tws., Whiteside, Ill.
Cemetery Name: Sharen
Death Age: 86
Occupation: Housekeeper
Race: White
Marital Status: W
Gender: Female
Residence: Crete, Whiteside, Ill.
Father Name: Martin L. Ries
Father Birth Place: Germany
Mother Name: Mary Ann Earheart
Mother Birth Place: Germany
Spouse Name: George W. Shellhamer
FHL Film Number: 1643609
Sibley, Bertha Augusta (Lawrence) 5/24/1878 3/6/1908
Republic 3-13-1908
Mrs. Bertha Sibley passed away at her home in our village, Friday, Feb. 6,1908 at 2:30 after a long and painful illness of ten months of consumption. She leaves to mourn her early passing away , a husband and two little girls, also father and mother, 3 sisters, and r brothers beside a large circle of relatives and friends. The funeral services were held Sunday at the Sharon church
Birth: May 24, 1878 Death: Mar. 6, 1908
Bertha Augusta Lawrence married Ray C Sibley on 6 Jun 1905 in Prophetstown, Whiteside, Illinois. She is listed on her father's obituary as having predeceased him as Mrs Bertha Sibley who died 6 Mar 1908. She is listed on the cemetery records as the wife of Ray C Sibley and as being buried in her father's plot - Row 1 Lot 27 B Ray C Sibley is buried in the adjacent plot of Row 1 Lot 27 A.
I believe that her stone is in error saying 'Bibley' vice 'Sibley'.
Submitted by Wendy McIntosh
Family links:
Wallace Norton Lawrence (1852 - 1915)
Augusta Mary Jane George Lawrence (1857 - 1916)
Ray Sibley (1880 - 1922)
Helen Sibley Lindsay (1901 - 1951)*
Herbert Lawrence (1875 - 1944)*
Bertha Augusta Lawrence Sibley (1878 - 1908)
Bessie Abby Lawrence Meyer (1882 - 1936)*
Pearl Sabra Lawrence Redell (1889 - 1947)*
Lynn Leroy Lawrence (1892 - 1967)*
Lewis Milton Lawrence (1895 - 1969)*
Wallace Clyde Lawrence (1898 - 1966)*
Burial:Sharon Cemetery Spring Hill Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Plot: Row 1 Lot 27 B
Created by: Dave & Pam Jindrich
Record added: Nov 05, 2011
Find A Grave Memorial# 79917719
and the remains were laid at rest in the cemetery there. The sorrowing husbands and friends have the symapthy of the entire community in their sore affliction.
Sibley, Emma died 3/22/1906
The Geneseo Republic March 30, 1906 page 9
Mrs. Emma __?__ died at her home near Jefferson Corners Thursday March 22, 1906, of typhoid fever. The funeral services were held Monday at the Corner church and the remains were laid at rest in the Sharon cemetery Rev. Schutte, a former pastor having charge of the services. She leaves to mourn an aged father and mother, a husband and seven children besides brothers and sisters and numerous relatives and friends. The family has the sympathy of the entire community in their sorrow.
Sibley, Henry Thomas Jun. 27, 1852 Jun 5, 1933
Taken off of
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Henry Thomas Sibley
Birth Date: 27 Jun 1852
Birth Place: Prophetstown Twp , Illinois
Death Date: 5 Jun 1933
Death Place: Sterling, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 8 Jun 1933
Burial Place: Portland Twp., Whiteside, Illinois
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 80
Occupation: Retired Farmer
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Male
Street Address: 410 5th Ave.
Father Name: John Sibley
Father Birth Place: Vermont
Mother Name: Polly Brydia
Mother Birth Place: Vermont
Spouse Name: Lydia Lucinda Fuller Sibley
FHL Film Number: 1675012
Henry Thomas Sibley
Birth:Jun. 27, 1852 Prophetstown Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Death: Jun. 5, 1933 Sterling Whiteside County Illinois, USA
h/o Lydia (Fuller) Ssibley
Name: Henry Thomas Sibley
Birth Date: 27 Jun 1852
Birth Place: Prophetstown Twp , Illinois
Death Date: 5 Jun 1933
Death Place: Sterling, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 8 Jun 1933
Burial Place: Portland Twp., Whiteside, Illinois
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 80
Occupation: Retired Farmer
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Male
Street address: 410 5th Ave.
Father Name: John Sibley
Father Birth Place: Vermont
Mother Name: Polly Brydia
Mother Birth Place: Vermont
Spouse Name: Lydia Lucinda Fuller Sibley
FHL Film Number: 1675012
Family links:
John Sibley (1819 - 1881)
Polly Ann Brydia Sibley (1823 - 1900)
Lydia Lucinda Fuller Sibley (1852 - 1941)*
Ray Sibley (1880 - 1922)*
Charles Edward Sibley (1849 - 1928)*
Henry Thomas Sibley (1852 - 1933)
Mary Lavina Sibley Garrison (1856 - 1945)*
Ella Arilla Sibley Kelly (1858 - 1923)*
Burial:Sharon Cemetery Spring Hill Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Created by: Wendy McIntosh
Record added: Jan 29, 2013
Find A Grave Memorial# 104331110
Sibley Lydia Lucinda Fuller 11/5/1852 12/4/1941
Lydia Lucinda Fuller Sibley
Birth: Nov. 5, 1852 Sterling Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Death: Dec. 4, 1941 Portland Whiteside County Illinois, USA
w/o Henry Thomas Sibley
d/o John Perry & Almira (Lanphere) Fuller
Family links:
John P Fuller (1822 - 1911)
Almira Lanphere Fuller (1821 - 1906)
Henry Thomas Sibley (1852 - 1933)
Ray Sibley (1880 - 1922)*
Clark C Fuller (1847 - 1918)*
Emma Jane Fuller Sibley (1849 - 1906)*
Willis Henry Fuller (1849 - 1914)*
Guy E. Fuller (1850 - 1864)*
Lydia Lucinda Fuller Sibley (1852 - 1941)
Kate E Fuller Talcott (1855 - 1908)*
Alma M Fuller (1861 - 1875)*
Burial:Sharon Cemetery Spring Hill Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Created by: Wendy McIntosh
Record added: Jan 29, 2013
Find A Grave Memorial# 104331388
Sibley, Ray b. Jun. 11, 1880 d. Oct. 5, 1922
Republic 10-13-1922
Claimed to have been maddened by taunts that he lost his job and the threat of his father-in-law to throw him out of the home of his wife's grandparents with whom he lived. Blair Denton, 29 years old of Erie shot and killed his father-in-law, Ray Sibley, 42 years old of Prophetstown at the Henry Sibley home in Erie late last Thursday afternoon. A family quarrel of more than a year's standing said to have been started by the family conference of the father-in-law in the affairs of the couple, was thus ended. Sibley was shot twice, once though the head and once through the shoulder. He died almost instantly. In an effort to save the father life and prevent her husband becoming a murderer, Mrs. Denton jumped between her husband and father but her attempt was unsuccessful. Her husband stepped back and fired the shots that killed her father, over his head as she was screaming and frantically imploying him not to shoot. As her father fell, he cried to his daughter to run for help. the daughter ran from the house to get a doctor and as she passed through the front gate heard another hot fired. With her fright and fear for her father's life giving her speed, she secured a doctor in a few minutes, but her father died while the daughter and physician were coming.
Sieben, Frank A. b. Nov. 5, 1876 d. Apr. 17, 1911
Republic of April 21, 1911
Deep sorrow came to the relatives and friends in Geneseo with the sad word Monday that Frank Sieben had died at 10 a.m. that day at his home in Erie. Mr. Siben was ill but little over a week, being taken sick with inflammatory rheumatism Thursday, April 6. Complications set in which hastened the end. Mr. Sieben was a young man of fine habits and was held in high esteem in Geneseo which was his home prior to moving to Erie about eight years ago. He was aged 35 years. Born in Phenix township, he came to Geneseo with his mother, Mrs. Adam Dunlap, when still in his boyhood. years. He was married about twelve years ago to Miss Bernice Shellhammer, who survives him. There also mourn his untimely death three sisters, Mrs. W. R. Bollen, Mrs Henry Diener, and Mrs. Willis Evans, also a brother Fred L. Sieben, of Bettendorf. Funeral services were conducted at the home in Erie this Thursday at 2 p.m. by Rev. C. G. Unangs, now of Chicago, and who was pastor of deceased in Geneseo, and who officiated at his marriage. The interment was in the Sharon cemetery. Submitted by Robin Pardus and Fama Prokup
Smedley, Mary A. b. unknown d. Apr. 5, 1857
Smedley, Moses b. unknown d. Dec. 24, 1868
SMEDLEY, Ralph 10/4/1844 10/2/1920 Civil War 75y Lot 89
Taken off the
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Ralph Smedley
Birth Date: 8 Oct 1844
Birth Place: Randolph Co , N Y
Death Date: 2 Oct 1920
Death Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 4 Oct 1920
Cemetery Name: Sharon Cemetery
Death Age: 75
Occupation: Farming
Race: White
Marital Status: W
Gender: Male
Father Name: Moses Smedley
Mother Name: Mary Castle
FHL Film Number: 1570228
Smedley, Sarah P. b. 1809 d. Feb. 15, 1885
Smedley, Unknown Mrs. 4/14/1847 11/10/1912 85y 6m 26d w/o Ralph Lot 89
Sohrbeck, Floyd 1899 1971 Lot 89
Sohrbeck Jacob 5-2-1830 3-30-1914 wife of Margaret
Republic 4-10-1914 page 18
Death visited our little village Monday morning, March 29, and took one our number, Grandfather, Sohrbeck. Although he had been in failing health the past year, death came unexpectedly. The deceased was nearly eighty-four years old. The funeral was held at the Spring Hill church, Wednesday afternoon and the remains laid to rest in Sharon cemetery, the service being conducted by Rev. Parker, pastor of the Baptist church at Erie. The bereaved children have the sympathy of all in their sorrow.
1910 United States Federal Census
Name: Jacob Schebeck
[Jacob Sohrbeck]
Age in 1910: 79 [74]
Birth Year: abt 1831 [abt 1836]
Birthplace: Germany
Home in 1910: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Street: Spring Hill Road
Race: White
Gender: Male
Immigration Year: 1862
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Widowed
Father's Birthplace: Germany
Mother's Birthplace: Germany
Native Tongue: English
Occupation: Hotel
Industry: Keeping Boarder
Employer, Employee or Other: Wage Earner
Home Owned or Rented: Own
Home Free or Mortgaged: Free
Farm or House: House
Naturalization Status: Naturalized
Able to Read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Out of Work: N
Number of weeks out of work: 0
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members: Name Age
Jacob Schebeck 79 [74]
Tillie Schebeck 41
Edna Santer 14 [17]
Source Citation
Year: 1910; Census Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois; Roll: T624_331; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 0138; FHL microfilm: 1374344
Sohrbeck, Margaret 11/2/1839 5-19-1908 wife of Jacob
Republic 4-29-1908
Mrs. Jacob Sobrbeck died at her home very suddenly and unexpected on Tuesday afternoon. The funeral was held, Thursday afternoon at the Sharon church and the remains were laid to rest there. the husband and children have the sympathy of all in their sorrow.
1910 United States Federal Census
Name: Jacob Schebeck
[Jacob Sohrbeck]
Age in 1910: 79 [74]
Birth Year: abt 1831 [abt 1836]
Birthplace: Germany
Home in 1910: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Street: Spring Hill Road
Race: White
Gender: Male
Immigration Year: 1862
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Widowed
Father's Birthplace: Germany
Mother's Birthplace: Germany
Native Tongue: English
Occupation: Hotel
Industry: Keeping Boarder
Employer, Employee or Other: Wage Earner
Home Owned or Rented: Own
Home Free or Mortgaged: Free
Farm or House: House
Naturalization Status: Naturalized
Able to Read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Out of Work: N
Number of weeks out of work: 0
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members: Name Age
Jacob Schebeck 79 [74]
Tillie Schebeck 41
Edna Santer 14 [17]
Source Citation
Year: 1910; Census Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois; Roll: T624_331; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 0138; FHL microfilm: 1374344
Sohrbeck, Matilda May 8, 1868 Jan. 31, 1941
Taken off of
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Matilda Sohrbeck
Birth Date: 8 May 1868
Birth Place: Atkinson, Illinois
Death Date: 31 Jan 1941
Death Place: Erie, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 2 Feb 1941
Burial Place: Portland Twp, Whiteside, Illinois
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 72
Occupation: Housekeeping
Race: White
Marital Status: S
Gender: Female
Residence: Portland Township, Whiteside, Illinois
Father Name: Jacob Sohrbeck
Father Birth Place: Germany
Mother Name: Margery Rolff
Mother Birth Place: Germany
FHL Film Number: 1832443
Spaid, Rachel d. 4/21/1848 Lot 10 B d/o Charles and Mary age 3y
Sprague, Lucy d. 3/16/1863 Lot 17B d/o G. & S. Sprague 21y
Stearns, Charles W. d. 3/9/1875 ?y 8m 7d Lot 81A
STONE, Pauline S (Lodge) 07 Apr 1921 11 Aug 2009
Melvin Lester Stone William & Sylvia (Dersham) Lodge
Pauline S. Stone, 88, Dixon Healthcare & Rehabilitation Center, Dixon, Ill, formerly of Prophetstown, died Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2009, at the center. Services are 10:30 a.m. Saturday at Bosma-Gibson, Prophetstown. Burial is at Sharon Cemetery, Erie. Visitation is 6-8 p.m. Friday at the funeral home. She was born April 7, 1921. She married Melvin Lester Stone March 27, 1939, in Davenport. He died Jan. 10, 1997. Surviving are children, Janet Stone-Ethington, Arizona, Reta Deets, Patty Bollivar, Joan McCowan, all of Prophetstown, and William, Mount Auburn, Iowa; 14 grandchildren; 30 great-grandchildren; four great-great-grandchildren.
STRATTON, James 23 Mar 1882 Civil War
STRATTON, Josiah 20 Feb 1925 Veteran
Sweetland, William H. b. unknown d. Jan. 8, 1848 5y 8m 6d s/o J.S. Sweetland Lot 75
Taber, Carrie 2/27/1872 12-29-1950
Republic 1-2-1950
Mrs. Carrie Taber, 85, of Prophetstown died Sunday morning, December 29,(1950) in the Perry Memorial hospital, Princeton, where she had been a patient about five weeks. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon, December 31, in Gardner funeral chapel, Prophetstown, with the Rev. Leonard Lowe officiating. Burial was in Sharon cemetery. The former Caroline Rosina Zschiesche was born February 27, 1872,at Spring Hill, daughter of August and Marie Reiger Zschiesche. She attended school at Spring Hill and lived in the Spring Hill and Portland communities all her life. On October 6, 1869, she was married to Herman Taber in Geneseo. She was a member of the Sharon Ladies Aid and attended the Sharon church.. Surviving are two sons, William of East Moline and Roy of Prophetstown, a daughter, Mrs. Lila Garner of Princeton, a sister, Mrs. Mary McGrady of Alameda, California, five grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband on February 15, 1924, two sons, Charles and Perry, four brothers and two sisters.
Taber, Herman died 2-15-1924
Republic 2-22-1924
Herman Taber, a life long resident of near Spring Hill, passed away Friday, Feb. 15, 1924. Death ws sudden and unexpected. He was the owner of considerable land in the vicinity of Spring Hill. Surviving are the widow, who formly was Miss Caroline Zschiesche, and 5 children,, William of Watertown, Charles, Perry, Roy and Lila of Prophetstown.
Taber, Louise 2-16-1930 1-30-2014
Louise Taber, 83, of Prophetstown, died Thursday, Jan. 30, 2014, at her home.
Services are 10 a.m. Monday at Bosma-Gibson, Prophetstown. There will be no visitation. Burial is at Sharon Cemetery, Erie. She was born Feb. 16, 1930, in Geneseo, to Margaret DeCap. She married Roy B. Taber Jr. on Nov. 5, 1955. He died Nov. 3, 1989. Surviving are daughter, Brenda (Jim) Smith, Prophetstown; son, Brad (Michelle) Taber, Prophetstown; granddaughters, Cherise (Ben) Glunz and Cassy Taber; sister, Jo Ann Bunch, Rock Falls.
Taber, Lydia M. b. Oct. 31, 1823 d. Aug. 31, 1850
Talcott, Dexter W. 1/1/1823 1/7/1900 Lot 5A h/o Martha
Republic 1-19-1907
The funeral of Dexter W. Talcott at the Sharon church Tuesday was largely attended notwithstanding the heavy rain. Several attended from Geneseo.
Republic 1-12-1900
Mr. Dexter Talcott, one of Sharon oldest citizens, died Sunday evening at 10 p.m. He had been in ill health for a number of years. He leaves a wife and two children, Quincy of Montana, and Ira who has always lived at the old home. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 10 the home. From there they will proceed to the Sharon church, where the remains will be laid to rest in the cemetery.
TALCOTT, Edwin J. 11/30/1826 8/17/1892 Civil War
Dr Edwin J. Talcott
Birth: Nov. 30, 1826
Death: Aug. 7, 1892
Ewin J Talcott enlisted in 1861 with the 8th Kansas Regiment and served 4 years as a Captain and assistant Surgeon. He saw his Regiment through the battle of Chickamauga where the 8th Kansas Regiment was almost completely wiped out with the loss of it's most gallant soldiers.
After his discharge, he settled in Spring Hill where he practiced medicine until his death.
Family links:
Harriet E. Johnson Talcott (1836 - 1881)
George A Talcott (1857 - 1922)*
Vivian Talcott (1861 - 1865)*
Jessie Talcott (1864 - 1865)*
Burial:Sharon Cemetery Spring Hill Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Plot: Row 3 Lot 65
Created by: Michael Kearney
Record added: Dec 11, 2012
Find A Grave Memorial# 102056328
Info submitted on Rootsweb website by Roger (
Name: Edwin J. Talcott
Suffix: M.D.
Sex: M
Birth: 30 NOV 1826 in Rome, Oneida County, New York
Death: 17 AUG 1892 in Spring Hill, Whiteside County, Illinois
Burial: Sharon Cemetery, Portland Township, Whiteside County, Illinois
TALCOTT, George A. 11/23/1857 1-2-1922
Republic 1-6-1922
George A. Talcott was born in Geneseo, November 23, 1857 and died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. H. E. Edwards, January 2, 1922, at the age of 64 years, 1 month, and 9 days. the early years of his boyhood were spent in Geneseo,. Later the family move to Spring Hill, where lived for many years. After leaving Spring Hill he was in business in Prophetstown for four years at the end of which he moved to Geneseo. Here for eight years preceding his retirement from active life, he acted as manger of the Geneseo Telephone Company. On April 5, 1882, he married to Miss Kate E. fuller of Spring Hill. To this union four daughters were born. His wife and the oldest daughter, Mrs. W. B. Millard, preceded him in death. He is survived by three daughters Laura E. of Chicago, Harriet A. of Davenport, Iowa, and Mrs. H. R. Edwards of Orion, Ill. Four grandchildren Harper and Elizabeth Millard of Chicago and Roberta and Kathryn Edwards of Orion. Also a brother, LeRoy of Chariton, Iowa, and a sister Agnes of Los Angels, California. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. W. B. Millard of Chicago, a son-in-law of the deceased, at the home of Mrs. H. E. Edwards near Orion. Interment was in Sharon cemetery.
George A Talcott
Birth: Nov., 1857 Henry County Illinois, USA
Death: 1922 Whiteside County Illinois, USA
h/o Kate E (Fuller) Talcott
s/o Dr. Edwin J & Harriet (Johnson) Talcott
Family links:
Edwin J. Talcott (1826 - 1892)
Harriet E. Johnson Talcott (1836 - 1881)
Kate E Fuller Talcott (1855 - 1908)
Bertha Leona Talcott Millard (1883 - 1914)*
Clara T Talcott Edwards (1889 - 1949)*
Harriet Talcott Cocke (1891 - 1969)*
George A Talcott (1857 - 1922)
Vivian Talcott (1861 - 1865)*
Jessie Talcott (1864 - 1865)*
Burial: Sharon Cemetery Spring Hill Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Created by: Wendy McIntosh
Record added: Jan 28, 2013
Find A Grave Memorial# 104312161
This might be him: Needs verified
Info submitted on Rootsweb website by Roger (
Name: George A. Talcott
Sex: M
Birth: 23 NOV 1857 in Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois
Death: ABT 1922 in Illinois
Burial: Sharon Cemetery, Portland Township, Whiteside County, Illinois
Talcott, Harriett E. b. 8/14/1836 d. 1/7/1882
Harriet E. Johnson Talcott
Birth: Aug. 14, 1836
Death: Jan. 7, 1881
Family links:
Edwin J. Talcott (1826 - 1892)*
George A Talcott (1857 - 1922)*
Vivian Talcott (1861 - 1865)*
Jessie Talcott (1864 - 1865)*
Burial:Sharon Cemetery Spring Hill Whiteside CountyIllinois, USA
Plot: Row 3 Lot 65
Created by: Michael Kearney
Record added: Dec 11, 2012
Find A Grave Memorial# 102056344
Info submitted on Rootsweb website by Roger (
Name: Harriet E. Johnson
Sex: F
Birth: 14 AUG 1836 in Dayton, Cattaraugus County, New York
Death: 7 JAN 1882 in Sharon, Whiteside County, Illinois
Burial: Sharon Cemetery, Portland Township, Whiteside County, Illinois
TALCOTT, Jessie 12/26/1864 2/17/1865
Jessie Talcott
Birth: Dec. 26, 1864
Death: Feb. 17, 1865
Son of Edwin J & Harriet E (Johnson) Talcott
Age 1 m, 22 d
Family links:
Edwin J. Talcott (1826 - 1892)
Harriet E. Johnson Talcott (1836 - 1881)
George A Talcott (1857 - 1922)*
Vivian Talcott (1861 - 1865)*
Jessie Talcott (1864 - 1865)
Burial:Sharon Cemetery Spring Hill Whiteside CountyIllinois, USA
Plot: Row 3 Lot 65
Created by: Wendy McIntosh
Record added: Jun 24, 2014
Find A Grave Memorial# 131822937
TALCOTT, Kate E. Aug 1855 (April 1855?) 9/26/1908
Kate E Fuller Talcott
Birth: Apr. 8, 1855 Portland Whiteside County
Illinois, USA
Death: Sep. 26, 1908 Portland Whiteside County
Illinois, USA
w/o George A Talcott
d/o John Perry & Almira M (Lanphere) Fuller
Family links:
John P Fuller (1822 - 1911)
Almira Lanphere Fuller (1821 - 1906)
George A Talcott (1857 - 1922)*
Bertha Leona Talcott Millard (1883 - 1914)*
Clara T Talcott Edwards (1889 - 1949)*
Harriet Talcott Cocke (1891 - 1969)*
Clark C Fuller (1847 - 1918)*
Willis Henry Fuller (1849 - 1914)*
Emma Jane Fuller Sibley (1849 - 1906)*
Guy E. Fuller (1850 - 1864)*
Lydia Lucinda Fuller Sibley (1852 - 1941)*
Kate E Fuller Talcott (1855 - 1908)
Alma M Fuller (1861 - 1875)*
Burial: Sharon Cemetery Spring Hill Whiteside CountyIllinois, USA
Created by: Wendy McIntosh
Record added: Jan 28, 2013
Find A Grave Memorial# 104312447
Info submitted on Rootsweb website by Roger (
Name: Kate E. Fuller
Sex: F
Birth: AUG 1855 in Illinois
Death: 26 SEP 1908 in Illinois
Burial: Sharon Cemetery, Portland Township, Whiteside County, Illinois
Talcott, Martha J. 12/22/1834 (12/27/1834?) 8-29-1915 Lot 5A w/o Dexter
Martha Talcott
Birth: Dec. 27, 1834
Death: Aug. 29, 1915
Married: 4 Jul 1853
Family links:
Dexter W. Talcott (1823 - 1906)*
Burial:Sharon Cemetery Spring Hill Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Plot: Lot 5A
Created by: Michael Kearney
Record added: Dec 11, 2012
Find A Grave Memorial# 102056304
Republic 9-3-1915
George Talcott and daughter, Clara, Also Z Pierce and son Wallace, motored to Erie Wednesday to attend the funeral of an aunt of Mr. Talcott, aged 80 years, 9 months and 2 days. Mrs. Martha Colbert Talcott came to Hanna township in this county in 1839, and there her girlhood days were spent. Two son's survive, Ira of Erie and Quincy of Twin Bridges, Montana. Others from this vicinity to attend the funeral Wednesday were Frank Fassett and family.
Talcott, Vivian b. 6/3/1861 d. 12/4/1865
Vivian Talcott
Birth: Jun. 3, 1861
Death: Dec. 4, 1865
Daughter of Edwin J & Harriet E (Johnson) Talcott
Age 4 yrs, 6 m, 1 day
Family links:
Edwin J. Talcott (1826 - 1892)
Harriet E. Johnson Talcott (1836 - 1881)
George A Talcott (1857 - 1922)*
Vivian Talcott (1861 - 1865)
Jessie Talcott (1864 - 1865)*
Burial:Sharon Cemetery Spring Hill Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Plot: Row 3 Lot 65
Created by: Wendy McIntosh
Record added: Jun 24, 2014
Find A Grave Memorial# 131822885
Info submitted on Rootsweb website by Roger (
Name: Vivian Talcott
Sex: F
Birth: ABT 1861 in Illinois
Death: DEC 1865 in Spring Hill, Whiteside County, Illinois
Burial: Sharon Cemetery, Portland Township, Whiteside County, Illinois
Taylor, Rose M. d.6/28/1879 Lot 16B d/o S.S. & H. M. Tsulot age 15y 3m 1d
Terry, Jean E. 8/15/1942 12/4/1986
Thomas, Amarilla b. Mar. 14, 1842 d. May 18, 1871
Thomas, Eliza J. b. Dec. 23, 1847 d. Jul. 25, 1848
Thomas, Myron D. b. Dec. 5, 1845 d. Sep. 5, 1847
Timmerman George Washington 2/22/1850 4/29/1915
m(1) Mrs. Josie Williams
m(2) Mrs. Carrie Anna (Drain) Matthews
Republic 4-7-1915
George Timmerman, an old time resident of our village died at the home of his sister at Eureka Springs. last Wednesday and the remains were brought to Sharon for burial in the family lot in Sharon cemetery. The relative have the sympathy of all in their sorrow.
TIMMERMAN, John Deloss 5/12/1838 26 Jan 1862 Veteran
Birth: May 12, 1838 Randolph Cattaraugus County New York, USA
Death: Dec. 1, 1863 Prophetstown Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Biographical information provided by FAG contributor Wendy McIntosh:
John Deloss Timmerman
Born 12 May 1838 Randolph, Cattaraugus, New York
Died 1 Dec 1863 Prophetstown, Whiteside, Illinois
Son of John Timmerman & Rachel M (Fuller) Timmerman
Husband of Caroline (Williams) Timmerman
Father of George Deloss Timmerman
Private, Co E, Michigan 3rd Cav Regiment
Family links:
John Timmerman (1809 - 1898)
Rachel Martin Fuller Timmerman (1812 - 1890)
Cordelia Rachel Timmerman Gillmore (1835 - 1922)*
Mary Ann Timmerman Fuller (1836 - 1925)*
John Deloss Timmerman (1838 - 1863)
Wesley Vernon Timmerman (1840 - 1920)*
Levi Edwin Timmerman (1842 - 1924)*
Alice E Timmerman Welding (1843 - 1918)*
Anna Betsey Timmerman Merrill (1847 - 1936)*
George Washington Timmerman (1850 - 1915)*
Frank Pierce Timmerman (1853 - 1930)*
Burial:Sharon Cemetery Spring Hill Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Plot: Row 2 Lot 55
Created by: Dave & Pam Jindrich
Record added: Nov 06, 2011
Find A Grave Memorial# 79954387
Timmerman, John Jr. 11/4/1809 8/15/1898
h/o Rachel M (Fuller) Timmerman
s/o John & Betsey Timmerman Sr
Birth: Nov. 4, 1809 Johnstown Fulton County New York, USA
Death: Aug. 15, 1898 Prophetstown Whiteside County Illinois, USA
h/o Rachel M (Fuller) Timmerman
s/o John & Betsey Timmerman Sr
Family links:
Spouse: Rachel Martin Fuller Timmerman (1812 - 1890)*
Cordelia Rachel Timmerman Gillmore (1835 - 1922)*
Mary Ann Timmerman Fuller (1836 - 1925)*
John Deloss Timmerman (1838 - 1863)*
Wesley Vernon Timmerman (1840 - 1920)*
Levi Edwin Timmerman (1842 - 1924)*
Alice E Timmerman Welding (1843 - 1918)*
Anna Betsey Timmerman Merrill (1847 - 1936)*
George Washington Timmerman (1850 - 1915)*
Frank Pierce Timmerman (1853 - 1930)*
Burial:Sharon Cemetery Spring Hill Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Plot: Row 2 Lot 55
Created by: Wendy McIntosh
Record added: Jan 18, 2013
Find A Grave Memorial# 103772052
Timmerman, Rachel Martin Fuller b. Apr. 7, 1812 d. Sep. 12, 1890
Townley, Allie d.1/9/1908 s/o G.Frank Townley (Wh. Sentinel) Lot 71
Townley, Elizabeth Coon b. May 1, 1795 d. Jun. 2, 1860 65yr 4mo 1day Lot 71
Townley, John Fox b. Aug. 14, 1784 d. Dec. 21, 1860 (12/26/1860??) 75y 4m 12d Lot 71
Townley, Laetitia 1/6/1852 12/15/1869 17y 11m 9d Lot 71 d/o J.C. & M.F. Townley
Tremblay, Josiah d. 7/29/1859 39y 5m Lot 2B
Tremblay, Sarah d. 9/28/1862 11y 7m 4d Lot 2B
Tyrrell, Lucy b. Mar. 26, 1807 d. Sep. 22, 1890
Underwood, Alta b. 1823 d. Jul., 1863
Underwood, L. C. b. 1802 d. Jul., 1861
Underwood, T. Dulbert b. 1829 d. Aug., 1868
Urich, Ralph Rudolph Died 4/20/1967
Dispatch 4-21-1967
Ralph Rudolph Urich, 79, died yesterday afternoon in his home in rural Erie. Services will be at 2 tomorrow afternoon in the Gardner Chapel, Prophetstown, with the Rev. Harold George of the Erie Methodist Church officiating. Burial will be in Sharon Cemetery. Friends may call tonight at the funeral home. Mr. Urich was born in Portland Twp., Whiteside County, the son of David and Rachel Huntington Urich. He had been a farmer. Surviving are two brothers, Frank H. of Spring Hill and Willard E. of Harmon.
Urick, Andrew b. 1844 d. 4/4/1985
Republic April 10, 1895
Andrew Urick, who resided just over the county line in Portland, Whiteside County, died Thursday, April 4th., 1895, aged 50 years, 7 months, and 23 days. Cancer, a disease with which he had been afflicted for nearly two years, and from which he had suffered worse than death for some months, was the caused of his demiac. He was a native of Whiteside county, born in 1844, and was well known in the county . In 1865, he enlisted in the call for one year men to serve in the war of the rebellion. He remained in the service until musted out under the general orders disbanding. the troops. In 1868. he was united in marriage with Lucy Hines, of Phenix, who survives to mourn to his death. They at once settled in the home where he died In 1869, he was converted and united with the Loraine Evangelical church of which, he remained a consistent and helful member till called to his reward. Besides his wife, he leaves five children, two grandchildren, an aged father and mother four brothers and two sisters. They and a large circle of friends mourn the death of an upright man whose life was devoted to that which was best. Funeral services were held at the Loraine church, Saturday. Rev. M. Elier, presiding Elder, and Rev. C. S. Fehs, of Hooppole, officiating.Info submitted on Rootsweb website by Bill Arnett (
Birth: 1844 in Whiteside County, Illinois
Death: 4 Apr 1895 in Spring Hill, Portland, Whiteside County, Illinois
Urick, David Jan. 15, 1859 Nov. 1, 1940
Republic 11-8-1940
David Urick, son of Rudollph and Mary Schafer Urick was born in Loraine township, January 15, 1859 and died Friday, November 1st at his home on East Pearl street at the age of 81 years, 9 months, and 15 days. He was married to Rahel Matilda Huntington on January 25, 1882. They moved to a farm in Portland township and resided there until the death of his wife on October 18, 1925. To this union was born six children.. Surviving are a daughter and three sons. Harriet Urick Johnson, of Prophetstown, Ralph R. Urick and Frank H. Urick, of Erie, Willard E. Urick, of harmon, Illinois. Also one brother, Lewis Urick, of Geneseo. Two sons preceded him in death, Nathan B. died in infancy and John G. Urick on November 16, 1935. Mr. Urick was a member of the Sharon church until moving to Geneseo eleven years ago. Since that time he has been a member of the First Methodist church of Geneseo. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the home in this city and at 2 o'clock at Sharon church with Rev. pal R. Nestler, pastor of the Geneseo Methodist church, officiating. Edwin Meier, of Geneseo presented vocl number, accompanied by Miss Hilma Hagelin. Burial was in Sharon cemetery. Pallbearers were: R. J. Goreth, Donald Wiltamuth, Fred W. Felske, George Furstenau, Arthur Holmstron, and Delbert Tomlinson. Attending the rites from a distance were: Ashton Adam and Charles Shafter, of Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Considine, John Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Clapper and John Clapper of Tampico, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, of Chicago.
Taken off of
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: David Urick
Birth Date: 15 Jan 1859
Birth Place: Loraine Township, Ill
Death Date: 1 Nov 1940
Death Place: Geneseo, Henry, Illinois
Burial Date: 3 Nov 1940
Burial Place: Portland Township, Whiteside, Illinois
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 81
Occupation: Grain Farming
Race: White
Marital Status: W
Gender: Male
Residence: Geneseo, Henry, Illinois
Father Name: Rudolph Urick
Father Birth Place: Switzerland
Mother Name: Mary Shafer
Mother Birth Place: Switzerland
Spouse Name: Rachiel Urick
FHL Film Number: 1832235
URICK, John Glenn b.Apr. 12, 1892 d. 16 Nov 1933 (1935?) WW 1
Republic 11-22-1935
John Urick, aged 43, son of David Urick of this city, passed away, Saturday, November 16, 1935, at the Sterling hospital, from injuries received in an auto accident near Moline, Saturday, Nov. 9. He was taken to the Moline hopital after the accident and on the next day was taken to the home of his brothers, Frank and Ralph Urick, near Spring Hill. Thursday of last week he was taken worse and was moved to the Sterling hospital where death occurred. C. M. Frye, Whiteside county Coroner, conducted an inquest in Erie Sunday morning, after the body had been removed to the Slaymaker funeral home in Erie, Death was due to chest injuries incurred in the accident and to pneuinia which developed. Members of the coroner's jury were Ralph Rummell, Albert Turner, Albert Slaymaker, Art Hawk, George Potter and Payne Thompson. Witnesses at the inquest were Dr. J. W. Medley of Prophetstown and Frank Urick, brother of the deceased. It was brought out that Mr. Urick driving his automobile on Route 6 struck the rear end of another at the Burllington railway crossing a short distance East of Silvis. The other machine was halted, witing for a train. Mr. Urick's automobile left the pavement and went into the ditch. Mr. Urick's only injuries apparent at the time were cuts on the head and a bruise on his chest. Mr. Urick, son of David and the late Matilda Urick, was born in Portland township April12, 1892. He spent all his life in that locality, excaepting the time he served in th World War. He was overseas and after the war served with the army of occupation in Germany. Surviving are his father, David Urick of Geneseo, a sister, Mrs. Frank Johnson of Spring Hill, and three brothers, Ralph and Frank of Spring Hill and Willard, who lives near Sterling. His mother died ten years ago. Mr. Urick never married. The Rev. C. A. Hull, pastor of Erie Methodist church, officiated during rited which were held Monday afternoon. Erie and Prophetstown American Legion posts participated in the services. Edwin Meier of Geneseo sang, and Mrs. Jack Barker, played. Pallbearers were Willis fuller, John Boone, Arther Martin, Julius Mix, and Arthur Carpenter. Burial was in Sharon cemetery.
Taken off of
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: John Urich
Birth Date: 12 Apr 1892
Birth Place: Portland Twp Ill
Death Date: 16 Nov 1935
Death Place: Sterling, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 18 Nov 1935
Burial Place: Portland Twp. Whiteside, Ill.
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 43
Occupation: Farmer
Race: White
Marital Status: S
Gender: Male
Residence: Portland Twp., Whiteside, Ill.
Father Name: David Urich
Father Birth Place: Henry Co. Ill.
Mother Name: Matilda Huntington
Mother Birth Place: Henry Co. lll.
FHL Film Number: 1765652
URICK, Myrtle (Kempster) b. 08 Aug 1874 d. 28 Jul 1929
Parents: Wm. & Margaret (Hahn) Kempster. Married: Henry Urick
MYRTLE (KEMPSTER) URICK , librarian of the ladies' rest room for the past nine years, passed away Sunday morning [7-28-1929] at 7 o'clock at the Sterling public hospital, her death resulting from complications following an operation performed Friday morning. Mrs. Urick was formerly Miss Laura Myrtle Kempster. She was born Aug. 9, 1874, at Kempsterville, Whiteside county, west of here, her parents being William and Margaret Kempster. In 1895 she was united in marriage to Henry Urick. Her entire life has been lived in this vicinity. One son, Jesse Urick of this city, and one daughter, Miss June Urick of Sterling, survive their mother, and she also leaves a sister. Mrs. N. M. Crook of Prophetstown, and two brothers, P. W. Kempster of Prophetstown and W. R. Kempster who lives on the old home farm at Kempstervllle. Mrs. Urick was a member of the Methodist church, the Woman's club and the Rebekah lodge. She leaves a multitude of friends who esteemed her highly. Funeral services will be conducted by Rev. L. V. Sitler Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock in the Methodist churchhere and burial will be in Sharon cemetery west of Spring Hill. Contributed by Pam Pickens - Sterling Daily Gazette, pg. 11 Date: 7-29-1929
STERLING DAILY GAZETTE, Sterling, IL July 29, 1929
Librarian Of Ladies' Rest Room At Prophetstown Dies At Hospital
PROPHETSTOWN - (Special) Mrs. Myrtle Urick, librarian of the ladies' rest room for the past nine years, passed away Sunday morning at 7 o'clock at the Sterling public hospital, her death resulting from complications following an operation performed Friday morning. Mrs. Urick was formerly Miss Laura Myrtle Kempster. She was born Aug. 9, 1874, at Kempsterville, Whiteside County, west of here, her parents being William and Margaret Kempster. In 1895 she was united in marriage to Henry Urick. Her entire life has been lived in this vicinity. One son, Jesse Urick of this city, and one daughter, Miss June Urick of Sterling, survive their mother, and she also leaves a sister, Mrs. N. M. [Flora] Crook of Prophetstown, and two brothers, P. W. Kempster of Prophetstown and W. R. Kempster, who lives on the old home farm at Kempsterville. Mrs. Urick was a member of the Methodist church, the Woman's club and the Rebekah lodge. She leaves a multitude of friends who esteemed her highly. Funeral services will be conducted by Rev. L. V. Sitler Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock in the Methodist church here and burial will be in Sharon cemetery west of Spring Hill. (transcribed by Denise McLoughlin, Tampico Historical Society)
IL State Marriage Archives:
VanAntwerp, Charles D. 1866 4/13/1939 Lot 72 B
Geneseo Republic4/21/1939
C.D. Van Antwerp Is Called In Clinton Ia.
Funeral services for D.D. Antwerp, well known in Spring Hill community was held Saturday afternoon in Prophetstown, with Rev. I. C. Campbell, pastor of the Prophetstown Congregational church officiiating. Burial was in Sharon cemetery. Mr. Van Antwerp passed away Thursday, Wpril 13th at the Jane Lamb hospital in Clinton, Iowa, where he had been a patient for eight days. He was 72 years old. Deceased ws born December 15, 1866 and for many years lived in the community north of Geneseo. He married Miss Bertha Dall of Spring Hill twenty-one years ago. Mrs. Van Antwerp passed away in February of this year. Surviving is a niece residing in Michigan. A sister preceded him in death several years ago.
VanAntwerp, Bertha J. 1869 1939 Lot 72B
VanThorre, George b.10/10/1935 h/o Millie married 7/27/1992
VanThorre, Millie A. (Young) b. 10/30/1938 w/o George married 7/27/1992
Vroman, Elizabeth Catherine died 7/14/1982
Vroman, Eugene Raymond b. Dec. 5, 1899 d. Oct. 14, 1988
Republic 10-21-1988
Eugene R. Vroman, 99 of Phenix township in rural Geneseo died Wednesday, October 19, 1988 at Morrison Community hospital in Morrison. funeral services will be held Saturday, October 22 at Gibson Funeral Home in Port Bryon at 1p.m. with Rev. Janet Roy of the Hillsdale Methodist Church officiating. Visitation will be held on Friday October 21 from 2-4p.m. and 7-9p.m. at Gibson Funeral Home. Burial will be in Sharon cemetery rural Erie. Mr. Vroman was born December 5, 1899 in Harmon, son of Edward and Louzetta Franks Vroman. He married Josie Egert in 1919. She died in 1949. In 1950 he married Elizabeth Dhamers in Joliet. He was a avid fisherman who also fished commercially and fished for the Stat of Illinois Conservation department. He operated a lemonade and corn dog concession at local fairs since 1915. In addition to his wife, survivors include a son Alvin Vroman of Hillsdale, two daughters, Mrs. Fred (Bernita) Immesota, East Moline and Mrs. Robert (Lucille) Cronin, Hillsdale, two stepdaughters, Eleanor Dhamers of Geneseo, and Iola Vorbeck, Clinton, Iowa, nine grandchildren, six step-grandchildren and several great grandchildren and several great-great-grandchildren. A daughter and two grandsons preceded him in death.
Vroman Harry L. 9-14-1923 1-19-2016
Posted: Tuesday, January 19, 2016 4:35 pm | Updated: 4:35 pm, Tue Jan 19, 2016.
Harry L. Vroman, 92, formerly of Hillsdale, died Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016, at the Hope Creek Care Center, East Moline. Services will be at 10 a.m. Friday, Jan. 22, at Gibson-Bode Funeral Home, Port Byron. Visitation will be from 4 to 7 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home. Burial will be at Sharon Cemetery, Erie. Memorials may be made to the Hillsdale United Methodist Church Youth Group. Harry was born Sept. 14, 1923, in Hillsdale, the son of John and Margaret Scheff Vroman. He served his country in the Army Air Corps during World War II in the European Theater. Harry married Mary Margaret Rock on March 17, 1948, in Geneseo. She preceded him in death on April 26, 1984. He worked as a machine operator for International Harvester and retired in 1983, after 28 years. He was a member of Hillsdale United Methodist Church. He also was a member of and past commander and chaplain of the VFW in Geneseo, and past commander of the Hillsdale Legion. Harry enjoyed hunting and fishing. He also collected cans and donated the proceeds to the church for the kids. Harry was honored to go on one of the first Honor Flights from the Quad-Cities and cherished that trip. He is survived by his children (and their spouses), Ron (Sue) Vroman, Atkinson, Kevin (Trina) Vroman, Silvis, Ruth Anne (Bill) Klotz, Atkinson; siblings, Marian (Gil) Klockengea, Viola (Bob) Dennis, Bob (Karen) Vroman, Dale (Jody) Vroman, Mae Croft, Alice Twilligear; grandchildren, Craig, Chad, Linda, Jim, William, Katherine, Eric, Tyler, Cody, Parker; great-grandchildren, Jacob, Sam, Rebekah, Jensen, Wyatt, Billy, Kyle, Lisa, Sophia and Emma. He was preceded in death by his parents, wife, Mary; siblings, Carroll, Lawrence, Ruby, Evelyn, Ralph, Gladys, Butch; son, Alan Vroman; and great-grandson, Joshua Vroman. Share a memory or condolence at
Vroman, John E. 4/25/1895 2/12/1971
Geneseo Republic Date:February 18, 1971
Hillsdale Man Dies Feb. 12th
John E. Vroman, 75, of Hillsdale died Friday, February 12, at oak Glen home, Coal Valley. Funeral services were Monday afternoon in Dailey funeral home, Port Byron, with the Rev. Francis Guither, pastor of the Port Byron Church of the Cross, officiating. Burial was in Sharon cemetery, Erie. Mr. Vroman was born April 25, 1895, in Harmon, Ill., a son of Edward and Louzetta Franks Vroman. He married Margat Scheff, Dec. 2, 1916 in Joslin, Ill. She died Oct. 4, 1970. Survivors include six sons, Carroll and Lawrence, both of Port Byron , Harry, Donald and Dale, all of Hillsdale, and Robert of Erie; seven daughters, Mrs. Ruby Becker of Rock Island, Mrs. Evelyn Clery of Joliet, Mrs. Gladys Swital and Mrs. Alice Twilligear, both of California; Mrs. Andrew Chapman of Geneseo, Mrs. Robert Dennis of East Moline, and Mrs. Charles Wilkins of Hillsdale; 25 grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Mabel Hauschildt, Peoria, and two brothers, Eugene of Geneseo and Anson of Michigan. He was preceded in death by a son, a daughter and a brother.
Vroman, Josie Mae Egert b. Feb. 10, 1901 d. May 25, 1930
Illinois Death & Stillborn Index
Josie Mae Vrooman [Josie Mae Egert]
Birth Date: 10 Feb 1901
Birth Place: Lisaine Tws, Henry Co Ill
Death Date: 25 May 1930
Death Place: Coe Tws, Rock Island, Illinois
Burial Date: 28 May 1930
Burial Place: Artland Tws, Whiteside, Ill
Cemetery Name: Shanon
Death Age: 29
Occupation: Housekeeper
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Female
Father Name: Joseph Egert
Father Birth Place: Lisaine Tws
Mother Name: Iona Richer
Mother Birth Place: Bradford, Ill
Spouse Name: Eugene Vrooman
FHL Film Number: 1643664
Vroman, Louzethe b.5/20/1872 d. 8/20/1929
Taken off the
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Louzethe Vroman
[Louzethe Franks]
Birth Date: 20 May 1872
Birth Place: Winett, Bureau, Ill
Death Date: 20 Aug 1929
Death Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 22 Aug 1929
Burial Place: Portland Tws, Whiteside, Ill.
Cemetery Name: Sharon Cemetary
Death Age: 57
Occupation: Housekeeper
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Female
Residence: Portland Twp, Whiteside, Ill.
Father Name: John Franks
Father Birth Place: Penn.
Mother Name: Mary Malone
Mother Birth Place: Penn.
Spouse Name: Edward J. Vroman
FHL Film Number: 1643320
Vroman, Pearl Nancy Dingman 4-25-1887 Aug. 1949
August 9, 1949;
Mrs. Eugene Vroman Buried at Sharon
Erie - Funeral services for Mrs. Eugene Vroman, 62, of near Hillsdale, who passed away Saturday at 5:30 p.m. at the Moline public hospital, where she had been under treatment for a week, was held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Hislldale Methodist church following family services at the Slaymaker funeral home in Erie. Interment wasin the Sharon cemetery. Pearl Nancy Dingman, daughter of a Mr.and Mrs. Charles Dingman was born April 25, 1887, in Lehigh, Ia. Her girlhood was spent in Ft. Dodge, Ia. and vicinity. In her young womanhood she was married to George Halligan whose death occurred in 1912. Eighteen years ago she was married to Eugene Vroman of Hillsdale, who survives. Her home has since been in the Erie and Hillsdale vicinities. Also surviving are two sons, Leo Halligan of Port Byron, George Halligan of Hillsdale, a daughter, Mrs. Iola Smith of Erie; 24 grandchildren and a stepson, A**in Vroman of Hillsdale, two stepdaughters, Mrs. Homer Brooks, and Mrs. Robert Cronin, both of Hillsdale. A son, Charles Halligan preceded her in death.
Vrooman, Verdon Lloyd b. 10/6/1916 d. 9/29/1917
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Verdon Lloyd Vrooman
Birth Date: 6 Oct 1916
Birth Place: Erie, Illinois
Death Date: 29 Sep 1917
Death Place: Erie, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 30 Sep 1917
Burial Place: Sharon, Ill.
Death Age: 11 Months 23 Days
Occupation: Child
Race: White
Marital Status: S
Gender: Male
Father Name: Lloyd F. Vrooman
Father Birth Place: Harmon, Ill.
Mother Name: Tella Fohluig
Mother Birth Place: Nebraska
FHL Film Number: 1543820
Wait, Cora Weber b. May 22, 1871 d. 12/26/1957
Republic 1-2-1958
Mrs. Cora M. Wait, 86, of Prophetstown died Thursday morning, December 26, in the Morrison Community hospital. She had been ill a short time. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon, December 28, in the Prophetstown Methodist church with the Rev. Leonard Lowe officiating. Burial was in Sharon cemetery, Portland township.Mrs. Wait was born May 22, 1871, in Loraine township, the daughter of Henry and Susan Ott Weber. She attended Loraine School and was married to Silas Wait of Erie in Morrison July 5, 1892. She had lived in Prophetstown since 1915 and was a member of the Eastern Star and the Methodist church. Surviving are a son, Perry of Clinton, Iowa, a daughter, Hazel Wait of Prophetstown, five brothers, two sisters, six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Her husband preceded her in death as did a daughter in infancy two granddaughters, four brothers and one sister.
The Echo edition printed 1-1-1958
Funeral services for Mrs. Cora Wait, 86, were held Saturday at 2:30 p.m. from the Prophetstown Methodist Church, the Rev. Leonard Lowe officiating. Burial was in the Sharon Cemetery. Kenneth Hansen sang "Sunset" accompanied by V.R. Olmstead on the organ. Pallbearers were Lester, Paul, and Frank Weber, and Mel Eislinger, nephews, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pieten, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Burgeson and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kiner assisted with the many beautiful floral tributes. Mrs. Wait passed away Thursday morning at the Morrison hospital where she had been since Dec. 17 undergoing surgery last Monday. Mrs. Cora Wait was born in Loraine township and educated at the Loraine School, she was the daughter of Henry and Susan Ott Weber. She was educated in the Loraine School. She married Silas Wait on Erie on July 5, 1892 at Morrison and the moved to Prophetstown in 1915 where they have since resided. She was a member of the Methodist Church and of the Eastern Star organization. She is survived by a son, Perry of Clinton IA. and a daughter Hazel at home, also five brothers and two sisters, six grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Preceding her in death were her parents, husband, one daughter in infancy, four brothers and a sister and two granddaughters
Wait, Cora Mae b. 1936 d. 1940
Wait, Gladys R. b. 1902 d. 1965
Wait, Hazel S. b. 1898 d. 1986
Wait, Horace b. Aug. 15, 1855 d. Jan. 8, 1890
Republic Feb. 17 1890
The funeral of Horace Waite was held at the Sharon church. He had lived several years in Montana and was engaged in growing horses.
U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current
Name: Horace Wait
Birth Date: 15 Aug 1855
Death Date: 8 Jan 1890
Cemetery: Sharon Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place: Spring Hill, Whiteside County, Illinois, USA
Has Bio?: N
Wait, Irene b. Apr. 24, 1894 d. May 30, 1894
Wait, L. Libbie b. Aug. 25, 1870 d. Jun. 29, 1944
Wait, Marilyn Joyce b. 1933 d. 1936
Wait, Mary H(Garrison) b. Nov. 19, 1830 d. Jan. 25, 1901 Parents: Phillip & Phoebe (Eastman) Garrison. Married; William Waite
Wait, Perry H. b. 1896 d. 1971
Wait, Silas b. 1860 d. Sep. 21, 1942
Unknown Paper, Unknown Date:
Rites Are Held For Silas Wait
Conduct Services in Spring Hill for Aged Prophetstown Resident
Prophetstown, Sept. 24.--- Funeral services for Silas Wait, 82, who died Monday afternoon in his home in Prophetstwon, were held at 2:30 yesterday at Sharon Church in Spring Hill, the Rev. John E. Robeson officiating. Masonic rites were held. Prayer was held at the Dudley chapel at 1:30. Pallbearers include Aubrey Sturtevant, Jess Buroughs, Charles Emery, Frank Moews, T.H. Taber and Amandus Ackeberg. Mrs. Margaret Drummet and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Upton assisted with the flowers. Burial was in Sharon cemetery. Those from out of town who attended the services are Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wait and family of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Goembel of Freeport, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schillinger and Mrs. Otto Stinman of Monroe, Wis., Clyde Collins of Milan, Mich., Freeman Weber of Whiting Kas., Mr. and Mrs. Zene Carney of Sterling, Mrs. Etta Bawer, Mrs. Clarence Baker, Mrs. William Connors, and Mrs. Hattie Heath of Morrison, Roy Garrison and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Fisk of Lyndon, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Casper Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Weber, Miss Anna Weber, William Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Weber, George Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fehlman, Mrs. Barbara Roos, Mrs. William Ryder and Mrs. Albert Parpaert of Geneseo, Herman Weber and Mrs. Roger Forret of Rock Island, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weber of East Moline, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weber, Mrs. Frank Hahn, Mrs. Lydia Weymer, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Arnett, Mrs. Hattie Martin and E.H. Wait of Erie and Alp Wait of Littleton, Colo.
Unknown Paper, Unknown Date:
Silas Wait, 82, Retired Farmer, Is Dead in Prophetstown Home
Noted 50th Wedding Anniversary In July: Funeral To Be Tomorrow
Prophetstown, Sept. 22---Silas Wait, 82, retired farmer, died at 2:15 yesterday afternoon in home here. He suffered a stroke six weeks ago, another two weeks and and a third Sunday morning, from which he did not regain consciousness. The body was removed to the Dudley mortuary. Funeral services will be held in the Sharon church at 2:30 Wednesday, the Rev. John E. Robeson officiating. Masonic rites will be held. Burial will be in Sharon Cemetery. Mr. Waite was born Aug. 31, 1860 at Massena, New York, son of William and Mary Ann Garrison Waite. While he was a small boy, the family moved to Prophetstown, where his father operated a ferry across Rock River. He married Cora M. Weber of Loraine township, Henry County in Morrison July 5, 1892. The couple lived in Spring Hill and on a farm near there for eighteen years then moved to Erie where they lived four years. He had since resided in Prophetstown. Mr. and Mrs. Wait celebrated their golden wedding anniversary last July. He was a member of the Prophetstown Masonic Lodge Knights Templar of Sterling for sixty-one years and was past member of the Bollen Lodge No. 412. Surviving are the widow, one son, Perry H. of Clinton. Ia.: a daughter, Hazel, at home: a brother, William of Leon Ia.,: and five grandchildren, Margaret, William, Robert, Wayne and Marilou. He was preceded in death by one daughter who died in infancy, a brother, Horace: a sister, Mrs. Ida Collins, who died April 29, 1941: and two granddaughters, Marilyn and Coramae
Wait, William b. Oct. 12, 1832 d. Feb. 15, 1901 Parents: Downer & Almira (Hillyard) Waite. Married: Mary Ann Garrison
Wait, William H. b. Sep. 27, 1867 d. Apr. 1, 1944
Waite, Arthur F. b. 8/10 1897 d. 12/18/1930
Arthur Faye Waite born 10 Aug 1897 in Wadena, Wadena, MN; killed in a train wreck 18 Dec 1930 in Granville, IL; buried in Sharon Cemetery, Springhill, IL. He married Ruth B. Young, born 4 Mar 1902; died 21 Dec 1928 in Whiteside Co., IL; buried in Sharon Cemetery, Springhill, IL. Ruth was the daughter of Albert Young.
Taken off of
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Arthur Jay Waite
Birth Date: 9 Aug 1897
Birth Place: Wadena, MN
Death Date: 18 Dec 1930
Death Place: Spring Valley, Bureau, Illinois
Burial Date: 21 Dec 1930
Burial Place: Portland, Whitside, IL
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 33
Occupation: Retail
Race: White
Marital Status: W
Gender: Male
Residence: Spring Valley, Bureau, ILL
Father Name: Byron Waite
Father Birth Place: Verndale, NY
Mother Name: Martha Franks
Mother Birth Place: Erie, ILL
Spouse Name: Ruth Waite
FHL Film Number: 1653487
Waite, Ruth Bernice Young b. 1902 d. 12/21/1928 wife of Arthur waite
Arthur Faye Waite born 10 Aug 1897 in Wadena, Wadena, MN; killed in a train wreck 18 Dec 1930 in Granville, IL; buried in Sharon Cemetery, Springhill, IL. He married Ruth B. Young, born 4 Mar 1902; died 21 Dec 1928 in Whiteside Co., IL; buried in Sharon Cemetery, Springhill, IL. Ruth was the daughter of Albert Young
Waldbusser, Anna Albertine Mina Hoecker b. Dec. 29, 1886 d. Sep. 3, 1950
Anna Waldbusser was born at Krietzle, Oehringen, Germany, the daughter of Gustav and Dorothea (Lieble) Haecker, on December 29, 1886. She received her education in that country. She came to the United States in 1909, settling first in Ohio, but moving to the vicinity of Peoria, IL a few years later. She married Fred Waldbusser of Deer Creek at Peoria on Jan. 31, 1912, and they made their home in Deer Creek and Minier until about 1930, when they came to the farm at Spring Hill which they have operated ever sinceand which they own. Mrs. Waldbusser was a member of the Portland Social Club and of the Lutheran Church at Minier. She passed away at 6 a.m. Sunday morning, Sept. 3, 1950 at her home just southeast of Spring Hill. She had experienced 2 1/2 years of declining health, but was only confined to her bed the last six weeks. The body was brought to the Gardner Mortuary in Prophetstown and was returned to the home late Tuesday afternoon. Funeral services were held at Sharon Church Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. with Rev. Harold Flessner officiating. She is survived by her husband and six sons and two daughters: William of Erie, Ernest, Alfred, Henry, Frederick and Robert of Prophetstown, Elsie (Mrs. Lloyd Burgess) of Xenia, and Dorothy at home. She is also survived by a brother, William, in Germany, and by 12 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, both of whom died in Germany and by two sisters.
Family links:
William F. Waldbusser (1913 - 1987)*
Elsie WaldbusserBurgess (1914 - 2000)*
Alfred H. Waldbusser (1918 - 2007)*
Henry E. Waldbusser (1919 - 2011)*
Frederick G. Waldbusser (1921 - 1996)*
Robert C. Waldbusser (1923 - 1998)*
Created by: Jana Oppendike
Record added: Jan 05, 2009
Find A Grave Memorial# 32654620
Waldbusser, Frederick Michael b. Feb. 19, 1887 d. Jun. 6, 1976
Fred Waldbusser was born February 19, 1887, in Busch Wurtenberg, Germany, the son of Frederick and Katherine Schmidgall Waldbusser. He came to the United States in 1905, locating in Peoria. He married Anna Haecker in Peoria on Jan. 31, 1912. They moved to the Springhill area in 1930 where they farmed until retiring in 1963. Fred Waldbusser passed away June 6, 1976 at the age of 89. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Wednesday, June 9, 1976 at Gardner Funeral Chapel with Rev. Dick Mayer officiating. Burial was in Sharon Cemetery. Pallbearers were Fred Waldbusser, Gary Waldbusser, Eugene Burgess, Douglas Moews, Terry Waldbusser, and Michael Waldbusser. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Lloyd (Elsie) Burgess of Xenia and Mrs. Fritz (Dorothy)Knapp of Morton; six sons, Bill of Erie, and Ernest, Alfred, Robert, Henry, and Fritz all of Prophetstown; 19 grandchildren; 16 great-grandchildren; and one sister, Rosine, in Germany. He was preceded by his parents, his wife, six brothers and six sisters.
Family links:
William F. Waldbusser (1913 - 1987)*
Elsie WaldbusserBurgess (1914 - 2000)*
Alfred H. Waldbusser (1918 - 2007)*
Henry E. Waldbusser (1919 - 2011)*
Frederick G. Waldbusser (1921 - 1996)*
Robert C. Waldbusser (1923 - 1998)*
Edit Virtual Cemetery info[?]
Created by: Jana Oppendike
Record added: Jan 06, 2009
Find A Grave Memorial# 32694865
Waldbusser, Henry E. "Hank" b. Sep. 19, 1919 d. Jun. 26, 2011
Henry E. "Hank" Waldbusser, 91 passed away Sunday, June 26, 2011 at the Good Samaritan Village, Geneseo where he had been a resident. He was born September 19, 1919 in Danvers, IL, the son of Fred and Anna (Hacker) Waldbusser. He married Mary Wanda Kay on March 4, 1946 in Camp Point, IL. He farmed most of his life in the Portland area. Hank played fast pitch softball for years. He loved the Cubs and watching local sports. He enjoyed playing golf at area courses each week with his golf group. He was also a fisherman. He is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, Terry and Gloria Waldbusser, Coal Valley; a daughter, Kitty Waldbusser, Geneseo; a brother, Ernest Waldbusser, Prophetstown; a sister, Dorothy Knapp, Morton, IL; 2 grandchildren, Scott (Becky)Waldbusser, Kristin Waldbusser; 2 great-grandchildren, Lillian & Emma; 3 step grandchildren, Paul (Nancy) Hancock, Michele (Michael)Price, Kristina (Justin) Anderson and 6 step great-grandchildren, Ryan, Tate, Cade, Sarah, ty and Payton.
He was preceded in death by his wife, Mary Wanda in 1971; and 5 siblings, Elsie Burgess, William, Alfred, Fritz and Robert Waldbusser. Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, June 29th at the Erie United Methodist Church. Visitation was held from 4-7 p.m. Tuesday, June 28th at Gibson Funeral Home, Erie. Burial was in Sharon Cemetery, rural Erie.
Family links:
Frederick Michael Waldbusser (1887 - 1976)
Anna Albertine Mina HaeckerWaldbusser (1886 - 1950)
Mary Wanda KayWaldbusser (1921 - 1971)
Sharon Cemetery
Spring Hill
Whiteside County
Illinois, USA
Edit Virtual Cemetery info[?]
Created by: Jana Oppendike
Record added: Jun 30, 2011
Find A Grave Memorial# 72242952
Waldbusser, Leo G. Combs b. May 4, 1917 d. Apr. 19, 1990
Leo Waldbusser was born May 4, 1917, in Omega Township, daughter of Franklin and Maude (Connelly) Combs. She married William Waldbusser on July 25, 1937 in Sterling, IL. He passed away in 1987. She was retired from General Electric. She was a member of the Erie Christian Church, Swamp Angels Camping Club, National Campers and Hikers of America, Illinois State Campers Association, the Illinois Wanderers for Retirees and she was a former Portland Township Democratic Women's Club president. She is survived by one son, Frederick, Port Byron; five grandchildren; two step grandchildren; six great grandchildren; one step great-grandchild; and one sister, Lucille Montgomery, Glendale, AZ. She was 72 at the time of her death at the United Medical Center, Moline. Funeral services were held at the Erie Christian Church with burial in Sharon Cemetery in Portland Township. Gibson Funeral Home was in charge of the service.
Family links:
Spouse: William F. Waldbusser (1913 - 1987)*
Created by: Jana Oppendike
Record added: Nov 02, 2008
Find A Grave Memorial# 31079678
Waldbusser, Mary Wanda Kay b. Jun. 22, 1921 d. Nov. 5, 1971
Mary Wanda Kay was born June 22, 1921, in Rock Island County, the daughter of Ray and Mary Tucker Kay. She was educated in Albany and was a member of the United Methodist Church. She married Henry Waldbusser in 1946 at Camp Point, Illinois. She had lived in her present home since 1946. She passed away Friday morning, November 5, 1971, at Community General Hospital, Sterling at the age of 50. Funeral services were held at the Leon United Methodist Church on Monday, Nov. 8, at 1:30 p.m. with Rev. Preston Woods and Rev. Raymond Bjork officiating. Burial was in Sharon Cemetery. Pallbearers were: Max Dail, Donald Dail, Ed Stralow, Arthur VanQuakebeke, Robert Esslinger, and Steve Jackson. Survivors include her husband, a daughter, Kitty, at home; a son Terry, a student at Western Illinios University, Macomb; her father; two sisters, Mrs. Gertrude Thompson of Chula Vista, California, and Mrs. Betty Brasher of Erie; two brothers, Robert E. of Albany and Harvey of Erie. She was preceded in death by her mother and two brothers.
Family links:
Spouse: Henry E. Waldbusser (1919 - 2011)*
Created by: Jana Oppendike
Record added: Jan 06, 2009
Find A Grave Memorial# 32695251
Waldbusser, William F. b. Apr. 7, 1913 d. Sep. 7, 1987
William F. Waldbusser , 74, of Erie, died Monday at Illini Hospital, Silvis. Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. Thursday at the Erie Christian Church. Burial will be at Sharon Cemetery in Portland Twp. Mr. Waldbusser was born April 7, 1913 in Deer Creek Twp, the son of Frederick and Anna Hacker Waldbusser. He married Leo Combs on July 25, 1937 in Sterling. He retired from the Plumbers and Pipefitters Union Local 1925 and had formerly been employed at George Perkins Heating & Plumbing in Prophetstown. Surviving are his wife, Leo; one son, Fred, Port Byron; five brothers, Ernest, Alfred, Henry, Frederick and Robert, all of Prophetstown; two sisters, Elsie Burgess, Xenia, and Dorothy Knapp, Morton.
Family links:
Frederick Michael Waldbusser (1887 - 1976)
Anna Albertine Mina HaeckerWaldbusser (1886 - 1950)
Spouse: Leo G. CombsWaldbusser (1917 - 1990)
Created by: Jana Oppendike
Record added: Nov 22, 2008
Find A Grave Memorial# 31626400
Walker, Edith Rowe Mar. 15, 1860 Dec. 27, 1946
Services for Mr. Edith Walker, 86, who died Friday evening in Geneseo, were held yesterday at the Schilling funeral home in Erie, with Rev. L. E. Jones of the Erie Methodist church officiating. Mrs. R. M. Schilling was organist. Cecil Olinger of Prophetstown sang, accompanied by Mrs. M. L. Lindsay, also of Prophetstown. Pallbearers were E. S. Arnett,, Chester Holland, Edward Backer, Francis Brightman, Roy M. Cocking and Arthur hawk. Mrs. Franic Brightman, Mrs. E. S. Arnett and Mrs. Bernice Sieben were charge of flowers. Burial was in Sharon cemetery. Relatives and friends attended from Freeport, Geneseo, Annawan, Davenport, Rock Island, Sherrard, Taylor Ridge and Hillsdale an from Elmore, Minn.
Taken off of
llinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Edith Rowe Walker
[Edith Rowe Rowe]
Birth Date: 15 Mar 1860
Birth Place: Henry Co , Ill
Death Date: 27 Dec 1946
Death Place: Geneseo, Henry, Illinois
Burial Date: 30 Dec 1946
Burial Place: Portland, Whiteside, Ill.
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 86
Occupation: Housewife
Race: White
Marital Status: W
Gender: Female
Residence: Erie, Whiteside, Ill.
Father Name: Geo. Washington Rowe
Mother Name: Julia Hempster
FHL Film Number: 1991461
Walker, Edna died 8/12/1906
REPUBLIC 8-17-1906
Miss Edna Walker, who has been ailing for a number of years, passed away at her home one-half mile south of Spring Hill on Sunday, Aug. 12, of consumption. Although she had been ailing, the end came unexpected, she having been confined to her bed but one week. All the kind and loving hands could do was done for her but God claimed His own. The funeral was held at her late home Tuesday afternoon and she was laid at rest at the Sharon Cemetery. Edna was a kind and affectionate girl and was loved by all who knew her. The family have the sympathy of the entire community.
Weimer, Frank 1873 8/19/1887
(Note: he is listed also in Oakwood Cemetery in Geneseo Illinois)
Copied from Republic of 9/30/1887
Aug. 7, 1887 Frank Weimer, aged 15 died.
Oakwood Cemetery book states death date as 8/19/1887.
Illinois Statewide Death Index, Pre-1916
WEIMER, FRANK 1887-08-07 GENESEO 15 YR M 1 152 Cert #1935 HENRY
Copy of Death register from IL Archives on file.
#1935 Frank Weimer male white 15 years 4 months School boy says he Died August 7, 1887 Geneseo IL (see report) single Place of Burial Sharon August 8, 1887
Email from Henry County Court House
Robin, On the death certificate of Frank Weimer, see report for cause of death , and his place of burial is Sharon. If you have any other questions, just let me know.
Angie Palmer, Deputy County Clerk
Henry County Government
307 West Center St.
Cambridge, IL 61238
(309) 937- 3483 Phone
(309) 937- 2796 Fax
Welding, Aggie May b. 11/16/1869 d. 10/19/1873 Lot 14B d/o A & M.A. Welding 1y
Welding, Alice E. Timmerman 9/12/1842 11/29/1918 Arkansas Lot 14B w/o Arthur
Republic 12-10-1918
Mrs. Alice Timmerman Welding a former resident of Spring Hill, passed away at the home of a sister at Erueka Springs, Kansas, Nov. 27. The remains arrived at Erie Monday and after a short service at the home of her brother, F.P. Timmerman, they were conveyed to the Sharon cemetery where she was buried beside her husband, Arthur Welding. she leaves a sister,. Mrs. Merril at Prophetstown, a brother , F.P. Timmerman of Erie and a daughter in Canada to mourn her passing.
Welding, Arthur b. 3/8/1842 d. 04 Oct 1908 Civil War Vet
m(1) Mary Ann Wilt
m(2) Alice E Timmerman
Republic 10-9-1908
While engage in picking apples at Sharon on last Sunday afternoon Arthur Welding an old and respected citizen of Erie fell dead. Mr. Welding was about to get into his buggy preparatory to return home and without warning he was stricken falling beside his buggy where he died without uttering a sound. Mr. and Mrs. Welding drove to Sharon early in the day and to all appearance Mr. Welding was in the very best of health and had not complained of feeling ill. Assistant was secured and the remains were brought back to Erie where an examination showed that death followed a violent attack of vertigo. Mr. Welding is survived by his wife, a brother and one son, the whereabouts of the latter being unknown. He was between 66 and 67 years if age d was a veteran if the civil war.
Welding, Lucy P. b. 12/12/1811 d.2/1/1874 Lot14B 62y 1m 20d w/o John
Welding, Mary Ann Wilt 12/21/1843 8/30/1931 Lot14B
WILKEN, Laverne Vern C. b. 22 Apr 1940 d. 22 Jan 2009 Parents: Walter & Letha (Garman) Wilken. Married: Brigitte Meggle
Laverne Wilken
STERLING - Laverne C. "Vern" Wilken, 68, of Sterling, died Thursday, Jan. 22, 2009, at Dixon Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center. He owned Wil-Can-Do Construction, Polo, for many years; was plant manager at Cedar Forest Product for 12 years;, and owned and operated V.W. Construction, Sterling, until his retirement. Vern was born April 22, 1940, in Brookville, the son of Walter and Letha (Garman) Wilken. He was united in marriage to Brigitte Meggle Tompkins on July 3, 1987, at Polo United Methodist Church. Vern was a member of Wesley United Methodist Church, Sterling, the church choir, Rock River Barber Shoppers, Polo Lions Club, and the former Sauk Valley Striders. He was an avid runner and enjoyed wood working. Survivors include his wife, Brigitte of Sterling; three sons, Barry (Laurie) of Tucson, Ariz., Rodney (Barb) of Rockford, and Jeff (Nancy) Wilken of Danvers; two stepchildren, Robert Tompkins and Barbara (Kevin) Gibbs, both of Moline; one sister, Lorene (Gary) Stamm of Forreston; one brother, Loran (Kathy) Wilken of Leaf River; five grandchildren, Steven, Kaitlyn, Kristine, Lisa, and Spencer; and two stepgrandchildren, Nicole and Andrea Gibbs. He was preceded in death by his parents; and one granddaughter, Brittany. Memorial service is at 11 a.m. Wednesday at McDonald-Allen-Grennan Funeral Home, 505 First Ave., Sterling, with the Rev. Nancy Weingartner, pastor of Wesley United Methodist Church, Sterling, officiating. Cremation rites have been accorded. Burial of cremains is at Riverside Cemetery, Sterling. A gathering of friends and family is from 9 to 11 a.m. Wednesday at the funeral home. In lieu of flowers, memorials have been established to Happy Tails Animal Shelter, Sterling, and Granny Rose Animal Shelter, Dixon. Condolences may be sent at www.mcdonaldfuneralhomes.comon the Internet. Copyright © 2012 Sauk Valley Media. All rights reserved.
Williams, Benjamin d. 8/30/1870 89y 4m 23d Lot 2
Williams, Harriett d. 8/22/1862 6y 5m 19d Lot 2
Williams, Herbert 2/13/1912 6/27/198? Lot 81B
Williams, Nellie 8/7/1916 ???? Lot 81 B
Williams, Sarah Bell d. 7/13/1862 8y 3m 13d Lot 2
Withrow, Charles R. b. Dec. 24, 1898 d. Jun. 23, 1966
Dispatch June 24, 1966
Charles R. Withrow, 67, a former village trustee and a automobile dealer here several years, died at 10 yesterday morning in Moline Public Hospital where he had been a patient several weeks. Services will be at 2 Sunday afternoon in the Erie Baptist Church with the Rev. Glenn Harms, pastor and the Rev. L. E. Ellison of East Moline former pastor, officiating. Burial in Sharon Cemetery south of here. Masonic services will be held at 8 tomorrow night in the Schilling Funeral Home where friends may call afternoon tomorrow until time of the service. Mr. Withrow was born in Geneseo, the son of George and Florence Fuller Withrow. He married Helen Brooks Dec. 28, 1921 in Geneseo. Mrs. Withrow was a 32nd degree Mason, and past president of the Erie Progressive Club. Surviving is the widow, one sister Mrs. Harold Brooks of Erie and two brother, Otis of Oneida, and John of Mountain View, Calif. He was preceded in death by a daughter.
Withrow, Erma A. (Brooks) b. Apr. 16, 1893 d. May 7, 1966 Lot 67 w/o Ottis
Dispatch 5-9-1966
Mrs. Otis Withrow, 73, of Oneida died at 1:00 Saturday afternoon in St. Mary's Hospital, Galesburg. Services will be at 1:30 Wednesday afternoon in the Presbyterian Church at Oneida. Burial will be in Sharon Cemetery near Erie.
Withrow, Emma Jean b.11/3/1922 d. 1/12/1923
Taken off the
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Emma Jean Withron
Birth Date: 3 Nov 1922
Birth Place: Illinois
Death Date: 12 Jan 1923
Death Place: Portland, Whiteside Co, Illinois
Burial Date: 13 Jan 1923
Burial Place: Portland, Whiteside Co, Illinois
Cemetery Name: Sharon Cemetery
Death Age: 2 Months 9 Days
Race: White
Marital Status: S
Gender: Female
Residence: Portland, Whiteside Co, IL
Father Name: Withron
Father Birth Place: Illinois
Mother Name: Helen B...
Mother Birth Place: Illinois
FHL Film Number: 1557038
Withrow, Helen A. b. Jan. 17, 1903 d. Feb. 10, 1979
Withrow, Otis D. b. May 28, 1894 d. Feb. 17, 1971 Lot 67 h/o Erma
OTIS D. WITHROW , 76, of Erie, died ( 17 Feb. 1971) Wednesday afternoon in Morrison Community Hospital. He was a retired farmer. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, in the Schilling Funeral Home, with the Rev. Ernest Lautt officiating. Burial will be in Sharon Cemetery. Visitation will be Friday afternoon and until time of services. Mr. Withrow was born May 28, 1894, in Geneseo, the son of George and Florence Fuller Withrow. He married Erma Brooks, Feb. 24, 1916, in Geneseo. She preceded him in death. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church, Oneida. Survivors are one sister, Mrs. Harold Brooks, Erie; one brother, John, Redwood City, Calif., and three nephews. Contributed by Melva L. Taylor - The Daily Gazette, Sterling-Rock Falls, Illinois February 18, 1971 - Thursday, pg 2
Witt, Adam died 1929
Republic 1-18-1929
The remains of Adam Witt were brought from Mr. Pleasant, Iowa and interment was in the family lot in Sharon cemetery Saturday morning. He grew to manhood in the vicinity of Sharon.
Wood, A. E. Mrs. 9-15-1831 11/8/1890 Lot 17A W/o William
Geneseo Republic Republic 11-21-1890
Mr. A.E. Wood was born Sept. 15th 1831, in Ohio, and died Nov. 8th, 1890, at Sharon, Ill., of paralysis. She was a faithful member of the M.E. church and her dying words were, "I am ready to go". She was a loving mother and a kind neighbor and will missed by all, for her deat will be empty. She leaves an aged father and mother, three broters, three sisters, two sons and three daughters, one of the later being an adopted child. Her funeral was largely attended, and the sermon was preached by Rev. Wm. Thompson and her remains were buried in the Sharon cemetery. Mother we'll not call you back to this world of sorrow for we know that you are at rest, and that at the Golden Gate you are waiting for your children in the land of the blest.
Wolfe, Margaret Wait b. 1926 d. 1965
WUEBBEN, John E. b. Jan. 9, d.21 Feb 1977 Parents: Rudolph and Gertrude (Daniels) Wuebben. Married; Clara Marsh 5 Apr 1941 Clinton IA E. WUEBBEN , 61, RR1, Erie was found dead at his home Monday afternoon. Private funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Schilling-Reedy Funeral Home in Erie. The Rev. Dale Erickson, pastor of the Erie Christian Church will officiate. Burial will be in the Sharon Cemetery. Visitation will be held Tuesday (tonight) from 7-9 p.m. at the funeral home. He was born Jan 9 in Emden, Ill. the son of Rudolph and Gertrude Daniels Wuebben. He married Clara Marsh on April 5, 1941 in Clinton and had been an employee of General Electric in Morrison. Survivors include his widow, two daughters, Mrs. Arthur (Jackie) Pyse of Fenton, and Mrs. Raymond (Janice) Lehman of Round Grove; two sons, John Jr. of Morrison and Calvin at home; six grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Clarence (Jean) Bell of Rock Falls and Mrs. Jim (Hilda) Lawson of Forreston; two brothers, Raymond of Sterling and Robert of Warren. He was preceded in death by his parents, one brother and one sister. DEATH RULED SUICIDE - Whiteside County Coroner James Grennan held an inquest Monday into the death of John E. Wuebben, 61, RR 1, Erie, who was found dead at his home Monday at 4 p.m. Coroner Grennan swore in a jury Monday at the Schilling Reedy Funeral Home, and death was ruled as suicide due to self-inflicted shot gun wounds to the head. Contributed by Barbara Nugent - Sterling Daily Gazette Obituary, Tuesday, February 22, 1977
Young, Adam b. Mar. 3, 1823 d. Apr. 15, 1905
Republic 4-28-1905
Adam Young
At the home of his son Adam in Erie, Ill., April 15th, after an illness of nearly four months, Mr. Adam Young died aged 82 years, 1 month and 12 days. The funeral services were held Monday afternoon at Sharon church by Rev. J. W. Funston, of Prophetstown. The remains were buried in the family lot in Sharon cemetery. A. A. Matthews had charge of the funeral. Adam B. Young was born in Bedford County, Pa., March 3, 1823, and was raised on a farm He was united in marriage on Sept. 18,1814, to Elizabeth Ebersola. To this union were born seven children, six of whom survive him, five sons and one daughter, wife of Martin of Leesburg, Mo, all were present at the funeral. He also has seventeen grandchildren, and twelve great-grandchildren. The death messenger entered the home and took away the wife and mother, Nov. 10, 1891 and again the son and brother George May 23, 1901 Mr. Young came west in 1853 and purchased a farm in Portland township where he resided until on account of failing health he moved to Erie to make his home with his son Adam where he quietly passed away April 15, 1905 at the advance age of 82 years, 1 month, and 12 days. He united with the Lutheran church 64 years ago. He was a good citizen, a man of clear judgment, his industry and firm energy met with success; his kind disposition and watchful care of his family will long be cherished, for he considered no service to hard nor any sacrifice too great to be done for those whom h so fondly love. May he rest in peace as he lives in the memory of his friends and loved ones.
Young, Albert C. b. May 14, 1871 d.11/27/1942
Republic 12-4-1942
Albert Young, aged 71 years and well known in the northern section of Henry county, died Friday, November 27th in the Moline Public Hospital, where he had been a patients for a few days. He had been ill for several weeks. Mr. Young was the son of Daniel and Esther Crameres Young, pioneer resident of Sharon community and was born May 14, 1871 in Sharon. He attended the rural schools and as a young man engaged in farming with occupation he has always followed. He was married to Bessie R. Kempster in 1897 She died Sept. 21, 1941. Mr. Young was a member of the Sharon Church and active in the affairs of the church and community.Surviving are three son"s, Ralph and Howard of Erie and Lyle of Granville, Illinois, two daughters, Mrs. Walter Krafft, of Western Springs, and Miss Florence Young, a register nurse in Los Angles. Mrs. Krafft, the Vera Young and her sister are graduates of the Geneseo township high school. He also leaves two sister, Mrs. Hattie Engdahl, of Phenix, Arizona, formerly of Geneseo, and Mrs. Hattie Palmer of Erie, a brother, Elmer Young of Portland township, a granddaughter and a great-granddaughter.. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Mrs. Ruth Waite and a sister Mrs. Maud Crosier of Geneseo. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in Sharon church north of Geneseo with Rev. Ralph Kofold, pastor of the Erie Methodist church, officiating. The floral offerings were in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Brooks. Burial was in the family lot in Sharon cemetery. Pallbearers William Meiers, Julius Mix, Martin Schmell, Charles DeRue, Thomas Carpenter, and George Fuller. Mrs. William Bessant of Geneseo sang, accompanied by Miss Hilma Hagelin, also of Geneseo. (It than list a people who attended the funeral which I did not list).
Young, Alice C. b. unknown d. Aug. 1, 1875
Young, Bessie R. Kempster b. Feb. 1, 1877 d. 9/21/1941 Parents:John & Eliza (Rowe) Kempster
YOUNGBESSIE F/W Y-64 0000211 1941-09-21 HENRY GENESEO
Geneseo Republic Date: September 26, 1941
Mrs. A. Young Is Summoned
Dies Sept 22 in Hammond Hospital: Was Former Bessie Kempster
Death summoned Mrs. Albert Young of near Erie Sunday afternoon, September 21 at 2:15 in the J.C. Hammond city hospital, where she had been a patient since Friday last week. She had been suffering from an infection in her right hand. Mrs. Young was formerly Bessie Kempster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kempster. She was born Feb. 1, 1877 in Kempsterville, north of Geneseo. On April 28, 1897 she was married to Albert Young, of Portland township. They had occupied the Young farm for many years. Deceased was a member of Sharon Aid society and was formerly president of the organization. She was active and deeply interested in community affairs. Sh leaves to mourn her death, her husband, two daughters, Mrs. Walter Kraft of Western Springs, the former Miss Vera Young, of Geneseo and Miss Florence Young a registered nurse in Los Angeles, three sons, Ralph and Howard Young of Erie and Lyle Young of Granville. She is also survived by two sisters, Mrs. Minnie Dennis of Loveland, Colorado and Mrs. Josephine Arnett of Verden Oklahoma, three grandchildren including Rita Jean Waite now Mrs. Gerald Pfundstein, wo was reared by Mrs. Young. She was preceded in death by a daughter, Mrs. Ruth Waite, three brothers and four sisters. Funeral services and burial took place in Sharon Wednesday.
Young, Buell b. 3/27/1909 d. 2/11/1999
Buell YoungBirth: 1909 Death: 1999Interred in Dunedin, FL
Family links:
Spouse: Irene DennisYoung (1912 - 1993)
Created by: Pam Pickens
Record added: Nov 06, 2011
Find A Grave Memorial# 79959362
Buell Young, 89, of Franklin, Tenn., formerly of Erie, died Thursday, Feb. 11, 1999, at National Health Care Center, Franklin. Graveside services are 2 p.m. Tuesday at Parklawn Cemetery, Dunedin, Fla. A memorial fund has been established. Mr. Young was born March 27, 1909, in Erie, to Elmer and Nella Turner Young. He married Irene Dennis in 1937. She preceded him in death. He had been employed at Deere and Company, had been a Thermogas dealer in Hillsdale, and retired from City Gas, Miami, Fla., in 1977. He was a member of the National Guard, Erie Christian Church and Erie Masonic Lodge. Survivors include daughters, Janet DeCosta and Shirley Smith, of Nantucket, Mass., and Sharon Mauth, Franklin; eight grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren; a great-great-grandchild; and brothers, Keith, Port Byron, and Lauren, Erie.
Young, Charles W. Born 5-3-1865 died 2-9-1932
Young, Charles 2/18/1878 8/7/1890
Republic 8-29-1890
The sudden death of Charlie Young by suicide was a shock to all who had enjoyed his acquaintance. He had alway seemed to enjoy life well and to perform its duties carefully.
After Charles's mother, Susan Kelly Young, died in childbirth with his younger sister in 1881, Charles was raised by an Aunt, Mary Young Martin, married to John Martin. Charles accidentally shot himself at the age of 14. His older brother Robert Frederick Young age 16 left home to live and work for his mother's brother Uncle Daniel C Kelly and Ella Kelly in Dallas Center Iowa. (provided courtsey of ptjay838 from Hughes Family Tree D:8-7-1890 B:2-18-1878 on find a grave)
Young, Cynthia M. b. Apr. 30, 1881 d. Aug. 19, 1881
Young, Daniel E. b. Jan. 6, 1851 d. Jan. 21, 1936
Republic 1-31-1936
Daniel E. Young, former Geneseo resident died at his home in Miami, Fla., Tuesday Jan. 27, 1936 at the age 85 years and 14 days. He had been living in Florida the past 18 years but returned here frequently to spend the summer time with his children. Mr. Young was born nears Martinburg, Pa., Jan 6, 1851, the son of Adam and Elizabeth Ebersole Young. He came west with his parents when he was a small child. The settled near Sharon, Portland township about the year 1855. Mr. Young was united in marriage Dec. 25, 1869 to Esther Camerer also on Sharon. They engaged in farming and continued to do so until they retire and moved to Geneseo. To this union was born six children, one daughter, Allee, passed away in infancy. Mr. young became identified with the Methodist church of Sharon in 1906. He took an active part in building. They moved to Geneseo in the year 1913 and resided here until after the passing of his wife and companion on Nov. 29, 1916. After the passing of his wife he retired to Miami, Fla. He returned in the summers and enjoyed visiting his children in the same locality where he lived his earlier life. He is survived by two sons, Albert and Elmer Young near Erie and three daughter's, Mrs. Homer Palmer, of Erie, Mrs. George Crosier of Geneseo, and Mrs. Victor E. Engdahl of Phoenix, Arizona, one brother Isaac Young and sister Mrs. Mary Marin of Erie, fifteen grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Four brothers, Jacob, George, Adam, and ??? are deceased. The remains arrived January 23, accompanied by Mrs. Homer Palmer, who had been called three weeks before. The body was taken to Myers funeral pallor where it remained until January 25th., where a brief service was conducted at 1 p.m. by Rev. R. C. Hull of Erie Methodist church, Mr. Edwin Meier, soloist of Geneseo. The pallbearers were six grandson's of the deceased: Ralph, Howard, Buell, and Keith Young, and Claude and Claire Crosier.
Young, David b. May 17, 1819 d. Jan. 2, 1856
Young, Doris Ann b. Dec. 25, 1935 d. Dec. 25, 1935
Young, Edwin b. Nov. 7, 1883 d. Feb. 15, 1884
Young, Elizabeth Ebersole b. Jan. 27, 1824 d. Nov. 10, 1891
Republic Nov. 13, 1891
Mrs. Adam Young Sr. died at her home Tuesday morning after a long and painful illness, beginning with rheumatism and terminating in dropey of the heart. Deceased was a native of Pennsylvania but has lived in this vicinity for many years. She was a consistent member of the Methodist Church. She was a loving mother, a kind neighbor, with a word and a pleasant smile for all. We shall meet and we shall miss her but we know that she has passed from earthly scenes and cares, to a region of eternal bliss and is walking with her Savior beside the crystal river.
Young, Ella J. Santee 1858 died: July 1921 w/o George Lot 3
Geneseo Republic Date:July 15, 1921
The remains of Mrs. Ella Santee Young were brought to Erie last Thursday and were conveyed to Spring Hill, where she was taken to the home of her sister, Mrs. Linda Reiger, where a short service was held. The remarks were made by Rev. Hudson, pastor of the Erie M.E. church, the singing being by Mrs. Swidares and Mrs. Fester, of Erie, after which the remains were taken to the Sharon cemetery and laid to rest by the side of her husband, George Young, who died at Erie twenty years ago. The body was accompanied here by the three children, Grace Howe, Mayme Lichty and Charles Young, also Alice Colbert a sis of the deceased.
Birth: Apr., 1858 Pennsylvania, USA
Death: 1921
Parents were from PA
Mother of 3 incl. Charles A. b. Nov. 1892 in Orient, IA. On. Jan. 27, 1916 Charles marr. Ida M. Willbee (b. 1896) in Creston, Union Co., IA. Ida was the dau. of Geo. Willbee and Hannah Moberg.
Family links:
Spouse: George E. Young (1853 - 1901)*
Burial:Sharon Cemetery Spring Hill Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Created by: Dave & Pam Jindrich
Record added: May 08, 2012
Find A Grave Memorial# 89772049
Young, Elmer James b. Jan. 26, 1878 d. Dec. 31, 1957
Geneseo Republic 1/2/1958
Death Claims Elmer J. Young
Elmer J. Young, 79, of Erie died Tuesday morning, Decemeber 31, at his home in Portland township following an extended illness. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon, January 2, in the Schilling funeral home, Erie. Burial was in Sharon cemetery. Mr. Young was born January 26, 1878, a son of Daniel and Esther Kemmer Young. He received his education in this vicinity and spent his entire life in Portland township. He was a retired farmer and served as road commissioner of Portland township. He married Nella Turner and she died in 1950. Mr. Young was a member of the Sharon church. Surviving are three sons, Burwell of Miami Florida and Keith and Lauren of Portland township: two sisters, Mrs. Victoria Engdahl of Phoenix, Arizona and Mrs. Harriett Palmer of LaVerne Californina: 13 grandchildren and one great-granddaughter
Young, Esther Camerer b. May 14, 1851 d. Nov. 29, 1916
Republic 12-8-1916
Mrs. Daniel Young, for over forty years a resident of Henry County, died at her home on east North street, in Geneseo, on Wednesday morning of last week, apoplexy being the cause of her passing. Mrs. Young appeared in her usual good health all morning until about 10:30. when she was taken with a stroke of apoplexy and died a few minutes later. For many years Mr. and Mrs. Young were residents of Sharon neighborhood north of town, where they have a wide circle of friends. About three years ago they moved to Geneseo and but a short time ago moved into their new home on east North street. Both she and her husband have been prominent members of Sharon community and in the life of this city. To her many friends throughout this part of the county the news of her sudden death was a sad shock. Mrs. Young's maiden name was Esther Camerer and she was born at Martinburg, Pennsylvania on May 14, 1851 and was in her sixty -six year at the time of her death. she came to Illinois about forty years ago was married to Daniel C. Young at Morrison. Besides her husband her untimely passing is mourned by two son's, Albert and Elmer Young, who live in the vicinity of the long time family home near Erie, and three daughters Mrs. George Crosier of Kasson, Minn., Mrs. Homer H. Palmer of Hillsdale and Mrs. Victor Engdahl of this city. Mrs. Young also is survived by six sisters. Funeral services where held from the home on Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock, in charge of Rev. J. F. Robinson of the Methodist church, and assisted by Rev. Wright, of Milan. The remains were laid to rest in the Sharon cemetery.
Young, George E. 1853 1901 Lot 3 h/o Ella J.
Birth: 1853
Death: 1901
Son of Adam Young b. PA in Mar. 1823. In the 1900 census in which Adam is living with son, George and his family, he indicates his own father was from Germany & his mother from PA.
Marr. Elie J. Santee on Nov. 9, 1876 in Henry Co., IL
Family links:
Spouse: Ella J. Santee Young (1858 - 1921)
Burial:Sharon Cemetery Spring Hill Whiteside County Illinois, USA
Created by: Dave & Pam Jindrich
Record added: May 08, 2012
Find A Grave Memorial# 89772037
Young, Irene Dennis b. 1912 d. 1993
Irene Dennis YoungBirth: 1912Death: 1993
Interred in Dunedin, FL
Family links:
Spouse:Buell Young (1909 - 1999)*
Created by: Pam Pickens
Record added: Nov 06, 2011
Find A Grave Memorial# 79959387
Young, Isaac b. Sep. 9, 1848 d. Nov. 23, 1941
Isaac Young
Birth: Sep. 9, 1848 Blair County Pennsylvania, USA
Death: Nov. 23, 1941 ErieWhiteside County Illinois, USA
Son of Adam & Elizabeth (Ebersole) Young
Marr. Susan Kelly
Farmer; died at 93 yrs.
Family links:
Adam Young (1823 - 1905)
Elizabeth EbersoleYoung (1824 - 1891)
Spouse: Susan M. KellyYoung (1858 - 1881)*
Children: Cynthia M. Young (1881 - 1881)*
Created by: Pam Pickens
Record added: Nov 06, 2011
Find A Grave Memorial# 79953810
Young, Jacob b. Dec. 15, 1846 d. Jan. 10, 1917
Republic 1-19-1917
Jacob Young, a life-long resident of Sharon passed away last Wednesday morning at the home of a friend,Mr. S. Ballard where he has been staying a few weeks. The funeral services were held Friday afternoon, and the remains laid at rest in the Sharon cemetery.
Young, Judi K. b. 9/16/1943 w/o Ray married 9-4-1986
Young, Keith E. b. 3/28/1911 d. 1/13/ 2003
Keith E. ``Casey'' Young, 91, of Silvis, formerly of Port Byron, died Monday, Jan. 13, 2003, at Illini Hospital, Silvis. Services will be 10:30 a.m Thursday at Erie Christian Church, where he was an active member. Burial will be in Sharon Cemetery, Erie. Visitation will be 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. today at Gibson Funeral Home, Erie, with a Masonic service at 6 p.m. Memorials may be made to the church. Mr. Young was born March 28, 1911, in Erie, son of Elmer and Nella Turner Young. He married Lois Delp Sept. 7, 1934, in Geneseo. She died May 10, 1981. He had been a farmer and retired from John Deere Experimental in 1976, after 22 years of service. Mr. Young was a member of Erie Masonic Lodge 667, was a 50-year member of the Moline Consistory, and was a member of the John Deere Two-Cylinder Club. He enjoyed being a farmer and going to area coffee shops to visit with his many friends. Survivors include daughters and sons-in-law, Priscilla and Robert Bass, Cottage Grove, Minn., and Millie and George VanThorre, East Moline; a son and daughter-in-law, Ray and Judi Young, Geneseo; eight grandchildren; 20 great-grandchildren; and his sister-in-law, Jeanette Young, Erie. He was preceded in death by two daughters and two brothers. Keith left this life the same as he lived it, a caring, sharing and compassionate man. He is at peace with God.
Young, Linda Sue b. Jan. 31, 1954 d. Jan. 31, 1954
Young, Lois C. 4/10/1914 5/10/1981 nee; Delp w/o Keith Young
Republic of 5-15-1981
Funeral services for Lois Young, 67, of Port Byron, who died Sunday, May 10 at Ilini hospital, Silvis, were Tuesday afternoon, May 12 at Erie Christian church. Rev. Dale Erickson officiated and burial was in Sharon cemetery, Erie. Memorials may be made to the Illini Christian Children' Home, Erie. Lois Delp was born April 10, 1914 in Geneseo, the daughter of Elmer and Alta Weimer Delp. She married Keith Young in September, 1934 in Geneseo. Mrs. Young was a member of Erie Christian church and Elsie chapter, Order of Eastern Star, Port Byron. Survivors include her husband, a son, Ray of Geneseo, two daughters, Mrs. Robert Bass of Port Byron and Mrs. Millie Wallace of Rapids City, eight grandchildren, a sister, Mrs. Richard Wake of Port Byron, and two brothers, Arlon Delp of Geneseo and Lowell Delp of Silvis. She was preceded in death by two daughters and one sister.
Young, Lois (Gray) 7/3/1914 10/2/1967 w/o Lyle Young
Republic 10-5-1967
Mrs. Lyle Young of Granville formerly of Atkinson , died Monday morning, October 2, in the St. Margaret's hospital, Spring Valley, where she had been a patient since Thursday. Funeral services were Wednesday afternoon, October 4, in the Congregational United church of Christ,Granville. Burial was in Sharon Cemetery, Spring Hill. The former Lois Gray was born July 3, 1914, in Atkinson, the daughter of Clarence and Mary Brooks Gray. She was a graduate of the Atkinson high school. She resided in Atkinson with Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Brooks, her maternal grandparents, following the death of her mother in 1918, On September 8, 1932, she was married to Lyle Young in Erie. The couple lived in Erie for one year, then moved to Granville. Surviving are her husband, a sister, Mrs. Eugene VanOpdrop of Atkinson and two half brothers, John and Harold Gray of Chenoa.
Young, Luella L. b. 11/5/1859 d.3/26/1940
Taken off the
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Luella L. Young
Birth Date: 5 Nov 1859
Birth Place: Portland Twp , Illinois
Death Date: 26 Mar 1940
Death Place: Portland Twp , Whiteside Co , Illinois
Burial Date: 28 Mar 1940
Burial Place: Ill.
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 80
Occupation: Housework
Race: White
Marital Status: S
Gender: Female
Residence: Portland Twp., Whiteside Co., Illinois
Father Name: Walter Young
Father Birth Place: Cazenovia, NY
Mother Name: Laura Morrill
Mother Birth Place: Olean, NY
Comments: Lived 3y 1m at death place
FHL Film Number: 1831994
Young, Mary Jeanette 9/7/1918 11-29-2013
M. Jeanette Young
11/30/2013, 6:55 pm M. Jeanette Young, 95, of Erie, died Friday, Nov. 29, 2013, at the Four Seasons Living Center, Morrison. Services will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 5, at the Erie Christian Church. Visitation will be from 3 to 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Erie Christian Church. Burial will be at Sharon Cemetery, rural Erie. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Erie Christian Church or a charity of choice. Arrangements are being handled by Gibson-Bode Funeral Home, Erie. Mary Jeanette Carstensen was born Sept. 7, 1918, in DeWitt, Iowa, the daughter of Carl and Ella Ehlert Carstensen. She married Lauren A. Young on Sept. 25, 1946, in Camp Point, Ill. He died June 13, 2001. She and Lauren farmed outside of Erie. Jeanette was a longtime member of the Erie Christian Church, the Lions Club, Eastern Star and Sharon Aid. She enjoyed gardening, especially her gladiolus. She and Lauren also loved to travel, having visited all 50 states. Jeanette is survived by eight children, Karen Procknow, Willowbrook, Ill., Helene (David) Schulze, Erie, Carl Young, DeWitt, Paul (Brigitte) Young, Erie, Christine Redell (Harlan), Silver Creek, Wash., Neil (Cindy) Young, Erie, Joel (Kathy) Young, Erie, and Gail Young (Misty), Erie; 16 grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren. In addition to her parents and husband, she was preceded in death by her brother, Carl Carstensen; and a granddaughter, Julie Schulze. Share a memory or condolence at
Young, Mary L. b. Jun 7, 1863 d.May 9, 1941
This might be her it needs verified:
Taken off of
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Mary Lodema Young
Birth Date: 7 Jun 1863
Birth Place: Spring Hill, Ill
Death Date: 9 May 1941
Death Place: Prophetstown, Whiteside, Illinois
Burial Date: 11 May 1941
Burial Place: Portland Twp., Whiteside, Illinois
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 77
Race: White
Marital Status: S
Gender: Female
Street Address: 301 5th
Residence: Prophetstown, Illinois
Father Name: Walter Young
Father Birth Place: Cazenovia, N.Y.
Mother Name: Laura Morrill
Mother Birth Place: Olean, N.Y.
FHL Film Number: 1832586
Young, Myrtle b. 1901 d. 1975
Young, Nancy J. b. unknown d. Apr. 5, 1872
Young, Nella Lucinda Turner b. Nov. 14, 1880 d. Aug. 18, 1950
Death date needs verified
YOUNGNELLA F/W Y-69 0035292 1950-08-17 WHITESIDE
Young, Ralph b. 1900 d. 1974
Young, Ray A. b.5/2/1941 h/o Judi married 9/4/1986
Young, Susan M. Kelly b. Jun. 17, 1858 d. Dec. 1, 1881
Young, Walter born abt 1816 died April 1884
Republic 4-25-1884
Mr. Walter Young, aged 68 years, died at his home in Geneseo, of apoplexy, at 4 o'clock a.m. yesterday. Deceased was a native of New York state, and was a Henry County pioneer. Wednesday morning he was down town feeling as well as usual. Before noon he was stricken by the disease that caused his death. In the evening a second, stroke followed, and his sufferings ended as above stated. Funeral services will be held at the house at 10 a.m. today, and the remains taken to the Sharon cemetery, near his old home for interment. Mr. Young was a man of considerable means, and was a valuable citizen. He leaves a wife and many friends to mourn his sudden demise.
ZELTNER RICHARD E. 11/13/1940 5/5/2008
Richard E. “Dick” Zeltner, 67, of Silvis, died Monday, May 5, 2008, at home.
Services will be 11 a.m. Saturday at Gibson Funeral Home, Erie. Burial will be at Sharon Cemetery, Erie. Visitation will be 5-8 p.m. Friday at the funeral home. A memorial fund has been established. Dick was born Nov. 13, 1940, in Huntsville, Mo., the son of Cecil and Edith Hendren Zeltner. He married Peggy Sue Sexton in 1960 in Mobley, Mo. He later married Leisa Lee Hannah on Nov. 19, 1987, in Erie. He had been employed at John Deere Harvester, retiring in 2004. He enjoyed camping, fishing, hunting, but most of all he enjoyed his grandchildren. Dick was a member of the Erie Boat Club. Survivors include his wife; daughters and sons-in-law, Michelle Sue and Sean Longnecker, Silvis, and Laura and Don Ghrist, Buffalo; sons and daughters-in-law, Richard Alan and Chelsey Zeltner, Davenport, Michael Reece, Presque Isle, Maine, Jim Dillender, Moline, and C.J. and Casey Partain, Goddard, Kan.; and 11 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by two sisters and a brother.
Zschiesche, August b. 3-31-1824 d. Apr 1, 1913 Co K 112th IL
Married Marie Rieger on Aug 3, 1862
Geneseo Republic April 4, 1913
August Zschiesche, a venerable and highly respected citizen in this community for many years passed away this Tuesday evening. The funeral will be conducted by Rev. F.O. Rife at the Sharon church Friday at 10:30 a.m.
U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current
Name:August Zschiesche
Birth Date:31 Mar 1824
Death Date:1 Apr 1915
Cemetery:Sharon Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place:Spring Hill, Whiteside County, Illinois, USA
Has Bio?:N
Spouse:Maria Zschiesche
Children:August Jr. Zschiesche
Charles Zschiesche
1870 United States Federal Census
Name:August Zschiesche
Age in 1870:42
Birth Year:abt 1828
Home in 1870:Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Gender: Male
Post Office:Spring Hill
Value of real estate:View image
Household Members:
Name Age
August Zschiesche 42
Mary Zschiesche 24
August Zschiesche 5
Lewis Zschiesche 4
Charles Zschiesche 2
Caroline Zschiesche 6/12
Source Citation
Year: 1870; Census Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois; Roll: M593_290; Page: 243A; Image: 491; Family History Library Film: 545789
1910 United States Federal Census
Name:August C Zschiesche
Age in 1910: 86
Birth Year: abt 1824
Birthplace: Germany
Home in 1910: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois
Street: South East Road
Race: White
Immigration Year: 1860
Relation to Head of House: Father
Marital Status:Widowed
Father's Birthplace: Germany
Mother's Birthplace: Germany
Native Tongue:German
Occupation:Own Income
Naturalization Status:Naturalized
Able to Read: Yes
Able to Write:Yes
Household Members:
Name Age
Charles Zschiesche 41
Bessie Zschiesche 37
August C Zschiesche 86
Source Citation
Year: 1910; Census Place: Portland, Whiteside, Illinois; Roll: T624_331; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 0138; FHL microfilm: 1374344
Zschiesche, August 3/19/1865 7/14/1960 h/o Matilda
Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: August Zschiesche
Birth Date: 19 Mar 1865
Birth Place: Springhill, Illinois
Death Date: 14 Jul 1930
Death Place: Moline, Rock Island, Illinois
Burial Date: 17 Jul 1930
Burial Place: Sharon, Henry Co., Illinois
Cemetery Name: Sharon
Death Age: 65
Occupation: Furrier
Race: White
Marital Status:M
Gender: Male
Street address: 2627 Grand Ave.
Residence: Davenport, Iowa
Father Name: August Zschiesche
Father Birth Place: Germany
Mother Name: Marie Rieger
Mother Birth Place: Germany
Spouse Name:Mathilda Meyer
FHL Film Number: 1644133
Republic 8-21-1930 page 13
Funeral services for August Zachiesche a former resident of Spring Hill, were held in Davenport Thursday morning July 17, 1930, at 10:30 and burial was in Sharon cemetery. in Loraine township. He died Monday in a Davenport hospital from an illness caused by high blood pressure and at the time his death his sisters, Mrs. Ralph McGrady and Mrs. Carrie Taber, both of Prophetstown and his brother Charles Zachiesche of Spring Hill were with him. He was born at Spring Hill and was about 65 years of age. He was well known in the community of spring Hill but had lived in Davenport since he was a small boy and for many years he had been employed as a furrier in the Richter furn store in Davenport.
U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current
Name: August Jr. Zschiesche
Birth Date: Mar 1865
Death Date: 14 Jul 1936
Cemetery: Sharon Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place: Spring Hill, Whiteside County, Illinois, USA
Has Bio?: N
Father: August Zschiesche
Mother: Maria Zschiesche
Iowa, Marriage Records, 1880-1937
Name:Aug. Zschiesche
Birth Year: abt 1865
Gender: Male
Marriage Age: 50
Marriage Date: 6 Feb 1915
Marriage Place:Iowa, USA
Father:Aug Zschiesche
Mother:Marie Rieger
Spouse:Mathilda Meyer
Source Citation; Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 460 (Page - Scott)
Zschiesche, Charles died 7/29/1954
Geneseo Republic 8/5/1954
Charles Zschiesche Dies
Funeral services for Charles Zschiesche, 86, of Spring Hill, who passed away July 29 at the Whiteside Nursing Chapel in Prophetstown were held on Saturday, July 31, Rev. Wallace Gabel, pastor of the Spring Hill church officiated. Burial was in Sharon cemetery. Pallbearers were Howard Roselieb, Harley Meyer, Charles Redell, George Perkins, Ralph Urick and Roy Bell. Mr and Mrs. Arthur Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Martin were in charge of flowers. Survivors include two sisters, Mrs. Mary McGrady of California and Mrs. Carrie Tabor of Prophetstown, a brother, Louis Zschiesche of Prophetstown and several nieces and nephews. Mr. Zschiesch was Spring Hill's oldest resident.
Zschiesche, Marie Rieger 5/1/1846 1/24/1907
Republic 2-1-1907
Marie Rieger Zschiesche was born at Horrheim, Germany May 1, 1846 and died Jan. 24, 1907, being at the time of her death aged 60 years, 8 months, and 24 days. She came to this country with her mother and two sisters in 1859, locating in Loraine township where she resided until her marriage with August Zschiesche Aug. 3, 1862. After their marriage they moved to Spring Hill where they lived up to the time of her death. To this union were born eight children, August of Davenport, Iowa; Louie, of Leon; Charles at home: Carrie Taber, of Portland; Rosina who died at the age of 2 years, 3 months: William of St. Paul, Minnestoa: Mary McGrady, of Tampico: and Minnie Arnett, of Portland. She leaves to mourn her death a husband, seven children, her mother, past ninety one, who has made her home with her for thirty-one years, one sister, Mrs. Caroline Roos, of Kearney, Neb., one half sister, Mrs. Lou Huber, of Annawan, one half brother, Mr. Ferdinand Rieger, of Spring Hill, and eight grandchildren, besides relatives and a host of friends. She was a christian and a member of the Evangelical church. Deep sympathy is felt for the sorrowing husband and children and the aged mother who is in her ninety-seconded year, and in almost helpless condition, not realizing that the daughter has preceded her to eternal rest. The funeral services were held in Woodman Hall Sunday at 1:30 p.m. Rev. E.O. Rife, of Stockton, officiating, assisted by Rev. Countryman. The interment was in the Sharon cemetery. (poem came next but not typed)