Sterling Gazette, Sterling, IL
Thursday, Sept. 24, 1936 9;5
Dr. P. A. McMillan, Mrs. James Corlett, and Misses Helen and Hazel McMillan returned Wednesday from their funeral trip to Macomb. Later inthe day Mr. Corlett left for Ottumwa, Ia., and the Misses McMillan returned to their home in Chicago.
Mrs. Wilbur Bane and Mrs. R. F. Woods attended a school of instruction for Home Bureau officers, held at the Christian church in Sterling Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hines and son Kenneth moved this week into the Anderson house in the east part of town, recently vacated by Miss Florence Brants.
Misses Jo Crammblet and Harriet Hicks returned to Clinton, Ia., Monday after a weekend visit with Miss Mary Leonore Coleman.
Miss Pearl Marx has returned to Peoria after visiting over Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marx.