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Articles & Local History > GOSSIP COLUMN Jan 4, 1923

Tampico Tornado, Thursday, January 4, 1923

The Tampico Tornado

Established May 4, 1876

Neva C. Denison, Owner

N. E. Denison, Editor & Publisher

Published Every Thursday

Subscription $2.00 Per Year in Advance


Mrs. H. A. WOOD and son Vernon were Sterling visitors last Sunday.

Mrs. Vernon FRYE of Moline visited relatives here last week.

Mr. William CONLEYof Davenport spent the holiday at the home of his former schoolmate, Eugene KELLY.

Mr. and Mrs. R. F. NELSON and two daughters took in a picture show at Dixon Monday afternoon.

C. W. MORRILL is confined to his bed by a sever cold and is threatened with pnuemonia.

Mr. and Mrs. Will HAYSENYAGER and daughter, Virginia, of Walnut visited Sunday at the M. G. LOVE home.

Mr.s H. J. KOLB and Miss Vesta DENISON were Sterling visitors last Saturday.

Mrs. Lovina R. BOOTH went to Erle last Saturday to visit her friend, Mrs. Mary WOLEVER.

Mr. Clark FOY and lady friend of Ft. Madison, Iowa visited last week at the home of C. W. FOY.

Miss Vesta DENISON visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. M FOX of Walnut several days last week.

Miss Marian CHAPIN visited relatives in Prophetstown during her holiday vacation.

J. L. DARNELL left Saturday for a visit with relatives in Monmouth, Ills.

Miss Gladys GOBLE spent last week visiting at the home of her brother, Wesley at Hoopole.

Mrs. D. E. Potter and little daughter of Kasbeer visited her sister-in-law, Mrs. Harlie TUCKER the latter part of last week.

The student Nurses of the Chicago School of Nursing remembered their sick classmate, Mabel E. HARMS with a large box of flowers on Christmas.

Miss Vesta DENISON taught the primary room the fore part of the week for Miss Pauline CLEMENT who was ill.

Miss Florence BROWN returned to Battle Creek Tuesday morning after spending the holidays with relatives.

Do not forget the date of the big Whiteside County Farmers' Institute at Tampico January 17 and 18.

Levi LUTYENS was in Morrison this week serving on the grand jury.

Mrs. Mary JOHNSON was quite ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Roy ROSENE on Tuesday of thise week.

Miss Grace McCREEDY was a Tuesday afternoon passenger to Arlington for a short visit with relatives.

Mrs. Minnie LARSON of Wilma, Minn., arrived here last week to visit her sister, Miss Hansene HANSEN.

Mrs. Myra HEARD of Valparaiso, Ind., is here visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lester JACOBS.

W. E. SIMPKINS and family were guests New Years day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McGONIGLE.

Mr. and Mrs. H. J. KOLB and son Jack and Mr. Claude BROWN of Princeton were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Max V. BROWN.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. METCALF received word last week of the birth of a son, Eugene Clifford, to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard METCALF of San Bernadino, Califonia on Dec. 17th.

E. E. REMINGTON was taken suddenly and seriously ill Sunday evening about midnight and a physician was called to relieve him. He is improved however.

Mr. and Mrs. M. W. CHAPIN and family and the L. E. CHAPIN family ate New Year's dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen GRAHAM in Prophetstown.

Mrs. Harry GRAY and two children who have been spending the holidays at the May Loudenburg home left Monday morning for their home in Wakerton, Indiana.

Mrs. Swan ANDERSON was taken ill before Chirstmas and sine then her sickness has developed into pneumonia. Her sister, Miss Belle JOHNSON, is caring for her.

For more eggs, feed Lee's Egg Maker. H. E. CAIN

A little fire scare was had Monday afternoon at the Illinois oil sttionbut did not amount to anything. The fire company was on the job but did not have to act.

Rev. Dr. Mullen of Cleveland Ohio visited his aunt, Mrs. Rose MURPHY last week.

***es Louisa Allesee and Cressa DANDFORTH of Clinton, Iowa, were weekend visitiors at the George LONGEST home as guests of Miss Edyth.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. C. CURRIE at Prophetstown on New Years day, a daughter, making a family of seven girls.

Messrs MUNSON and PECK who have recently purchased the Illinois Oil Station here have moved into the AKERBERG residence.

Estate Jacob HARTSOOK deceased. Petition for appointment of an administrator filed Dec. 22, Re-hearing on same continued by agreement to Jan. 5, 1923 at two p.m.

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne WESCOTT, Mr. and Mrs. Irma OLDS and children visited relatives in Roc Falls on New Years day.

Miss Margaret CHIRSTENSEN, Mrs. Chris NELSON of Elgin and Miss Helen JOHNSON of Aurora, visited at the Jens RASMUSSEN home from Saturday until Monday afternoon.

Districk Superintendent T. K. GALE will speak at the Methodist church next Sunday as he and Mrs. GALE will be guests of Reverend and Mrs. GABLE for a few days.

W. O. BRIGGS of the Clinton County Advocate and daughter, Marjorie were in town Sunday and Monday visiting relatives. Mr. BRIGGS favored the Tornado office with a short call.

Misses Lillian BOLLENBACH, Grace McCREEDY and Marie LUTES were Saturday noon passengers to Prophetstown where they attended a party given by Miss Loretta RORN, a schoolmate of Miss Lillian's at Evanston.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles SEYMOUR returned the first of the week from a ten days visit at the home of Mrs. SEYMOUR'S brother, Mr. Henry TANK of Chicago. They also visited in Moline and DeWitt, Iowa, enjoying a fine trip by auto in the mild weather.

Mr. Alfona CALSYN visited his brother in Moline from Friday until Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. SHEARER had a fine New Years dinnner Monday and entertained as guests Mrs. SHERER'S mother, Mrs. J. M. KANE, Magoon KANE, and friend Miss REYNOLDS of Tisklwa, Mr. an Mrs. T. A. PIERCE and Mr. and Mrs. Harpie YARDE and baby.

By order of the Village Board the glass on the lots belonging to Mrs. Melinda ZUHL, was burned off Saturday morning by the fire department. These lots are near the railroad and recently were set on fire by sparks from a passing train and there being buildings close by, it was thought best to take the precaution of "Safety First."

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd PRATT and family were entertained recently at a big dinner at the home of her mother, Mrs. Rubah FARRELL in Prophetstown. Others who enjoyed her hospitality were her chldre, Mr. and Mrs. Ed BUCKWALD, Mr. and Mrs. Ross BEALER of Morrison, Mr and Mrs. Chauncy McCLURE of Davenport were unable to be present.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. KELLY and Mrs. Emily BROWN entertained a few of their friends at their home on last Friday evening at a three course dinner. The house was tastily decorated inthe Christmas colors and a beautiful centerpiece of holly graced the table. Those entertained were Mr. and Mrs. Albert  FERRIS, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. McKENZIE, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. BREWER and daughter, Mable.

Miss Lillian BOLLENBACH was hostess last Thursday afternoon to a few of her former schoolmates. The time was passed pleasantly in music and visiting. A very nice two-course lunch was served about six-thirty o'clock and dainty favors were given. Those entertained were Mrs. H. J. KOLB, Misses Grace McCREEDY, Grace MORRILL, Ethel Van De MARK, Marie LUTES, Bernice and Edna McKENZIE.

On last Thursday evening a few of his friends were entertained by Ronald BOLLENBACH at his home on south Main St. and Such a merry time ws enjoyed that it was at a very late hour that hte gathering broke up. Games and music were enjoyed and a nice lunch served late in the evening. The guests were Mary and Angeline SHERMAN, Madge GRAHAM, Irene WALKER, John McGRATH, Harold STEVENS, George CLUM.

One of the most extensive drainage projects of this county will be completed during the coming year. Contracts for cleaning out ten or more miles of ditches in the Union Special Drainage District of Tampico, Prohetstown and Hume having been let to Clark Bros., of Clinton, at 18c per yard, the aggregate contract price being nearly $20,000. More than 40,000 acres are included in the district and while only about one fourth will be directly benefitted, yet the  remainder of the territory will be benefitted indirectly by being given better dranage. - Exchange.

Very interesting steeroptican pictures were shown on Monday evening at the Baptist church. They were of a Foreign Missionary character and were entitled "Of Such is The Kindgom." There was a large number of slides showing the terrible conditon in the foreign countries and how the innocent childfren were sufferes. Many slides were shown also of the best difference in the surroudnings when the story of the Crhist was brought to them. The lack of funds is one of the main causes of more not being reached.



A. E. Bennett, Tampico, IL (Dry Goods)
L. B.Winchell, Tampico, IL - Boots & Shoes
H.Brough - Ticket Agent, Burlington Route
E. W. Meredith
Chas. Darby, Tampico, IL - Practical Tailor
Yarde Bros., Groceries
Elmendorf's Market (Tampico)
First National Bank, Tampico, IL
Clyde McKenzie, Prop. - Auto Parts Co.
Grand Theatre, Tampico, IL - "Birth of a Race" (The greatest Photoplay on earth); Cost a million dollars; Two years in construction; Employed 10,000 people - Added attraction: 2 Big Time Vaudville Acts, all for one price of admission. Prices 25c and 10c including war tax.
Tampico State Bank
H. E. Cain - Rexall Store
R. E. McKenzie - Hardware
L. E. Chapin - Poultry, Eggs, Cream
Bargain Basement (Under Auto Parts Co., near Post Office) - Clothing
L. K. Brainerd, Tampico, IL - Aeromoters
Apex Garage
A. Smith & Son, Tampico, IL - Stoves
Jacob Cantlin, Rock Falls, IL - Lawyer
Yorktown Opera House - "Strength of the Pines" featuring Wm. Russell
Chas. Seymour - Shoes Repaired
Dr. F. A. McMillan, Tampico, IL - Dentist
Chas. E. Clard, D. C. Ph. C. - Chiropractic. Offices at M. G. Love's residence.
H. L. Harrington, Sterling, IL - Auctioneer
F. H. Saw, Tampico, IL - Live Stock Auctioneer
J. P. Stephens, Walnut, IL - Auctioneer
R. N. Hellier, Tampico, IL - General Auctioneer
B. S. Pearsall Butter Co., Elgin, IL
C. W. Smith, Tampico, IL - Electric Shoe Repairing (soles stitched or nailed.)


TAMPICO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - MUSEUM - FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY/RESEARCH CENTER  119 Main St., P. O. Box 154,  Tampico, IL  61283   www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com   tampicoareahistory@gmail.com  We are an all-volunteer organization so your donations are always appreciated!  Sign up to receive our e-newsletter. Thank you!  Visit us on FACEBOOK.